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Everything posted by Megas

  1. Cindy Morrow is probably my favorite writer, her season 2 episodes are some of my favorites in the series and her season 1 and 3 episodes were also great. Least favorite is probably Chris Savino, I didn't like Boast Busters and Stare Master was ok at best, plus he introduced Snips and Snails, which isn't exactly something to be proud of
  2. I actually think Mick Foley and Weird Al would be pretty hilarious to see as far as actual celebrities go, plus they actually shouldn't be hard to get. For actual voice actors, I'd wand Peter Cullen and Steve Blum
  3. I wanted to slap everypony in Mare Do Well I wanted to slap Applejack for making Twilight cry in Winter Wrap Up + her actions toward Zecora in Bridle Gossip I wanted to slap Rainbow Dash for the joust in the Crystal Empire I wanted to slap Rarity for making Sweetie Belle do all of her manual labor in Sleepless in Ponyville(despite how funny they were) I wanted to slap Pinkie Pie for most of Luna Eclipsed I wanted to slap Fluttershy for making Pinkie Pie and Rarity cry in Putting Your Hoof Down(I don't care if she apologized, she still deserves it) I wanted to slap Spike for most of Winter Wrap Up I wanted to slap the rest of the mane 6+Spike, Celestia, and Shining Armor for Canterlot Wedding Part 1
  4. The only episodes I've disliked are Mare Do Well, MMMystery of the Friendship Express, and Hearth's Warming Eve. And even then I'm willing to throw a bone to HWE because I mostly dislike it because of it's place in the canon rather than the actual episode itself(though I still disliked the play's painfully sappy conclusion and the non-play parts0
  5. My vote goes to Cell from DBZ. One of the biggest draws for me is how he's literally made from the most powerful fighters in the universe, making him the ultimate living Bioweapon(I might also add that he's technically the closest to achieving immortality) as well as being the only villain to kill Goku. He's also one of the more intelligent foes in the series(imo), although I'll admit, his plan was pretty confusing as well.
  6. Megas

    movies/tv Daria

    I actually saw Daria before Beavis and Butthead, so seeing her there was actually a surprise for me. But still it was a great show, I thought Daria's view on people in general was hilarious
  7. They need to make more lead protagonists more like Zack or Laguna, either that or make Laguna the star of his own game., I'd totally play a game like that
  8. Oh yeah, I also enjoyed Dragon Quest. Sure it could've been better, but I still found a lot to enjoy about it. The only thing that truely disappointed be immediately was the fact that there wasn't any references to a certain JRPG
  9. I liked Baby Cakes more that the other Pinkie Pie episodes because I felt that it made her look more mature and responsible than her other episodes I also liked Spike at Your Service, I think some fans are a bit to harsh on it, personally, I found it to be just dumb fun(It's not like there was much weight put on it) As for episodes I didn't like, Magic Duel. I never cared much about Trixie, had to deal with Snips and Snails again, and I thought Trixie's apology was, to put it best....odd
  10. Algus from Final Fantasy Tactics, the guy was an elitist asshole who killed Delita's sister, and enjoyed it. Even after fighing him and killing him(and his ghost as well), I'm still not satisfied Also Sylvia from No More Heroes, I just don't see what Travis saw in her
  11. The idea of Derpy getting the disability episode is ridiculous, let alone getting an episode. The problem here is the fact that the entire fandom blew a gasket because of the accusations of her offending the disabled and fans going out of their way to prove that's he's not. Giving her an episode like this will just end up proving the soccermoms right Realistically, if they do make it, it'll most likely be Scootaloo(based on Faust's idea) or a new character entirely
  12. God Hand, one of the funniest games I have ever played Odin Sphere, an epic 2d Action RPG Bully, basically GTA the schoolyard version Madworld, a ridiculously awesome beatemup for the Wii Okami, a great Zelda-like adventure
  13. Yes, a lot of companies do these things, doesn't mean many like it, and expressing complaints is usually a good way of letting publishers now if something is a bad idea, though actually has to listen in order for people to be satisfied. For microtransactions, they are becoming more common, and what people are afraid of are games going by a "pay to win" method that takes the fun out of actually playing the damn game, that's why people don't want microtransactions. And with customer support, based on what I've heard from friends and personal experience Nintendo and Valve have pretty good CS, though I don't see what your point is going, if "everyone does it, so it's fine" is your arguement, then that's pretty weak, especially that all of these things are pretty common among a lot of publishing companies, but EA gets a lot of hate cause they do all of it
  14. There are too many songs to put in separately, so I'll just put entire soundtracks that I love(with examples of course) Megaman X Series http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_eFI0UFfAJE No More Heroes 1 and 2 Metal Gear Solid Final Fantasy Medal of Honor
  15. Yes I was satisfied, I'd even go as far as to say that it was my favorite season. Then again I'm pretty easy to satisfy(I even enjoiyed both Spike episodes). I will say the only thing I didn't like was how short it was and the lack of Rarity episodes
  16. I do think they're the worst, if not then they're up there along with Activision, and Capcom. Why exactly EA is such a bad company perhaps? - Shoving Origin down everyone's through: As someone stated earlier, it exist solely for them to make more money - Shitty customer support - The yearly sports titles bring very little to the table, taken a step further with the Wii and Vita version of Fifa 13 when it was literally just a roster update and that's it - After the success of Call of Duty, they've been milking Battlefield to no end - Next one is a little personal, but killing Medal of Honor, mainly after the mediocre reboot and the awful Warfighter - DRMs, it's like they learned nothing from Diablo III - Buying talented developers, and killing them later on, like Westwood - Wanting to use Microtransasctions in all of their games - The situation with the Wii U and Nintendo. imo, the only game they got right was Need For Speed Most Wanted U. The port of Mass Effect 3 in particular felt like a gigantic F*** you to Nintendo fans who wanted to try the series, mostly because they just announced releasing the Mass Effect Trilogy just after the port, and refusing to port that instead to the Wii U. There's also refusing to support Nintendo Platforms from now on, including the Wii U not getting EA's sports games, which just further confirms the rumors that Nintendo didn't want to use Origin for their online structure
  17. My favorite major villain is Discord, he has that special flare that all of the other villains don't have that makes him more memorable As for minor villains, I've recently become obsessed with Lightning Dust(for some reason the polls not letting me vote)
  18. No it's not my favorite show but it's up there in the top five, below Gurren Lagann and Megas XLR and just above Dragon Ball Z and King of the Hill
  19. AlphaOmegaSin, easily. The rants he usually makes are insanely hilarious while bringing up great points at the same time, and a lot of other videos are also really great
  20. I rewatch them all a few good times(except for a select few), but I think the only ones I've watched an unhealthy number of times were Wonderbolt Academy and Sleepless in Ponyville
  21. Put me on the list of people who think May the Best Pet Win is underrated, I still think it's one of the better portrayals of Dash in Season 2, and in the series overall. I also agree that Baby Cakes is an underrated episode, I liked more than the other S2 Pinkie Pie episodes, with it giving her a more responsible role than the other ones. Spike At Your Service, I don't think it's as bad as everyone else says, I mean sure, Spike is clumsier than usual, but there wasn't much weight on the episode, it was just dumb fun in the end. And it still did Spike more justice than Dragon Quest(which I will say is also isn't as bad as everyone says) Wonderbolt Academy, mostly because I think most of the complaints are really dumb, and it doesn't help that they're actually pretty common Griffin the Brush Off, mostly because I'm probably one of the only few people here who actually likes Gilda In fact, I think most Charlotte Fullerton's episodes are pretty underrated, the only one that seems to get noticed is Dress for Success
  22. - I disliked the "-licious" memes and am glad that the fans aren't haven't done it in a while(though I'll admit, I liked the Rainbow Dash one" - Even though Rainbow Dash is my favorite pony, I actually dislike calling her "Dashie", to me it doesn't feel right unless Pinkie Pie says it
  23. It took me until Feeling Pinkie Keen to one-hundred percent love the show. so I'd say roughly half of the first season. Then it just got better from there
  24. The art is...something, I think there's a lot of ways to improve the artstyle This fan artist in particular really makes the designs and show look more appealing imo As for the dog Spike, I have no comment, but isn't it just a rumor
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