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S04:E11 - Three's a Crowd


S04:E11 - Three's a Crowd  

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She might have offscreen at the expo but am i the only one that was disappointed that twilight never once asked how her BBBFF is doing?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Discord episode! Cadence episode! Yaaaaay!

Anyway, I very much enjoyed this episode. All the different things that happened when Discord sneezed were very interesting.

Also, I think Discord would have had fun under the care of Pinkie Pie, but she didn't need a test.

And speaking of the test, near the end when Discord was dancing around in a pair of socks and underwear... I found that much too amusing.

The song was okay, I suppose. And let's not forget Flash Sentry's cameo!


Favorite part: Whenever Discord sneezed

Favorite line: "Ooh, something floaty!"

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  • 3 weeks later...

The glass of water song is the best thing in the episode, it has so many references. :)

The fight at the end was ok, and Discord is still one of the best character ever!

I'm also glad to see Cadence and Flash Sentry again.

Edited by BlobuIle
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I really dislike Discord and his snarky remarks and irritating behavior.  >.<  They really made him look even worse in this episode.  I felt like the lesson at the end was rushed however.  Didn't really have time to develop a moral that made sense and wasn't too cheesy.  Disappointed about that but otherwise it was good.  c:


{ Independent Electronic Music Producer } { Graphic Artist } { Concept Designer }

 ~ Beneath the Sakura Tree ~

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Discord was hilarious as usual! I didn't feel any real emotion towards Princess Cadance, but what she said at the end was a good message. The ending was absolutley fantastic. 

Life is way to short, so make the most of it!

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  • 4 weeks later...


I will be posting a mlpredictions on youtube about how this episode gave me proof that cadence started out as a unicorn before turning into an Alicorn.  B)  ^_^  ;) The picture below is by Gecko303


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  • 2 months later...
I wrote this when the episode came out, but I figured I'd share it here:


A nice, refreshing episode.


Before I get in to the meat of the episode, I want to address one thing. I'm not quite sure I like Discord, the ancient, powerful spirit of chaos turned into a minor annoyance to be used in incidental episodes.


As for the rest: Good stuff. Princess Cadence is one of my favorite characters so it was really nice to be able so see her again. Despite my preliminary detraction, Discord's humor is always a winner and this episode was no different.


One thing I loved was Twilight's fangirl-ism. The part where she noted which bell from Starswirl's hat would be on display was particularly endearing. :3 At first I wondered if Cadence would really be interested in that sort of thing at all but she either was, or was good at playing along.


The beast under the flower was... Odd? Interesting? Ridiculous? I'd say all three, and more. "Confusing" would be a great word, actually. Nice to see a little Alicorn magic on display in the little scuffle, though. And the conclusion was brilliant.


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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

The very first episode I ever saw.  I just watched it for the second time in chronological order after watching the whole series.  I liked it much better now that I know the characters and have context.  Great episode.  Classic Q.  Every time Discord shows up, I just imagine Janeway going "Ugh, Q.  What do you want?"  Twilight said she didn't know where Discord lives.  'Course she does.  The continuum.  Duh.  The only quibble I have with this episode is when he actually gets sick at the end.  How can Q get sick?  Q doesn't get sick.


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Alternate ending I came up with for anyone interested.


Basically, everything goes more or less the same, the two princesses drive the wurm back into the ground (without lasers, maybe by cramming its mouth with a big rock or collapsing the ground under it, doesn't matter), Discord reveals he's been lying, wurm pops back up, sneezes on him, he gets sick, all the same up to there. BUT, at this point Twilight realizes that the wurm wasn't attacking them at all. It was living under the medicinal flower because it was sick, and using the flower to alleviate its symptoms. When they came to steal it, it went after them to keep the flower. So now they have a choice. They can keep the flower and cure Discord of his new sickness, or they can return it to the ailing wurm and leave Discord to get over the illness the long way. Naturally, since Discord just revealed he'd been pulling their chains the whole time, they actively decide to let him stay sick while returning the flower to the wurm.


I miss the season 1 feel when most beasts were just big creatures that wanted something.

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The very first episode I ever saw.  I just watched it for the second time in chronological order after watching the whole series.  I liked it much better now that I know the characters and have context.  Great episode.  Classic Q.  Every time Discord shows up, I just imagine Janeway going "Ugh, Q.  What do you want?"  Twilight said she didn't know where Discord lives.  'Course she does.  The continuum.  Duh.  The only quibble I have with this episode is when he actually gets sick at the end.  How can Q get sick?  Q doesn't get sick.


Except that Q was, in fact, made mortal in one Star Trek episode, and he had a fork jammed into his hand.  By the inimitable Guinan, no less. :)


I suppose when you're an omnipotent trickster god, you're bound to have karma catch up to you in strange, bizarre ways.

If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself, then make a change.

-- Michael Jackson

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Except that Q was, in fact, made mortal in one Star Trek episode, and he had a fork jammed into his hand.  By the inimitable Guinan, no less. :)


I suppose when you're an omnipotent trickster god, you're bound to have karma catch up to you in strange, bizarre ways.

Touché.  I forgot about that episode!


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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I absolutely LOVED this episode! Discord is great, and I also loved seeing Cadance more. Must I also mention that Discord's song was amazing?! I mean.. Who doesn't want a magic spell to cure disease? :P Discord just wanted to see what his friends would do for him. He craved attention, and he totally got it. Hahaha.

I absolutely LOVED this episode! Discord is great, and I also loved seeing Cadance more. Must I also mention that Discord's song was amazing?! I mean.. Who doesn't want a magic spell to cure disease? :P Discord just wanted to see what his friends would do for him. He craved attention, and he totally got it. Hahaha.


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  • 7 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

This was just an okay episode.

It was nice seeing Discord again, and Cadence became a little bit more interesting, but besides that there isn't a lot to talk about with this one.

I didn't care much for the song either.


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  • 1 year later...

I liked this Episode and it was great to see more of Cadence. I just dont understand whats up with Discord. So he is still mean? Was he just lying back then, when he actually liked Fluttershys Friendship? So far, he doesnt seem to be good. Or maybe hes just a Douche, like Rainbow. Yeah, but we already have one, if we just have to have 2, why not Trixie? I would like Trixie more.


Sig made by Kyoshi

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  • 4 months later...

Oh, that Discord is infuriating. Why did the mane six keep him around, again? He's a total jerk who only ever thinks of himself. I still find his antics and callous attitude highly amusing, but I definitely appreciate that he's become less overtly mean as of late, if still rather selfish. I do think he's funny here, though as always I kinda wish we got more Cadance and less Discord; her sweet nature is on display here, and it's nice to see her show off some fighting prowess, but she's still not allowed to express that much personality. The Discord stuff is fun, but it's a little less crazy than in his season 3 episode, and he doesn't actually learn anything here, which is kinda frustrating. Twilight put way more effort into that friendship than Discord deserves. I dig the moral about a bad day being able to bring you closer with someone you share the experience with, but that's very similar to several other morals that the show has featured in the past. Oh well, this is fun. 

Entertainment: 8/10
Characters: 8/10
Themes: 7/10
Story: 7/10
Overall: 75/100

Just gimme more Cadance pls. She really needs more development. 


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  • 1 month later...

This episode takes 11 minutes to set up its story. THIS IS NOT A GOOD THING! This means that the second and third acts both have to be squished into 11 minutes plus the 2 minutes wasted on the song, no matter how good it is. Discord is unbearable here and the song is the only funny thing he does this entire episode. Isn't he supposed to be at least slightly reformed? Discord has nothing redeemable about him here and yet he's supposed to be funny? It's not like the entire episode is about Discord being punished for being a jerk. He only gets comeuppance in the last minute. This is especially sad because I think this is Twilight's best appearance of the season. It's the only episode where she acts like unicorn Twilight.

Score: 0/10

Edited by bigbertha
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  • 3 weeks later...

Sometimes I like Discord when he’s being annoying to the others. This wasn’t one of those times. I would have much preferred seeing Twilight and Cadance get their day.

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  • 1 month later...

Moments I loved:

- Pinkie chasing after Fluttershy's training, shouting "I'LL NEVER FORGET YOU!!" Then a balloon floats by and Pinkie's like "oooh, something floaty!" and hops after it :mlp_laugh:

-When Discord dresses in a hospital gown, and turns around while talking to the Mane 4. They all flinch and grimace, like he's flashing them in his open-back hospital gown. LOL

-Pinkie's about to scold Discord, so he pulls out a balloon and INSTANTLY Pinkie's face turns into this:

353317463_ScreenShot2018-09-18at11_02_42PM.png.2d4e74b8b598456fc01382364d3b7efa.png SOOOO CUTE <3 <3

-Discord's song

-Harry Potter reference!


-The producers of the show added a subtle Wilhelm scream when Twilight and Cadance were chasing that worm monster back into its hole. It was very slight amongst the roars. LOL

Honestly, the monster they fought was creepy and gross. If I had watched that as a kid, I would have been freaked out by it.

Edited by starrymiss
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