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How come Luna doesn't have a throne?


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Celestia rules the day. Luna rules the night. They only need one throne. 

Well that's kind of what I meant. She sleeps on the moon during the day. She did come from the moon both in the Wedding episode and possibly the Nightmare night episode.

Why would she willingly return to her former prison every single day to sleep? That doesn't make sense. Is she on some kind of work release program? After all, Celestia doesn't sleep on the sun at night. Besides, nowhere did it say she came from the moon in either of the episodes you mentioned.


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Celestia rules the day. Luna rules the night. They only need one throne. 

Why would she willingly return to her former prison every single day to sleep? That doesn't make sense. Is she on some kind of work release program? After all, Celestia doesn't sleep on the sun at night. Besides, nowhere did it say she came from the moon in either of the episodes you mentioned.



Probably because she can now willingly leave and return when every she wants....

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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That is a very good question.......now that you mentioned it, im even curious, b/c when I see a scene in Canterlot throne room, Im like "okay, where's luna gonna sit.  B/c she sure as hell not sitting on the floor."

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I think cuz that castle in the theme song only belonged to Celestia. I can't remember if this is actually canon or not, but I think someone mentioned Luna having her own. Again, not really sure. :P

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But now that I've seen it, it does show Luna coming from the moon. That's crazy!

Are you sure she flew in FROM the moon in that scene? I only recall seeing her flying in through a hole in Shining Arnold's protective spell, but it didn't look to me like she'd come from any place in particular. I always figured she'd just been out on patrol before coming back to take watch duty.

If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself, then make a change.

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@, I think her flying in from the side was her coming back from raising the moon.

As it's been said, it'd make no sense for her to sleep on the moon.


Unless she needs to be on the moon for her Freddy Krueger powers to work. I'd like more insight on how her dreamwalking works.

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I think her flying in from the side was her coming back from raising the moon.

As it's been said, it'd make no sense for her to sleep on the moon.


Unless she needs to be on the moon for her Freddy Krueger powers to work. I'd like more insight on how her dreamwalking works.

Even thou I still believe in my theory, what you said (the bold) makes sense also....

Also I have notice in a few episodes that the Mare in the Moon is back..... 

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Well, you know, with all those budget cuts in the royal funds, you could imagine some sacrifices have to be made. With first the entire discord thing going on, costing billions of bits in repairs, and then followed by the rebuilding of the crystal empire... That costs some good money.


And reckoning all the big-ass royal parties that have been thrown, all taken out of the governments resources of course, ponies might get angry if their tax bits go to a nice warm solid gold throne for a princess that has only contributed in the waste of more money.


Can you even imagine in what terrible state the equestrian economy is now? There have been terrible accidents all across the place, but instead of spending that hard earned civillian money on investing in the industry and economy, the two moron sisters throw a party for an additional moron to join their ranks. You betcha ponies are riotting all over the place. The last thing they want is rub it in their face with a symbol of their rule, made to place ones ass on.


GG luna and celestia, no wonder the ponies seem to be lacking good technology, all the money is spent on bullcrap.


(joking of course, there is no economy in equestria... Bits are just meaningless symbols with no actual value)

  • Brohoof 1

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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I don't think Luna spends her days on the moon. Yes, she has been seen appearing from the moon but Celestia has as well. Remember the end of Lesson Zero? Celestia flies up towards the moon and disappears when she says she's going back to the castle. My thoughts are that they use the sun and moon more or less as portals to and from Canterlot. It would save a lot of time traveling if you don't need to make a royal entrance.

Sig by the one and only Doc Volt! Gone but not forgotten! Guess who's back!!! Luna damn it!
Your PMs are not safe! Trust no one!

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Because the animators didn't want to be bothered to draw one; when we see Luna she's always "working". She's never in Canterlot when we've seen her recently and when we see Celestia, on the throne, it's during the day. Also, having Luna in the opening is fan service, although it's a nice addition.

Edited by Nature's Spell

Princess Twilight Sparkle: Princess of Friendship


Princess Luna: Princess of the Night


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Luna threw it away, because she's all, "screw the norm!" Instead, she has a beanbag chair.

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Are you sure she flew in FROM the moon in that scene? I only recall seeing her flying in through a hole in Shining Arnold's protective spell, but it didn't look to me like she'd come from any place in particular. I always figured she'd just been out on patrol before coming back to take watch duty.


Yeah, it looks like she's flying from the moon.


Wanna see the scene for yourself? ^^





I believe it is because Celestia has higher power over Luna. She raises the sun after all! And Celestia looks older than Luna. But that may be just me :unsure:


I strongly believe this was well, after all, Celestia was the one who sealed Nightmare Moon in the Moon.


Plus, she is the older sister, that usually gives a little dominance.

  • Brohoof 1


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Hrmmm. Interesting.


Here's a thought. Perhaps they are co-rulers, but only one at a time. During the day, Celestia gets the throne. During the night, Luna does. This would be to prevent the two of them issuing conflicting 'official' edicts.


Yeah, that's a stretch. I'm going to have to think this one through in more detail. :)



I was writing that until I saw your post. >_>

Also the throne doesn't seem to have any clear indication of ownership

Yeah, this would make sence.


I've only really seen Luna around at night, and Celestia around during the day so there really is no need to not share :)

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Yeah, it looks like she's flying from the moon. Wanna see the scene for yourself? ^^


Thanks for that, but I'm not convinced.  She's shown flying into the protection bubble from a point in the sky in front of the moon, but unless the moon itself is physically so close to Equestria that she can fly that distance in mere seconds, I think it's more likely that the moon was there to provide a visual highlight for her flight - a dramatic entrance, but nothing more.  (Most cartoons and movies that have someone or something flying at night will feature a shot of them/it flying "out of" or in front of the moon at least once for dramatic effect.)


(Cross-check in Season 3 when Luna appears to real-world Scootaloo in the form of a silhouette in the moon: This appears to be either a figment of Scootaloo's post-dream imagination, or Luna projecting herself in the moon's light to communicate to her.  Rainbow Dash seems completely unaware of this, which suggests it's more inside Scootaloo's head.)

Yeah, this would make sence.


I've only really seen Luna around at night, and Celestia around during the day so there really is no need to not share :)


Luna was present in the castle during the daytime in both parts of The Crystal Empire - first to discuss the dangerous mission with Celestia, and then to hold up Starswirl's spell book at the end.  It stands to reason that this was a special circumstance, though.

Edited by Pixel Stick

If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself, then make a change.

-- Michael Jackson

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Thanks for that, but I'm not convinced.  She's shown flying into the protection bubble from a point in the sky in front of the moon, but unless the moon itself is physically so close to Equestria that she can fly that distance in mere seconds, I think it's more likely that the moon was there to provide a visual highlight for her flight - a dramatic entrance, but nothing more.


Well hey, I was saying in the beginning that she didn't come from the moon. ^^"


You should be telling that. ^^


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Luna was present in the castle during the daytime in both parts of The Crystal Empire - first to discuss the dangerous mission with Celestia, and then to hold up Starswirl's spell book at the end.  It stands to reason that this was a special circumstance, though.

Yeah, thats the episode I was thinking of after posting this, not sure how I could forget that. But besides that is basicly the only time she's been seen in daylight 

Well, seasson 4 episode 2 did show her in daylight, but once again, that was under special circumstances.

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Well hey, I was saying in the beginning that she didn't come from the moon. ^^"


You should be telling that. ^^


Of course. :)  You just happened to be the one to show me the scene in question.  One of those "don't shoot the messenger" things, right? :)

If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself, then make a change.

-- Michael Jackson

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1. Thanks for that, but I'm not convinced.  She's shown flying into the protection bubble from a point in the sky in front of the moon, but unless the moon itself is physically so close to Equestria that she can fly that distance in mere seconds, I think it's more likely that the moon was there to provide a visual highlight for her flight - a dramatic entrance, but nothing more.


2. Luna was present in the castle during the daytime in both parts of The Crystal Empire - first to discuss the dangerous mission with Celestia, and then to hold up Starswirl's spell book at the end.  It stands to reason that this was a special circumstance, though.


  1. Really, I believe that she can use the moon as a portal so she can go from the moon to Equus just like how Celestia did in Lesson zero to get from ponyville to Canterlot, just over a larger distance. And it is possible that the moon is closer to Equus then it is to ours is to Earth. Because the moon is about (My estimate) 7x larger if you look at it from the surface of the planet. Also another thing that supports that she does stay on the moon is that in a couple of episodes I have seen the mare in the moon! but in those episodes Luna never showed up.
  2. I believe that during the day she stays on the moon unless called upon by her sister....

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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I noticed this the VERY MOMENT I paid attention to the new theme.

"600 years of time and space, and I've never been slapped by someone's mother." -the Doctor

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Location: Takin' Out the Trash- At Night!

Sincerely, Technicolor Pony.

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  1. Really, I believe that she can use the moon as a portal so she can go from the moon to Equus just like how Celestia did in Lesson zero to get from ponyville to Canterlot, just over a larger distance. And it is possible that the moon is closer to Equus then it is to ours is to Earth. Because the moon is about (My estimate) 7x larger if you look at it from the surface of the planet. Also another thing that supports that she does stay on the moon is that in a couple of episodes I have seen the mare in the moon! but in those episodes Luna never showed up.
  2. I believe that during the day she stays on the moon unless called upon by her sister....


(1) It's definitely suggested that alicorns have large-scale teleportation / portal capabilities, so that can definitely make sense.  But overall, I think the question of Luna's "home" may be another one of those questions we'll likely never know the answer to, just like what happened to Applejack's, Fluttershy's or Scootaloo's parents. :)


(2) I agree with everything except the "on the moon" part here - it's evident that Luna doesn't do things during the daytime unless there's a specific reason - in Crystal Empire, Celestia called her, and in "Sweetie Belle Toils", she stuck around to help Sweetie Belle make things right.  It seems logical that the rest of the time, she'd be resting, wherever home happens to be for her.


My point is that I don't think the clip of her flying from in front of the moon is enough to prove that she uses the moon as her home - again, that just looked like a typical dramatic entrance to me.

If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself, then make a change.

-- Michael Jackson

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Of course. :)  You just happened to be the one to show me the scene in question.  One of those "don't shoot the messenger" things, right? :)


Basically in a nut shell, yes. ^^"


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(1) It's definitely suggested that alicorns have large-scale teleportation / portal capabilities, so that can definitely make sense.  But overall, I think the question of Luna's "home" may be another one of those questions we'll likely never know the answer to, just like what happened to Applejack's, Fluttershy's or Scootaloo's parents. :)


(2) I agree with everything except the "on the moon" part here - it's evident that Luna doesn't do things during the daytime unless there's a specific reason - in Crystal Empire, Celestia called her, and in "Sweetie Belle Toils", she stuck around to help Sweetie Belle make things right.  It seems logical that the rest of the time, she'd be resting, wherever home happens to be for her.


My point is that I don't think the clip of her flying from in front of the moon is enough to prove that she uses the moon as her home - again, that just looked like a typical dramatic entrance to me.

Maybe its both, Its like 8:38 PM am I'm too tired to actually do some real research. Maybe after school tomorrow I will do some research. 


"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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