Pastel 7,630 April 23, 2014 Share April 23, 2014 I think that this song is one of the most underappreciated song in the show. Find the music in you? I love this one, I'm sure it's a popular song. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ggg-2 3,553 April 26, 2014 Share April 26, 2014 someone tell me if this counts as a tearjerker moment or not but notice Big Mac's face after his flashback. He looks so sad and depressed. Possibly because he knows he's letting his friends down, but also because he was beaten in the turkey call contest after being undefeated for 6 years. Imagine how Big Mac must feel, having something he was very proud of, judging by his grin, and then having that something taken away from him. Don't be a nerd. Join the herd! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pineapple Bloom 511 May 1, 2014 Share May 1, 2014 I love this episode. Find the music in You is definitely one of my favorite songs in the show! I found this episode great fun to watch, probably because Fluttershy is my favorite Mane Six Pony. I found her singing so cute, even when she was Flutterguy! It made me laugh so hard 1 "My past does not define me, because my past is not today." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fimdash 1,196 May 9, 2014 Share May 9, 2014 Loved this one, and probably my favorite so far this season. Fluttershy was so cute in this episode and her singing sounds beautiful (even Flutterguy xD). I enjoyed the songs a lot, and I also thought the episode idea was really creative. Hats off to the creators for this one episodes like these rekindle my bronydom a bit. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teen Buscemi 135 May 10, 2014 Share May 10, 2014 guys...guys your not getting the point... Mac was singing! (and you can hear him singing un-like Apples to the core) Leader of the Marvel alliance 2.0 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flutter-Power 8 May 27, 2014 Share May 27, 2014 (edited) Fluttershy is the best in episodes... This is actually my favorite- forget the other two (Hurricane Fluttershy and Bats) - this is my final decision! Also, what in the wide, wide world of Equestria is she talking about? Stage fright? She sung in front of tons of ponies before! Here's just one of many examples: Edited May 27, 2014 by Flutter-Power 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StormCloud 0 July 13, 2014 Share July 13, 2014 OMG I frickin LOVE this episode cuz it's SO AWESOME... sorry had to pull that one ANYWAYS I love the fact that they brought Flutterguy back for a little bit and that it revolved around the poison joke. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bubbles~ 1 July 16, 2014 Share July 16, 2014 Pam pam pam para-pam pam, pam pam pam para-pam... My favorite episode ever! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Retired 83 August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 I... I have such mixed feelings about this episode, so I don't really know where to start. Isn't Pinkie Pie the element of laughter? And yet she made Fluttershy CRY? My issue is not Flutters crying, but Pinkie's inexplicable behavior. Her scenes made me feel uncomfortable, and it made me cringe. It also made me think about how badly written this episode was. If you take away Pinkie's scenes, the story could still be told perfectly because, as GoldenFox said, they contributed nothing to the episode. It portrayed Pinkie Pie in such a bad way. Pinkie may be scatterbrained enough to not pay attention to other's feelings, but this just crossed the line. Other times she knew when to stop, but this time she was just a bully. Every line she said was filled with pure malice and it really pains me to see Pinkie like that, because she has become one of my favorite characters, and I look up to her to make me smile, not cringe. -ahem- I really enjoyed the songs, though. Cute. And I love how Macintosh sings. And Fluttershy was very relatable and adorable as always. Ugh. So many rants about this episode. Retired account. Thank you for the memories! <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fractured 2,684 August 4, 2014 Share August 4, 2014 One of my favorite ponies was misused in this episode. Pinkie Pie has always been represented as a force of nature; doing things purely based on the spur of the moment without ever stopping to think how it may turn out.She may get so caught up in the point-destination style of thinking that she becomes oblivious to the feelings of those around her,but it's usually because she's so focused on the end result that she forgets how she got there, meaning that someone may have to point it out to her before she figures out to slow down.The point is, to Pinkie, there's only one road, and that road has always been filled with the best of intentions, even if the path is rocky. Being malicious is not only something that Pinkie doesn't do, it might be something she's incapable of. If this is the real Pinkie Pie, what we see is not what's happening. Unfortunately, the writers did not leave enough clues for us to sort this out; it's so unclear we can't tell malicious behavior from a friend attempting to help someone. This episode, and Pinkie's intentions, will forever remain an enigma to me. 2 Produced by the phenomenal J.R. DT Fanclub here: OC Fantasy: OC Alice: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SwaggyMCswag 57 August 25, 2014 Share August 25, 2014 (edited) I love this episode, fluttyshys voice when she takes the poison joke is hilarious. I... I have such mixed feelings about this episode, so I don't really know where to start. Isn't Pinkie Pie the element of laughter? And yet she made Fluttershy CRY? My issue is not Flutters crying, but Pinkie's inexplicable behavior. Her scenes made me feel uncomfortable, and it made me cringe. It also made me think about how badly written this episode was. If you take away Pinkie's scenes, the story could still be told perfectly because, as GoldenFox said, they contributed nothing to the episode. It portrayed Pinkie Pie in such a bad way. Pinkie may be scatterbrained enough to not pay attention to other's feelings, but this just crossed the line. Other times she knew when to stop, but this time she was just a bully. Every line she said was filled with pure malice and it really pains me to see Pinkie like that, because she has become one of my favorite characters, and I look up to her to make me smile, not cringe. -ahem- I really enjoyed the songs, though. Cute. And I love how Macintosh sings. And Fluttershy was very relatable and adorable as always. Ugh. So many rants about this episode. I agree with you, but i don't think pinkypie wanted to make her cry. Edited August 25, 2014 by ChipWood Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunny Fox 5,952 September 25, 2014 Share September 25, 2014 I was watching the episode again, and this lovely little easter egg caught my eye! While she's never been given an official, in-name show, this background pony is fan-named Candy Mane, so they literally put some candy in her mane! A very subtle nod to the bronies, but there it is! Just had to share this, since she's one of my favorite bg ponies. Oh, and this is her cutie mark... not sure why it's a Sisterhooves Social CM, but anyway... 2 Happy minion of The Fabulous One! Signature by Midnightive Check out my blog! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
emeraldink 13 October 13, 2014 Share October 13, 2014 I am so late to this discussion but I loved this episode from the moment I saw the reference in the title. Even if Pinkie was cringe worthy and the song was "meh" at best. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kulstor 254 October 13, 2014 Share October 13, 2014 I did like the music and the song of the group and the episode. Pinkie in this episode was either being deliberately mean or was in one of the more severe psycho episodes of hers were she's unaware of how other ponies are feeling and has no empathy. Or the writer is one who can't really handle Pinkie well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheJLeeTeam 914 October 22, 2014 Share October 22, 2014 This was a great episode. We get Fluttershy filling in for a Pony Tones member. I just really enjoyed the song Find the Music in You. My blog post on Starting Fresh with MLP:FiM: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
paradoxical 1,735 December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 (edited) Side note from the episode Cheerilee faints (or fakes a faint?) at the Ponytones. It appears that cannon ships her with one of the Ponytones [i think it's the blue-ish one) [if only because I like the comic canon match and lack of match as applicable] If that doesn't take you to the right time it's at 0:51 Edited December 3, 2014 by paradoxical 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shawn Parks 1,798 December 5, 2014 Share December 5, 2014 Side note from the episode Cheerilee faints (or fakes a faint?) at the Ponytones. It appears that cannon ships her with one of the Ponytones [i think it's the blue-ish one) I assumed the joke was that Cheerilee was swooning over "Big Mac's" voice. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
More_Fluttershy 127 December 14, 2014 Share December 14, 2014 I was near the end of posting a couple paragraphs on why I love the episode, but unfortunately one of my other tabs recieved an unresponsive script and the browser was too slow to close it at the time, so I'll just say it hits all the right notes an episode should, Fluttershy goes through great development, it has good jokes and music, very well-written, realistic, and relatable story, and a fantastic moral. Also, some people have complained about Pinkie's performance for being out-of-character and mean-spirited, but I didn't mind. It increased tension slightly, it was clearly shown as wrong, and I just found it too ridiculous to take seriously. Also, even if I hated her, it wouldn't affect the score as it's only like, 30 seconds worth of a 22-minuter. Overall, this was fantastic, and one of my favorites of season 4. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Justin_Case001 4,907 January 12, 2015 Share January 12, 2015 This was one the second episode I ever saw. I loved it back then, without context, and it is still one of my favorites today after seeing every episode. There's only two problems I have. One, and I'm sure most everyone agrees with me, is that Pinkie was a jerk and out of character. Remember when Pinkie and Rainbow were playing pranks, and Rainbow was about to prank Fluttershy, and Pinkie said, "What?! No, no, no, no, we CAN'T prank Fluttershy! I mean, she's so sensitive, it'll hurt her feelings. Even our most harmless prank!" And she wasn't saying it as a criticism, but with the utmost care, compassion, and understanding. Pinkie was always, in her own strange way, deeply in tune with everypony else's feelings. That's the Pinkie I want back. The other quibble I have isn't specifically about Filli Vanilli. Actually, I was very disappointed that they never mentioned the Ponytones before this episode. Believe it or not I actually remember, back when I first decided I loved the show and started watching through chronologically, looking forward to seeing the creation of Ponytones. When I first saw Filli Vanilli, I thought I was missing a lot of context. When I got to known the characters in season 1, I was surprised that Big Mac ended up being a singer, given that he's the quietest pony on the show. Rarity is obviously the kind of pony who loves being in the spotlight, and it seems natural that she'd branch off into singing, but they never once said or even implied that she had any interest in singing or forming a group in the first three seasons. She just did fashion design and that was it. So, when I got to season 4, I was super excited to see how the group came about. I was looking forward to a Rarity spotlight where she founds the group. They would decide they need a deep voice and begin searching the town and holding auditions and such. Alas, they wouldn't find any deep voice to fit the part. Then they would overhear a mysterious singer in, like, some barn or something, singing to himself, and they would marvel at how amazing he was. They'd wonder why they had never seen or heard this pony anywhere in town before. Then they would hear AJ say, "Ya'll down with these chores?", followed by the the trademark, "Eeyup." Then the three group members would look at each other agast and shout "BIG MACINTOSH??!!" And then they'd ask him to be in the group, and then, idk, I haven't thought that far. He'd take some persuading and something or other, blabbity, blah. You get the idea. That's what I was hoping for. And then...nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zip. JACK. F*CKIN. SH*T. Not one f*ckin word about the existence of the Ponytones until Filli Vanilli. What. The. Ass. Most people probably don't care at all, didn't give it one thought, but it bothers me, and I wanted to get it off my chest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Po-Nonimous 583 January 30, 2015 Share January 30, 2015 (edited) Okay, yeah, I know this is an old thread but I'm so shocked! Being rather new to the fandom I've been having to catch up on all the episodes from S01 to S04 plus the two EqG movies. At this point I'm up to S04E18 Maud Pie but, earlier on, in E04E14 Filli Vanilli I was shocked! What'd they do to Pinkie Pie?! (yeah, I know... Old question but new to me!) In all three previous seasons Pinkie was always sweet and nice. Sure, she was weird and strange but that's Pinkie but she was never mean, before! Look at her face! Look at it! I've never seen Pinkie look so mean! I mean, she was terrifying poor Fluttershy with her manic tirade about crowds turning on her and... Wut?! No! I can't believe that! And poor Fluttershy! She was terrified to tears! I mean, come on! Really? No! It was shocking! Fluttershy's such a wonderfully sweet, gentle, caring and lovely soul I just find it incredibly hard to believe that Pinkie would do that to her! It's just not like the Pinkie I've come to know and love at all! I mean, was Pinkie on drugs that day?! Was she having a psychotic episode? Some kind of temporary nervous breakdown?! Ack! And not only did Pinkie do that to poor Fluttershy at the beginning of the episode but she did it to her several times! And why did nopony else say anything to her about what she was doing to Fluttershy? Ack! I hope they never make Pinkie Pie do that ever again! (I really don't think I could stand it.) Edited January 30, 2015 by Poni-namous "Theological debates are great for intellectual children since they require absolutely no facts!" - Mary Hawking, older sister of Stepehen Hawking. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CC_Maud_Pie 6,431 January 30, 2015 Share January 30, 2015 I didn't like how Pinkie Pie treated Fluttershy in this episode. She was acting like a typical fan-filly who is obsessed with a member of a local singing group. This made Fluttershy more uncomfortable to the point of mental/emotional pain. Honestly, I didn't like how all of Fluttershy's friends treated her. At the same time, they can't help it because Fluttershy's a hard character to understand. We did learn that Fluttershy gets stage-fright. 1 All my life needed was a sense of someplace to go. I don't believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention. I believe that someone should become a person like other people. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Po-Nonimous 583 January 30, 2015 Share January 30, 2015 CC_Maud_Pie I agree with most of what you're saying about that episode, about how Pinkie Pie and the others treated Fluttershy. The only thing I don't agree with (maybe if that's the right term) is this: "Fluttershy's a hard character to understand." I don't find her hard to understand at all. She's a sweet, kind, very gentle, loving, caring person who, like many of us, suffer from painful shyness. If you've ever been shy around anyone (and I'm pretty sure you may have been at one time or another) then you understand Fluttershy. "Theological debates are great for intellectual children since they require absolutely no facts!" - Mary Hawking, older sister of Stepehen Hawking. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CC_Maud_Pie 6,431 January 30, 2015 Share January 30, 2015 Poni-namous I would say I understand Fluttershy since I'm on the autism spectrum and she's pretty similar to me in real life. But if you're outgoing and social, it might be a bit hard to understand her. All my life needed was a sense of someplace to go. I don't believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention. I believe that someone should become a person like other people. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Poetic Stone 1,041 February 13, 2015 Share February 13, 2015 I love this one, especally cause of Fluttershy, she is the best, and my favorite pony. I also liked that Weird Al was in this one i have liked Al since I was young, but all in all great episode. Signature created by Starlight Glimmer Avatar made by ConcorDisparate Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
quinsonhon 15 February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 Honestly, I like this episode. The story line is fine, but I really like the acapella style singing. I don't like Fluttershy singing too enthusiastically though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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