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Are Fluttershy and Discord more than just friends?

Rarity Paige Belle

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I do concur with @Nightmare Muffin, though us hideous, wormlike aberrations of natural law & logic do still hold feelings! 

 You can't ship Discord! That's like pairing up a literal force of nature! Does he have"Feelings" for her, sure! She trusted him when he/it knew there was no real reason to; quite an appeal to Chaos, I say! Fluttershy means something to our draconequus, and considering we're talking about a being of many an ageless aeon of naught but ever-shifting illusion... that means something far deeper than a relationship.

 Besides, Discord's personality being what it is, feels like living with him with intent for a steady relationship would be more punishment for any mare that doesn't want constant, obsessive attention & spiraling madness.

... I'm hinting at Pinkie here.

 PinkCord ftw! 

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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1 hour ago, lordvaltasar said:

i feel like Discord does have a deeper attatchment since she is the first pony to actually try to understand him and befriend him,but flutter just loves and cares for him like she does for the rest of her friends and animals(which is not little but not the kinda love you mean)

Well Discord would be the first animal friend who made her blush, though. I would say she is capable of liking him as more than  friend, too.


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7 hours ago, Kind Claw said:

It seems like he was dodging the question 'wink wink'

It looks that way, but as long nothing is proved, I have to agree with @DonMaguz:dash: If more teasings about fluttercord happen, and he avoids the facts, I'm willing to believe they are more then friends, but before that we just have to wait.


  • Brohoof 1

If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

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4 hours ago, Conred said:

Well Discord would be the first animal friend who made her blush, though. I would say she is capable of liking him as more than  friend, too.


This Image brings a tear to my eye :wub:

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18 hours ago, Conred said:

That scene shows that Discord avoid the topic and confirms him to crush on Fluttershy.

Not arguing with someone with shipping goggles on.

It would be a nice love story, but without making assumptions  I don't see it.

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  • 2 months later...
On ‎6‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 8:58 PM, DonMaguz said:

Not arguing with someone with shipping goggles on.

It would be a nice love story, but without making assumptions  I don't see it.

Bit of an old post I'm responding to here, but I sort of agree with the person you responded to here, Discord suddenly going on a tangent about tea really does seem like him trying to avoid the topic. Not necessarily saying he's avoiding admitting romantic feelings for Fluttershy, he could just not be in the mood to show his softer side right now after criticizing Hearts and Hooves day and being all cynical a few minutes ago, but the whole scene comes off as him trying to quickly switch the subject.

 Frankly, between all his appearances, Discord comes off as incredibly insecure often and like he usually doesn't want to admit how he feels about things. He'd rather send another pony to an alternate dimension than just tell Flutters he feels jealous, he'd rather throw the whole school into Chaos and torment Starlight and the students than admit he feels left out, etc. So, him changing the subject to avoid talking about his feelings on Hearts and Hooves day, whether those feelings are romantic or just friendly, seems pretty in-character, and was how I interpreted it originally.

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27 minutes ago, BasementSparkle said:

Bit of an old post I'm responding to here, but I sort of agree with the person you responded to here, Discord suddenly going on a tangent about tea really does seem like him trying to avoid the topic. Not necessarily saying he's avoiding admitting romantic feelings for Fluttershy, he could just not be in the mood to show his softer side right now after criticizing Hearts and Hooves day and being all cynical a few minutes ago, but the whole scene comes off as him trying to quickly switch the subject.

Spike: "...I mean, you don't have tea with Fluttershy every week just because you like tea."

Discord: "But I do like tea! Every tea, all the tea..."

Since when a direct response is a 'change of subject'?

A change of subject would have been telling BigMac he's running late to send the pie, or doing some random chaotic Discord stuff like he usually does.

Then again, it is obvious that Spike brought out a truth. Discord spends time with Fluttershy because he likes being with her and catching up, again she's his first and most beloved friend. But that doesn't mean that he has a crush on her!

I have a great friend whom I go out with twice a month to have a few beers and talk about whatever. Do I go out with him only for the beer? Of course not! Do I have a crush on him? Hell NO!

Again, as shipping fuel it is fine. Watching the scene thinking Discord&Shy are cute together makes one think there might be something there. But claiming that the scene "confirms Discord having a crush on Fluttershy" is a complete lie.

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13 minutes ago, DonMaguz said:


Spike: "...I mean, you don't have tea with Fluttershy every week just because you like tea."

Discord: "But I do like tea! Every tea, all the tea..."

Since when a direct response is a 'change of subject'?

A change of subject would have been telling BigMac he's running late to send the pie, or doing some random chaotic Discord stuff like he usually does.

Then again, it is obvious that Spike brought out a truth. Discord spends time with Fluttershy because he likes being with her and catching up, again she's his first and most beloved friend. But that doesn't mean that he has a crush on her!

I have a great friend whom I go out with twice a month to have a few beers and talk about whatever. Do I go out with him only for the beer? Of course not! Do I have a crush on him? Hell NO!

Again, as shipping fuel it is fine. Watching the scene thinking Discord&Shy are cute together makes one think there might be something there. But claiming that the scene "confirms Discord having a crush on Fluttershy" is a complete lie.

I never said it confirmed he had a crush on her. Nor does two friends just having tea every week imply any kind of crush, I never said it did. But Spike brings up the point that he doesn't go to Fluttershy's cottage because he likes tea, and Discord immediately latches onto the tea part of the comment and begins listing all his favorite flavors for no reason, completely ignoring Spike's very correct point that the real reason he goes to Fluttershy's cottage for tea parties is because of Fluttershy and her company. If there was no tea, he'd probably still go because the important thing is Fluttershy.

 Which doesn't necessarily mean he has a crush on her, though like you said, it is a nice little bit of shipping fuel if you want to read it that way. It's just Discord trying not to show his vulnerable soft side, so he ignores the Fluttershy part and just goes for "But I do like tea!" instead. When I said I agreed with the person you originally responded to, I didn't necessarily mean I agreed it confirmed a crush, I just agreed with them that it was obviously Discord trying to avoid the Fluttershy topic.

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1 hour ago, BasementSparkle said:

Bit of an old post I'm responding to here, but I sort of agree with the person you responded to here.


4 minutes ago, BasementSparkle said:

I never said it confirmed he had a crush on her. Nor does two friends just having tea every week imply any kind of crush, I never said it did.

Then you chose the wrong comment to defend, because my first comment you quoted was a response to someone claiming exactly that confirmation.

I still don't think Discord changed the subject, but I can see your point and he may have avoided talking about Fluttershy on purpose. Certainly shipping fuel, but nothing more.

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Just now, DonMaguz said:


Then you chose the wrong comment to defend, because my first comment you quoted was a response to someone claiming exactly that confirmation.

I still don't think Discord changed the subject, but I can see your point and he may have avoided talking about Fluttershy on purpose. Certainly shipping fuel, but nothing more.

Sorry, I thought I made it clear that the part of the original comment I was defending was simply the part where they interpreted Discord as trying to ignore and avoid the Fluttershy subject, which I agreed with them on, not necessarily the part where they said it confirmed any kind of shipping. At least it's cleared up now.

  • Brohoof 1

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On 8/27/2018 at 9:38 PM, DonMaguz said:


Spike: "...I mean, you don't have tea with Fluttershy every week just because you like tea."

Discord: "But I do like tea! Every tea, all the tea..."

Since when a direct response is a 'change of subject'?

A change of subject would have been telling BigMac he's running late to send the pie, or doing some random chaotic Discord stuff like he usually does.

Then again, it is obvious that Spike brought out a truth. Discord spends time with Fluttershy because he likes being with her and catching up, again she's his first and most beloved friend. But that doesn't mean that he has a crush on her!

I have a great friend whom I go out with twice a month to have a few beers and talk about whatever. Do I go out with him only for the beer? Of course not! Do I have a crush on him? Hell NO!

Again, as shipping fuel it is fine. Watching the scene thinking Discord&Shy are cute together makes one think there might be something there. But claiming that the scene "confirms Discord having a crush on Fluttershy" is a complete lie.

You are in denial too much. The topic Discord was responding to was about romance in Heart and Hoof day, not just about friendship in general. If Discord didn't have romantic feelings toward her, he would start with telling Spike that "they are just friends". You have to admit that this scene confirms that he has a crush on her and stop lying to yourself or blaming shipping googles. This is just pure logic.

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On 8/27/2018 at 10:20 PM, BasementSparkle said:

Sorry, I thought I made it clear that the part of the original comment I was defending was simply the part where they interpreted Discord as trying to ignore and avoid the Fluttershy subject, which I agreed with them on, not necessarily the part where they said it confirmed any kind of shipping. At least it's cleared up now.

THis scene was confirming his crush on her, that was something that even 6 year old watching the series would understand from this scene. And writer did it on purpose, entire dialog and story board and direction was put into this scene to make a point in the story that Discord crush on Fluttershy the same way Spike does it on Rarity. Even the show staff responsible for the series already knows it. What DonMaguz is doing is literally damage controlling it like theres people who still claim that Lyra and BonBon are just platonic friends.


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9 hours ago, Conred said:

THis scene was confirming his crush on her, that was something that even 6 year old watching the series would understand from this scene. And writer did it on purpose, entire dialog and story board and direction was put into this scene to make a point in the story that Discord crush on Fluttershy the same way Spike does it on Rarity. Even the show staff responsible for the series already knows it. What DonMaguz is doing is literally damage controlling it like theres people who still claim that Lyra and BonBon are just platonic friends.

I don't doubt the writer's like to put in bits and pieces of potential shipping fuel to tease the audience, but I think it takes a bit more to confirm anything. As for the video you just showed up above, that also doesn't confirm anything, that just feels like the show crew having a bit of fun honestly, there's nothing in the show that really points to Spike actually crushing on AJ or Twi being into Pinkie that way, at least with the Fluttershy/Discord one there's some actual teases for it if you're into it.

Twilight is best pony.


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I seem to think that Discord likes Fluttershy a bit more than just a casual friendship, like a close friendship. I don't think he's in love with her or anything like that. I could be wrong, tho.

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On 8/30/2018 at 12:32 AM, Conred said:

THis scene was confirming his crush on her, that was something that even 6 year old watching the series would understand from this scene. And writer did it on purpose, entire dialog and story board and direction was put into this scene to make a point in the story that Discord crush on Fluttershy the same way Spike does it on Rarity. Even the show staff responsible for the series already knows it. What DonMaguz is doing is literally damage controlling it like theres people who still claim that Lyra and BonBon are just platonic friends.


dude, you don't understand that, the actresses are playing and they said dark side child is based on a joke about them.
Fluttershy is not really in love with Discord, Discord is not in love with her either, that's not good for children who are watching on TV show. spike is not in love with applejack or pinkie pie is not in love with twiligth sparkle all that was a joke. Discord and fluttershy are better and they are always great friends. He is an old man and she is a young girl they're platonic friends. 
Mlp is a show about friendship based on g1. 

On 8/30/2018 at 10:12 AM, BasementSparkle said:

I don't doubt the writer's like to put in bits and pieces of potential shipping fuel to tease the audience, but I think it takes a bit more to confirm anything. As for the video you just showed up above, that also doesn't confirm anything, that just feels like the show crew having a bit of fun honestly, there's nothing in the show that really points to Spike actually crushing on AJ or Twi being into Pinkie that way, at least with the Fluttershy/Discord one there's some actual teases for it if you're into it.

 they are not confirmed they are just playing.

On 8/30/2018 at 7:10 PM, Phosphor270 said:

I seem to think that Discord likes Fluttershy a bit more than just a casual friendship, like a close friendship. I don't think he's in love with her or anything like that. I could be wrong, tho.

Discord likes fluttershy because she's his best friend, that's why he defends her, always had a strong friendship with each other. not that he's in love, 

Edited by Van123
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9 hours ago, Van123 said:

dude, you don't understand that, the actresses are playing and they said dark side child is based on a joke about them.
Fluttershy is not really in love with Discord, Discord is not in love with her either, that's not good for children who are watching on TV show. spike is not in love with applejack or pinkie pie is not in love with twiligth sparkle all that was a joke. Discord and fluttershy are better and they are always great friends. He is an old man and she is a young girl they're platonic friends. 
Mlp is a show about friendship based on g1. 

 they are not confirmed they are just playing.

Discord likes fluttershy because she's his best friend, that's why he defends her, always had a strong friendship with each other. not that he's in love, 

Stop monitoring fluttercord threads just to speak your nonsense mantra on every site, Carranza. No one listened to you in the past and no one will ever listen to your rants in the future. Accept it.

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