Fluttershy27 54 April 5, 2014 Share April 5, 2014 I liked that it showed that not every pony can learn the same way and that you have to find what works for you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Carolina 212 April 5, 2014 Share April 5, 2014 I'm conflicted on this episode. The mythology of the Wonderbolts was cohesive and interesting, and the way they solved the problem in the end was pretty smart, but the characterization for Rainbow Dash was abysmal. It's one thing for her to be flippant, or unable to sit still during the lecture, but she acted like a complete bitch to Twilight, who was only trying to help her. And despite the clever foreshadowing in the beginning of the episode, the way she's somehow able to memorize everything that happens while she's flying without even knowing it makes her come of as some kind of Rain Man. It's weird, uncharacteristic, and ill-explained. This isn't a horrible episode. It's got a lot of stuff that's really, really good. It's just held back by extremely poor characterization of the lead pony. Totally agree! To me, Rainbow Dash was pretty out-of-character in this one. She's not my favorite character (in fact, she's always been at the bottom of the Mane 6 for me), but this was perhaps her worst performance yet (yes, including "May the Best Pet Win"). I know she has a tendency to be lazy, but not when it comes to her dream of being a Wonderbolt! She seemed WAY too apathetic about it, all things considered. Literally everypony else seemed more invested in her doing well on the test than she herself did. Plus, from the sound of it, Wonderbolt history is kind of common knowledge (as seen in the fact that Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy all seemed to know about it). If Rainbow is a fan (which she IS), you would think she would know the facts (even somewhat obscure ones). Instead, she just acts put-upon when Twilight takes time out of HER day to help Rainbow achieve her dream when RD herself put in no effort until the day before the big test. That seemed very, very entitled to me and, even though Rainbow Dash is often cocky, it still felt wrong. I liked the lesson about differenciation/different learning styles as much as the next person (yeah, I'm a teacher in training - lol), but this could have easily made for a good procrastination episode where Rainbow actually has to face consequences and be accountable for her (non) actions. Instead, she gets an 100% on the test. Really, writers? You couldn't have just barely had her pass? I guess it COULD be argued that she actually knew it all along, but didn't know how to access the information before learning how her brain works, but, just the same, that doesn't excuse her rude/apathetic behavior. Actually, my favorite line was when Applejack says that learning about something takes time, effort and most of all, passion to learn about something. RD put in no effort. The rest of the town put in effort while she was basically spoonfed information. So, yeah. I didn't like this episode at all, really, even if a lesson on differenciation could have been really good/interesting. That said, at least we got to learn more about the Wonderbolts' role in Equestria and how they fit into Luna/Celestia's past. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anilewe 2,178 April 5, 2014 Share April 5, 2014 (edited) Actually, my favorite line was when Applejack says that learning about something takes time, effort and most of all, passion to learn about something. THIS! I saw some posts about how AJ is stupid and doesn't learn anything (lol XD) and I was really surprised by those comments, because her method was actually the most succesful in real life. It takes time, effort and experience. You can't learn something within a few minutes. It doesn't work like that. I also liked this line Add to it her deadpan humor and it was probably the best scene in the entire episode XD Edited April 5, 2014 by Anilewe 6 Fan of Applejack? Join us! We have the best cider from Sweet Apple Acres! ORANGESEXY IS THE BEST PONY! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JayStorm 40 April 5, 2014 Share April 5, 2014 This episode was FANTASTIC for RD but........ HOW COULD YOU?!?!?! I come in practically begging for a new song, and you give me RAP?!?! Babs Seed, Babs Seed, what we gonn-sorry too catchy. Special Thanks to Kyoshi for the Sig Pic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mane Sax 46 April 5, 2014 Share April 5, 2014 YAY!!! RAINBOW DASH IS A COLLEGE SSTUDENT!!! Ok, now that I got that out of the way, this was an okay episode. As you can probably see, my one big thing about it is that Rainbow Dash is basically a stereotypical college student. She doesn't care about the test until the day before, where she freaks out and tries to cram all the inormation she can, with the only difference being she actually passed. It was a very "predictable" episode, as in it was easy to figure out what was going to happen. My mailn complaint, though is this: HOW DOES EVERYONE KNOW THE HISTORY OF THE WONDERBOLTS EXCEPT RAINBOW DASH?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I mean seriously, is seems that the only pony that didn't know the history of the wonderbolts other than Rainbow Dash was Applejack, who was just being a d*** and talking about apples even though she knew that Rainbow needed to know about the Wonderbolts!!!! What the F***?!?!?!?!?!?! ...Sorry, I'm ranting. Anyways...umm...I guess that's really it on this episode. Can't wait too see what Tommy Oliver has to say on this one. See ya!! *brohoof* 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JayStorm 40 April 5, 2014 Share April 5, 2014 YAY!!! RAINBOW DASH IS A COLLEGE SSTUDENT!!! Ok, now that I got that out of the way, this was an okay episode. As you can probably see, my one big thing about it is that Rainbow Dash is basically a stereotypical college student. She doesn't care about the test until the day before, where she freaks out and tries to cram all the inormation she can, with the only difference being she actually passed. It was a very "predictable" episode, as in it was easy to figure out what was going to happen. My mailn complaint, though is this: HOW DOES EVERYONE KNOW THE HISTORY OF THE WONDERBOLTS EXCEPT RAINBOW DASH?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I mean seriously, is seems that the only pony that didn't know the history of the wonderbolts other than Rainbow Dash was Applejack, who was just being a d*** and talking about apples even though she knew that Rainbow needed to know about the Wonderbolts!!!! What the F***?!?!?!?!?!?! ...Sorry, I'm ranting. Anyways...umm...I guess that's really it on this episode. Can't wait too see what Tommy Oliver has to say on this one. See ya!! *brohoof* Well with RD's remark about being too much of a CLASS clown to learn anything we can assume this is taught in school Babs Seed, Babs Seed, what we gonn-sorry too catchy. Special Thanks to Kyoshi for the Sig Pic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootaloodle 1,623 April 5, 2014 Share April 5, 2014 I absolutely loved this weeks episode, much more than last weeks personally. I could really relate to Rainbow Dashes way of learning and it’s was literally something I was thinking about this week. Because I have a push scooter, and when I scoot about and concentrate on that I find the other part of my brain seems to think really seriously clearly and come up with useful ideas, which I don’t so much if I just walk somewhere or sit around being a lazy butt, anyway I digress. When the shadows of Dash and Twi were showing on the ground when they talked, I thought that was a really good shot: instead of just seeing the two ponies chat they had a bit of variation which I liked, and Pinkies rapping was awesome: and the part where the play with the pets and the scenery was all falling down made me literally lol. Lots more good stuff, but I’ll keep it short: well written and funny and relatable as I mentioned. 10/10 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OtakuBrony 349 April 5, 2014 Share April 5, 2014 Howdy all! Good episode! Poor RD couldnt learn a thing from Twilight. Good thing that Fluttershy broke up their bickering. Pinkie's Rap was Hillarious Andrea Libman did a nice job. Kudos to Amy Keating Rogers for the writing. See ya! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
man dude man 555 April 5, 2014 Share April 5, 2014 It's so damn cute how you can tell that they are friends that actually love and care for each other so deeply, then Apple Jack being honest, "so yeah, I only know shit about Apples". lmao! Honestly in Twilights little spoken lecture, it wasn;t to difficult to pick up on all the details, maybe Dash is attention defecit, it would make sense a little bit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainboom Dash 1,056 April 5, 2014 Share April 5, 2014 I liked this one. I really identified with Rainbow Dash in this episode as her study tactics are similar to my own. Pinkie's rap was awesome. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mercury 455 April 5, 2014 Share April 5, 2014 I liked it. I wasn't expecting the whole pinkie rap scene, but I found it kind of humorous with how they took it. Mercury Poniverse PR/HR Lead Bringing Pony People Together poniverse.net • @poniverse Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootaloo Is Best Filly 578 April 5, 2014 Share April 5, 2014 I absolutely loved this episode. Let me tell you a normal adult like myself should not have been laughing so hard when Rainbow managed to get a horn on to Twilight's chair so it sounded when she sat down on it. I know I am way to old to be into that kind of humor, but, IMO it was HILARIOUS. Facebook: Josh B. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duidamasterXD 9,627 April 5, 2014 Share April 5, 2014 (edited) All things considered, it’s been a pretty dang rocky season for Rainbow Dash. I was hoping for so much more after her glorious showing in Season 3, and instead I got whatever the heck Rainbow Falls was supposed to be. When I got word that she’d be getting another episode, a last chance to leave a good taste in my mouth, I’ll admit that I was very nervouscited. All things considered though, I really liked this week’s episode and think it’s one of the high points of Season 4 and even the entire show I thought the beginning was kind of weak and dragged on a little, but on the rewatch it didn’t feel as bad. It even had some nice foreshadowing about Rainbow’s hyperobservance in the sky. And I found Twilight and Dash to both be pretty relatable there too, having been in the position of someone whose mind just keeps bouncing all over the place and in the position of someone who’s been fed up with people not taking things as seriously as they should be. Dash’s hyperactivity and Spike’s just randomly popping in with a drum for the lols cracked me up too . And as someone who’s struggled with procrastination, they got that “oh crud I’ve got a final paper to submit in eight hours and can I just curl up in this corner of the basement instead” moment down perfectly. Twilight was also perfect. Her best showing in goodness knows how long. She was flawed, frustrated, grumpy, compassionate, patient, dorky, and everything else that makes her so likable. I’m not used to her being one of the highlights of episodes these days, but Rogers really came through and gave us the Twilight that I’ve been missing. Her interactions with Dash were top notch, funny, sad and touching. Like this episode in general they hit all sorts of emotions in a quick period of time, all throughout making it feel very natural and woven together well. Twilight Sparkle gets two wings up! Other supporting characters were super too. Spike in the drum scene as well as his brief and tragic time as a play director was great, not even needing lines to shine. Flutters brought us a study method that I’ve vowed to try out someday, Rarity brought us some flawless lines and expressions, Pinkie’s rap was fun even if it wasn’t completely my thing, and AJ was AJ. Everybody felt like themselves, and seeing them rally to try to help Dash out in their own quirky ways was very fun to see. As for Dash herself, I found her to be pretty relatable and she too felt very much like herself. Like I said before, the gags in the beginning and her interactions with Twilight were top notch and got me into the episode very quickly. Those scenes where she’s realizing that she really didn’t take this seriously enough and she’s becoming increasingly overwhelmed and jumpy as nothing works were very well done too. One scene that kind of sticks out to me is when Twilight sort of grabs her halfway through the episode and makes the flashcards circle Rainbow, and you could sort of feel her sense of claustrophobia as well as just how unnatural and forced all of these things were for her. And those scenes later on where she just looks completely and totally defeated were so sad and yet so perfect too . That conclusion was what really made the episode for me though. Rainbow Dash’s overconfidence and attitude haven’t always endeared her to her friends or Ponyville in general, but the ending just goes to show how much they value her and the lengths they’re willing to go to help her out of a slump. Really loved the music for that scene too, and something about Twilight and Dash’s chat was kind of therapeutic for me too, somehow Like Rainbow Dash, this episode got a 100% in my book Overall, very impressed with how Rogers did with this one and it really did a great job of giving off the warm feeling that drew me to MLP in the first place. A True True Friend Helps a Friend In Need indeed . I know I’ll be looking back on this one fondly. It’s a good sign when you find yourself wanting to rewatch an episode multiple times on the same day it airs Edited April 11, 2014 by DashForever rewatched it again a few times 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MadDoggyca 710 April 5, 2014 Share April 5, 2014 SPOILER ALERT Pinkie Rap#justsaying Photo Finish,that's her name. Makin' every-pony pretty is her number one game. She do what she do, to make you more than you. No-pony gonna care if what we share is true. Cause lies are beautiful, the truth is not. Come on little mare, you better shake that plot. You know that's what they really all came to see. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zekromic 1,054 April 5, 2014 Share April 5, 2014 One of my favorite S4 episodes ^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crystal Peppermint 1,108 April 5, 2014 Share April 5, 2014 A good episode. And the scene with rapping pinkie pie is the best part. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StevieBond 13 April 5, 2014 Share April 5, 2014 WOW! I have just one word for this episode: brilliant! It had loads of comedy moments, I lost it at the Pinkie Pie rap. Amazing episode and I will say, the best one of the Season so far. 1 It's better to keep what you've got, than to get rid of it and not have it. ~ Berk. The Trap Door. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Metemponychosis 1,262 April 5, 2014 Share April 5, 2014 Is it just me or does Twilight flap her wings faster than Rainbow Dash while hoovering in the introduction? 1 https://www.fimfiction.net/user/32864/Metemponychosis For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out. And I'm just getting started. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjrgmc28 130 April 5, 2014 Share April 5, 2014 Despite being in a depressive flunk over the last couple of days due to the events which happened in my life, I had some time to sit down and watch the new episode this morning through the live streams and although I couldn't concentrate due to the spammers running riot on the Twitter hashtags, I decided to watch the episode again this morning without any distractions. So with that said and to quote from my tvtag post: "So Rainbow Dash? Have you been studying for your Wonderbolts Reserves exams? You better have not left it to the last minute and went on a all night cramming session! This is your big chance to achieve your fillyhood dream to join the elite flyers in all of Equestria!" This episode was was a very good one to watch on the second time around. A lot of memories from my past came flooding back on some of the scenes, mainly my schooling years at the both primary and secondary level. I had trouble studying as well and even though I had two exams to do in my Higher School Certificate, the study for those exams was not easy and I could easily relate to what Rainbow Dash went through. There were a few scenes that put a smile on my face, one of which was the rap sequence with Pinkie and Vinyl. The visuals of the rap sequence were amazing and the throwback to the childhood where VHS ruled the home entertainment market and laserdiscs and appliances were expensive due to the Wholesale Sales Tax. But with that aside, who could have thought putting together a sequence based on 1990's technology of physical video mixers, VHS or Betacam broadcast video quality and even emulating the sound of the video tape at the time was a pretty amazing feat in it's self, even right down to the aspect ratio? More of the technology throwbacks in the episode also included the rewinding sequences when Rainbow Dash was flying with Twilight and the breaking down of a segment of her fight, even right down to the Cutie Mark Crusaders (CMC) visit to Sugarcube Corner. The only thing that I would have loved to see in use was the Telestrator to pinpoint and highlight certain parts of the flying segment to cap off the nostalgia trip. The last scene in the episode was something that was unique in it's self. Watching the scene again this time with full concentration in tow just not only put a smile on my face after the events of the last few days sending me into a depressive flunk, but also brought a few tears to my eyes in the process. Whether it would be the CMC's and their EUP (Earth, Unicorn and Pegasi) chant to Dash with Scootaloo, helping her out with pride in her voice or when an entire town, after many great years of service to Rainbow decided to repay the favour and help out in her studying by placing signs and even dressing up in the traditional Wonderbolts outfits and giving Dash hints of their history, I can't say much more about this sequence and the episode in general other than, it was a real eye opener for me.I also have written my full thoughts on the episode itself on my blog, which can be viewed here. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Orablanco Account 3,707 April 6, 2014 Share April 6, 2014 And once again a classic series writer shows up and owns all the new guys' scripts. This episode filled me with a kind of joy I haven't felt since S3. The voice actors got to act (somebody finally remembered they have Tara Strong on their payroll), the plot was relatable and ended on a nice moral (I really like that both parties learned a lesson, like in the good ol' days), the interactions between the characters and their mannerisms were spot on, with each personality shining through without feeling forced, we got a little worldbuiling sprinkled throughout (we even got a hint at Granny Smith's cutie mark story), and by jove was this episode funny. Hilarious, even. Thanks for giving us the best Dash and Twilight have been this season, Amy Keating Rogers 2 Onwards to my DeviantArt page! Sig by the illustrious Kyoshi! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
takai 1,060 April 6, 2014 Share April 6, 2014 (edited) I just realized we saw Vinyl's eyes this episode. Is this the first time we've EVER seen her eyes when she was a pony? Either way, damn is she sexy. Edited April 6, 2014 by takai 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ggg-2 3,553 April 6, 2014 Share April 6, 2014 SPOILER ALERT Pinkie Rap #justsaying this must be the outrageous 90's reference Meghan was talking about. sniffles and bites down on his knuckle, letting out a small whimper if you'll excuse me i need to go.....have a cry over my lost childhood. 1 Don't be a nerd. Join the herd! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MLPFanatic34 3,234 April 6, 2014 Share April 6, 2014 I can agree with Samurott77 stating that Rainbow was rather immature and rude in this episode, personally if I were Rainbow I'd accept Twilight's study methods and help, cause personally I suck when it comes to studying and doing well on tests. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NezPPTS 36 April 6, 2014 Share April 6, 2014 This episode was awesome with the interactions between Rainbow and Twilight (Yay, more Twilight!), good moral, and interesting story development. Oh, and Pinkie. Rapping Pinkie Pie is best Pinkie Pie. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Oblivion 20,270 April 6, 2014 Share April 6, 2014 I love this episode, this was BY FAR the most relatable episode of MLP I have ever seen, I loved it, and it might just be my favorite episode of season 4 all together so far! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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