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movies/tv South Park, what do you think of it?

Side Bird

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I've not seen a new episode in years.  The Mysterion episodes after the first one kind of turned me off, not to mention by that time the show overall started to get boring and its satire lost its nuance and qualification (although it often came off as simplistic to begin with).


But I liked most of what I saw, especially the episodes before Chef got killed off.

Edited by JustFairness
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Used to enjoy it quite a bit, I still remember when it first came out here. Haven't seen an episode in years though so I'm not sure how much has changed. I still remember it's what got me into World of Warcraft, that was a GREAT episode.

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I really enjoy the show. Some episodes are better than others obviously, but it's fun. Even when I find some episodes offensive to me or others I know (particularly since I'm Mormon and I know a few die hard Christians who found the Christian rock band episode really offensive [i found it too freaking funny]), it's all good. I know they are just poking fun because that's what they do. Personally, I think it's great they go and attack anything, making a parody of whatever they want. If you can't laugh at yourself....

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The show is great at what it started doing. Topical parody. But the show has run on to long, as with any half decent parody, eventually it must end, as the bases for its topicality are no longer relevant, the show becomes stale and appears to be "grasping for straws" so to speak. I think the show was great back in the early 2000's when a topical parody of society was needed, but as the internet grew, so did forms of parody, and now the show grows stale. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I liked (well liked is a bit of a strong term, I didn't mind) the older/original seasons, but to me, like a lot of other 'cartoon's or animations, after so many seasons, it just seems they're trying too hard

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If there is one show I'd watch which is the complete opposite of MLP:FiM, it's South Park. It's dark, and mature humor, and the mocking of celebrities that makes it worthwhile to watch it and have a few laughs. If I can give it stars out of ten, I'd give it 8.5/10 stars.


The only thing I would NOT want them to mock is MLP:FiM, God knows what they would do with it.

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I love south park i dont watch it all the time. But every time i would watch an episode i just loved when they always tried to kill Kenny. OMG!! Someone Killed Kenny!!! Haha lmao! But anyway i know it does has its really awkward crude humor but you know its comedy central what do you expect. lol

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South Park is my favorite adult cartoon on the air. I love it. I've seen about every episode five times.
The humor is foul, granted, but that only makes it even more amazing. Many people are quick to judge South Park as a cartoon that does nothing but make fart jokes, but I disagree.


tumblr_mxxuxaJ3Gp1r4gei2o5_250.gif   tumblr_mxxuxaJ3Gp1r4gei2o6_250.gif


This scene made me bawl my eyes out, because it really hit home for me. For a long time I had body image issues because I didn't look like the girls in the magazines, and then only to discover they didn't even look like themselves in a magazine.

South Park isn't just stupid fart jokes- its satirical and cruel humor allows it so show so many truths that no one else will talk about. South Park is bold, and perhaps even without trying to it make statements. South Park is truly an amazing, amazing show. 

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One of my all-time favorite shows. I could probably go into great detail explaining why the humor strikes a chord with me, but above all else, I love this show for the sheer amount of BALLS it has. If you think Seth McFarlane's shows have balls...nah. South Park is ruder, cruder, and not afraid to tackle any subject.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm actually kinda suprised that nobody made this topic because not only is this show well-known,but it's hilarious!I'm currently obsessed with it.What are your opinions on the cartoon? My take on the cartoon is that it's a cartoon that makes fun of things for the purpose of entertainment,but do it in such a crafty way.


Le favorite south park song: (cursing warning)


Edited by Moaning Myrtle
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South Park is awesome. It's crude-but sometimes witty-humour is fantastic, as are it's controversial themes and topics. It's definitely a favourite of mine.
A quick note though; you should spoiler and set a fore-warn on that video, just to keep things a little more suitable. :P

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I do love the show for its humor, and they are not afraid to tackle any controversial issues like religion and politics. Crude humor with memorable characters to boot.

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I love this show for one simpe reason...


The Show's creators hate BRbara Streisand!!! :D

It's way old,but i'll never forget classics like "Mecha-Streisand" and the mighty "Spooky-Vision" :D

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You know I don't know if I have ever seen a whole episode. So I can not really judge it but from what I have seen I don't think that it is a show for me.It's too dark and sinister I like more lighthearted shows like MLP.

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Nothing but in-your-face shock humor, forced pop culture parodies, and blatant attempts at controversy.

Not a fan.


I remember the old episodes, when they were cheaply animated.

I liked that, it had charm, along with actual humor not heavily reliant on the "woah, children are cussing, isn't that funny?" trope. Now they're grasping at straws trying to find out what to lampoon next.

It's kind of cringeworthy.


Add to the fact that this is standard show for little kids nowadays, and you can add "stupyfing a generation" to it's crimes, whether inadvertently or not.


I rate South Park a Bleh out of No.

Edited by Dattebayo
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