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Dark Fox

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Everything posted by Dark Fox

  1. It's gotten kinda stale to be honest, and expecting his fans to fund his project through kickstarter and then collecting all the profits from the movie itself is kinda lame, especially considering the rewards for donating were terribly cheap.
  2. Can I try and discourage you? This simply has never been done in a flattering way from the videos I've seen, I understand you're excited to share your interests with the class but, I mean, this usually ends badly. Is it even relevant to the class anyway? Unless you're a fantastic speaker and have enough material to cover the 5-10 minutes without resorting to bullshitery and explaining every facet of the show itself I can't see it being an enjoyable experience for your college reputation or for the fandom if this ends up on youtube as another example of over eager fans.
  3. 5. SimGretina 4. PinkiePieSwear 3. Flaedr/SynthCrescendo 2. SoGreatAndPowerful https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leg-e_3IUOI 1.Facexplodie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-W3NULcsllI Trust me, they're all worth a listen, especially the last 3, I had a lot of trouble deciding which one of them get's first place, SGAP has gotten a little less awesome lately and Facexplodie is consistently amazing he also doesn't have all his good videos unlisted like SGAP does.
  4. It's not just that, it's the turning men into woman thing, it's simply not a dramatic premise, that's something I'd find in a comedy movie. I mean does your story even need 3 villains? I think you're better off finding 1 or 2 you can really flesh out and spread them out through your story, remember spiderman 3? It had 3 villains and it was overcrowded nonsense with backstory thrown in within 5 minutes just as an excuse to have venom in the final scene. What kind of powers are we talking about anyway?
  5. Your second one is the strongest for me, the first one is just strange, just sounds like a mad scientist, that's been done thousands of times before, the story hasn't, but as I said, it's just strange, unless you intend it to be funny because I don't see a gripping drama unfolding over losing your dick and growing tits. The third is meh, there's really nothing there, it just sounds like kirby, you haven't expounded on it much so I can't say a lot about it. They all aren't that great to be honest, I mean, it's like you're just taking character archetypes we've seen hundreds of times and giving them super powers, a good villain needs to be complex and be able to garner sympathy or no one will care what happens to them or have any interest in their story. I mean the first one getting raped is something but it's far too simple, like when I think "Why would a woman hate all men?" I just jump to rape and abuse, it's simple, don't be simple, give it depth and substance. If you just have an evil chick stroking a cat and laughing maniacally it'll flop.
  6. Get a fancy ergonomic keyboard with a built in backlight, god knows how many times I've had to retype my password after fumbling with the keys in the dark. And it's hard to go wrong with any kind of modern mouse, I personally find those giant gaudy ones with the ball on type to be terribly annoying to hold.
  7. Look guys, this isn't a blatant attempt at ageism, I'm not suggesting we change the age limit for the forum or brony inclusion, I'm just saying by and large those under the 15-16 range are less mature that's just a fact, and like I said, there are exceptions, If anything I'd judge "brony value" on a case by case basis.
  8. Do you recognize all ages of pony fans as bronies? I mean it's time and time again referred to as "adult fans" of the show, so where do you draw the line,? if you have a line of course... Mine is personally at 16, maybe 15, sorry to the rest of you, but I was still watching the Powerpuff girls at 13 and that's wasn't strange to me, and frankly I don't see maturity in droves from people younger than 16, Not to step on any toes here but a lot of times in the little time i've been here there's been plenty of threads and posts that...Lack quality I suppose, and more times than not it's "age: 13/ Age: unknown". No offense, I mean, I'm not mad about it, I just thing kids that young would be better suited for club penguin or Runescape, haha, but honestly, there are exceptions, I've been surprised at the ages of some posters, so with all that, what do you think? What's the cut-off? Do you notice a lack of quality post-wise from the youngins?
  9. I'm on Hiatus from those books, I started the second and I figure I'll get around to it eventually and I never do, so I figure I'll just try something else and get back into, also I was looking at the Divergent books like an hour ago, how odd, I think I'm going with those first.
  10. Ill think about it, Stephen King is hit or miss for me, I've never heard that one though so I'll see if my library stocks it, it's a small town so the pickings are slim. Eragon was good but I personally loath the author, he's a pretty pompous guy if you read his interviews, and I was bored out of my mind reading eldest. The whole thing felt like star wars in the bad way and he only got published because of Daddy. Holy shit! That's the guy! Someone recommended him to me and I forgot his name, thanks brah, ill check it out.
  11. I've been back and forth to the library and have yet to find something interesting, anything modern is either vampires or pixies and I've read a lot of the old things (Ender's game, fuck Ender's Game). So does anyone have anything a bit under the radar, preferably something that doesn't involve a 13 year old fighting dragons and turning into a magic Werewolf ninja. I'm picky, I mean, I absolutely hated the Maze Runner series, I got to the second book and read the synopsis and was utterly shocked that the ending was so anticlimactic and predictable. I read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incarceron and it's sequel, Meh... Now that I think about it the only sci fi book I ever liked, was the Chaos Walking trilogy, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaos_Walking I mean, it was the first young adult novel that didn't make you feel like you were reading a book for young adults. It doesn't necessarily have to be a trilogy, hell it doesn't even explicitly have to be sci fi, just something interesting, action-tastic, something with substance. And I mean, no Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings, I'd rather read something that doesn't have a movie out already. Thanks!
  12. If you're going to do that scripted, over-the-top nonsense, that pewdiepie or similar screaming pillars of online "entertainment" then don't even bother, you're going to get attacked by said fanboys for "copying them" and all in all I personally don't want more of the same crap, it's shallow, simple entertainment that could be done a lot better without the screaming and with actual, funny, commentary. So go for that, be yourself, record it on your first play of the game, no scripts, if you're going to flail your arms like a maniac then do it sparingly, exaggerated gestures to me are like a laugh track on a sitcom, use it sparingly and you won't look like the Big Bang Theory or in your case that wretchedly, unfunny Pewdiepie.
  13. Man, I bet you struggled to insert your dogma in an otherwise debate-free thread. Bravo... Anyway, I'm guessing by 2020-2030 we'll see hands-free everything, I saw a prototype of a shoulder mounted projector that acted as a computer, which was cool, I can't find the video on that, someone help.
  14. Sounds good Brev, I'm strongly considering Trakax, it's like $60 and it does video too, but I have no decent comparison to go by other than audacity, are their certain features I should be looking for? Wow that's pretty awesome for a browser based resource, I'll give it a look, I'll let you know if I have any questions, thanks
  15. Hey guys, I want to get started making some pony music, but I'm not sure where to begin, I have audacity and to me that's pretty much more of an editing system than an outright creation software, I can only really play the piano and a bit of guitar. So i'm looking for a reasonably priced studio software...Like preferably in the <$80 range, and perhaps someone nice enough to show me the ropes, I'd greatly appreciate it. Also, I'm on a PC so, no garage band, haha, considering trakax: http://www.trakax.com/software/pc/features/ obligatory cat:
  16. We shouldn't have to defend our interests just because someone does not enjoy the show, especially considering their complaints are often ridiculous, no one stops playing Assassins Creed because someone draws a picture of Altair in a clown suit. If you don't like certain fan-fictions or drawings then don't look at them. I've literally never met a person that hates ponies that doesn't come to me with all their fucking emotional baggage about gender, sexuality and social norms. Acting like middle school brats because someone likes something different. These whiny bastards expect us to acquiesce to their bullshit, I mean, it's fine for Joe to make a Family Guy quote every 5 minutes but god forbid I even mention the shit I like, that said I'm not vocal about it to strangers. As a community we shouldn't have to censor ourselves to appease people that don't like the show for petty reason, or even for those who have legitimate reasons. And Christ, where is everyone's loyalty? I mean I've heard "You're not a real brony if you do X", and people splitting the fandom into groups in order to distance themselves from the supposed "bad bronies". I mean, is this an effort to make us look better to the whiny contingent that won't give a shit either way? Community comes before the detractors, I don't care if you jerk off to ponies, or get really excited about it with your friends, or write terrible fan fiction, I'm not going to be mean to you or ignore and cover up your actions for everyone elses sake because I want judgmental bastards to like me. I don't care how you interact with the fandom, so to ostracize other bronies based on how they contribute is lower than low; far lower than the most persistent of "haters".
  18. Your first point is more or less already established, the only thing has yet to be addressed scientifically is "consciousness", also the idea that the body improves is odd, I mean, we grow, but there are many cases where children are better off health wise at a younger age than at an older one. But we do "grow", for better or worse the human body changes through all years of life. And you're 3rd point is just crazy, human longevity isn't determined by a switch in the brain, that would have no purpose evolutionarily speaking and it simply has zero evidence. However there is a DNA sequence that determines more or less how your cells can replicate and how many times they can do so, this could be changed to increase life but there is no magic cure or "switch" we can flip to end all diseases and live forever. The only way this is feasible would involve genetic modification, and perhaps significant advanced in stem cell research...Well at least organic immortality. Theoretically we could upload the human brain into a computer eventually, but that comes with the issue of consciousness, I mean if you and a clone existed at the same age and same time your consciousness would not occupy 2 bodies at once, so to say your consciousness could transfer to a computer is kind of silly. But I'm rambling...haha
  19. Salt and vinegar, but only a few, otherwise you get that nasty taste in your mouth, but Doritos if im going to be eating more than 10. Original favor only, I never liked cool ranch.
  20. The issue with bronies and furries is that they attract many strange and socially awkward to the extreme people, while it happens to be the minority, it certainly doesn't help our public opinion. But I don't mind furries, despite the fact that every furry I've met was terribly obnoxious I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt...Mostly because 90% of the people I went to school with were terribly obnoxious, furry or not.
  21. Haha, I actually never noticed that in the description, It sounds like a hyperbole to me, but whatever, maybe all the physics fans went to sleep for the night, lol Yeah, you do, it's cool though, just spice it up with some explosions and boobs, the video I mean, not your voice. Unless that sounds cool to you.
  22. This is a pony forum bro, the reason you're not getting updates is because very few people have the interest/knowledge/time for a riveting discussion concerning particle physics. Especially when it requires 17 minutes of frankly droning commentary or at the least 5 paragraphs along with equations and figures that fly over the heads of the layman. Not to be mean, I just don't see how I could personally contribute without a college level course, or at least a a considerable amount of time on wikipedia. But it looks nice and sciencey if that makes you feel better. sorry...
  23. AHHH! No...I never understood the appeal, I finished the first book and the ending was just like "what da fuck", like in a bad way, and then I heard it was like a 13 book series or something ridiculous...So I figured it couldn't get better. Mister Thread creator, I would recommend the following, It's intended for young adults, but there aren't to many instances where you could tell... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Knife_of_Never_Letting_Go
  24. I remember the oceans being clear, the waves were perfect, the sand wasnt too hot...Now it's full of jellyfish, you can't walk on the sand without sandals and the waves are only decent during a storm...Oh and it's raining every other day. Not sure what happened, maybe i'm just forgetting all the shitty beach days.
  25. Good but not something I'd put on my ipod 7/10
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