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What if Discord was the creator of Equestria?


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You're either a troll or you are really doing this. Either way, let's see. If things don't make sense, I could make Discord a prostitute who sleeps with dragons and ursas and is also a girl. Same thought process


Of course Discord can be a girl. Don't you evet heard of Eris? If everything in life wete logcal and ordered thete would be no life in the universe. The hasard wouldn't exist and life would be VERY booooring. Even if there was such ching as hasard, You sound like Twiligjt.

P.S. Aren't Discord a sort of troll?

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Of course Discord can be a girl. Don't you evet heard of Eris? If everything in life wete logcal and ordered thete would be no life in the universe. The hasard wouldn't exist and life would be VERY booooring. Even if there was such ching as hasard, You sound like Twiligjt. P.S. Aren't Discord a sort of troll?

He COULD be a girl, but he isn't and doesn't take that form. I'd rather be Twilight because she has never been in prison. Discord, on the other hand


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He COULD be a girl, but he isn't and doesn't take that form. I'd rather be Twilight because she has never been in prison. Discord, on the other hand


Now that Twiligjt is an alicorn, I wondet how fast she will realise that it isn't as good as it appears. The alicorns are immortal and others no. How would she feel to see her friends aging and dying... You say that Discord was imprisoned. For what? Because he made a chocolate rain? Don't tell me that 'he was evil and ponies lived under his tyrany for a very long time suffering and unhappy. I simply don't believe that he could hurt anyone. He is not Sombra or Nightmare Moon. I don't say that he is an angel but I think the punishment was too radical and cruel.
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I think people give Discord WAAAY too much power in their heads.

I think that if the writers even thought about this, Equestria's creator hasn't appeared  yet. And probably never will.


But if they spin it around so that Discord is Equestria's creator... Well.. Okay. It's a bit of a stretch for me, but okay.

  • Brohoof 1
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Now that Twiligjt is an alicorn, I wondet how fast she will realise that it isn't as good as it appears. The alicorns are immortal and others no. How would she feel to see her friends aging and dying.

Cadence ages normally, Twilight probably does too.



You say that Discord was imprisoned. For what? Because he made a chocolate rain? Don't tell me that 'he was evil and ponies lived under his tyrany for a very long time suffering and unhappy. I simply don't believe that he could hurt anyone. He is not Sombra or Nightmare Moon. I don't say that he is an angel but I think the punishment was too radical and cruel.

Really? Look at this stained glass


Holding ponies over fire, smiling as they scream in terror. Yup, he was evil. There was also his blatant attempt to kill AJ and violating the minds of the Mane 6


I am aware it's fanart, but it was in the show

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You're either a troll or you are really doing this.
Relax. He is just trying to cosplay Discord.



You say that Discord was imprisoned. For what? Because he made a chocolate rain? Don't tell me that 'he was evil
No, he wasn't evel. He was just creazy.

Imagine, you have enormous amount of power. Like both rojal sisters together. And not in form of brutal force but in form of endless posibilities to transform your invironment.

But you were given all that power for some exactly clear purpose. Clear to you in first place: you knew exactly why had you have all this power and what you had to do with it.

And some miserable day that purpose is gone. Since then you can do almost anything, but you don't kno what you should do and why.

So what will you do? Do you start killing ponies deliberately? I don't think so. Because why, what would be the point? You know, you're poweful enough, you've always been.

No, I bet you'll start amuse yourself any way you can. Especially when you live long enough to get bored of any trivial thing.

  • Brohoof 1
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See him dangling ponies over hellfire and laughing about it
In the world of unpredictable and senseless changes where one's safety and stability is constantely threatened it would feel like you're in hell.
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In the world of unpredictable and senseless changes where one's safety and stability is constantely threatened it would feel like you're in hell.

...That's what I'm saying, he's an evil bastard 

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I'm just gonna state my headcanons that relate to this. ;)


1: Discord has been around since before time began and created the universe to amuse himself.


2: Discord came into being shortly after the universe was created, as soon as the first act of chaos was performed. Thus the 'Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony' thing. (This is the one I like the most.)


I have others, but they relate more to him having been mortal first. :D


So, yes, I think it's possible that he created the universe, though I am more inclined to think he came into being afterwards with the first act of disharmony.


I do not think, however, that he directly created Equestria. We saw in Hearth's Warming Eve that ponies formed Equestria. That, of all the things in that episode, seemed quite clear to me.


I also don't see Discord as the type to sit down and create a nation. :lol:

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I'm just gonna state my headcanons that relate to this. ;)

1: Discord has been around since before time began and created the universe to amuse himself.

2: Discord came into being shortly after the universe was created, as soon as the first act of chaos was performed. Thus the 'Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony' thing. (This is the one I like the most.)

I have others, but they relate more to him having been mortal first. :D

So, yes, I think it's possible that he created the universe, though I am more inclined to think he came into being afterwards with the first act of disharmony.

I do not think, however, that he directly created Equestria. We saw in Hearth's Warming Eve that ponies formed Equestria. That, of all the things in that episode, seemed quite clear to me.

I also don't see Discord as the type to sit down and create a nation. :lol:

Maybe he didn't created the nation, but he created the world. Ponies form their nation by themselves. Also the Hearth's Warming Eve is just a story, a legend. It's like believing in Santa Claus or the original Christ-birth story. NOPONY can prouve it without Zecora's white time-travelling potion.
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That's what I'm saying, he's an evil bastard

You could have say he is evil if he has got his kicks from torturing ponies. But I think it's not the case: he amuses himself by creating chaos and whether others suffer in process - he just doesn't care one way or another.

Why do I think so: as I sayd before, he never tried to kill any of berrers of the EoH despite the danger they represented for him. But more important, if he was evil, he either wouldn't be "reformed" or turned to his evil dids right avay after mane 6 gave up elements in "Princess Twilight Sparkle".

Her Highness has decided to bring him back for some purpouse. So, it's only logical to conclude, that after he had agreed to cooperate Her Highness gave him something important and complicated to do.

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Her Highness gave him something important and complicated to do

Her Highness? Wow... I'd never adressed Celestia like that...I like it. If we say it in sarcastic way we can make her angry.

 It is strange that Celestia didn'try to reform Discord before.  More that thousand years is quite a long time. Maybe she realise that when the elements change their "owners" their powers became mor weaker for a small amount of time allowing him to escape. If he were imprisonned and the mane 6 die he would be able to escape again and it would be much harder to defeat him. I would do exactly the same thing Better to have a strong ally than a powerfull enemy...

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If we say it in sarcastic way we can make her angry.

I hope, when you say "we" you don't include me in it, do you? 'Cause I'm not a Discord warshiper or something. I do really admire Her Highness for what I beleave she actually is,


It is strange that Celestia didn'try to reform Discord before.

She obviously couldn't do it before.

But now she has Woona at her site on whom she can relocate a part of her burden. Not to mention new berrers of the EoH. All in all, she has (or had before "Princess Twilight Sparkle") more power to hold Discord in check in case something goes wrong.


Also, we have season finale befor us, that can add something to the Discord's characterisation.

Edited by Declen
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I'll tell you one thing if Discord did create Equestria there would be more horrifying spider rabbits running around.


Everything would be out of whack if he made any type of world.

Edited by Deadlyblack
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I'll tell you one thing if Discord did create Equestria there would be more horrifying spider rabbits running around.


Everything would be out of whack if he made any type of world.

Actualy, it was. That's why Discord was defeated the first time: the world was too strange and chaotic. But his magic was too strong to cancel it totaly, so there is still places like the Everfree forest and creatures like manticoras.

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Hmmm... That's an interesting theory. I personally think that Celestia and Luna's parents created the world then Discord took over and cause CHAOOOOOOOOOS *clears throat* Yeah... And when Celestia and Luna came to age... They fought Discord and got the throne ^^ That's my thought on it. Don't throw me in a lava pit.

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Hmmm... That's an interesting theory. I personally think that Celestia and Luna's parents created the world then Discord took over and cause CHAOOOOOOOOOS *clears throat* Yeah... And when Celestia and Luna came to age... They fought Discord and got the throne ^^ That's my thought on it. Don't throw me in a lava pit.

We are not even sure if they have parents or they were created MAGICALY(yay!). The world could be created by Discord, two princesses, Lauren Faust or by somepony else. Maybe the world was created by itself. Evolution, big bang and other boring stuff... Edited by DiscordDraconequus
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when i see Discord created Equestria i had this vision that we find out everything is long since dead and that what we see exists only his head.

I like it. Like Matrix. The universe is an illusion. Actually there is a theory about universe being fake. I hope it is true because actual universe is quiet boring to me...

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This could be possible, then again we are talking about a show filled with talking candy colored horses ponies run by a toy company wanting to peddle as much product as they can.


It could be pretty possible that the Pony World was created by Discord as an advanced doll house of sorts for him to toy with when he was bored. He could have very well made the ponies themselves and on the topic of that he could have made Celestia and Luna as jokes thinking they'd be outcasts in society because they may have been seen as mutants or freaks having a set of wings and a horn, only for that joke to bite him back later.


There are so many possible ways this could be gone about, Discord could've been bored one day; Maybe he wanted to play god in a world of his own only to move there later on and become a chaos spirit. Who knows.

  • Brohoof 1
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This could be possible, then again we are talking about a show filled with talking candy colored horses ponies run by a toy company wanting to peddle as much product as they can.


he could have made Celestia and Luna as jokes thinking they'd be outcasts in society because they may have been seen as mutants or freaks having a set of wings and a horn, only for that joke to bite him back later.

Yay! Celestia and Luna are mutant freaks! I'll go tell them this great news! They will be so happy to know that they were created by Discord to scare ponies!
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Yay! Celestia and Luna are mutant freaks! I'll go tell them this great news! They will be so happy to know that they were created by Discord to scare ponies!


*Puts on a Big Mac Mask and flies away*

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  • 2 months later...

For those who is intested, there is a fanfic called 'Discord's library'. I strongly recommend to read it, because it give a nice story about Discord's insanity.

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