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Everything posted by Phoenix237

  1. First of TMNT 3 was horrible, I agree. Even as a kid I disliked this film. Now as for the villan? That's the least of our problems. Trust me there are worse things to worry about then that. I won't agree or disagree with anyone sayin this movie will be horrible or not, because I don't know. And you know what I won't get into this argument. When it comes out it will come out, no hate will stop that.
  2. Well since you are including the cast of the G4 series then wouldn't this technically be a spin-off series instead? When I think of G5 I think of a new set of toys to sell, not neccesarly a new show. That said would I watch the type of genre show you discribed? Hell yes! There is no sayin that this will happen, but If it did then ya I would watch it. We would just need the right people an the right storylines.
  3. Started playing Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time gold edition on the N64 today. What the difference between gold and regular? There are slight changes, you just have to find them. I'm going to see how long it will take me to complete everything.

    1. Crispy


      Only real differences are a couple of fixed glitches and the coloring of Ganon's blood.

    2. Sir Cal Stonehoof
  4. It all depends. It could become a box office hit or not. Many factors can contribute to its succes or failure such as the promotion, when it comes out (to see the competition), if people will be okay watching it in theaters, accecability (what If it's only shown in some theaters only, it's happened). But, my concerns arn't about the reception the movie will get, but rather the movie itself. Movies base on shows are either hits it miss. When you base a movie on a show or cartoon in this case you have to be careful on how you do it. I have seen films based on shows and cartoons that dispite liking that show/ cartoon, I hated the film. So here is how I picture a film based on this show should go or have: 1) It needs to tell you what it is about. If your going to have a film on a show or cartoon in this case, you kinda have to give an idea on what its about. This is for newcomers who have never seen the show. This also could be a way to market the show in a clever way to newcomers. It doesn't have to be much but give something. A bad one is the first Pokemon film. When the film started it gave nothing. It didn't tell us the story, it didn't tell us what pokeom are, etc. and continued like this leaving you to guess whats going on. Now imagine you have a friend who never saw Pokemon, and you showed them this film they would be even more confused. They wouldn't understand what is going on, who the characters are, or what to think. It wouldn't be a good way to introduce them to the series because all it would do is confuse them. It assumes you watch Pokemon, but not everybody watches Pokemon. Also not everyone watches MLP, even kids. The first Pokemon film didn't even tell us who the characters are, and that my next point. 2) It need to establish who the characters are at the beginning. If the audience wants to root for the main characters then they have to establish who they are. It doesn't even have to be long. Hell you want a great example look no further then the Discord arc, or season 2 opener. Particularly the scene where they stop the weird weather. It tells us who they are, subtly tells us how they behave. It shows how they interact with each other and why you should care about them. It introduces the characters to and brings up to speed the newcomers an refreshes the viewers of the show of the characters. 3) It needs to have good pacing. One thing I noticed about other films is that the pacing was horrible. In the Digimon film for example, it was like watching three films at once. No joke and then things would happen out of nowhere and even big plot events would happen too fast. The pacing was horrible and a film for MLP deserves better then that. 4) The story need to be entertaining. If the story does not capture the viewers attention then it isn't entertaining you and it fails its purpose. 5) The film need to make some sort of sense. I know this is weird saying that, but If the story sounds bizarre or makes no sense even without the show then something is wrong. If it sounds to silly of doesn't take itself seriously then it will fail. If the story is all over the place the you have a recipe for disaster. 6) Introduction of new things needs to be handled well. Let's face it of a movie like MLP comes out they are going to add things to market new products. Look I'm okay with that as long as the thing they are promoting makes sense and is not just there to sell toys. It can market toys, but it also has to make sense in the Equestira history and storyline. For the most part these are my views. I have liked other stuff that has things that I don't like. But a MLP film would be a big deal. For us it would be a chance to see the ponies on the big screen and for Hasbro It could be a chance to make some bucks. Look all I'm saying is that for me a film like MLP needs to be handled well and with care.
  5. Ummn.......sorry but no The reason villan team-ups work is because the villans are memorable, they may be on some same level, they have a common goal, and they work well of another. Given the villan MLP has, we probably won't see that. The villans are great, but there doesn't seem to be a lot going for them to say team up. Maybe another group of future villans will team up with the current one I don't know. But for now it doesn't seem likely.
  6. First off welcome to the site As for your question my guess is as good as yours. It has been stated that she won't be in season 4, but that itself is suspicious. Why would they come out and give a statement like that? If she wasn't going to be in season 4 then why bother mentioning it? They coul have kept the fun going, theories could arise and thy would only leave more anticipation. So why state she isn't in season 4? Unless it was to protect her in order to keep her role in the series a secret. Or it could be she isn't in season 4 at all. I don't know I think too much. Anyways I don't know. Maybe she will appear dispite what is said, it could happen. Changes can be made they have months to get the next season finished. Anyways welcome to the site. Hope you have fun.
  7. It could work But There will be problems. First of we need to establish why humans died out. And even if we don't we need to establish their existence. Second would be the problem as to how mystical creatures came to be after the human time period. Did the earth start over again? Was there a mystical force? What happened to make it from say our world to Equestria we know today. In any case this does sound like good material for a fan-fic.
  8. It depends on how you look at it. I mean yes Crysalsis is a Villan and acts like it as seen in both the show and the comics (I count it as head cannon in my own ways). But Look at it from a nature standpoint. This is how they feed. It's probably how that species has survived for many years (if they existed before Luna's banishment then for thousands of years). It's just the way it is. They don't know better because it's the way it's always been. Like if a Lion eats a Zebra or a Gazelle, is it evil? Well it's only eating and it's using methods it as a species has always used. But changelings and Crysalis are sentient beings. Well it depends on what standpoint you are looking at to see if she is evil or not. Maybe harmless methods didn't work and she needed more harsh and brash methods to feed her people. Eventually she behaive like this for a while an accepted it as who she is. Now as to can they change? Maybe, but it's going to be really hard. Changing one persons views and ways is hard enough, changing a whole nation is even harder. Even If Crysailis is the one to be changed there are going to be subjects that won't agree and retaliate (the comics kinda show they arn't a hive like mind). So is she evil? Yes Is it on purpose? Maybe, but there is doubt
  9. This kinda leads to the question as to why the ponies need to control the weather and other forms of nature. It has been established that the weather works normally without the ponies aid. This was mentioned in the episode "Bridal Gossip" where the ponies mentioned some things that happen in the everfree forest without the ponies aid. Such as the clouds move on their own, the animals take care of themselves, etc. In other words the weather and nature can take care of itself. So why couldn't an earth ponie nation take care of itself without the others? I mean the weather can move by itself, and appolusa (that how you spell it?) is mostly, if not all, an earth pony state (I saw no other Pegasus or unicorn besides the mane six). If they can do it, then why not a nation.
  10. I don't know And I don't care This show has given me many wonderful experiences and has helped me meet many great people. I don't care when it ends as long as I am there for the ride. Everything ends, however it's the rides where we take the time to enjoy every moment of it that leaves a greater impact. Not satisfied? Fine. If I had to guess there will be more after season 4. In anime terms season 1-3 was the Twilight reaching her Alicorn state arc (or her journey to that point). Season 4 and maybe (most likely) beyond are.... Umm I don't know. Her path to living up to that title? Well for whatever the reason you will see me there for the ride enjoying every minute of it even till the bitter/sweet end. Now the question is are you prepared?
  11. You have just made the best ending I could think of for the series. I mean it, this would be the ultimate ending and I would love to see them do this. And the thing with the book at the end would be perfect. Good job on creating a great ending for a series that still has a lot going for it.
  12. Wait that happen? She said that? I had no idea. I never really realized that. As to why she said it. Why not? I don't see too many problems with that.
  13. Ed, Edd, n Eddy was my favorite cartoon cartoon grwoing up. So I have a vast knowledge of what they have done. I have to give the vote to the Ed's. Pinkie Pie may be random, but these three constantly broke the laws of physics and everyone was aware of it or okay with it.
  14. my ideas for after school activities they would join: Twilight- debate team, book club, Applejack- agricultural club Fluttershy- maybe volunteer at an animal shelter (this one was hard) Rarity- drama club (she is a good actor), fashion club (my school had one), school president (I can see her doing this). Rainbow Dash- track team, or any athletic club you can think of (she may join various sports teams based on the quarter or semester). Pinkie Pie- any club you can think of. Pinkie is random an likes to have fun, so it stands to reason she would join any thing that may be fun. It could be a running joke that every episode we see her in (or most of them) she is in a new club. One minute she is a sports team with rainbow (Weither she is good or not does not matter she is there for fun) next she could be in band, etc. I could see this happening.
  15. I will reserve any judgment before I make any rash decisions or make any accusations. Weither it will be good or bad I don't know. Only until I see the show will I know.
  16. I have not been here for a while. Oh well not much has changed.

  17. Sounds like a great character idea to me. Also like the design I would like to see this character in any form of work, fan made or otherwise
  18. Two scenarios 1)If the know about humans, but they are extinct or rare then they may be awed by the presence of a human or weirded out to a point of starrig at the human 2) if they have no idea what a human is they would be weirded out or in awe.
  19. Since they are identical twins they both have the same shape in design (duh). Anyways I have to go with Lotus color scheme better. Don't know I just like this one better.
  20. I like both of them, but I have to choose one. I have to go with Cloudchaser. Even though I like both I end up remembering Cloudchaser more then Flitter. Also I like Cloudchaser's design better.
  21. Well for me I liked it I didn't come into this season expecting too much because if my expectations arn't meet then in disappointed. Anyways I enjoyed this season and can't wait for more
  22. I'm here for my analysis Like I mentioned on the previous battle post I will put my analysis and determin a winner. I'll try to keep this short so let's start. Applejack Strengths/ Abilities: •Applejack is an athletic pony, capable of running for long periods of time. •After years of working at Sweet Apple acres she has developed strong rear legs. She is doubtfully the strongest of the mane six in terms of kicking abilities. •She wields a lasso, which is strong enough to hold down most objects. She is very capable with this lasso and can even snare moving objects. •She can handle herself in a fight as shown in the "Canterlot Wedding" episode. Weaknesses: •She prefers a fair fight and challenge instead of one where she has the advantage. •Since she spends most of her time working it is possible that she never had time to improve her skills. •She also suffers from a bad case of pride. This pride at time clouds her judgment and makes her make unwise decisions. Fluttershy Strengths/ Abilities: •as a pegasus she can also manupilate the weather, though she does not seem to do that. •She has "the Star" a glare that brings fear to the toughest of creatures. •Most of the times she is kind and would not fight, but give her a reason, or push her too far and she will push back. Weaknesses: •She tends to relay on her friends when in a dangerous situation. •She does not like fighting •"the Stare" appears to only work on animals, however this can be disproven. @Sir.Flutter Hooves Why do you give me one sided fights to analyze. (wait no on told me to do this. True but I want to. So stop complaining. Fine) Anyways once again the fight is one sided. Combat wise Applejack has a huge advantage over Fluttershy. Not to mention most of the times when in danger Fluttershy relies on her friends to get her out of trouble. Winner Applejack
  23. Well I think the show is intended for all ages. There is something in it for everyone, sorta like a Disney film (at least all the good ones). I doubt a toddler would appreciate what te show has to offer. For someone that age it would just be a bunch of pretty looking and colorful pictures (I showed it to a cousin of mine that is 3 and all he could remember is that it was colorful and it had ponies). But that's not to say its bad. It will get their attention and keep the older audience entertained (assuming they watch it). It has something in it for everybody.
  24. Let's see what have I done? Oh it's coming back to me I say eeyup and nnope a lot as well as Okie Dokie Loki. I also say 10 seconds flat and 20% cooller as well as yay on Fluttershy's volume. I once said everypony on accident, though no one cought the reference they just thought that was weird for me to say. When someone says something doesn't make sense I say "what funks there in making sense". That just annoys people for some reason.
  25. I noticed that a while back as well. All the characters don't jus represent one trait, they have a mix of other traits as well. I couldn't have put it down better then what has already been said so ya
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