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Are Fluttershy and Discord more than just friends?

Rarity Paige Belle

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I want it to be...  ;) #OTP 

As of now, I would say it's on the brink of becoming canon. I don't know if the writers will actually go and say it is. Only time will tell.

I think it is safe to say, though, that it is canon when it comes to friendshipping.



*cough*In my opinion, it is definitely official.*cough* 

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I don't think so. Considering Discord is  1000 year old immortal God of Chaos and Fluttershy is a mortal pony. They are indeed close friends, but that's as far as it goes. Discord has not had any friends in 1000 years, and he's still learning what friendship means and it's worth. Seeming Fluttershy is the only one that has "warmed up" to him and actually cared about him, Discord has been grateful and considers her his best friend, and nothing more.



I mean, if you didn't have a single friend for 1000 years, don't you think you'd be super grateful to finally have one, and want to do whatever best friends do? Of course you would. ;)

  • Brohoof 2

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page


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Sibsy and Natasha Levinger might have hinted at possible Fluttercord subplot in the future or at least ship tease in Smooze episode.

Knowing Meghan McCarthy, she would allow for that ship tease since she seems to like it. She wrote every of their interactions.




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, I wish it was! :(

I'm gonna move this topic over to Show Discussion, which is where actual discussion about the ponies happen. General Discussion is for things not show-related. :)

  • Brohoof 2


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@@Silly Shy


As there already exists a thread for the discussion of this pairing, I have merged your thread with that one. In the future please remember to search for duplicate thread to avoid clutter.


Thanks. :)

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Nah! I would say they're just close friends at the most. ;)

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I can't really see how it could benefit either character in the long run of the show to make them end up together. The relationship would become stale and really just make Discord's character get stuck. That and the fact that Fluttershy is one of the protagonists and Discord has ridiculous amounts of power and can basically do anything is a big obstacle from a story telling perspective. Also the fact that JDL isn't a regular and probably costs more to hire.


Regardless, I simply adore their friendship. But would find it an interesting learning experience if Discord did have a semblance of a crush on her, or developed one so he could grow and mature as a character from it.

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Are they more than friends, probably but not in a romantic sense (at least not yet :) ). Reason being that Fluttershy was the first friend Discord ever had and he seems to value it highly as well as Fluttershy enjoying Discord's antics and personality.  I wouldn't be opposed if they ever decided to ship Fluttercord though, as that ship has been growing on me. 

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I don't think that Discord and FlutterShy are more than friends.

If you ask me, they are just super close friends.


I see Discord being with Celestia as more of a possibility.

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Well Big Jim hinted that Discord is not fully reformed and until he is, they can't really made them into Spike/Rarity pairing. I'm guessing that they will develop further after he use his powers to save her and prove that he has finally changed.

I also can't see Celestia as his possible love interest. They are not even friends, in this show you have to be a close friend to get anywhere with romance. See Matilda and Cranky and possibly Cheerilee/Big Mac

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In Discord's eyes it may be more than just friends, but to sweet little Fluttershy it's nothing. Even the thought of innocent Fluttershy in a relationship troubles me :kindness:


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Discord is older than Hugh Hefner; there's too large a disparity between Cord's and Flutters' ages for there to ever be a canon pairing.  What's going on between them right now?  Cucumber sandwiches.  Friendship.

  • Brohoof 1

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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Discord is older than Hugh Hefner; there's too large a disparity between Cord's and Flutters' ages for there to ever be a canon pairing.  What's going on between them right now?  Cucumber sandwiches.  Friendship.




Like what, just because they're opposite sex and have fun together, means there's romance between them?   I think not. If we went with that, then just because Spike and Twilight hangout and do stuff together, they MUST havine romantic feelings for each other...Or even Better Rarity and Spike..Sure, Spike has a crush on Rarity, and Rarity knows, but she really has no interest in him. They're just hanging out, you know...like what friends do. Friends do fun things together, like tea parties, or a picnic.  Not to mention, they're two totally different species. Compared to Discord, Flutters is just a filly.


Don't get me wrong, I like Discord and I love Flutters. Sure, they're best friends, but the two of them being together in a romantic relationship? Nope. Sorry. She simply sees his antics as expressing himself, being kind(Flutter teaching him the ways of friendship) and/or funny (depending on the situation). Meanwhile, He's just exercising his powers and being who he his, the God of Chaos (Albeit a bit tamed down version)..he's just having fun.


I'm sorry, but Fluttercord is one ship I really despise. They're just friends.



  • Brohoof 2

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page


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Like what, just because they're opposite sex and have fun together, means there's romance between them?   I think not. If we went with that, then just because Spike and Twilight hangout and do stuff together, they MUST havine romantic feelings for each other...Or even Better Rarity and Spike..Sure, Spike has a crush on Rarity, and Rarity knows, but she really has no interest in him. They're just hanging out, you know...like what friends do. Friends do fun things together, like tea parties, or a picnic.  Not to mention, they're two totally different species. Compared to Discord, Flutters is just a filly.


Don't get me wrong, I like Discord and I love Flutters. Sure, they're best friends, but the two of them being together in a romantic relationship? Nope. Sorry. She simply sees his antics as expressing himself, being kind(Flutter teaching him the ways of friendship) and/or funny (depending on the situation). Meanwhile, He's just exercising his powers and being who he his, the God of Chaos (Albeit a bit tamed down version)..he's just having fun.


I'm sorry, but Fluttercord is one ship I really despise. They're just friends.



It just goes to show that the fandom will go absolutely out of its way to support some hetero ships no matter how ridiculous they may be.  Whereas homosexual ships are sometimes shot down simply on account of their...  Not being hetero.  I wouldn't earnestly claim that any members of the Mane Six are "more than friends," but I don't find it less feasible than the likes of Fluttercord.


I think it makes comparatively more sense to ship Discord with this dude:



And then Fluttershy can invite Discord and Discord's mustachioed boyfriend to a picnic.

  • Brohoof 2

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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It just goes to show that the fandom will go absolutely out of its way to support some hetero ships no matter how ridiculous they may be.  Whereas homosexual ships are sometimes shot down simply on account of their...  Not being hetero.  I wouldn't earnestly claim that any members of the Mane Six are "more than friends," but I don't find it less feasible than the likes of Fluttercord.


I think it makes comparatively more sense to ship Discord with this dude:



And then Fluttershy can invite Discord and Discord's mustachioed boyfriend to a picnic.


Yea, it's a shame.  Really the only hetero ship I support is Cheerilee and Big Mac, mainly due to the Hearts and Hooves episode. I don't count Cadance and Shining because well, they're canonically married. I've also entertained the idea of Cheese and Pinkie, but dismissed it due to Cheese being a one time deal thing.


Haha, that'd be awesome..I totally forget his name, but he had a rather obscure one. To be honest, it wouldn't surprise me at all if Discord was gay. He's the God of Chaos afterall, he could have a rather unusual orientation.

  • Brohoof 1

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page


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They're just friends. Discord sees Fluttershy as his best friend, but that's just it. They're friends and nothing more. 

Same as Big Mac and Cheerilee. They are cose friends and they trust eachother. There is definietly something there.

Even Twilight describe Flash as her friend and Fluttershy is the kind of pony who would only fall for someone she know for a long time as a trusted friend. So Flutterdash and Fluttercord are equally possible st the moment@,

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  • 1 year later...

from "To Where and Back Again", in both parts, Discord shows only to care for Fluttershy and doesn't care about anyone else


when he sees Fluttershy at the end, he gives her a big squeeze-hug and suggests they celebrate that Fluttershy is safe when mostly every other pony that was captured is more important (like royalty)

  • Brohoof 1
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