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"Do you have any headcanon?"  Son, settle in for the night for do I have tales to tell.  Just remember, you asked...


My headcanon for Equestrian magic..



Arcanology:  What is Magic?


"Equestria is a world rife with magic.  From the smallest ribbon of ley flowing through the air, to the twin heavenly bodies that orbit the world of Equis controlled by the Royal Princesses of Equestria, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.  The food you eat, young ponies, was seeded in the ground tilled with magic, grown through the efforts of earth ponies and cultivated by their magic, packaged and sent across Equestria, prepared for you by our talented unicorn chef here at the school, and you lifted it to your mouth with your telekinesis.  Magic guides your life, and as a unicorn, you guide magic.  Treat your gift with respect, and you will do great things."
 --Spell Nexus, Headmaster of Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns
The Starswirl Axiom
Viewed at the foundation for all modern magic, the Starswirl Axiom states there are three forces needed to maniplate the force that bends and breaks the rules of the physical world.  These three forces are ley, vitae, essent.

  • Ley are invisible and insubstanial ribbons of magic that flow across the world of Equis.  Normally benign, these ribbons can become a hostile force at bands striking across the world known as Leylines.
    Leylines tend to be hostile regions as the amount of ley flowing through them overwhelms the vitae of living creatures.  Viewed from a safe distance, however, leylines are known to be some of the most beautiful natural sights across Equis.
  • Vitae is the lifeforce of a living creature, and functions much like the immune system against magic.  Time, consent, and emotion can strengthen or weaken the vitae, but the vitae can never be broken or shut down completely.
    While the vitae of a creature can be shared with an inanimate object, this is a fleeting connection made only to allow the manipulation of the object.  Each vitae is unique to a creature, much like a fingerprint, and traces of vitae on inanimate objects stay for a short time and are the basis of magical tracking.
  • Essent is the physical object which ley flows through, is shaped by the vitae, and expelled.  Essents can be an animate object or even part of a living creature.  While intent and will play an important part in shaping magic, the strength of the essent used is the ultimate limit on the strength of the shaped magic.
    The essent can be stengthened through the use of an amplifier.  Amplifiers can range in power and effect, from things as simple as a gemstone filled with a specific spell to artefacts like the Alicorn Amulet which strengthen an essent with the dark magic used to craft the amulet.

Types of Magic
Magic responds to all magi in some form or another, consciously or not.  These magi are broken into the following classes for sake of organization:

  • Magia naturalis is the most prolific form of magi among the species of Equis.  These magi channel ley instinctively through a biological essent and tend to show specialization in magic through one form or another.  All equines fall into this group.
  • Magia extera are magi whom learn to tap into ley through an external essent.  These magi focus on a single element such as fire or water as essents attuned to a single element are more common and powerful than essents attuned to multiple elements.  The phrase "jack of all trades, master of none" is aptly fitting for describing these magi.
  • Magia interna are magi whom ley flows from, not through, and as such easily overwhelms their vitae, and uses their whole form as an essent.  These beings are ultimately the most powerful as ley inherently dances to their whim unimpeded, and can interrupt the natural ley around them (thus rendering other classes of magi powerless).  Thankfully these magi are extremely rare, primarily legends and myths.  Discord is a good example of such a magi.
  • Magia uniens are magi whom are born into a single elemental affinity of ley, but cannot tap into raw ley due to either the lack of intent or an ineffective essent.  ex. Birds are magi uniens, attuned to air ley allowing them to sit on clouds but unable to shape them as a pegasi does.

Ponies and Magic
As stated, all ponies are magi naturalis.  The difference between the pony races is the shape of their essent, and how they shape ley.  Unicorn ponies convert ley through their alicorn into telekinetic effects.  Beyond the basic telekinesis, they can learn formula and incantations to weave ley into different spells.  Most unicorn learn no more than 10 spells in their lives, and the spells they do have tend to be specialized to their career or talent.  Pegasi twist and weave ley through their wings so they can move and shape the weather.  Some pegasi can push their use of ley to the limits to create powerful effects like the fabled sonic rainboom.  Earth ponies channel ley through their hooves, instinctively shaping it to the desired effect and passing it to the earth or plants.  This use of ley is why earth ponies make such grand farmers, and why Equestria has rock farms --the earth ponies channel their ley into the rocks to encourage the formation of gemstones.  Some earth ponies can use ley to help them become one with the stone and nearly immovable.  This allows earth ponies to hold their ground and butt heads against vastly larger opposition.
In addition to the three common races, the uncommon races of sea ponies, bat ponies, and crystal ponies shape magic in unique ways.  Sea ponies channel ley through their vocal cords, using song to control water and shape coral.  Crystal ponies control ley with their hearts, channeling it into the Crystal Heart, and in turn being empowered by the artefact.  Bat ponies shape light (or more specifically the lack of it) into shadowy creations much like a pegasus shapes clouds.
Finally, the four winged unicorns, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, and Princess Twilight Sparkle, have their own unique essent.  These four channel their magic through their nervous system, from alicorn through their wings.  This essent allows for a combination of both the abilities found in unicorn ponies and pegasus ponies, but on a much grander scale.  Additionally, these four have an impressive visual effect when their vitae bleeds off excess ley passively channeling through their essent --the mane and tail billow in the ethereal breeze on which the ley ribbons flow.  For more information on the winged unicorns, see their individual entries in this archive.
Qi is a philosophy where willpower is developed to such a great extent it can influence ley without an essent.  Not to be mistaken for a magical or physical force; qi is concentrated, unadulterated intent.  Master practitioners of qi have such willpower they can interrupt the flow of ley around many magi to render magic inert.
"In all things, intent. Intent to be, intent to not; and should we intend truly to upset this, then what could stand in our way but ourselves?"


Qi practitioners can overcome the will of other people, the most powerful among them can even extend this power to the overcome the will of the natural world.  Most practitioners will not do more than coerce a small, temporary change as major changes to the natural order pose a great risk to the practitioner:  every contest of will against nature poses an equal and opposite reaction should it fail.
The biggest fear, and draw, to qi for practitioners is the ability to seemingly nullify magic.  The simple state of mind that qi requires will crush the spirit of a magi, ensuring the magic simply won't function.  As such, magic and qi require two very different states of mind.  Practitioners cannot perform magic, and magi cannot practice qi.
"Summoning qi is to breathe, and to magick is to hold one's breath.  No fool would try both at once."



This is a mix of the Weave from Forgotten Realms, the fanfiction "It's Dangerous To Go Outside Your Door" (or however it's spelled), the fanfiction universe of Fallout: Equestria, a touch of the Warp from Warhammer: 40,000, pretty much any fantasy JRPG (pick one), and my own musings on magic in My Little Pony.
Spell Nexus comes from the fan fiction "Past Sins"






My musings on the Equestria Girls movies.


Earth:  The World of Equestria Girls

Earth is an alternate dimension of reality connected to the reality with Equis.  Creating these links between realities is forbidden by most civilized nations of Equis, as part of the Unified Nations Treaty.  However, a handful of artefacts exist created by nations not part of the U.N. Treaty, or existed before the treaty was created.  One of these artefacts is the portal mirror owned by Princess Celestia which acts as a bridge to Earth.
While carrying a large number of similarities to Equestria --such as the residents, Earth is lacking in the flow of ley that allows magi to use their abilities.  However, this isn't to say there isn't any ley in the world.  Due to the portal between Equis and Earth opening often, there is a small amount of ley twisting around the sister end of the portal mirror at a location called Canterlot High School.



The Sunset Shimmer Incident

During an incident caused by one Miss Sunset Shimmer in 1003 A.N. involving the theft of the Element of Magic in its dormant form from the Crystal Kingdom, there are reports of a large amount of ley from Equis in the air around Canterlot High School.  In addition to this latent ley, there are accounts of five individuals having been mutated by the magical energy of the Element of Magic.
Research into humankind has shown that due to the lack of ley on Earth, the vitae of a human being is underdeveloped and the species as a whole is unable to become magi, making it subject to the effects of Equestrian magic; much like a pony is susceptible to a disease when traveling to a new region.  Five humans, reported as the dimensional twins of the Bearers of the Elements, have shown to have developed essents and are magi naturalis.  While the vitae of these altered humans has strengthened through contact with the Element of Magic, it is still vastly underdeveloped.  In addition the essents of these five are still immature.  Only time will tell exactly what these five human magi are capable of.


Battle of the Bands

After the Sunset Shimmer Incident, the appearance of three creatures banished from Equestria has resulted in another forced encounter with Equestrian magic and a large release of ley into Earth's atmosphere from the mirror portal.  In order to force the mirror portal to open, Princess Twilight Sparkle forced ley through an external amplifier.  This excess energy has bled over to Earth, and only time will tell the end results.  Currently the High Council of the elk folk is reviewing this incident on whether or not Princess Twilight Sparkle needs to be disciplined for her hasty actions.
Reports state that Princess Twilight Sparkle and Spike the dragon met up with the five human magi and Sunset Shimmer on Earth, and through a series of encounters, unleashed the power of the five human magi and Sunset Shimmer to defeat three siren.  The report further states the released form of the magi was the unleashed state of the Elements of Harmony.
Currently it is unknown how the power of the Elements can be contained within these human magi, but from consultation with Headmaster Spell Nexus, the High Council believe part of the energy from the Element of Magic has fused with the essent of these magi naturalis with the end result of turning these three human magi and Sunset Shimmer into a living parallel to the Elements of Harmony.  It is unknown how these living artefacts will develop over time, nor what the long term effects of creating such powerful magical artefacts in a world lacking its own ley.
It is for being the catalyst to these two incidents that Miss Sunset Shimmer is to be turned over to the High Council for suitable punishment for breaking twenty-one established laws against unwarranted use of magic on lesser beings.  Should Miss Sunset Shimmer return to Equis, she is to be arrested immediately and any elk folk officials in the region informed.  Princess Twilight Sparkle is pending judgement by the High Council for her role in these incidents, however public records show Princess Celestia has requested the Equestrian judicial system handle her punishment.



My musings on fruit bats and Bats! episode.


Fruit Bats


Fruit bats are species of flying mammals which feed specifically on nectar and fruits.  Fruit bats range in color, from reds to purples, and tend to take on the appearance of fruit.  (e.x. Red fruit bats tend to develop seed-like patterning on their stomachs so they resemble flying strawberries.)  Arcanological studies of fruit bats show the species has both an affinity for air, and natura (similar to timber wolves and cragadiles).
Fruit bats range in territory across temperate and warm regions of the known world wherever there are fruit-bearing trees and plants.  Smaller fruit-bearing plants like berry bushes cannot alone sustain a fruit bat's diet, and thus only rarely can they be found in area lacking fruit-bearing trees, although it is possible.
While normally benign, fruit bats have no understanding of sustainable feeding habits, and can be seen as a hostile drain on the ecosystem or agricultural needs of a region.  However, fruit bats can be reasoned with and will restrain their feeding grounds to a single location if asked so and treated fairly.  Additionally, fruit bats are known to be trainable and domesticated.  Fluttershy, a resident of Ponyville, is known to have a strawberry fruit bat named Toby as a pet.

Image Gallery
O21FQ81.png  iZ0lBmD.png
Left: A cloud of fruit bats flies from the west orchid of Sweet Apple Acres during the Apple Family Reunion.  Right: Fluttershy of Ponyville with her pet fruit bat Toby and various other animals.

Fruit bats : My Little Pony canon.
Images : [1], [2].




Vampire Fruit Bats


A ley-mutated relative of the fruit bat, vampire fruit bats are much more aggressive and carry a magical disease.  Most regions of the known world treat vampire fruit bats as a pest or hostile disaster.
Unlike their more domestic cousins, vampire fruit bats come in dark colors and hues, have red eyes, and long, hollow fangs.  Vampire fruit bats feed only on the nectar of fruit, sucking the fruit pulp dry and spitting the seeds across the ground.  Additionally, toxic oils secreted by vampire fruit bats cause plants they perch in to wither and die.  Thankfully, the seeds spit out by a vampire bat grow heartier and yield a larger crop when they grow.
Like their cousins, vampire fruit bats can be reasoned with to prevent from completely destroying an orchid or crop, however they are highly temperamental, and magi naturalis (i.e. all of ponykind) should approach with caution.  Vampire fruit bats carry a magical disease as a natural defense to survive more harsh conditions near ley-tainted regions.  Any magi channeling ley through a biological essent needs to take precautions around vampire fruit bats or run the risk of contracting sucusirae vampiris.

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Vampire fruit bats : My Little Pony.
Sucusirae Vampiris : My Little Pony, The Elder Scrolls.




Sucusirae Vampiris


Sucusirae vampiris, a magical disease carried by vampire fruit bats as a natural defense against magical effects directed at them, or nearby.  Magi naturalis infected by sucusirae vampiris find their magical abilities left stunted or inert while the disease incubates.  While the disease can affect all magi naturalis, only ponies can suffer the secondary shapechanging effects of the disease.
infected ponies find themselves going through multiple physical, mental, and magical changes; and these changes becoming permanent unless quickly cured of the disease.  Sucusirae vampiris starts with minor changes, resulting in major alterations to the infected pony's anatomy over just a few days.  While the end result of sucusirae vampiris is not lethal, it can leave the infected ostracized by others and suffering from malnutrition until they adapt to their new form.
Within 24 hours of infection, during the night ponies will sprout the hollowed fangs of a vampire fruit bat and find themselves craving the juice and nectar of fruits.  Over the next few days this craving turns into an instinctive nature and need for only nectar and juice, losing the ability to eat other food.
Within 48 hours of infection, during the second night the infected will go through the majority of physical changes. The pony will either sprout, or find their feathery wings becoming, new leathery wings with a substantial flexible claw used for gripping trees and fruit, climbing, and aerial combat.  In addition the pony's tongue becomes long and flexible, able to reach out and wrap itself around small objects, much akin to a frog shooting its tongue at a fly.  The iris of the pony shifts to a red hue, and the ears elongate completing the physical transformation.
Between the second and third night, the pony will lose their special talent and destiny, becoming something new (as evidenced by the change of cutie mark).  In addition ponies suffer a corruption of their essent: pegasi find their their flight speed decreasing, and their ability to manipulate weather failing;  unicorns find their alicorn start to shed, flake, and shrink to nothing;  and earth ponies find their affinity for the ground and plants wane as they take to the skies.
Finally, the forth night marks the permanent and complete transformation.  Sucusirae vampiris is now able to be spread magically by the infected pony.  At this point, any attempts magical or mundane to cure the infected of the disease are met with failure.
However, all is not lost when a pony is first infected.  If the disease is cured before the forth night, the now cured pony will find themselves freed of the physical and magical changes.  The only trace of the disease is in slightly enlarged fangs and a taste for nectar or juice.
Cured or not, the future offspring of a pony inflicted with sucusirae vampiris will be twisted by the disease into a new pony breed often called bat ponies.  Due to the malignant nature of sucusirae vampiris all future children of a bat pony will be a bat pony.  Legends hold that one of the original fillies and colts taken by Princess Luna to found the Children of the Night carried sucusirae vampiris.  Whether true or not, this would explain such a prevalent bat pony community.


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Base concept : My Little Pony.
Infection : Sanguinare Vampiris, The Elder Scrolls.
Children of the Night : See Ponies - Bat Ponies.



Musings on the Alicorn Amulet from Magic Duel episode.


Alicorn Amulet

This ancient artifact from the Crystal Kingdom during the reign of King Sombra.  One of the artifacts of dark magic used by King Sombra before his fall, this black amulet fashioned from the alicorn of unicorn ponies has been carved to resemble a winged unicorn in an obvious insult to the Princesses, and is inlaid with a single red lunar ruby.

The alicorn amulet functions as a powerful amplifier for the essent of a magi and storage device for dark magic --earth ponies wielding the amulet have reported the ability to sprout plants from seeds with a touch, heightened strength, immovability, and size alteration magic; while unicorns increase their magical powers, gaining new spells and mastering techniques with ease.  There are no recorded cases of a pegasus pony, or non pony, using the amulet in Equestrian history, however a damaged letter exists in the Canterlot archives suggesting a pegasus pony has used the alicorn amulet before:


   ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ well.  I saw the strangest sight since the windegos; Mrs.

Hurricane was visited the other day by her grandson, that one colt with the blue mane

you like.  Anyway, he brought her a black necklace ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~

~~~~~~~~` ~~  happy for the gift.

    That night there was a report of a disturbance from Mrs. Hurricane's room.  I

rushed to the hospital only to find Mrs. Hurricane flying.  Flying!  The Admiral dashed

forward past the staff and myself and straight through the window.  Seconds later there

was a loud boom and a rainbow streaked ~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~

~  everyone is all right.

    I have to go, the Equestrian Guard are here to question me about Mrs. Hurricane.

I'll see you for dinner tomorrow, my heart.

~Nurse Pansy


Equestrian scholars believe the necklace in this letter refers to the alicorn amulet, and is tied to the sudden recovery and rampage of Admiral Hurricane.  There are other strange cases of ponies gaining sudden bursts of power and ability in Equestrian history, but none can be directly tied to this amulet.  The alicorn amulet appears and disappears without a trace just as quickly in history records.

Recently, the alicorn amulet was found in the possession of one Trixie Lulamoon.  Reports were filed of Twilight Sparkle of Ponyville taking the amulet from Trixie, but the amulet was soon lost from Twilight's watch.  When questioned, Twilight claimed the amulet disappeared the moment she turned her back to write to Princess Celestia.

Any pony encountering the alicorn amulet should be extremely careful of the corrupting magic contained within and should immediately alert Canterlot so this artifact can be dealt with properly and sealed away.




Image Gallery


Trixie Lulamoon wearing the Alicorn Amulet.

Summer, 1002 A.N.

Alicorn Amulet : My Little Pony canon.

Image : My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.






My musings on the creation of the world.




The End of Man
Earth was once a fairly pleasant world, however humanity realized the sun Sol was dying --dimming-- and wouldn't last much longer.  So using all understanding of technological creation humanity tapped into something it really shouldn't have to create the artificial sun of Realta.  The end result was what humanity breached was the border between dimensional realities, unleashing magic upon the Earth.  Between the man-made apocalypse, magic becoming widespread, and the chaos of religious backlash for humanity stepping where the gods dared humanity wiped itself out.
Animals began to reclaim their lost territory under the dimming light of Sol.  Animals that quickly evolved handle this dimming light thrived. Cloven animals humanity once domesticated, like the horse, stepped in the power gap left as the eons ticked on. Eventually a species rose back to power developing intelligence for magic and the sciences.  The founders are now lost to the annals of time, but it was their wisdom, knowledge, and prayer which sparked life in Realta.  However, by powering this artificial sun and bathing Equis in light the founders opened the gate for the draconequus.  The draconequus, as the embodiment of disharmony, quickly became both a wild card and a thorn in the side of the founders.  With no choice left the founders raised the base species of Equis to fill specialized roles to combat the new enemy.
The Founding
The elk were blessed with druidic tradition and knowledge of plants, to better guard The Ash and protect all species from the twisting tendrils of the leylines.  For the ponies and horses the founders created the elemental djinn, so the magic lacking equines could live in harmony with the spirits and elements of Equis.  The pronghorn were blessed with the creation of the Thunder King and the ability to control the destruction force of lightning.  And each of the chosen species was blessed in turn.  To the dragons went the Lord of the Mountains.  To the tapir came the Mistress.  King Leo watched over the seas, et cetera.  So the founding races passed on their legacy to their living deities to better rein in the nature of the draconequus.
Eventually the djinn and ponies grew to more than allies, giving birth to unicorn ponies, pegasus ponies, sea ponies, and earth ponies.  As the generations ticked on the draconequus were reduced in number, a side-effect of the efforts of the species to unite in harmony.  With naught but a handful remaining, the dragonequus pressed their luck by uniting into a single being of body and mind:  Discord.  The last dragonequus.  Discord, after seeding the roots of disharmony at the insult his kind had suffered retired to isolation in a fertile valley isolated by leylines.
The Fallen Horselord
It was from these notes of disharmony that fear and jealousy rose among the equines.  The ruler of the land, a horse whose name has been stricken from history in shame, became fearful of the djinn, and began binding them to magical jars to serve as prisons in his misguided actions.  The djinn were furious, demanding the release of their kin.  The horselord refused.  The water djinn struck first; washing the land barren, evaporating fields into dust.  The sea ponies condemned the horselord, and the water djinn took them to safety.  Next the earthen djinn approached, demanding the release of their kin.  Still the sultan refused.  It was then the strength of the djinn was shown as mountains turned to dust and gentle hills splintered as wood.  The earth ponies were taken away from the horselord to a land of their own.  Once more the djinn beseech the horselord, only to be spurned.  The unicorn and pegasi worked alongside the horses to rebuild their homes, their burdens great.  The fire djinn were destructive but did not wish to harm the innocent, so they strengthened the Realta.  The ground baked, the ponies burned under the sun.  Finally when the last unicorn fell from exhaustion did the djinn take the unicorn to a land of their own as reward for their loyalty.  Again the horselord was approached.  Here he surely should have surrendered, but still he did not relent.  The air djinn took the pegasi away and still the dictator refused.  As the civilization of the horses was buried under the sand of the eternal gusts of the air djinn still the horselord refused.  As their final act the djinn sacrificed themselves to do upon the horselord as he did to them.
The Birth of Equestria
The earthen ponies would go on to found Earth, the unicorn ponies their land of Unicornia, for the pegasi would found Cumulus, and the sea ponies Aquastria.  The fates of the ponies are best left to the tales of Hearth's Warming Eve.  However, it was in the churning sands of the ancient home of the equines that two beings emerged from the elemental storms of magic:  Twin sisters as different as night from the day, Luna and Celestia.  Eventually the elemental fury would subsist and the horses would reclaim their ruined civilization and go on to found Saddle Arabia.
The three land races of ponies would not have their harmony last after besting the windigoes, as the new land of Equestria happened to be the location the last draconequus known as Discord resided.  Discord claimed Equestria as his own, the united ponies as his subjects.  But all was not lost, as salvation arrived in the form of Celestia and Luna, where they overthrew Discord and were established as the rulers of Equestria, for ponies now had living deities of their own to represent their species.  Not long after besting Discord were the sisters challenged to their rule, for a half-bred child of a Nhorse warrior and a captive unicorn pony known as Sombra found something dark and dire long thought eradicated.  It was this dark magic Sombra learned to control, learned to wield against others.
For terrorizing the northern ponies of Equestria, the royal sisters waged war on the half-bred tyrant.  In a story best left to its own telling at a separate time the tyrant was bested, his spirit stripped from his flesh, and bound deep in the now mana-starved snowy wastes of the north.  However, the darkness of the tyrant would not be defeated.  It was this malign force that sent the younger of the two sisters on her twisted path of fate.  Soon Princess Luna became the being known as Nightmare Moon --and that itself is yet another story for another time.  It was with a heavy heart the elder sister banished the younger to the moon, taking on the duties the two had shared in guiding and protecting the ponies of Equestria.
And the rest is as we all know.



For anyone wanting to make use of my character in their roleplaying, <a href='http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/synth-tannin-r8033'class='bbc_url' title=''>here</a> is his info.

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Sirens are able to shapeshift into pony forms.

That WOULD explain promotional material for Rainbow Rocks depicting the Dazzlings as Earth Ponies rather than Sirens.

Don't be a nerd. Join the herd!

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Rainbow Dash's father is an ex jock.  Maybe a retired pro athlete, maybe just a school team member.  He encouraged her in sports (maybe pushed her too hard) & this is why she is such an athlete & interested in the Wonderbolts.


I'm only posting this because most fan fics I've seen have her father more or less ignoring her & IMO this is the most likely reason she is such a jock herself.

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I stated in a previous headcanon that Shining Armor acts like a supportive big brother figure to his guards, however Games Ponies Play seemed to contradict this, by showing him to act like a borderline Drill Sergeant Nasty to the Crystal Empire sports team. However, my headcanon for this is, as getting the Crystal Empire to host the Equestria Games was very important, Shining Armor was under a lot of pressure, and accidentally directed his stress onto his subjects on the team. He apologized profusely afterwards.

Don't be a nerd. Join the herd!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Derpy's real name is Ditsy Do while Derpy Hooves and Muffins are nothing more than nicknames.  Derpy Hooves because of her wall eyes and the fact that she's a total klutz and muffins because she's obsessed with the darned things. 

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Starlight Glimmer is a relative of Aria Blaze, the purple siren. Aria got TURNED or TRANSFORMED by Adagio or another one, by telling her she would be "special". When Starlight found about that, she wanted to make sure that nopony ever gets into such a situation.

  • Brohoof 3
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Well, considering the events of FIENDship is Magic #1, my old handcanon of Dark Lord Grogar and his lieutenant King Sombra has been offically nixed. :)


In regards I might still involve Grogar and Tambelon in some fashion...

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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Well, considering the events of FIENDship is Magic #1, my old handcanon of Dark Lord Grogar and his lieutenant King Sombra has been offically nixed. :)


In regards I might still involve Grogar and Tambelon in some fashion...



Maybe Grogar was actually the one using the red crystal to communicate with Sombra?


Edited by A.V.
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Maybe Grogar was the one using the Red Crystal to communicate with Sombra?



That is one I idea I am thinking of using, also...



...that Tambelon might be the kingdom of the shadow ponies, with Grogar himself as their leader or what-not.


Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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- Cheerilee and Big Mac decided to start a relationship after the events of Hearts and Hooves day.

- Starswirl the Bearded is still alive in one way or another.

- Pinkie Pie actually is related to the Apple family.

  • Brohoof 1


"My past does not define me, because my past is not today."

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  • 3 weeks later...

The version of Chrysalis we've seen in A Canterlot Wedding is her default form. In other words, she can actually transform.


Personally, I believe that, if she can change her looks to look like normal ponies, then it isn't too farfetched if she can change her looks on her changeling form.

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I have a few:


-Guns exist in Equestria only though in basic flintlock forms. Because A ) who needs guns when you either can cast spells, fly/control the weather, or have proportional super strength? B ) Equestria's lack of widespread or at least conventional warfare means there's largely no demand to improve them.


-Ponies have religion but it's not organized. Much like pre-colonial India, each individual's personal religion and spirituality is largely left up to them. There are those who do worship the Princesses while others "simply" view them as very powerful and benevolent rulers but nopony really stresses the difference as it largely doesn't matter. (Fittingly reflecting the fandom itself's views on this.) While others have unconnected deities or Powers they revere, if any.


-Extending on that, Celestia  and Luna are goddesses. In the same vein as classical deities of nature as opposed to modern conceptions of Theology. Specifically, the Princesses are similar to the gods of the Nile River, fallible but ultimately benevolent super beings that are themselves subservient to the greater cosmic force of Ma'at or . . . harmony. 


-Further extending, the Tree of Harmony is the true holy power in Equestria, a physical manifestation of the very archetype that binds that universe together. Like the more modern concepts of a divinity, it does not act directly but rather empowers it's mortal and higher champions to act in their own world. Similar to how Eru Illuvitar sent the Maiar to Middle-Earth yet still had men, dwarves, and elves fight their own battles. To bring the metaphor full circle, the Tree sent Celestia and Luna armed with the elements for the first few rounds with evil, but then a generation or so later, it was the mortals that decided their own fate.


-Lyra and Bon Bon may or may not have a romantic relationship, but they are definitely close.


-Similar, Octavia and Vinyl host a radio show "The Vinyl Scratch."


-The "Equal Four" from the season premier are now off on their own friendship adventures. (I can't be the only one who wants to see them in a spin-off are at least a comic appearance.)


-Equestria's technology seems schizophrenic simply because it's a different world than ours. Technology is not a straight line and magic and an equine population means different demands to fit different needs.


Apart from that, that's all I can think of. Of course, I'm not saying any of these are right just as the title says, headcanons.

Edited by Steel Accord
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Personally, I believe that, if she can change her looks to look like normal ponies, then it isn't too farfetched if she can change her looks on her changeling form.


Would pretty much go like this.







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My head Canon suggests that Celestial is loosing her power and that she's training Twilight to become Equestra's next ruler


She DID lose her powers in the season 4 finale, although it was all at once and intentional rather than a gradual decay due to age.

My headcanon is that pony hooves are made of the same substance as their horns, and a particularily powerful Earth pony or pegasus could use unicorn magic through their hooves.

  • Brohoof 2


Also, I really like Cloudchaser's mane!

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Luna wasn't "missing" during the Changeling invasion of Canterlot.

She was with a group of her Night Guards, kicking Changeling ass and saving every pony she could find.


Luna is Queen Chrysalis is Nightmare Moon still.


Luna, or should I say Nightmare Moon, wasn't completely bested by the Elements of Harmony and Luna is playing the waiting game.  The attack on Canterlot by the changeling army was nothing more than Luna testing the waters and seeing the extent of her power.  The surprise shown by Chrysalis when she bests Celestia is true shock - Luna can defeat her sister in combat.


However, Nightmare Moon/Luna has been calmed as of late with seeing Equestria's night life, Nightmare Night, and Luna visiting the dreams of ponies... and her fanclub.

  • Brohoof 1

For anyone wanting to make use of my character in their roleplaying, <a href='http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/synth-tannin-r8033'class='bbc_url' title=''>here</a> is his info.

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"Sugarcube" was a name Applejack's parents called her, and she now uses the nickname for other ponies as a way of keeping their memories alive.

  • Brohoof 1

Don't be a nerd. Join the herd!

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My headcanon is that alicorns used to exist as something of a protector/ruler race of immortals for all of equestria in ancient past and were the first race made by whatever entity made equestria.

One of the alicorns wanted to enslave all the others however and a civil war occured with the entire alicorn race that remained loyal to their original task sacrificing their life force to create tartarus and imprison the traitor alicorns in it: Celestia and Luna were hidden away by their parents somewhere before they did this because celestia and Luna were just children and were too young to fight in the battle.

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