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Everything posted by Megas

  1. Making a game more accessible and having the game hold your hand throughout are two entirely different things. I'll just get that out now. I do think that games are getting a lot easier these days, but I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing as long as they, again, don't have the game baby you during it's duration. But there are some other contributing factors to consider: 1) Us as gamer are probably getting better at games, so in time they become easier 2) Games are becoming more mainstream, so in turn developers have to make their games more accessible(this could be good or bad depending on how they do it) 3) Games are too similar. This is just a personal opinion on certain genres, but I feel like a lot of games are getting too similar to each other with the current explosion of the shooter genre. While one could argue with the popularity of platformers during the SNES/Genesis era, or the JRPG explosion during the PS1/PS2, to me at least, most of the games I've played around those had different mechanics that I couldn't apply what I learned from one game into another(Example: I couldn't play Mario like it was Castlevania, or Sonic like Megaman). On the other hand I can play most shooters easily because a lot of them are too damn alike. The only way to learn from the game is if I get really technical on how the online gameplay is like
  2. Lauren Faust - Friendship is Magic Part 1 & Part 2 It kinda started the whole series. Amy Keating Rogers - The Best Night Ever My favorite episode of season one. And I really liked the build-up it got froms it's small arc Cindy Morrow - Hurricane Fluttershy My favorite Fluttershy episode and established Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy as my favorite friendship Meghan McCarthy - Lesson Zero It was a hard choice between Sweet and Elite and Lesson Zero, but in the end I chose LZ because it showed me that despite some bumps, season 2 would go on strong Chris Savino - The Stare Master I actually don't care much about his episodes, but I chose The Stare Master simply because I don't have to deal with Trixie Charlotte Fullerton - Suited for Success Established Rarity from my least favorite character to my second favorite. It truly showed what Rarity was capable of M.A. Larson - Secret of My Excess A Spike episode done right. We finally get some more insight on Spike's crush on Rarity while getting some actual development on the poor kid Dave Polsky - Too Many Pinkie Pies I was thinking about putting Games Ponies Play, but I think this episode is arguably Dave's best episode. An underappreciated imo, this is an episode that shows Pinkie Pie at her finest on top of some hilarious antics caused by her clones Merriwether Williams - Wonderbolt Academy While I will admit that most of the criticisms toward some of her episodes are justified, I still think that Merriwether gets more hate than she deserves, and I feel that she's made the most noticable improvements compared to the rest of the writers. The jump from Mysterious Mare Do Well to Wonderbolt Academy shows that she's come a long way as she puts on Rainbow's best performance during her stay at the academy Corey Powell - Sleepless in Ponyville Scootalove. 'nuff said
  3. Aside of extemists, I always thought Shining Armor and Princess Cadance were very well received by the fan community. I don't know any of this "Am I the only person who likes them stuff".
  4. Megas

    movies/tv Any DBZ fans here?

    I always loved DBZ, but I stopped paying attention to it when I kept seeing fans fighting over which version was better. That said, I still really enjoy it and patiently wait for the new movie
  5. It's funny, Pinkie Pie is probably the only other character I can see besides Buu who would enjoy turning her enemies into candy
  6. For Rainbow Dash's dad I think Rainbow Dad is a funny, but I think I'll go with Roy G. Biv as his fan name. I don't think anything can beat that
  7. Rainbow Dash is totally Kamina from Gurren Lagann. For Starters she "made the impossible happen" which is essentially what Kamina lives by "Kick logic out and do the impossible". They also have a similar philosophy in that they both won't stop trying until it kills them. On top of that, a lot of her dynamics with Scootaloo and Fluttershy in particular remind me much of Kamina and Simon
  8. They're all Canadian, I mean, just look at where the show was made. lol jk, realistically speaking I think both Rainbow Dash and Applejack would be from the US, with AJ being from Texas obviously, and with Dash being from Cali(she just strikes me as someone from Cali) Twilight would also be from the US, but probably as a German-American or Japanese-American Fluttershy would be from Canada, Rarity would be from some European country, probably France or England. And Pinkie Pie? I actually have no idea.....Ireland
  9. I chose Gilda, mostly because, like most have already said, I think it'd be a good opportunity to shed on some light on some of Rainbow Dash's past. Plus, after seeing part 4 of Turnabout Storm, I think there's a lot of potential diabetus if she is to be redeemed That said, I would also be cool with Lightning Dust returning. Or you know what, have both come back
  10. In Rainbow Dash's defense, why the balls would they make an episode about a massive sporting event, and have Rainbow Dash be completely irrelevant in it. That's like making an episode about Canterlot's biggest fashion show but Rarity had little influence in it. Honestly, I actually think the new episode did a good job a making it a mane 6 episode overall, despite a bigger influence on Rarity, Rainbow, and Twilight
  11. - Gilda and/or Lightning Dust return, or even team up, just to settle old scores with Rainbow Dash, possibly redeemed - More Scootalove - More pets - More Iron Will - Rarity Episodes - More Pegasai Families(closest we got was Rainbow's dad in a flash back so far) - Celestia episode - Less Cadance - Beach Episode =p - Another Winter/Christmas episode - Celestia and Luna backstory - More Fluttershy/Applejack interaction - More Applejack/Pinkie Interaction - More Rarity/Rainbow Dash - More Twilight/Rainbow Dash - Another holiday episode - Every main character gets more balanced screentime - Rainbow Dash solo(so far she's the only one who doesn't have her own song) - More Ashleigh Ball singing - More Songs period - A return to Apploosa - Return of Braeburn - More Wonderbolts - More importantly, more Soarin - Peter Cullen voices a character - Steve Blum voices a villain
  12. Favourite Ponies 1)Rainbow Dash 2)Rarity 3)Twilight Sparkle Favourite Antagonists 1)Discord 2)Lightning Dust 3)Gilda(yes, I went there) Favourite Episodes 1)Sleepless In Ponyville 2)Hurricane Fluttershy 3)Lesson Zero Favourite Scenes 1) 2)Pinkie Pie watching paint dry 3)"Oh C'mon!" Favourite Pets 1)Tank 2)Angel 3)Gummy Favourite Songs (MLP) 1)This Day Aria 2)Babs Seed 3)At the Gala Favourite Songs (Fan Songs) 1)n/a 2)n/a 3)n/a Favourite Fan Fictions 1)Friendship is Empathy by Trinary 2)Families/Post Nuptials by Darth Link 22 3)My Little Megas XLR by Alkem(had to get Megas in there somehow)
  13. I expect the Japanese fans to bash the Japanese dub because it isn't in english. I'm pretty sure that there will be complaint about how one character would say "it" instead of "that" because it was translated differently
  14. Dear god, Rainbow Dash was absolutely hilarious in this episode. Also, I loved the little bits that referenced Just for Sidekicks with the beginning and the end of the episode
  15. PS3. I mean, it has Metal Gear Solid 4.... and I am a big Metal Gear fan... which means I'm probably going to be biased. Soooooo.......yeah, the PS3
  16. Apparently, Nickelodeon(rather than Nicktoons) is gonna show the new Digimon series http://www.nickandmore.com/2013/02/05/saban-brands-announces-nickelodeon-as-u-s-broadcast-partner-for-digimon-fusion/ I hope this means that they can show the older shows in the future
  17. I enjoyed TUFF Puppy <_< I think Nick's biggest problems is scheduling their shows. I they've got the right shows, I mean acquisations like Power Rangers, Dragon Ball Z, Yu Gi Oh, TMNT, Korra, and a few other cartoons and shows lined up, but they put little faith in most of these shows, and usually in about a month they'll either death slot them or put them on Nicktoons, which has been pretty underground for some people
  18. A guilty crackship of mine: I actually find Vinyl ScratchXRainbow Dash to be really adorable, same thing with RarityXOctavia .
  19. "Am I the only one who doesn't like Scootaloo?" My response: Yes Now that's out of the way, I think the biggest appeal most people have with Scootaloo is that she's arguably one of the most underdeveloped characters in the show, even more than AJ(whom I personally don't see as underdeveloped), and that since she is usually seen as a main character, many fans really want to know more about her. Though I understand why some wouldn't find her appealing, Not everyone will like everypony
  20. Rarity, she used to be my least favorite of the mane 6, then Suited for Success and Sisterhooves Social happened. Now she's my second favorite overall character
  21. A CMC episode with their mane 6 counterparts....sorta. I got this one from watching King of the Hill. Basically, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity promise to do help the CMC with some important event, but throughout say the first half, they they end up helping different CMC(for example Rainbow ends up helping Sweetie Belle instead of Scootaloo, Rarity with Applebloom, AJ with Scootaloo). Eventually the CMC are disappointed when their respective sisters never show up fpr said event. Again it'd be similar to the King of the Hill episode "of Mice and Little Green Men" just with less aliens
  22. I don't see what was so douchey about what Rainbow said, if anything she sounded like she was freaking out too much, if RAINBOW of all ponies freak out over a head dress is any indication
  23. I really hope so, I'm still crossing my fingers, because second best pony shouldn't be missing out on an episode. We'll only know in three more days
  24. I dislike Diamond Tiara, the male pegasai trio in Sonic Rainboom and the dragons from Dragon Quest, unlike most people I don't have much problems with antagonists simply being jerks, but these guys are so dull and uninteresting on top of being painfully unlikeable that they could be bisected with a chainsaw in the show and I wouldn't give a damn, little shits would deserve it. I dislike Blueblood because he is the exact opposite of what a prince should be(in context of the show) and was disrespectful to Rarity I also dislike Trixie and Snips and Snails for reasons already stated And lastly I dislike the Flim Flam Brothers, but this time I don't really have a good reason, I just don't like them and their dumb song
  25. I want Gilda and/or Lightning Dust to comeback to patch things up with Rainbow Dash. I also want to see the Flim Flam brothers screw up again. And Iron Will being awesome
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