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10 facts about your room

~Sugar Sprinkles~

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1. Always messy, I just have more stuff than I have storage for, and I rarely put my clothes in my dresser, they just sit on top of it.

2. Nearly always way too hot, even with all the windows open in winter.

3. PC is set up in here.

4. Xbox One and 360 are set up in here.

5. Biggest bedroom in the house.

6. My movie collection is in here, around 300 movies.

7. My motorbike jeans (they have Kevlar in them) are always on the floor next to my bed, because getting them out of a dresser every day is just too much effort.

8. My guitar has been sat in the corner for over a year without being moved once.

9. My framed DOTA 2 posters surround my bed, ghosts poster above my TV and a framed BO2 poster has been sat on my floor for about 4 months because I gant got around to putting it up :P

10. The value of electronics in my room is more than the rest of the house combined :3.

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1. It looks like a cyclone hit it. Yeah, it's cluttered, messy, and generally not very pleasing on the eyes. It is clean, at the very least. :muffins:


2. I have two beds in my room. Why? It's the second biggest bedroom in the house and in case we have a lot of company such as family, I might have to share the room with someone.


3. It's upstairs and has a window that I frequently leave open even in colder months since I usually find my room rather stuffy no matter what, plus I can see all and hear all that goes on in the neighborhood. :umad:


4. I have two televisions. Two very old TVs. Neither one has HD. One of them is a small TV with poor sound quality. The other larger TV doesn't even work, and frankly it's so old that it gives new meaning to the word "fossil." The bad TVs are a small problem, as I can find an HD TV in three other rooms.


5. My dresser is full of clothes and I have very little space for any more so I hang whatever else I have in my closet.


6.  I have a very comfy resting chair that's probably several decades old.


7. There's a ton of old sewing equipment in my room that sees little to no use.


8. I have a really neat air conditioner. It is my best friend during the summer. :P


9. By the bed that I sleep in sits a small desk with a lamp, a TV remote, and an alarm clock.


10. I have a 2014-2015 calendar and a Mike Trout poster that still need to be put up. :blush:

Edited by Sugar Cube
  • Brohoof 2
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-my bed is right up against the window

-there are two windows in my room

-my computer is on the bottom right of my bed

-I have 5 game consoles on top of my computer

-I have a dresser with 4 shelves and a door with a mirror

-my nightstand has electronics on top of it surrounding a lamp

-my door has 3 stars on it. (it used to be my sister's room and my parents forgot to repaint the door)

-Every outlet has something plugged into it

-my radio alarm clock is on my window sill

-There are christmas lights over my bed that I never bothered taking down

-Only a fourth of my room is walking space


That was 11 facts, but oh well.

Edited by Judgement

Tom V.S. Boulder: Who will win?


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Eh. Might as well re-do this, considering my last one was doo-doo because I was tired and I got hella time to kill :D

  1. I have 3 Rarity posters, 3 Rarity plushies, 4 Rarity brushables, all of the mane 6 blindbags (including a Rarity :wub:) some Rarity fanart a couple of my friends from school hand drew me posted on my bulletin board alongside a limited, a guitar adorned in Rarity stickers, and an Equestria Girls Rarity sitting beside a big 'ol Rarity toy with butterfly wings. Yeahh, you can identify my best pony pretty easily :D
  2. I have one twin-sized bed with a red wool blanket with matching red-sheets and pillowcases on it. The end table beside it is just as long as my bed, but not nearly as wide :D
  3. I have a giant, uncomfortable Texas collecter's type pillow sitting against my extremely long end table that I will sometimes lay back against and watch a movie or two with my favorite Rarity plush after I get off of work, before hitting the forums for the night :D
  4. I should've stated that I have a small HD tv in a cabinet directly across from that pillow :D
  5. I have two chestnut colored wooden cabinets with doors that open in close in my room; one has my computer and a lot of my smaller pony merch, and the other is my TV, which is pretty much just movies :D
  6. I have an amplifier and a guitar, although my amp broke >_>
  7. My bookshelf has a few interesting things on it, such as a Kurt Cobain collectible figure, a Han Solo collectible figure, a stuffed Rattlesnake, and autographs from Dimebag Darrel, Cal Ripken Jr., and Cliff Lee :D
  8. My closet is filled with American Eagle shirts, but I don't wear those too much anymore; my closet also has my old baseball bat and glove and a large collection of empty snuff cans I had saved up before I quit the chewin' terbaccer for health reasons.
  9. I've currently got 8 empty Vitamin Water bottles and a beat up tissue box underneath my bed.
  10. I have a Rarity box that I store stuff in; I used to keep my snuff in there, but no use for that anymore, so now it has my dad's (empty) Zippo Lighter, my biological grandfather's purple heart he got in Vietnam, and a necklace chain with a small cross on it that was my mother's. So yeahh, that's my personal box.
Edited by ghostfacekiller39


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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I for one am shocked, shocked, that ghostfacekiller39's bedroom is filled with Rarity stuff. Who would have guessed?!  :lol:



I posted this picture before, and I gotta say, no one was surprised in the slightest :D That's not all of it, either. Just the stuff that's easy to move plus the posters by my bed :D


Edited by ghostfacekiller39


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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1. My room contains absolutely nothing pony-related.


2. I'm pretty sure all of the furniture in my room came from Ikea.


3. I have no television in here, but I have 3 computer monitors and a laptop to occupy myself with.


4. It has a mini fridge that is always stocked with Pepsi, the nectar of the Gods in my opinion. The Gods of my opinion, you could say.


5. It has hardwood floors that are in need of resurfacing. I seriously can't moonwalk in here without getting splinters in my feet.


6. It has a king-sized bed that takes up a majority of the space. I'm more than willing to share my bed with a guest.


7. All of the outlets in this room are not grounded.


8. The walls have a color scheme of a watermelon, and I have yet to paint over it.


9. There is a stack of boxes for computer components filled with packing material in the corner.


10. The pull chain for the ceiling fan in this room is ridiculously long.

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1. King size bed!

2. Super clean right now because I did a super cleaing overhaul recently!

3. Has a large TV that is never used.

4. Large bookshelf with assorted momentos collected all during my life.

5. Newest addition is a large salt crystal lamp (and I love it!)

6. One wall is covered in werewolf art.

7. Features all the game consoles I've collected, from the NES to my Wii.

8. The closet is tiny. :(

9. Futon couch that has a blanket my grandmother made for me on it.

10. The wall behind the door is covered in various hats.

Edited by Shadelight
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1 ) I have a 20in Toshiba TV (no cable though)


2) a full sized fridge


3) a closet that is a few items away from overflowing (it has to be locked during the work day)


4) I have boxes of rubber bands (they where going to be thrown away)


5) my own bathroom


6) two very well made beds


7) a roommate that is never here


8) a bronycon 2013 lanyard 


9) a rolling suitcase 


10) a full length mirror.



If you are reading this you clearly have sometime on your hands, or you just like to read. Lets be honest they can be very related, you are on a forum dedicated to pastel colored miniature equines. Though if reading this is a waste of time, what would it say about the person who is writing it....

also The Game, Consult the Helix Fossil, /0, and other such maymays

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In my room, you'll find...

1. A root beer bottle collection.

2. A computer w/ 22" Polaroid TV as monitor

3. An Xbox 360.

4. A bed with 4.23 metric tons of pillows

5. A rat and a Roborovski dwarf hamster

6. A glass AC/DC wall clock

7. A crapload of Hot Wheels cars adorning the walls

8. A model of Cleveland Municipal Stadium, with some of my mom's ashes in a little box in the center...

9. A Portal gun

10. A Blue Angels kite.

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"He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still."

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1. My posters are very varied and come from a period of five years of conventions. One from Umineko, two for Touhou, two for Sword Art Online, and three for pony.


2. Two guitars in my room, and that's less than half of the guitars in my house. One bass, one acoustic. I got an amp too. But I'm so unpracticed, more or less.


3. My bed's cover is so prone to flying off I just lie directly on the mattress nowadays.


4. I have two or three stuffed animals around... It used to be in the range of more than a dozen, but they were taking up too much space so I boxed a bunch of them. I still miss them, RIP in peace.


5. The vacuums for the apartment are in my room. Which means that chore's always up to me, lol.


6. I got figurines, pony and a couple from Higurashi. My ponies are Rarity (2), Fluttershy. And I also have a hookah in their midst. Unused, I don't have anything to smoke. Yet.


7. I have a ton of cosplay supplies taking up, like, half of the space in my various storage compartments, even after throwing away a metric ton of fabric scraps. Been a while since I busted out the old sewing machine though,


8. I collect badges from all my cons. At an eyes glance I have at least ten, and they're hung up on the inside of my door.


9. Got my own bathroom!


10. I keep my old textbooks for some reason or another. I have books as old as the sixth grade still hanging around, next to my yearbooks.

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Alrighty, why not?  I'll just use my college dorm room for now, since that's where I'm spending most of my time:


1. There are zero posters (or anything else) on the walls.  I like them the way they are (much to my family's displeasure).


2. It's a single-person room, but I share a bathroom with the guy next to me.


3. It is located on the nineteenth floor of the building.


4. There is a window, but I keep the shades permanently shut.


5. There are a number of figurines on display, ranging from MLP Funko figurines to Kefka from FFVI to a Gollum bobble-head.


6. I have a refrigerator/freezer/microwave (but I hardly ever use it).


7. My floor is always clean, but I prefer to keep my desk in a state of organized chaos.


8. My bed is more often used as a desk than my desk is.


9. I have a television and an Xbox 360.


10. Almost everything has a place where it just always goes.  If it is not in that place (or at least relatively close to that place), I get irritated.

Edited by Antismurf9001

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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1. Over the top PC battle station 

2. there is a snake by my bed

3. One poster, of a game I hate :D

4. 6 headphones scattered about

5. 3 shelves of books


7. over a million aftershave bottles.

8. Surround sound for PC and PS3 battle stations

9. Random spare computer parts everywhere

10. every now and again a pony teleports in the room, and takes one of my books.


A samurai pyromancer? That's a bit overpowered.

"Trust me, there is much more out there that's stronger than me, I'm a soldier, not a god"



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1. It's small but with some reorganizing I think I can fit a two or three foot desk in there.

2. It's covered in Sonic the Hedgehog posters.

3. Not as clean as it could be but loads better than my old room before we moved.

4. I have over 400 games in this room between shelves, digital distribution and some in my closet.

5. My alarm clock is 40 years old and still kicking. It's also louder than any modern alarm clocks I've seen. Booyeah.

6. I don't use sheets on my bed, mainly cuz lazy. I should probably fix that cuz my mattress is torn up like crazy.

7. At the moment it's very hard to get to my dresser cuz the length of my bed takes up 95% of the space between the dresser and the wall. Reorganizing will help this.

8. My TV is 37" and has a DVD player on the back. I use it frequently.

9. My window is always open eight months of the year because I can't stand heat.

10. There's no lock on the door, I wish to change that.

Edited by Discordian
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  1. I own more than 10 books in English

One of the shelves in my closet is broke because of too much clothes

The walls are white and almost naked

I have a book about coaching that I kind of regret buying

I have read all of my probably 30 manga books except Durarara and Death Note

I have volume 3+4 and 5+6 of Death Note, but lack 1+2 because they didn't had it in Waterstones

It's messy and I should clean it more often

It's not that big, have the shape of a rectangle

The shelves are brown and old

Only 3-4 people from my school has been in my room..

Edited by SweetieBelle456
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It used to be an uninsulated workshop.

We rebuilt it so I wouldn't freeze

My water would be frozen next to my bed

Lots of nerdy stuff.

A gamers paradise

It's an armory

Not very clean

Lots of 40k books

Queen sized bed (forever alone)

Has a few antiques

Edited by Wolfstanus
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Well I've got:


1. A futon, that I use as a bed.

2. 2 Dressers

3. 6 posters

4. A small refrigerator

5. A case of Water

6. 2 Book Shelves (1st shelf Sci-Fi books, the 2nd shelf for School books)

7. Movie Shelf

8. A Little Cabinet for Towels.

9. A computer (1 desktop, and 1 laptop)

10.  And lastly, I've got my Portable Gaming Environment Mobile Case for my 360.

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Some things about my room:


  1. All of my games are in a nice little shelf, my consoles sit on my glass TV stand and my TV is mounted to the stand. I also have a filing cabinet filled with important papers and controllers for all my consoles. I also have the collectors edition chest for the Legend of Zelda guides and a whole bunch of video game guides on top of my dresser.
  2. My computer is on one of these corner computer desks.
  3. My room is always clean.
  4. I have a ton of posters on my wall that are all framed. I even have a replica Hylian shield mounted on my wall. I hope to get some hangers for my master sword.
  5. i have two massive glass cabinets to keep all of my collectible gaming figures in.
  6. My closet has some of my favorite shirts hanging up but it's filled with boxes of stuff that I keep lol, it's still clean.
  7. I have a bunch of cables for various consoles and PC stuff under my bed. It's a mess lol.
  8. I have two wooden shelves on my wall that have a whole bunch of gaming stuff on it from collector's editions.
  9. I have the last issue of Nintendo Power magazine still in the plastic framed on my wall.
  10. Last but not least, I have a Rainbow Dash and a custom Future Twilight Sparkle blind bag sitting on my desk right next to my monitor (I'm gonna get Applejack and Rarity soon). I also have my CSIMadmax comic book in the protective cardboard sitting on my computer, the light up Vinyl Scratch figure sitting next to my computer, I have the DVD of MLP that has the unedited version of 'The Last Roundup' next to my tablet and my minky Rainbow Dash plush sitting next to the Vinyl Scratch figure lol.
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1. There's a lot of posters on the walls. Anything ranging from MLP to Pokemon to Pulp Fiction.

2. I crammed a recliner in the corner (my roommate's cat uses it more than I do)

3. There's figures everywhere including MLP, a Big Sister from Bioshock 2 and a Rathalos from Monster Hunter

4. There's a zombie calendar on one wall and a Shiba Inu one on the other wall

5. It's pretty clean... most of the time anyway.

6. I keep my SNES games in a Jose Cuervo box (I don't drink, I go the box from my dad)

7. I have my own personal bathroom (finally!)

8. There's a Halloween bat hanging from my ceiling

9. There's a few plushies on my bed (including a Half Life headcrab)

10. There's stickynotes all over my desk

"There are a million ways we should’ve died before today… and a million ways we can die before tomorrow… but we fight for every second we get to spend with each other. Whether its two minutes or two days, we don’t give that up. I don’t want to give that up."

– Riley, The Last of Us: Left Behind


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  1. A pink room with flowers everywhere.
  2. A whole entire corner filled with Pokemon stickers. 
  3. Two desks and a pretty big dresser.
  4. Over 300 books and stuffed animals covering my shelves in my closet.
  5. A office drawer filled with yarn, binders, drawings, art supplies, notebooks, and paper in my closet as well.
  6. My cat's almost always on my bed, so he counts.
  7. My DS charger and my phone charger lay on my bed as well.
  8. I have my alto sax and clarinet on a big egg chair near my bedlamp.
  9. I have a bunch of feathers hanging off a dreamcatcher that I stuffed there. XD (I LOVE feathers)
  10. Half of my walls are covered in cat posters.

Yep. That's my quirky room in a nutshell. XD

  • Brohoof 2
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- bed

- desk

- walk in closet (you can walk in it for about a foot or two before hitting the wall)

- recently cleaned

- has plane models in it (duh)

- poster of Rainbow Dash flying by the space needle

- my doge sleeps much in it

- best view in the entire house

- its in a corner so windows on two walls

- three stories up on a hill


  1. A pink room with flowers everywhere.
  2. A whole entire corner filled with Pokemon stickers. 
  3. Two desks and a pretty big dresser.
  4. Over 300 books and stuffed animals covering my shelves in my closet.
  5. A office drawer filled with yarn, binders, drawings, art supplies, notebooks, and paper in my closet as well.
  6. My cat's almost always on my bed, so he counts.
  7. My DS charger and my phone charger lay on my bed as well.
  8. I have my alto sax and clarinet on a big egg chair near my bedlamp.
  9. I have a bunch of feathers hanging off a dreamcatcher that I stuffed there. XD (I LOVE feathers)
  10. Half of my walls are covered in cat posters.

Yep. That's my quirky room in a nutshell. XD



I played the alto sax freshman year, haven't played it since :( it broke

  • Brohoof 1


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- some guy with an unhealthy obsession of planes

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1. Inside house

2. Hunting trophies everywhere, 3 on display

3. 2 guns visible

4. Majority of room is sound system hooked up to laptop

5. 1,000 dollar laptop with 500 dollar sound system and 50 dollar mattress

6. extremely clean (very mild ocd)

7. 4 pairs of 16 4e boots, no sneakers

8. Bluetooth connected iphone dock setup with self wired Yamaha surround sound

9. Very boring overall

10. a electric guitar, Cube 30x amp


Those who dare, achieve.

Sig made by XxConfusedUnicornxX

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Well this will be fun!


1. I share it with three other dudes (College dorm)

2. The carpet is tainted with various liquids including a broken lava lamp

3. It has 3 instruments (Bass, guitar, drumset)

4. Five various amps and speakers

5. 5 Power strips are in the room

6. the carpet has turned a darker color

7. My computer has a bigger screen than the TV

8. Clothes are littered everywhere

9. We ripped the closet door off the bolts to use it as a table

10. The main lights are broken so we use christmas lights and 3 blacklights for dark


(Awesome Sig done by WarriorShy)

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I have two, since I live in a divorced family.


Facts for my first room:

Room I've lived in since I was a baby

Was originally an office, and was converted

Contains a bunk bed that I sleep on the top bunk of. No one except guests sleep on the bottom.

I store my comics there

Holds all my GameCube games

Has frog wallpaper and curtains

Contains all my stuff I've ever written, including musical transcripts

Contains all the costumes I've ever used in productions

Holds my collection of signatures

Holds my coin collection


Now, for my second room:

On basement floor

Painted TARDIS Blue :wub:

Has LOTS of posters

Contains all my Doctor Who memorabilia

Has my leopard satin sheets

Contains all my LEGO sets

Has a dimmer switch

Has my CD alarm clock

Has my writing desk and utensils

Has an open closet

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- I share the bedroom with my husband

- We sleep on a king-sized bed. It is huge and super comfy. :3

- We have the largest walk-in closet that any cheap apartment has ever had

- There aren't any posters or anything in the room - we try to keep that room a little more grown-up (the spare bedroom has all of our geeky stuff). We do have a few other things hung on the wall, though.

- We have our own bedside tables

- I do keep my 3DS in there so that I can play Animal Crossing right before I go to bed. I think his 3DS is somewhere in the room too

- I also keep my Kindle and a bunch of books on my bedside table

- I have an alarm clock that has a lamp that grows lighter like it's supposed to resemble the sun rising

- We do keep most of our anime/video game plushies on the bed... or fallen into the space between the headboard and the mattress

- It's the best place to perform the marital act ;)

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