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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Megas

  1. The bread is delicious

  2. I once turned $28 to the lost and found at my middle school... and I still got to keep those same $28 in the end. I also returned an old woman's bank card and drivers' license
  3. The Crystal Empire: Spike the Hero Too Many Pinkie Pies: FUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUN! Also the paint dry scene was one of the funniest moments in the show imo One Bad Apple: Dat Song Magic Duel: I always love seeing Zecora as an important character Sleepless in Ponyville: Diabetus the Episode(I also teared up at the wing hug) Wonderbolts Academy: mothereffing Lightning Dust Apple Family Reunion: Dat Song Spike at Your Service: What Stellafera said Keep Calm and Flutter On: An episode that didn't involve Fluttershy being shy Just For Sidekicks: Tank and Rainbow Dash love <3 Games Ponies Play: Personally this was the funniest episode in the entire show Magical Mystery Cure: Dem Songs
  4. Personally, the stereotype is one of the biggest turn offs I have with most lesbian Rainbow Dash, plus I got a bit too attached to SoarinDash and MacinDash, when I first got into the fandom. On the other hand, I think PinkieDash and FlutterDash are insanely adorable, plus I have a soft spot for RariDash
  5. She has an attractive design, an interesting personality, people want to know more about her. The usual Like the background characters though, I think fans become too attached to what their fanon establishes and sorta flips out at every appearance she makes just go with it
  6. I thought The Heart Carol was very both forgettable and boring, on top of coming from an episode I don't care for, which is worth noting since most songs usually help subpar episodes for me. It was just all sorta bleh. And believe it or not, same goes for the Smile song, I just can't enjoy that song and episode like everyone else. Also not a fan of the Flim Flam Brothers song, probably because they both bug me I'm kinda surprised that everyone doesn't like "Sharing is Caring", I found it amusing, plus they acknowledged that it was a bad song in the episode, which was kinda funny
  7. Most stories are written pretty early, if anything they'll probably use plots and scripts that they couldn't use in Season 3(kinda like how Magic Duel was written along with season 2)
  8. There's not really enough about Rainbow Dash to really warrant her own show. Sure, a spin off about her and her squadmates in Wonderbolts Academy, but they were just kinda background characters. Plus they'd have to give the rest of the mane 6 their own shows just to be fair and....yeah, it's too much work, and I'm fine with just RD episodes I'd still watch the hell of that show though Now a video game on the other hand
  9. The fandom does have a tendency to blow a lot of negatives out of proportion honestly, even if they're just opinions, and there was still a lot I enjoyed from this season despite its shortcomings. Hell, even Spike At Your Service, the epsidoe founds "Terrible" and "worst in the series", I was just dumb at worst imo, which doesn't make it bad, since I still found it better than most of S1 and S2 "bad" episodes
  10. "FIghting was the only thing I was good at, but I always fought for what I believed in." - Gray Fox(MGS1) "Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick" - Teddy Roosevelt(yes I'm quoting a president) "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM!?!?!!?" - Kamina(Gurren Lagann) "Believe in yourself, not in you who believes in me, not me who believes in you, but you who believes in yourself!" - also from Kamina "Why does life have to be so ironic?!" - Sweetie Belle
  11. When I first saw them in MMDW the first thing I thought was "OH MY GAWD WHAT KIND OF ABOMINATION IS THAT!?!?!". They started to grow on me by Baby Cakes But dammit Baby AJ was beyond adorable
  12. The Metal Gear Solid series, if those don't have the best voice acting, then I don't know what does. Also Starfox 64, if only for the dirty youtube videos
  13. Any/most game developed by Suda 51(Killer7, No More Heroes, Lollipop Chainsaw) or Platinum/Clover(God Hand, Viewtiful Joe, Bayonetta). Their weirdness is probably what makes me love them so much though
  14. Either Sonic the Hedgehog 2 or Mortal Kombat 2 for the Sega Genesis. I'm surprised that I didn't become a Sega kid, despite loving the hell out of the Genesis(though I did end up getting an loving the Dreamcast)
  15. It's not FiM, but it's still a pretty damn good show. I feel that tries a lot to be like FiM while doing a lot to make it stand out on its own
  16. Spongebob - After the movie it became a steaming pile of awful, churning out maybe 1 good episode every 2 seasons Fairly Odd Parents - After Poof was born, the show became very boring, and it feels like a lot of recycled plots and jokes Simpsons - I don't think its as bad as everyone says, but like FOP, a lot of plots are overused to the point where it's boring(I mean for God's sake, how many girlfriends has Bart been through already?) Rugrats - When Kimi and Dil were introduced, which sucks because in all honesty, I loved both of the movies All Grown Up - When the first episode aired. It was fine as a special, but the series sucked so hard Kappa Mikey - After the first season Family Guy - After they got uncancelled Dragonball - GT. Normally I'd would agree with everyone who said after the Cell saga, but I still liked a lot about the Buu saga, even though quite a few things pissed me off as well, but GT? Oh god that was painful, only redeeming quality was the last saga Megas XLR - When Cartoon Network cancelled it. F*** CN Naruto - After Sasuke left, which is weird cause I hate the bastard
  17. Rarity, she's like the complete opposite of me, yet she has that special something that makes me love her so much, I can't put my finger on it. He whining? Her overdramaticness?
  18. I never really cared about Twinkies, so meh. Wake me up when they finally find out what going to happen with the Ding Dongs, that's what I really want
  19. I was looking pack at my PS2 games, and I almost forgot about Odin Sphere, which has a very pretty soundtrack. This song inparticular feels like something out of Harry Potter or a Disney movies http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxnT9rDBe7g Other good tracks include this and this EDIT: Since I was talking about God Hand earlier, I'll go ahead and throw Devil May Sly in as well, didn't want to forget about that song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LV5lqJdak2I
  20. Guns, you can't use them to cut food, and if you do, they will end up tasting like metal, gunpowder or whatever you used in the ammo and a burnt spot
  21. Scootaloo drops her Ice Cream by DeiStar was one of the saddest pieces of fiction I've ever read in this community, it gives MLD a run for its bits but I don't read much sadfics for the most part
  22. That's cause they're both inseparable! I'm legitimately surprised at how votes Rarity and Applejack has, don't they have like, 2 episodes together already? That's kinda like asking for another Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie episode, which isn't a bad thing for either, mind you, but I'd prefer to see friendships that are rarely explored
  23. sheesh, 3 pages and not one mention of either Cam Clarke or Steve Blum? Between having a great singing voice and voicing simba, I figured he'd be an appropriate choice for the show(plus he voices pretty sweet villains like Liquid Snake) And Steve Blum, he's just awesome at everything he does and it would be funny to hear his voice come out of a pony. Plus I secretly hope that if they bring back adult Spike that he voices him A couple others I'd love to see would be Grey Delisle, Scott Menville, Jennifer Hale, Joe Dimaggio, Jim Cummings, Peter Cullen, and Mick Foley
  24. Rocket Power, Recess, DBZ, and Hey Arnold were my favorite shows growing up. Time has not done RP though any favors, and I cringe almost every time I rewatch it, Hey Arnold and Recess on the other hand hold up real well, with the latter being in my all time favorite shows DBZ is still one of my favorite animes, plus Goku's driving test still gives me a good laugh
  25. Either This Day Aria or Babs Seed. One feels like a homage to Disney villains songs and the the other just has a really fun beat to it. Believe it or not, I honestly don't care much for Winter Wrap Up or Smile, Smile, Smile(just had to get that off my chest)
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