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gaming What is Everypony's Favorite Pokemon and Type?


Favorite Type  

87 users have voted

  1. 1. What is your favorite pokemon type?

    • Normal
    • Fire
    • Water
    • Grass
    • Electric
    • Ice
    • Fighting
    • Poison
    • Ground
    • Flying
    • Psychic
    • Bug
    • Rock
    • Ghost
    • Dragon
    • Dark
    • Steel
    • Fairy

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My top five favourite pokemon are:


1. Houndoom (back when playing crystal I always wanted one but they couldn't be face if I recall. Pokemon XD is what got this pokemon to first)

2. Torterra (My favourite 4th gen starter)

3. Drapion (This thing just loks cool and is cool. The anime sorta helped my opininon of it.)

4. Aggron

5. Ninjask (fifth was a tough choice there are lots of thing that could go there like Samurott)


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Listing a top 5 would be next to impossible so I'm just gonna list all my favorites.


















"Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?"

Ooh! Ooh! More guessing games! Um... Pokey Smokes! How about Queen Meanie? No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty!

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My favourite pokemon: Aerodactyl

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Back in the days of the third generation, this thing was an ungodly powerhouse of unstoppable proportions. With choice band and proper raising, this beast had over 394 speed, over 500 attack stat and a move that dealt 90 damage + same type attack bonus with a 30% flinch rate. This thing was also one of the fastest and strongest sweepers in the game, jolteon being the only major threat being tied with it in speed.


I have had some interesting experiences with Aerodactyl in the past. One story was the time where it was my last pokemon against my opponent's 6 and I pulled off a victory. This is a real person, level 100's vs level 100's and I was pretty much destroyed. I hoped Aerodactyl would at least take out one of his pokemon so I didn't completely fail. It then managed to wipe out his entire team, killing everything in one shot and flinching EVERY TIME he didn't. Haxorus, eat your heart out!


I still have the exact same Aerodactyl on my pokemon black cartridge. Sure it doesn't rack up the kills it used to mainly because of changes in the metagame, but it always has a slot on my team.

Edited by Celtore
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Can't remember if I posted in this or not. Ah well.


I can't decide on five, so here's 12.


1.CHARIZARD (Charmander will always be my favorite starter)


3.Rattata (I find it soooooo cute :3)

4.Feraligatr (Totodile was my first starter ever)





9.Barboach (another one I find really cute)


11.shiny Zoroark (I find the blue looks better than red)

12.er...uhm... Here's just my other Favorites:



Blastoise. Venusaur. Zorua. Zekrom. Gliscor, Wailord, Mewtwo, Rhyhorn, Nidoking, Hypno, Scizor, Pinsir, Magmar, Gyrados, Kabutops, Lapras, ALL the eeveelutions, Porygon, Bellsprout, Rapidash, Victreebel, Kadabra, Abra, Arcanine, Persian, Paras, Ninetales, Sandslash, Ariados, Bayleef, Typhlosion, Murkrow, Yanma, Mareep, Octilery, Houndoom, Skarmory, Kingdra, Heracross, Hitmonlee, Tyranitar, Ho-Oh, Suicune, Donphan, Grovyle, Blaziken, Mudkip, Swampert, Mightyena, Swellow, Breloom, Ninjask, Shedinja, Mawile, Aron, Lairon, Aggron, Trapinch, Altaria, Seviper, Crawdaunt, Sharpedo, Lileep, Cradily, Armaldo, Milotic, Banette, Duskull, Absol, Walrein, Relicanth, Salamance, Beldum, Metang, Registeel, Regirock, Latias, Kyogre, Groudon, Deoxys (Speed), Torterra, Empoleon, Staraptor, Luxray, Cranidos, Ramparados, Shieldon, Vespiquen, Drifloon, Mismagius, Honchkrow, Bronzor and Bronzong (because I looked up their origin), Gabite, Garchomp, Lucario, Magnezone, Yanmega, Mamoswine, Porygon-Z, Gallade, Dusknoir, FROSSLASS, Dialga, Palkia, Regigigas, Both formes of Giratina but mostly the origin forme, Arceus, Lilipup, aaaaaand I can't remember most of the unova names yet, so I might do those later.



Edited by Zalgo


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*points at username* mudkips :3 they're awesome, So, i herd you liek mudkips?

Vaporeons, my first ever favorite pokemon i ever liked :3

leafeon, i died after i saw it, its just so awesome!

Emolga. come on, how could you not like it?

"It needs to be about 20% cooler

"I'd like to be a tree!

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!

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I think my fave Pony of all time whould be Keldeo, manely Keldeo's a Pony, (I think) and... I don't really know, soempony, get me a inhaler!


fluffykins your right keldeo is know as the colt pokemon so it is a pony in away so don't worry ok i can assure you i have that pokemon on my withe game and it is called the colt pokemon so just try and relax :D
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Hmm because it’s so hard to choose I’ll do it this way.



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I’d have to say out of all of them my favorite is a tie between Altaria, Haunter, and Gengar :wub:

Edited by Flying Whales


Signature Courtesy of

Like A Boss

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I've only played red and blue but I've been playing through blue again and I've taken to Garydos a.k.a. Mr. Fish quite a bit. So worth paying the old guy to watch Magikarp. I've also always liked Magneton, not sure why though. I think its because seeing metal things do lighting attacks just seemed like it had more punch than anything else.

I can neither confirm nor deny myself being the cause of electrical related malfunctions. Anyways, you wouldn't happen to have a jar of replacement magic smoke would you?

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  • 4 weeks later...

i think my favorite would be either bulbasaur, squirtle or raichu. i like all of them equally, so its hard to decide between the 3 of them



Sig made by meh ((Find me on Deviantart if you wanna talk to me))

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I bucking love Shuppets. I literally just catch teams of Shuppets and that's it.
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And Litwick is seriously...wow. I never knew a friggin' candle could be cute. Though Lampent is better,
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(Yes I made that photo.)
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And obviously Bouffalant, on account of my obsession with bison.
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I like Marowak. He headed up my team on the one dedicated game I played of Pokemon Blue.

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Vulpix is another 'mon I would pick in real life. She's cute as a button and, if I ever need to kill something with fire as the expression goes (i.e. the Fred cartoons, Dane Cook's career, Michael Bay), she would be perfect.

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Grimer is another one I would pick up just to gross people out. He's the best Pokemon to have around when you want to be alone, because he can clear out a room in 30 seconds.


And finally, because he was the funniest Pokemon on the show...

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Edited by TailsAlone

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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My first shiny and bird pokemon and it was love at first sight!


My favorite Eeveelution


My favorite Starter of Unova


This thing is cute as a button


Orignal pokemon I picked


Beast lengendary


Sweet dark type

I like him


My favorite dog




Awesome Water pokemon


another cutie







Asyou can see they are cute pokemon ^^

Edited by SweetenedDarkness
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On a serious note, I think I'd prefer Flygon, Tyranitar, Oshawott, and Infernape.

Oshawott is the only pokemon from its generation I respect. Hated best wishes.

"Real life is just a crappy game."

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1st gen: Mew, because he's so cute.... And can learn any move... Also, Vulpix is adorrrrable too...

2nd gen: Raikou

3rd gen: Gardevoir and Mightyena tied with Rayquaza

4th gen: Shaymin. When he transforms into his Flight form, the petals that surround the transformation are so beautiful...

5th gen: Zorua (so cute...), and Victini (also super cute...)

Edited by Fluttershy's Stallion

Meow :3

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Ok, so I've had some thought and i think Ive gotten a few that stand out to me most.



2. Gengar

3. Magneton

4. Electrode

5. Weezing

6. Muk

7. Haunter

8. Pidgeot

9. Vaporeon

10. Squirtle

11. Slowbro

--2nd gen--


2. Feraligatr

3. Furret

4. Steelix

5. Suicune

--3rd gen--

1. Mudkip

2. Swampert

3. Exploud

4. Swellow

5. Ninjask

6. Shedinja

7. Cacturne

8. Clamperl

9. Aggron

10. Grumpig

11. Dusclops

12. Metagross

13. Regice

14. Registeel

15. Jirachi

16. Deoxys - defense form

--4th gen--

1. Piplup

2. Staraptor

3. Luxray

4. Lucario

5. Magnezone

6. Electivire

7. Togekiss

8. Duscnoir

9. Darkrai

10. Arceus

--5th gen--

1. Golurk

2. Zoroark

3. Samurott

4. Genesect






Hmmm only a couple have made my list since I last posted in here. I guess I shall add Rotom-W to my 4th gen area, and Jellicent and Cofagrigus to my 5th gen area.


Rotom-W is just a cool lil dude with a neat typing of Electric/Water. Nothing new, but being nice and bulky like most waters and the ability to run rain dance and spam Thunder with 100% accuracy makes him cool in my book.


Jellicent gets props for being a bulky wall that learns trick room, which I love with a passion.


Cofagrigus does the same thing as Dusclops/Dusknoir, but gets extra points for trick room as well. Haze is also a cool little move to have for his job. All that and he looks really freaking awesome!


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  • 4 months later...

Ummmmmmm what?...


Those aren't real Pokemon are they? >.>


Anyway, I like Ninetales a lot. I like fire Pokemon, although I always choose the water type starter. Totodile is my favorite starter Pokemon probably.



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