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How would you react to the canon death of a character?


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I have pondered this question for months, how would you react if a character died in the show? Doesn't matter who, if its off-screen or on-screen, background character, mane 6, Celestia, Luna, etc. Here are my reactions to different characters if they died:


Twilight- oh my, she's dead.


RainbowDash - Meh, saw it coming, she dies all the time in fanfics


Rarity- Meh


Applejack - Ah, I liked her, why!


Pinkie Pie - Noooooooooo!


Fluttershy - Gasp! Why!



Tell me please!

  • Brohoof 6
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I'd be pissed, you just don't develop a character for months just to kill them off later, that's just lazy story telling.

Edited by SrFrog
  • Brohoof 8

"Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa...

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It would depend on the context, but I would be pretty stunned if a canon character who had appeared in multiple episodes suddenly died. How could you justify it within the context of the show? Killing off any one of the Mane Six would almost be a guaranteed disaster since, all things considered, it would be rather sudden.


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Twilight: Meh. Except for Psycho Twi.

Fluttershy: I'll miss Flutterbitch. Other than that...meh.

AJ: NO! Not AJ! D: D: D:



Rarity: *by now has had a mental breakdown*

  • Brohoof 2


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Twilight- whatever

Rainbow dash- whatever

Rarity- whatever

Applejack- whatever

Pinkie Pie- whatever

Fluttershy- Oh god no!!! Why would you do that Hasbro!!! Why!!!! Oh sweet Celestia I'm gonna lynch Lauren Faust and anypony else who has anything to do with creating the show!!! I. WANT. REVENGE!!!!!!one!!1!




Okay, maybe a got a little​ carried away...

Edited by 3p1cd3m0n
  • Brohoof 2

"Reducing existential risk — that is, carefully and thoughtfully preparing to not kill ourselves — may be the greatest moral imperative we have."  - Lukeprog


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If any of them dies then a part of me dies.

  • Brohoof 11



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Twilight: Maybe magic will bring her back...?

Rainbow Dash: *sobs*

Rarity: why did they let this happen?!

Pinkie Pie: Who's idea was this?!

Applejack: Are the creators of this show just TRYING to make us angry?

Fluttershy: That big...dumb...MEANIE!!!

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I highly doubt that it would ever happen on this show. It is primary aimed at little girls, after all, as often as us bronies tend to forget it. Death is too touchy a subject to explore properly. I'm surprised they even got away with the two-second funeral scene in "Hearts and Hooves Day". And people, why are none of you thinking about what would happen if Spike died? Shame on you! ;)

  • Brohoof 1

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My Reaction,

Posted Image



then I'd go have a cry, after that either accept that life, fate, the universe is cruel and have another cry or reject that heresy and declare a Trial of Annihilation/ Exterminatus.


In all honesty though, if any of the main or background characters died I'd feel sad probably cry (I'm a big softie really, I still tear up at the end of Saving Private Ryan) but only if it was done well. If it was done poorly I would be rather annoyed(Typical British understatement)

  • Brohoof 1


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Twilight: Saw it coming, she nearly hit the ground too hard in Ep. 1.


Rarity: *Stares off into space* Oh, what were we talking about again?

AJ: Oh shi-

Fluttershy: RAGE QUIT

Pinkie Pie: She doesn't die...

Kill a camper then take his place :P

-MasterPony117 :ph34r:

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First, I would be shocked.


Second, I would rage against the machine.


Third, I would mobilize an army of concerned parents and get them to undo it. It worked for Optimus Prime back in the 1980s.


(Given the audience, I really don't think that they would ever kill off any character. I bet a bunch of people would be unhappy if they did though.)

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I am actually dreading the inevitable "dealing with bereavement" episode where Granny Smith dies. NOT THAT THEY'RE DOING IT INB4 RUMORZ but just saying that's the most realistic scenario of "canon character death" we're going to get.


I'm actually kind of almost hoping that'll happen because if they actually bring in a lesson about bereavement in the show, for Apple Bloom who as a filly has to come to terms with loss for the first time, well, imagine how heart-breaking and mature that's going to be for the show.


Because, let's face it, EVERYONE, from adult to child, has to deal with bereavement, and it's difficult to help a younger through it when you yourself as an older family member are trying to handle it too.

So...imagine this, for a hypothetical episode scenario.


Granny Smith passes away, Apple Bloom is confused and grief-stricken, her sister and brother are also in grief that they can't help her, so she goes to try and find somepony to help her cope. It'd be a very mature episode in dealing with a very sensitive subject that EVERYONE has to go through, from little girls to their mothers.


So...like I said, I have no idea if they ever WOULD, not that I would mind, but...well I'd be dreading it.


As for the mane six, as impossible as it would be, I would be just as upset for any of them.

Edited by FinalGamer
  • Brohoof 8

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I mourn anypony's death... I really couldn't stand it, to be honest. I mean, having such happy ponies just... fly away from life like that... It really puts dem tears into teh eyes...

Great adventuring for great treasures!....Except when I'm hurt...


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I am actually dreading the inevitable "dealing with bereavement" episode where Granny Smith dies. NOT THAT THEY'RE DOING IT INB4 RUMORZ but just saying that's the most realistic scenario of "canon character death" we're going to get.

I would be surprised if they did that, but I would also be somewhat interested to see how exactly they handled such a scenario. If it worked out well... geeze, what a tear jerker that would be.

  • Brohoof 1


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I dont know actually,

I can't see myself carrying on watching it with any of the main characters dying. ;~;


I'd be most sad if Pinkie Pie died, where would all the randomness come from? ;~;

  • Brohoof 1
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They are not gonna kill any of the Mane 6 guys... not even as a season finale, and also probably no character at all... although Granny Smith is quite old... And I still like to believe that Applejack's parents are dead.



But I could somehow picture Celestia or Luna dieing or dissapearing, like sacrificing themselves in order to save Equestria (Leaving Twilight in charge, of course)

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