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MLP Forums Acronyms and Slang Guide


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MLP Forums Acronym and Slang Guide!



This guide here is designed to help out newcomers and everypony else who needs some clarification on the sometimes confusing acronyms of this awesome site. Whenever I came across such gibberish it would always make me feel left out and not apart of the 'group'. With this guide I hope everypony will be speaking the same language and on the same page!




If anypony has more ideas for what to add onto this list post a reply with the acronym or slang and add the definition and I'll add it in!



NMM – Nightmare Moon, Princess Luna’s darker side. Appears in S1 EP1 and EP2, also references in S2EP4

RD/RBD – Rainbow Dash. One of the mane six ponies. Element of Harmony is Loyalty.

PP – Pinkie Pie. One of the mane six ponies. Element of Harmony is Laughter.

PDP – Pinkamena Diane Pie. Pinkie Pie's full name. Often incorrectly used to refer to her 'psychotic' side when her mane is straight and flat.

FS – Fluttershy. One of the mane six ponies. Element of Harmony is Kindness.

TS – Twilight Sparkle. One of the mane six ponies. Element of Harmony is Magic.

AJ – Applejack. One of the mane six ponies. Element of Harmony is Honesty.

EqD/ED – Equestria Daily. News site run by ‘Sethisto’ for all your MLP: FiM needs.

R34 – An ‘internet rule’. States that if something exists, there is pornography of it.

NSFW - Not Safe For Work. Abbreviation to indicate something with explicit content.

_______ is best pony – Grounds for civil war among bronies. I don’t recommend saying this. Ever.

Molestia/Trollestia - Satirical nicknames for Princess Celestia. That she likes to play mind games with everypony. (Trolling them) Also that she is a huge perv and likes to abuse other ponies.

RP – Role-Play. The act of filling a characters’ horseshoes and telling a story from their point of view.

OOC – Out Of Character. A term RPers use to let others know that what they are saying does not apply to the story they are roleplaying. Often signaled with parentheses.

MLP:FIM - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. The name of the bestest show ever! You're on it's bestest website right now!

Cupcakes - A gory and NSFW work of fanfiction in the form of a written story and an animation found on YouTube.

Shipping - Fanfiction pairing two ponies together in a romantic relationship. Can be safe for work and is done often. (eg. ApplexDash, Twixie)

.MOV videos - Very NSFW videos on YouTube with multiple episodes including SHED.MOV, DRESS.MOV and APPLE.MOV. You should always try and avoid talking of these and linking of these videos.

Rule 63/R63 - Rule 63 of the internet: gender swapping of characters from Male > Female or Female > Male.

EF - Everfree Forest. A subforum used for non-pony discussion.

CC - Cloudsdale Colosseum. A subforum where forum games and other spammy threads reside.

tl;dr/TL;DR - Too Long; Didn't Read. Usually kept lowercase. When used by the pony who is posting the large block of text, as opposed to the pony who is (not) reading it, it changes its meaning to "Summary for people who are likely to tl;dr"

Don't feed the Parasprites - Ponified variation of the statement "Don't feed the trolls" Meaning when someone's here just to ruin your day, don't assist them by agruing or getting angry at them. That means they win! Just ignore them or love and tolerate them!

OC - Original Character. Many fans, especially avid RPers create for themselves their own character to either represent themselves or act as a character in a fanfiction of theirs. This is commonly done via the [url=http://generalzoi.deviantart.com/art/Pony-Creator-Full-Version-254295904]Pony Creator.

Fic - short for Fan-fiction

Shipfic - A fan-fiction in which there is shipping.

Clopfic - A fan-fiction in which there is explicitly romantic and/or sexual narrative lieu of shipping. By definition it is not safe for work.

Fandom - The collective of fans of a given narrative work.

Canon - A loan-word from Bibilical study that pertains to "what is authoritative", it means and refers to the official statements or standpoints of the show's creators.

Fanon - Evolved from canon, it is similar except it is unofficial and thought of as the defacto standpoint of fans, or the general consensus of the fandom opinion.

Everypony - The pony version of saying Everyone/everybody. Also applies to somepony.

Bubble Berry - R63 version of Pinkie Pie. (See: Rule 63/R63)

Rainbow Blitz - R63 version of Rainbow Dash. (See: Rule 63/R63)

Dusk Shine - R63 version of Twilight Sparkle. (See: Rule 63/R63)

Elusive - R63 version of Rarity. (See: Rule 63/R63)

Butterscotch - R63 version of Fluttershy. (See: Rule 63/R63)

PMV - Pony Music Videos

FO: E - Fallout: Equestria. A well-known fanfiction placing ponies in the Fallout video game universe. Known for having tons of fanart and being lengthy.


  • Brohoof 19

Ob's stürmt oder schneit. | Whether it storms or snows.


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I only use AJ and sometimes RD for abbreviations for the ponies =P

Awesome, although you spelled Trollestia with only one l and you forgot to explain what POV means :angry:

Lol, jkjk awesome, I really appreciate this :lol:

  • Brohoof 1

Sorry about the temporary lack of signature, I have changed my name, so I need a new one.

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r63/R63 = rule 63 of the internet: gender swap


EF = Everfree Forest

CC = Cloudsdale Colosseum

  • Brohoof 1

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
~*Traveling Timelord Nonpareil*~
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You should keep on adding to this list.


There is a list of ponified words in this one Google Chrome Applications that ponifies everything in the window. You should find it.

Great adventuring for great treasures!....Except when I'm hurt...


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This would've been soo helpful if it was around when I first joined... When I first saw the title of shipping threads I thought it was reffering to some sort of shipping company, oh the derps I made...

  • Brohoof 1

Awesomeness = at least 20% Cooler.

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tl;dr - Too long; didn't read. Usually kept lowercase. When used by the pony who is posting the large block of text, as opposed to the pony who is (not) reading it, it changes its meaning to "Summary for people who are likely to tl;dr"



This would've been soo helpful if it was around when I first joined... When I first saw the title of shipping threads I thought it was reffering to some sort of shipping company, oh the derps I made...


Yes... I thought the same thing too.


CelestEx - Like FexEx, but with ponies.

Edited by Raptor_a22

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Fic: short for Fan-fiction

Shipfic: A fan-fiction in which there is shipping.

Clopfic: A fan-fiction in which there is explicitly romantic and/or sexual narrative lieu of shipping. By definition it is not safe for work.

Fandom: The collective of fans of a given narrative work.

Canon: A loan-word from Bibilical study that pertains to "what is authoritative", it means and refers to the official statements or standpoints of the show's creators.

Fanon: Evolved from canon, it is similar except it is unofficial and thought of as the defacto standpoint of fans, or the general consensus of the fandom opinion.

Joss: (verb suffixes "jossing" or "jossed") also known as Decanonization: a fanon opinion or standpoint is rendered obsolete or incorrect by official canon.

Edited by Blue
  • Brohoof 2
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Tom = commonly refers to user Tom the Diamond despite there being other users with "Tom" in their name even though he is a silly Trixie-phile

Edited by Doctor XFizzella

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
~*Traveling Timelord Nonpareil*~
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You forgot RD = Rainbow Dash :/



"RD/RBD – Rainbow Dash. One of the mane six ponies. Element of Harmony is Loyalty."

  • Brohoof 1

Sorry about the temporary lack of signature, I have changed my name, so I need a new one.

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Bubble Berry - R63 version of Pinkie Pie.

Rainbow Blitz - R63 version of Rainbow Dash.

Dusk Shine - R63 version of Twilight Sparkle.

Elusive - R36 version of Rarity.

Butterscotch - R36 version of Fluttershy.


IMO - In My Opinion

(I actually to look up IMO just now lol =P)


I hope that counts...


you forgot it applies to anypony too =P

Edited by LightningWing

Sorry about the temporary lack of signature, I have changed my name, so I need a new one.

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How does IMO has anything to do with the forums? If we should post "normal" slangs then this list would be over 9000 lines.

Edited by Jokuc


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Just because I can, I'm going to come up with complicated terms.


Ponific: (pon-iff-ik) Pertaining to the show's canon. Content that is displayed within My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Endoponific: (en-doe-pon-iff-ik) Related to the show's canon but not actually part of the show itself. Content displayed in related or like-enfranchised material such as coloring books.

Exoponific: (ex-oh-pon-iff-ik) Diametrically referencing the show's canon but not part of it. Also known as fanon.

Xenoponific: (zee-noe-pon-iff-ik) Fanon indirectly inspired by ponific material, or directly inspired by other material (Crossovers). This is also known as External Exoponific.

Apocroponific: (ah-pawk-roe-pon-iff-ik) Unofficial material that is directly related to the show or endoponific reference. This includes leaked material, unreliable statements made by the show's cast or makers, or material that directly inspired things in the show that are not retroponific, such as movie shout-outs.

Retroponific: (ret-t-ro-pon-iff-ik) Pertaining to older iterations of the show or part of older franchises, such as G1, G2 or G3 My Little Pony.


Classic Gemology: (Jem-ol-ah-jee)Fanbase theory that minerals and gemstones operate as they do in real life.

Gemorganistology: (Jem-or-gan-ist-ol-ah-jee) Fanbase theory that minerals and gemstones are organic organisms in some shape or form, similar to plants or algeae.

Alterior Lithograpology: (All-teer-ee-or Lith-o-graf-ee) Fanbase theory school of other mineral and gemstone hypotheticals.


Willing Rainboom Theory: Fanbase theory that Rainbow Dash can execute a sonic boom at will, assuming she throws both hooves forward (instead of only one).

Post-Nukistic Rainboom Theory: (New-kiss-tik) Fanbase theory that Rainbow Dash can execute a sonic rainboom at any time, assuming that the "Sonic Rainnuke" that is seen in S2E3 'Lesson Zero' is proof of this effect.

Imperillism Rainboom Theory: (Imm-pear-ill-is-tik) Fanbase theory that Rainbow Dash can only execute a sonic rainboom whenever somepony is in life-threatening danger.


Pre-Millenialist Discordism

A-Millenialist Discordism

Post-Millenialist Discordism

Anti-Millenialist Discordism




I don't know what any of those are, I just thought they sounded cool. Pre- means before, A- means during or current, Post- means after, Anti- means against or countering, Nova- means new. Millenialist pertains to a millenium, or 1000 years.


Lunology: (Loon-ol-ah-jee): The Study of Princess Luna

Celestology: (Sell-est-ol-ah-jee): The Study of Princess Celestia

Pro-Lunarism: (Pro-Loon-arr-iz-um): Fanbase theory that Luna and Nightmare Moon were Dualisticly united as a spirit while on the moon.

Establishmentarain-Lunarism: (est-ab-lish-men-tare-ee-ann Loon-arr-iz-um): Fanbase theory that Luna and Nightmare Moon were two seperate beings while physically being on the moon.

Disestablishmentarian-Lunarism: (dis-est-ab-lish-men-tare-ee-ann Loon-arr-iz-um): Fanbase theory that Luna and Nightmare Moon were simultaneously inhabiting the same body while physically being on the moon.

Edited by Blue
  • Brohoof 3
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