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Dumbest fears as a kid

~Sugar Sprinkles~

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Oh, hoh hoh. I was known as the little fraidy cat, I was scared as almost everything; which is ironic because I am not scared of pretty much anything nowadays.


I used to be scared of skeletons, villains from MLP/Care Bears/Disney, closets, my own shadow, germs, darkness, loud noises...


Everything was pretty stupid.

  • Brohoof 1

I left my hearts in Hyrule

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When I was little, I went through a short phase where I was terrified of flies. (Just for a few days, actually) I had watched the original version of "The Fly" when I was around six or seven. I was fine through the whole movie, but then there was this thirty second scene. 





For days, if I saw a fly I would cry and run from it. My brother got in big trouble for playing it for me.


To this day, the above scene fills me with dread. I could hardly watch it when I went to YouTube to find a link for it.

  • Brohoof 1


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Old animation. Stuff by hanna barbera was fine, but I mean obscure cartoons that not many people remember. My parents made me watch this musical version of a christmas story and it wasn't so much the ghosts that terrified me, but a musical number at the start. Stray dogs and cats were walking and singing down the street with lifeless eyes. I also remember being afraid of claymation for the longest time for similar reasons.

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I was afraid of wind, for a while. All I remember was.. there was a storm one day with really bad winds. Something about it traumatized me for a few months.


I was around 6-8 I believe. 

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I used to be scared of closing my eyes in the shower. :P The water running and my eyes closed I'd always see images of scary sea monsters or sharks and it'd freak me out. It honestly just made me scared of taking showers. xD

Edited by Felix
  • Brohoof 2


Credit to Kyoshi for the awesome signature!

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I have a good one. 


Does anyone else remember those Gushers commercials from the 90's which often showed people's heads changing into various fruits whenever they ate one? Here's an example: 



Well, those commercials actually made me terrified to eat Gushers because I thought that would actually happen. My fear was finally broken one day in second or third grade when I saw someone eating a pack of them at lunchtime. His head obviously didn't change, and so I ended up feeling pretty damn foolish.  :sunny:

Edited by Cleverclover
  • Brohoof 2
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I used to be scared of some Thomas the Tank Engine movie, I kid you not.  :blink: I was so excited about getting it, and then as soon as it was playing- BAM! Had to watch it a room away through a door gap X3 Which is weird, considering I don't seem to get scared of too much nowadays...  :ooh:

Edited by WoofWoof~


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The dark, mostly.  What else...um...well, there was this recurring nightmare I had as a little kid featuring a demon of own mind's creation: the Sweever Gremlin.  It was a black cat with red eyes that would chase you down and gnaw on your ear, for some inexplicable reason.  It wasn't based on anything; I never consciously thought of it.  It was just a nightmare my brain spawned.  I don't know where the name came from, either.  It was just part of the dream.  I would have this nightmare several times a week as a little kid.  I would be playing in the back yard with my neighbor, like I did irl, and a Sweever Gremlin would chase me down and get me.  I would wake up just as it began tearing my ear apart.  Maybe it stemmed from the fact that I was prone to painful ear infections as a kid.  I never thought about that until this moment.


I was also terrified of this picture from the local branch of the Humane Society of a starved dog that they rescued.  Keesha was her name.  She was nothing more than a skeleton when they found her.  It was a pretty creepy picture.  How she was even still alive, I don't know.  I became terrified of "Keesha the Boney Dog".  I would have nightmares about her chasing me, I'd imagine her hiding in the dark to get me like she was some kind of demon dog.  I was like Scoots and headless horse.  It's sad, really, because she was just a poor, starved dog.  But I was just a stupid kid.  Keesha made a full recovery, though, and lived a happy life after that.  They just kept that picture in the lobby to raise awareness of the exent of animal cruelty.  I was afraid to even go in there because of that picture.


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I was once afraid that a Bald eagle would come swooping down in my sleep and pick me up with its sharp talons. Granted it was only a fear for like one day because I realized there are no bald eagles in Ohio as far as I know, and it would be hard for a bird that size to get in my house, fly upstairs, fly into my room and pick me up.

  • Brohoof 1


§I Was Born Awesome, Not Perfect§

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I was afraid of the little red dots on the back of fern leaves. Like, deathly afraid, to the point where I'd freak out if they touched me. My nanna used to have heaps of ferns at her house when I was a kid, and I was terrified to go near them.  :P


The Crystal Minstrel Pony Tumblr

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I was bucking afraid of animatronics.


If you don't know, in Bremen have a fair here called "Bremer Freimarkt," which BTW is the third biggest fair in Germany, behind the Hamburger Dom in Hamburg and of course the Oktoberfest in Munich. Anyway, alot of the attractions, like the carousels, ghostrides, Rollercoasters, etc.feature animatronic puppets, big and small. My mom and dad had to take a 5 year old Hypnosparkle out of the fair, because he was crying his eyes out. :(

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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I don't remember what I was scared of aside from the dark, though I know that there must have been something.  Though it was not my fear, when my dad was a kid, he used to be scared that there were little star wars people under his bed.  He would jump away from his bed so as not to let the star wars people cut his legs with light sabers. :muffins:

  • Brohoof 1

These days, the world has a tendency of taking itself much too seriously.

It is my intention to not follow suit.


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Well, for me it was the music video for Black Hole Sun by Soundgarden. That was probably over 10 years ago and I still haven't plucked up the courage to watch it... Yet. Good song though.

"Have you ever felt the need to see more than you can see?"

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I was bucking afraid of animatronics.






I hated those evil things.


Also, I am a grown adult tax-paying man and I will never...ever...turn the lights off in the bathroom, turn on the sink, flush the toilet, and say "Bloody Murder" three times.


Nope. Nope nope nope nope nope.

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I was afraid of the snowplow that went by our house during the Maine winters. :x I don't even know why. Like, every time I heard it coming I would hide. I just had this ridiculous feeling it was out to get me. I was a very weird child. :|

x Haruhi Suzumiya x


goddess of the world


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You know the really old animation of skeletons dancing that somtimes comes on during halloween? It's like a black and white animation where a skeleton throws his own skull at an owl and they like play xylophone on the other skeleton's ribs? Scared the shit out of me. Had nightmares for years of me at the top of the stares being held by a skeleton, and I was like "I love you mr skeleton" cause I wanted him to not murder me and what does he do? Literally bites my head off. Ugh. Still creepy A.F.

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TV static noise.

lol, no joke.

I'm actually still scared of the noise and of it itself. Whenever my TV is on static, I feel unnerved...I was scared of it as a kit, of course.



Also, I am a grown adult tax-paying man and I will never...ever...turn the lights off in the bathroom, turn on the sink, flush the toilet, and say "Bloody Murder" three times.


Nope. Nope nope nope nope nope.

Isn't it Bloody Mary? I'm a teenager, and I still won't do that. I don't want to open myself to that, because there is a possibility something gruesome might just pop out of the mirror.

  • Brohoof 1

I left my hearts in Hyrule

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What was the dumbest thing that scared you as as a kid.


I was scared of that klasky csupo face logo after rugrats episodes. I would hide under the covers so he wouldn't eat me in my sleep.


My cousin was scared of Mickey mouse clubhouse when she was little and had nightmares of the clubhouse closing with her inside of it.

Tell me your funny stories of stupid things that scared you below.


I agree with you on the klasky csupo and I seriously couldn't stop laughing at the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse part since I grew up with that show.


As for me personally, I used to be mildly creeped out by the Chuck E. Cheese robot at my nearby Chuck. E. Cheeses' place that I live across from from my apartment. It still somewhat creeps me out, but not as much and as a little girl I wasn't over-the-top scared of him but he still made me uncomfortable whenever I was close to the robot.

Then came Five Nights At Freddy's which many people compared to Chuck. E. Cheeses' that I learned when I wad 12. Ironically that game doesn't scare me at all and I find it rather fun but everyone else I know is horrified of Chuck. E. Cheese now thanks to Five Nights At Freddy's. :muffins:


What did truly horrified me was when I was 11 that I saw the Creepypasta mod for Minecraft featuring Jeff the Killer and I was scared when the guy reviewing the mod (I think SkyDoesMinecraft. I was never a fan of him :mellow: I don't watch him at all today but I play Minecraft a lot) and I was creeped out when he said how Jeff crawls into your window at night and said "GO TO SLEEP!" then murdering you.  :blink:  What only added on to my horror after I've forgotten all about the mod was a image of Jeff the Killer's face a long time later. Ironically again, I became a fan of Creepypasta after my 12th birthday and I just turned 13 a week ago March 10, 2015. Fanart of Jeff calmed me down a bit since he looked normal and of it was funny. Slowly I became a Creepypasta fan after a few days from becoming 12. Now that I look at the Jeff image I think he looks weird and silly but still creepy. Because of Creepypasta I've even became a fan of mild dark humor  :please:  and creepy stuff (but not over-the-top gore).


Neither the robotic Chuck. E. Cheese and Jeff really scare me anymore and Chuck. E. Cheese wasn't a real fear at all for me as it seems. ^_^

Edited by SweetbrierFushsia


Fandoms: MLP:FIM, 5 Nights At Freddy's, Gravity Falls, Vocaloid/UTAU, Steven Universe, Over the Garden Wall, Creepypasta, Littlest Pet Shop, Star Vs the Forces of Evil, Adventure Time, and many more.

Overall favorite fictional character is Dipper Pines from Gravity Falls.

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Perhaps not on the level of extreme fear, I was afraid of doors you couldn't lock. Pretty sure most of that can be attributed to having such a door that was always in threat of opening to have a yelling parent behind it. (Yelling also was a fear, with any large voice scaring me, directed at me or not). Still not completely over it, but I'm used to the yelling by now, with two half deaf adults in the house.

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