ReverseFaller 2,484 February 8, 2014 Share February 8, 2014 I just watched it, and I really enjoyed it. Rarity went a little crazy, which was nice to see. Overall the episode had a nice lesson, and we got to see both Rarity and Applejack in each others shoes. It was a decent episode. Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RED20 289 February 8, 2014 Share February 8, 2014 This episode (in a nutshell): OMG BOY PROBLEMS. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootaloo Is Best Filly 578 February 8, 2014 Share February 8, 2014 (edited) I liked it OKAY. I wouldn't really compare it to the best of the season 4. It's not even close to being the best Rarity episode though. I give it 8/10. I might need to see this again, It was funny I'll give it that. I especially liked it when Rarity got onto the plow, because she didn't know she was supposed to pull it and expected the plow to do all the work. It also had a very good lesson, be yourself, cause that's the Best person you can be. If other's can't like the real you, it's their hang up and not yours. And they're missing out on getting to know a really awesome person. Edited February 8, 2014 by Scootaloo Is Best Filly Facebook: Josh B. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
purple.teal 50 February 8, 2014 Share February 8, 2014 C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER! A series of great episodes and then this. It just makes Rarity look... dumb? I understand her need to be wanted, but really? The only part I really liked is the look from spike as Rarity tells him he doesn't know the feeling. Everything just seemed filler. I know I wanted more Rarity episodes in season four, but now I'm slightly regretting it. 1 If you are going to walk on thin ice, you may as well dance! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mars 4,863 February 8, 2014 Share February 8, 2014 (edited) I'm still in the process of watching this episode on Dailymotion (the quality sucks but I missed the livestream) I... I like it so far. I'm cautiously optimistic. I'm 15 minutes in. It definitely feels a lot weirder- as if it doesn't have the Gen 4 vibe (more like My Little Pony Tales or something). Still, I think it's a good idea to have an episode that deals with crushes. I know I've been on the Rarity side before (perhaps not to that extreme with all the photos), but I can relate to her. Edit: AHH. SECOND HAND EMBARRASSMENT WITH RARITY'S ACCENT AND HER NEW THEME. (/)//////(\) Edited February 8, 2014 by Creativity Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~/XC- BRONY\~ 310 February 8, 2014 Share February 8, 2014 very Meh episode, it deifinetly wasnt the worst, but it definitely wasnt the best. meh stuff: I liked the moral, but not the setup: The moaral of bering yourself is always a good one, but the way of having boy troubles wasnt the greatest set up Good stuff: Applejack: applejack was awesome in this episode, she didnt get swept sup in anything and was more worried about the festival than rarity was. Whoever the voice actor was for trenderhoof (or whatever his weird name was): i have no clue who it was, but i hope there more of him! Rarity: Rarity was good in this episode, getting swept up in stuff to the point where she is blatantly and obviously Mocking applejack and ponyville! Bad Stuff: PINKIE PIE! if the only thing your going to have her do is be obnoxious, please...... just dont...... Other stuff: Spike: a moment of silence for our friend spike, who has been so friend zoned, that he doesnt even know he is in the friend zone. episode score for me is 7/10 SIgnature by Reverie Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Whatevs 377 February 8, 2014 Share February 8, 2014 Well this was disappointing. It seemed like the episode existed PURELY for the Rarihick jokes. Rarity was uncharacteristically obsessed with Trenderhoof and jealous of AJ. The last part is a big one because there was an episode entirely about her being jealous and not being spiteful because of it. I guess it was supposed to be "RARITY GOES CRAZY!" but it failed to set that up. At least it was funny. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FatPat 77 February 8, 2014 Share February 8, 2014 So Spike is mature enough - or whatever - to not freak out about Rarity's crush on Trenderhoof. Or did he actually outgrow his crush on Rarity, without this actually being directly mentioned in the show? Or what? He helped her, yes, but that's just what he's doing: Helping his friends. A lot. Seriously, that's the one thing that bugs me. I need some more time to think about what I saw, I guess... I'm under the impression that there simply wasn't enough time to give Spike a subplot. If there was more time, I bet Spike would have also tried to change himself. He'd probably would have started dressing and acting like Tenderhoof. Wish he had, would have made that scene in the barn even funnier 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Metemponychosis 1,262 February 8, 2014 Share February 8, 2014 Okay... Good episode. The moral was handled very nicely, IMO. I would expect Rarity to be a bit more professional, but I don't think that her behavior was too forced. And it sure resulted in some hilarious moments. Rarity trying to ride the plower almost made me fall off the chair, but then she jumped in the mud. Just great. Spike surprised me in this episode. I didn't expect him to freak out, but I sure didn't expect him to be banished to the friendzone the way he was and take it like that. Probably not intentional since every writer does what he wants to Spike. Now let's expect him to revert back to his normal self and keep drooling over Rarity like the whimp he is. Honestly, I think I'd prefer if he freaked out over Rarity being so crazy about Trenderhoof. For the love of Celestia, Luna, Cadance and even Twilight... Stop fawning over her, Spike. /rant Enough about Spike. The other Mane Six where just there and Pinkie tends to get annoying in this situation, in this season, but I think that they needed to put her there for the sake of her being with her friends in an important moment. Trenderhoof was just like Hoity Toity and Photo Finish: the only reason he exists is to fit a role in the episode. Not bad, but all the exposition made with Rarity about him was good because they dressed it as her worshiping him. I can't complain. I have to say, I really liked Applejack keeping her hooves in the ground and dragging Rarity back, who did a great job of delivering the moral. Anyway... I almost expected this to be about Applejack's key since they say she is about honesty. Now I just expect something even better for her episode. Again, good job DHX. This season is turning out to be very good. And yes Rarity... You are fabulous. Trenderhoof is OFFICIALLY ghostfacekiller39's worst pony Geez. Even worse than Blueblood? 2 For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out. And I'm just getting started. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Batbrony 16,056 February 8, 2014 Share February 8, 2014 (edited) Sorry I ain't got my review up yet ya'll. Little sister's home for the weekend so we've been busy doing stuff all day. At the earliest the review may be up later this evening, but we'll see what happens. Suffice it to say, I have many, MANY good things to say about this episode. Edited February 8, 2014 by Batbrony 2 "You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!" -The Muffin Mare Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ghostfacekiller39 23,860 February 8, 2014 Share February 8, 2014 (edited) Geez. Even worse than Blueblood? YES :okiedokielokie: He is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the object of my petty hatred at the moment He's worst pony, no doubt. Alright, serious time, though, since I guess people would want to see some of my feelings on this guy for the lolz: I found him to be creepy with his thing with AJ (even wanting to move in with her!), completely rude and harsh with the way he handled my best pony's obvious affections by being completely apathetic to my poor waifu and her star-crossed celeb crush and he was horribly arrogant ("I set trends all over Equestria!") on top of just looking like a douche, and the fact he didn't learn his lesson in the end was a bad choice by the writers, because at least Blueblood caught hell for it at the end; this guy didn't. Also, it would've been a better ending had Rarity gone off on him like she did Blueblood for being a total douche to her and not caring about her affections, and AJ just nodding her head telling him to mosy on out of town. I love seeing Rarity be a drama queen like that. So, he is my legit worst pony now Yay. He was a good plot device, though, I give him that much. Edited February 8, 2014 by ghostfacekiller39 2 He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!! Check out the Rarity Fan Club! "Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity" -Jacob G. Rosenberg Signature by @FadedSkies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheMarkz0ne 962 February 8, 2014 Share February 8, 2014 This episode, it... ... confused me beyond belief. I won't talk about Applejack's or Rarity's performance here. They were good. Period. The whole thing was funny. Maybe a bit rushed; twenty two minutes were probably not enough for that subject, but whatever; maybe that's just me. But there is one thing... So Spike is mature enough - or whatever - to not freak out about Rarity's crush on Trenderhoof. Or did he actually outgrow his crush on Rarity, without this actually being directly mentioned in the show? Or what? He helped her, yes, but that's just what he's doing: Helping his friends. A lot. Seriously, that's the one thing that bugs me. I need some more time to think about what I saw, I guess... I noticed that, I just finished watching it on my DVR. Spike should have showed some concern, but then again we are on a 22 minute time limit. The focus was Rarity and Apple Jack. This concept for a cartoon isn't new, in fact it's a cliche I seemingly loath. But for this show it works because Rarity's compulsion to impress someone who could care less for her is amusing. One thing I liked about this episode was how not only Rarity was being a jerk stereotyping southerners as ignorant, dirty and simple minded people, Apple Jack did the same thing with the type of person Rarity is. Apple Jack did it for a different reason though, so she could help Rarity see how much of a fool she was making of herself. One thing that actually intrigues me about Trenderhoof...You think maybe he was forced into the fashion industry by his parents and peers? because let's be rational here. Trend is into fashion and pretty much controls the fashion world. Why do you think he said ' call em trend." ? Trend actually loved Apple Jack for her work ethic, Rarity has the same work ethic as Apple Jack does. So it's obvious Trend really loves Apple Jack for her southern beauty. I really think Trend was forced into something he never wanted to do. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
M'aiq the Liar 5,804 February 8, 2014 Share February 8, 2014 Man, what I would have given to have Anthony Bourdain voice tenderhoof. pleb tier OC . MLP forum's #1 Fleetfoot fan also married to fleetfoot <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheMarkz0ne 962 February 8, 2014 Share February 8, 2014 Oh, and one more thing (prepare for a lot of posts like that from me, there's just so much I want to say about this episode XD): I liked the fact, that Applejack knew that Trenderhoof doesn't like her for who she is. He idealized her. And she knew it. She also wasn't really angry at Rarity, even though her behaviour was kinda offensive. It shows that she learned her lesson from Look Before You Sleep. All she had to do was to remind Rarity about it. I don't think he idealized her from what I watched. Because there was no reason for him to idealize southern fashion. He's a stallion who works and puts out things that're the opposite of that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Champion RD92 8,658 February 8, 2014 Share February 8, 2014 Applejack looked sooooooooooooooo hawt in this episode. That is all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Metemponychosis 1,262 February 8, 2014 Share February 8, 2014 I found him to be creepy with his thing with AJ (even wanting to move in with her!), completely rude and harsh with the way he handled my best pony's obvious affections by being completely apathetic to my poor waifu and her star-crossed celeb crush and he was horribly arrogant ("I set trends all over Equestria!") on top of just looking like a douche, and the fact he didn't learn his lesson in the end was a bad choice by the writers, because at least Blueblood caught hell for it at the end; this guy didn't. Wholeheartedly agree with the "creepy, rude and arrogant parts". But I saw the end in a different light. I thought that he had learned his lesson and was appreciating Rarity for herself. However, you may be right. It's a difficult thing to swallow given his earlier behavior. Now I think I hate him too! 2 For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out. And I'm just getting started. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nameless Knight 1,001 February 8, 2014 Share February 8, 2014 My reaction to this episode: 1 "I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
M'aiq the Liar 5,804 February 8, 2014 Share February 8, 2014 I loved how spike acted in this episode, willing to help his friend, but aware enough to understand what was going on. 2 pleb tier OC . MLP forum's #1 Fleetfoot fan also married to fleetfoot <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ghostfacekiller39 23,860 February 8, 2014 Share February 8, 2014 (edited) I loved how spike acted in this episode, willing to help his friend, but aware enough to understand what was going on. Yeahh, there's something else I should address. Spike was a trooper in this episode; having a bit of a thing for Rarity myself ("waifu", that should be an indicator ) It was NOT gnarly seeing Trenderhoof and his douchiness, thus my subjective opinion of him is even lower than my objective one I shared earlier. I didn't let it affect my judgement of the episode, though, and neither did Spike, but in a different sense. He went above and beyond to help her because she was his friend (I'm sure the crush he has on her played a role as well), even though she was displaying a ton of interest in another man. Spike, sonny boy, you get a brohoof from me /) Good job, you little purple dragon I always forget exists Edited February 8, 2014 by ghostfacekiller39 3 He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!! Check out the Rarity Fan Club! "Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity" -Jacob G. Rosenberg Signature by @FadedSkies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shawn Parks 1,798 February 8, 2014 Share February 8, 2014 (edited) I thought that this episode was pretty funny. Rarity acting like Applejack really cracked me up. And I am happy to see an acknowledgement that ponies other than Rarity are crush worthy. In my "head canon," there are stallions in Ponyville with crushes on each of the mane six. We just never see them. I wish we could see somepony display love for Pinkie Pie. I have always wondered how she would react. Edited February 8, 2014 by Shawn Parks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
takai 1,060 February 8, 2014 Share February 8, 2014 That was actually quite the enjoyable episode. But it was a Rarity episode, so why expect anything less? Spike's fourth wall breaking stare was hilarious. Applejack was really sexy this episode. Rarity stole the show of course with her freakouts, and accents, and well... Pretty much everything. Rarity episodes are always a joy to watch. So many gifs will be made. So many videos will be uploaded. Brace yourselves. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr. Mechano 630 February 8, 2014 Share February 8, 2014 "Simple Ways" is Rarity's second (and Applejack's third) focus episode of the season, and while it doesn't quite live up to "Rarity Takes Manehattan," it's still tons of fun. First, this is one of the funniest episodes since... well, the previous episode! Rarity's hackneyed attempts at "simple country livin'" made me laugh harder than I've laughed in a long time. Major props to Tabitha St. Germain's voice work here; The way Rarity slips in and out of her country accent was a nice touch as well. Applejack is no slouch when it comes to comedy either, though in her case it's simply dry wit in reaction to Rarity's and Trenderhoof's over-the-top antics. Ever since "Look Before You Sleep," I've really enjoyed Rarity's and Applejack's friendship, and this episode does not disappoint. The interaction between the two friends is both hilarious and heartwarming, as Applejack goes from irritated to aghast to genuinely concerned for Rarity's well-being. As Rarity said, Applejack knows Rarity, and as a close friend, may know her better than she knows herself. I love that, and I think of just how far the two of them have come since their first time co-starring in an episode together. The lesson is good, and one that applies to all kinds of relationships, not just romantic ones. If you have to fundamentally change who you are to get someone to like you, then it's not worth it. Be yourself, and accept that some people just won't be into you, and that's okay. Trenderhoof himself is, interestingly, just as guilty of not being true to himself as Rarity. I found that to be a nice way to wrap up the episode, as Rarity not only learns a lesson, but helps another character learn it as well. Rarity accepting herself for who she is, and moving on from her crush on Trenderhoof, was a great moment of growth for her. Minor note: I was very pleased at Pinkie's portrayal here as well. While she wanted to host the event, she took the results very well, showing that last week's lesson in "Pinkie Pride" really resonated with her! Anyway, "Simple Ways" is every bit as great as I expected it to be. I'm still grinning from ear to ear as I type this, and as a Rarity fan, my day has been made. Go watch it if you haven't yet! 3 FLAMES! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chaoticgeek2 71 February 8, 2014 Share February 8, 2014 I liked it, it was very cute! I liked when Applejack was dressing up as Rarity. Trenderhoof didn't really look like a good fit for Rarity anyway, I'm glad they both learned their lesson in the end. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
InkyJay 21 February 8, 2014 Share February 8, 2014 That was actually quite the enjoyable episode. But it was a Rarity episode, so why expect anything less? Spike's fourth wall breaking stare was hilarious. Applejack was really sexy this episode. Rarity stole the show of course with her freakouts, and accents, and well... Pretty much everything. Rarity episodes are always a joy to watch. So many gifs will be made. So many videos will be uploaded. Brace yourselves. Yeah. It's kind of amazing how every Rarity-focus episode always manages to be good at the minimum. Also, I think the one of the reasons why Spike wasn't freaking out over Rarity having a crush on someone else was because he was smart enough to know that it was just another one of those fangirl crushes that she has every once in a while. Rarity has a habit of getting over those relatively quickly, so there wasn't any reason for Spike to go into "Owl's Well that Ends Well" mode when Trenderhoof came along. btw, is it me, or does Trenderhoof's lanky design remind anyone of that one critic from the "Ratatouille" movie? I swear that those two look so similar in design minus the skin/fur color. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GoldenCal 52 February 8, 2014 Share February 8, 2014 Spike was hilarious this episode when spike look at the camera when rarity was claiming he doesn't what it's like it made me think of Bugs bunny 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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