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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Megas

  1. I've always hated 4chan, so my opinion on /mlp/ isn't any better. In fact, I can't think of anything positive to say about imageboards in general
  2. 1. All of the background ponies were deleted? They aren't the show, so no 2. CMC got their cutie marks? I want to see them get their cutie marks, so no 3. Twilight the alicorn wasn't such a good idea? I'm not worried about the alicorn thing, no 4. They ran out of ideas for episodes? No, as long as I have the show's past quality 5. MLP was cancelled? It's gonna end eventually, so no 6. Everyone teased you about being a brony? Not my fault people are shallow 7. Everypony fulfilled their destinies? Again, I want this to happen, so no 8. The show sucked itself? But the show doesn't suck tbf, I already do think the MLP fandom is kinda crappy, but it's places like here that remind me that there's still great people in the fandom To me it's possible avoid the fandom while still being a fan. Still I don't see myself leaving the fandom anytime soon
  3. Super Exorcist I was hoping I'd get Super Saiyan so I could scream with all of my might, but then I noticed that there was no Saiyan and became a sad pony
  4. Someone should make a video of Chrysalis's reveal but change it so she says "IT'S ME AUSTIN!"

  5. Don't see how that's an unpopular opinion, many consider it one of the best DBZ games out there. Legacy of Goku one on the other hand...
  6. What is the problem with Derpy? Why is she so hated by some people? To me, she's a cute bubble-head popularised by Crissy Snow from the old Three's Company show. I don't think they hate her, I think it's that they're annoyed at how much value they place on her being a BG character and all(seriously there are people harping on Season 3 just because Derpy was hardly in it). Some also found her offensive Would Luna really be so loved if more were known about her? Is she better kept as a background character? We don't need to no more about her, at least not yet. And(don't know how to put this the right way), she doesn't need anymore love, she's already one of the most popular characters Why is Cadance princess of the Crystal pony kingdom? Wouldn't a crystal pony be a better candidate? Likely because they thought Cadance would be a good leader Why are only alicorns princesses? Is there racism in Equestria? Because Kings and Queens are evil according to Hasbro. And yes, both HWE and Bridle Gossip hints at this If Celestia is a princess, doesn't this mean there should be a King or Queen around? See above How exactly does Rarity represent the element of Generosity? Vanity I can see, but Generocity? Any generocity she has displayed has been couched in vanity. She was orginally supposed to be the element of Inspiration, but they changed it for reasons I can't remember(probably because of executive meddling). Also see Suited for Success to see why she deserves the element of generosity Is Spike Twilight's slave? What exactly is his relationship with her? No. He is likely treated as her son and/or brother Are only Celestia and Luna long-lived? Cadance seemed to be quite young as Twilight's foal-sitter. Yes. They confirmed Twilight was Mortal, so the same probably applies to Cadance Follow up on last question: If Cadance was indeed so young and was already a princess, what could she have done to earn the position at that age, considering all the hoops Twilight had to jump through? (Pun intended.) Or was she simply born a princess? And then what were her parents? According to one of the books Cadance was originally a Pegasus, though I don't remember what she did in order to become a Princess. If I also recall, Celestia found Cadance, so I'm gonna take a wild guess and say she's either an orphan or was abandoned
  7. Egoraptor and Jontron/Game Grumps littlekuriboh TeamFourStar AlphaOmegaSin(Though I'm pretty sure he acts like that in real life too) Razorfist Angry Joe
  8. I know they already have Megaman for Capcom, , then it would be one of the best character reveals ever
  9. I don't think anyone outside of Pac-Man, Klonoa, or Lloyd has as much of a chance. Well, maybe Soul Calibur's Nightmare has a chance, but I feel like even that's pushing it. As much as I like Kos-Mos, I think she'd be a terrible choice, regardless of Nintendo's relationship with Monolith. She's only been on crossovers in Nintendo platforms, it's like putting Morrigan in Smash over Megaman or Viewtiful Joe
  10. Gimme Isaac, Travis Touchdown and some new F-Zero and Metroid characters and this will be the greatest Smash Bros in the history of forever
  11. It's the explicit version of Equestria Girls, there's already a teaser picture for it right here: OK seriously now it's probably fake
  12. Most: Twilight, easily. The only mane character that even comes close is Applejack Least: Toss-up between Rainbow and Flutters, but since GPP gave Rainbow a slight edge, I'll give it to Fluttershy
  13. Smash Bros Megaman, X, and Bayonetta 2 were my favorite games, though I didn think 3D World and Windwaker HD looked great as well Kinda disappointed that Retro's game is another DK game though(not to say that DKCR was a bad game though)

  15. Realisically, yeah, we do need more villain songs. Would of loved to see one for Nightmare Moon myself
  16. Applejack - Her family leaves her and all of her hardwork is for naught when she loses the farm Rainbow Dash - She loses her ability to fly, gets rejected by the Wonderbolts and everyone hates her Rarity - She's unfabulous. She loses her beauty, her sister leaves her, her dresses become uglier and rejected, her business goes under Pinkie Pie - She loses her happiness Fluttershy - Deals with the bully Dragons, all animals fear her CMC - They can never get her cutie marks, their respective sisters reject them Celestia - Someone very close to her gets Nightmare Moon'd Luna - Has to deal with Nightmare Moon again
  17. Kingdom Hearts III

  18. - Windigoes, surprised only a few people have mentioned this - Hydras - Timberwolves - Prosecuters Was going to include dragons, but Dragon Quest made them look pretty pathetic
  19. Rainbow Dash - Phoenix Wright Rarity - Miles Edgeworth Twilight Sparkle - Mia Fey Pinkie Pie - Maya Fey Lightning Dust - Larry Butz Sweetie Belle - Pearl Fey Derpy - Detective Gumshoe Fluttershy - Apollo Justice Sombra - Manfred Von Karma Trixie - Fransika Von Karma Discord - Godot Applejack - Lotta Hart Gilda - Kristopher Galvin Celestia - The Judge
  20. There's tons of stories that felt sadder than MLD ever did. Hell, 90% of MLD was incredibly difficult to take seriously, it lost me when some emo guy finds a cartoon horse in a box out of nowhere
  21. Metal Gear Solid 4 is all you need. Realistically though: - MGS4 - The legacy collection - The God of War Saga(I believe the one with GoW I-III+ Chains of Olympus and Ghost of Sparta) - The Uncharted series - Ratchet and Clank Future series - Infamous - Sly 4 - The Last of Us - LittleBigPlanet - Playstation All Stars - Heavy Rain - Dark Souls - Demon Souls - FFX+X2 HD - Twisted Metal - Any Tales games - Disgaea 4 - Gran Turismo 5 - Ico Collection - Yakuza 3+4 - Valkyrie Chronicles - Loads of PS1+PS2 Classics And of course the billions of multiplat games, but I'm to lazy to list them
  22. This may be me, but I feel like out of the three he grew the most. Cloud went from a cocky soldier to an emo pessemist, Zidane went through some conflict, but at the end of the day he's still the same goofy kid we all now and love, but Squall goes from an emo and careless asshole to a strong and noble(maybe that's not the right word, but you know what I mean) leader who cares for his comrades. That is of course if you can get past his unlikeable qualities in the first and half of the second disc, but that's just me And yes, King of Fighters is superior to Street Fighter
  23. Because it combines two things I love, Friendship is Magic and Megas XLR, into one nice, thirst-quenching Megaslush. Plus, it's done by my favorite Pony artist, UC77
  24. Oh look, a thread dedicated to unpopular gaming opinions, while I re-post, I guess I'll add in a few extra ones - Suda 51/Grasshopper Manufacture is the epitome of Quality game design - I believe Epic Games game's(i.e. Gears of War, Unreal) are incredibly dull and boring on top of being mediocre developers - Crytek sucks for continuing to ignore Timesplitters - Bully is better than GTA - Killzone is generic as fuck - Brothers in Arms Furious Four looks awesome(is it still the same?) - DBZ fighting games stopped being good after Tenkaichi 3, and they should consider other genres - Insomniac is better at making fun and querky like Spyro or R&C rather than generic tripe like Resistance - Skyrim's is one of the most overrated games ever - FFVI is more overrated than VII - PSP is the best handheld ever - Gamecube and the Wii are the best consoles ever - Halo is awesome and a lot of those who bashes it are just bandwagoning - Metroid Other M was awesome - I dislike MMOs and RTS games. A lot - PC fanboys, Microsoft fanboys, Sony fanboys, and Nintendo fanboys all suck. Which one sucks more, I have no idea, but they can all spontaneously combust - All of the Post-Starfox 64 games are awesome and I actually prefer them to 64 - FFVIII was the best mainline PS1 FF(Tactics is still the best FF period) - Twilight Princess is the best 3D Zelda - CoD1 and 2>The rest of the series - Contrary to popular belief, CoD are solid games, they just make too much without changing much, and publishers are getting the wrong idea from the franchises success - Resident Evil 4 is the Hallmark of Excellence for RE games, but like the argument above, Capcom got the wrong idea from the game's success - Squall>Zidane and Cloud(even though VII and IX had a much better cast of characters) - I liked Tidus - Megaman X>Zero - Megaman X6 was better than the more popular games like X5 or X3 - The "but the 16-bit era was littered with platformers, quit whining about shooters!" argument is bogus, with what consoles can do now, there should be no reason why all we get is mostly shooters - Online is going to be the downfall of gaminga(especially if Xbone is any indication) - Older-style GTA games are better than the newer ones - Mortal Kombat's fighting style is shit - Mario Sunshine>>>>>>>>>>64 and Galaxy - MGS2's Raiden was actually a cool guy Now let's see the jimmies rustle UPDATE: Couple more - Starfox going online is a terrible idea. Here's why - Starfox 64 quote's are some of the most annoying lines and memes in the history of the internet, and gives things "20% Cooler" and "over 9000" a run for it's money
  25. 1) Favorite MLP episode(s)? - Sleepless in Ponyville - Wonderbolt Academy - Hurricane Fluttershy - Best Night Ever - Feeling Pinkie Keen 2) How often do you go back to watch the show? - I rewatch a few episodes from time to time, mainly the ones I liked 3) Do you do it in groups of episodes, a single, or marathon an entire season in one go? - Again, only a couple once in a while 4) Favorite season? - Despite popular opinion, my favorite is season 3, despite some bumps, it houses two of my favorite episodes in the show, and unlike the other 2 seasons, it doesn't house any episodes I outright detest. I will admit though, Magic Duel is overrated as fuck
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