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Team Fortress 2 Server - Now Open!

Twilight Sparkle ✨

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I will totally be in this server...at some point. Not till I finish at least one playthrough of ME3 though. (Which itself will take a while because I'm really busy most of the week.)


But hey, once I am, I'll be on the mic. Ya know, in case anyone was wondering what I sound like. (Not that interesting, I can assure you.)

Edited by Kyronea
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lol I joined Vicke on the server and had no idea it had just opened! XD


we might need to do some scheduled game nights or such, though, because there was only like 6 people when I joined and the number went down after that.

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lol I joined Vicke on the server and had no idea it had just opened! XD


we might need to do some scheduled game nights or such, though, because there was only like 6 people when I joined and the number went down after that.


Hopefully it wont turn out like the MC server.


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I meant to go to this server last night. Then I got waylaid by other things and wound up playing in my usual haunts.


I'll definitely try sometime today! I reckon someone could use a Medic.

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I have the server listed on my favorites now! I assume things will be a little more active in the evening.

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More people need to join! It sucks only playing with 3 or 4 people! :(


Without intending to spam the thread, this.


We really need to arrange for a time for a bulk of members to join in.

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We have.




You should check the "Upcoming Calendar Events" sidebar hook more often. ;)


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I joined the server earlier today (I Can Count To Potato is my screen name) and nobody else was on except Gingerpotato9. We had a one-on-one for two rounds or so on koth_viaduct. He won both times. xP

  • Brohoof 1
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Can't wait to play! (Though, I probably won't do much, lots of school work :( )

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