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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by SCS

  1. You're very welcome. In my opinion, the simple pleasures in life are often the best. Also, it is not the number of friends that count, but the quality of your friends. Feel free to PM me if you ever need or want to talk about anything. I am here for you, friend.
  2. I know exactly how you feel. I've felt the same way before many times. But, I'm trying to not do that anymore. You should never feel like you have to compare yourself to other people. We are all unique individuals with our own specific strengths and talents. You certainly have them, we all do. You should form your own goals, and strive to reach them, and not worry what other people are doing. You are a wonderful person. You should do your best to put those negative thoughts behind you. Whenever you find yourself thinking or saying something bad about yourself, you should turn it into something positive. I used to think very destructive negative thoughts all the time, because when I tried to think something positive about myself, I often didn't believe it. However, I decided that I would refuse to treat myself like that anymore. If I felt myself thinking a negative thought about myself, I would stop it right then and there before it got any further, and then think positive thoughts about myself, whether or not I believed them. Well, it didn't take long for me to begin to believe the positive things I thought about myself, because they were true, and it turned out not being as difficult as I thought it would be to put my negative falsehoods about myself behind me. I'll still think or feel something negative about myself from time to time, but I have come a long way since I had my inferiority/self-hatred complex and depression last year. Also, you don't need to feel bad about not going to college. The main thing is to live life and be happy, and to help other people to be happy too. It might interest you also that although both Lauren Faust and her husband attended college, they never got a degree, yet she is still extremely successful today, and doing what she loves. She was at college for about 2 1/2 years, but never finished. Experience is what's important, not where you get it.
  3. You should just ignore that page. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, whether or not we agree with them. The best course of action, in this situation, would be to just avoid conflict.
  4. I could click that... forever.
  5. I hesitate to post sometimes. I almost always only post if I have something substantial enough to say that I have no problem exceeding the minimum character limit. Other times, I might have something to say, but for whatever reason I feel too lazy to post it at that time.
  6. lol, I like how twilicorn threads got their own subforum.

    1. Rolls Royce

      Rolls Royce

      Oh lol it did, I didn't even notice.

    2. Quiles


      Seriously? That just made my day

  7. I haven't watched them, but from what I've heard of them, I don't want to. Not only do I have a problem with combining that kind of material with MLP, but I'm trying to stray away from that sort of content in general. It reminds me of things that used to be in my life that I am trying to move away from.
  8. Finally getting my sleep schedule on track. Daily life is much easier and more enjoyable when I'm not in a constant state of sleep deprivation induced discomfort.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SCS


      The last week of last semester was particularly exhilarating. I pulled two all nighters that week.

    3. Reani


      I sleep at 1 am because I get too distracted on the internet.... then I have to wake up at 5:40 to catch my bus at 6:30.... I surprisingly still manage to stay up and be energized.

    4. Starflower


      psh, my sleep schedule got screwed up two nights ago lmao. :(

  9. I wrote this over five months ago. I call this a concept piece, for it is not a full fledged fanfiction. In fact, it is a short two paragraphs, addressing a specific matter in an allegorical fashion. It is my second fanfiction I have uploaded to the internet (see the link on my profile for details). I began writing a third one a grade ago back in 9th grade, on my TI-nspire CX CAS graphing calculator, but never finished it, nor uploaded it anywhere. I do plan to continue writing more in the future, both concept pieces such as this one, and full-fledged fanfictions. Now, without further ado, I present to you, We Are The World Of Light. We Are The World Of Light A soft melody whispered through the grass, borne along by a gentle breeze. A few clouds slept overhead, precursors to the distant, comforting rumbling in the distance, heralding some light rain to come. The warm sun slowly descended out of sight, making room for the beautiful, celestial blanket to rest on Equestria. Fluttershy looked over her shoulder, seeing Ponyville's glowing lights fading into existence, harmonizing with the stars above them. She smiled, so happy to be living in such a peaceful world. Turning her gaze forwards, she found the sparkling sight of Canterlot far in the distance, cascading rainbows across the mountain that held it so dearly. A tiny Princess Luna appeared, soaring up into the sky. Fluttershy knew that she was going for one of her beloved night flights, to explore this vast realm of light at the eventide. Fluttershy walked forwards, entering into a field adjacent to Ponyville. The stars shone above, heavenly bodies of wondrous magnitude, gladly bathing Equestria with their light. Fluttershy stood in this field, soaking in this celestial light, this love. She began to wonder how it was possible for this world to be so beautiful. She wondered how it was possible for a new wonder to be around every tree, in every meadow, in every street in Ponyville. Then, the answer came to her: the inhabitants of Equestria had chosen to create their own wonders within themselves, and share them with others. There was a Ponyville within every one of them, a Canterlot, a sun, a moon, a song dancing through the grass at night. They had chosen love over hatred, and now were able to live in a world of such joy. Fluttershy began to dance with happiness, gazing at all of the beauty and wonder around her. She ended up laying on her back, panting for breath while gazing into the starry night above. She saw many lights, some brighter than others. And she hoped, those spinning worlds sleeping beyond the dusk, would one day choose to awaken to as bright a day as she did each morning.
  10. I noticed that some fairly common contact methods do not have dedicated fields on the Contact Methods section of the user control panel: I suggest adding fields for Twitter, Gmail, Tumblr, and Reddit. Those websites/services are used commonly. I don't like the idea of adding a field for Facebook, though, as that could be a privacy issue due to its nature. Those other websites do not provide, as strongly, an inherent privacy issue.
  11. I've played a game called Roblox since June 2008. Back when I had severe behavior problems on the internet, specifically in 2011, I ended up getting myself banned for a week there. A few weeks, or months later, I did something much worse and got the worst punishment other than a permanent ban: a 14 day ban. That pretty much made me wake up and realize that I didn't want to be barred from playing that game and using its accompanying website forever, so I cleaned up my act. I was banned for more minor things a few times before and after that. Since then, I have come along way not just in internet civility but in maturity in general, and I am now a good member of their community. Certain staff members even wanted or considered hiring me as a moderator, even though their policy is to only hire adults. I also own a group there with over 3,000 members that I have owned for almost a year now (after being in it for a few years beforehand) dedicated to encouraging helpfulness and kindness both on the internet and in real life. It just goes to show that anyone can change, no matter what they've done. I went from almost being permanently banned to being told by a veteran staff member that I would make an excellent moderator there. It means a lot to me, both because I have a great sentimental attachment to Roblox for various reasons, and also because Roblox is a very large website, with tens of millions of user accounts. They reached the milestone of 100,000 concurrent users several months ago, and if I remember correctly they have over a million unique logins per month. The fact that I was considered, and even hoped for by one as a staff member by two of their veteran staff members is a tremendous compliment.
  12. Welcome to MLP Forums! Awesome username and avatar, by the way. Fluttershy is my favorite character, too, but I love them all.
  13. I don't know the exact times that my classes start, but I'm pretty sure school starts at around 7:45 AM for me, and ends at 2:57 PM. I'm in 10th grade in high school, and this is what my exact schedule is every day: Pre-Calculus (was Trigonometry first semester) Advanced English 10 AP Computer Science A (IQ Academy*) Advanced Physics AP Art History (IQ Academy) AP European History Spanish II (* IQ academy courses are courses I take online, since they aren't offered at my school. So, during those hours, I can do either one of those classes in any order I like, or both in one hour, or neither, etc.) I'm taking way too many difficult classes this year. AP classes are college level. My advanced classes aren't as hard as AP (but they've turned out to be close to it), but they're harder than regular classes. I greatly underestimated the difficulty of these kinds of classes, and it's turned out to be an overload. Next year in 11th grade I'm going to be having a much wiser schedule. It won't be as easy as possible, but it'll be balanced. I'll be taking harder classes primarily in what will help me in my professional career (I currently plan to double major in math and computer science), and regular classes for most everything else. This is what my 11th grade schedule will probably be: AP Calculus AB AP Statistics Advanced American Literature and Composition Regular US History I and II Regular Chemistry Webpage Design Basics (first semester), Game Design & Computer Programming Basics (second semester) Study Hall This way I'll also only have 6 classes next year instead of 7, and a full class period each day for the entire year to just do homework.
  14. Hi there, welcome to MLP Forums! I'm not a huge gamer, but I do enjoy some games. Feel free to PM me if you ever need any help with the site or anything.
  15. Hey there, welcome to MLP Forums! I hope you enjoy it here. Feel free to send me a message at anytime if you need help with anything, such as how to use the site. Your interests are awesome, in my opinion.
  16. SCS

    movies/tv Pitch Perfect

    I watched this recently with two of my friends. We literally just laid on a bed the whole time and watched this on this little portable DVD player my friend had. His mom had passed away recently, and we were spending time with him at his house after the public service for his mother to help him feel better.
  17. That sounds terrifying, but it sounds a lot like sleep paralysis, which thankfully is, if I understand correctly, not a paranormal phenomenon at all. Here's some helpful information about what sleep paralysis is, and how to avoid it: http://www.pickthebrain.com/blog/sleep-paralysis-what-it-is-and-how-to-avoid-it/ I do believe in the paranormal though, incorporated in my non-religious spiritual beliefs. I have had a total of 6 or 7 paranormal experiences that I can remember, the great majority of which having to do with out of body experiences (remembering, attempting, or almost happening accidentally). The two that didn't were an orb and a voice. The voice one might have been my imagination, but the orb one was definitely not, and is one of the most fascinating paranormal experiences I have had. I was brushing my teeth in the bathroom one night, and suddenly this orb just appears out of nowhere midair, flying at a very high speed. It disappeared just as quickly as it appeared, flying a very short path by my face in the bathroom. However, I was able to get a good look at it even in that short period of time. It looked like it glowed from its inside, and its substance looked nothing like I have ever seen, in person or otherwise. It was not a solid, but it was not a liquid, but it was not a gas. It had these strange shapes or patterns fluctuating on its surface.
  18. MLP Forums almost has 10,000 members :D

  19. My guess is that the user above me is 20 years old. A reasonable guess due to the fact that the majority of people here seem to be adults or close to it.
  20. I will be continuing to enjoy fan material, and I will rewatch episodes. I will also use this forum. I also plan to write fanfictions, and maybe try my hand at making some fan art or fan music eventually.
  21. You're welcome. Also, I went to upload a story on your site that I wrote awhile ago. It let me create the story itself, but when I went to add the content by clicking "New Chapter" I got an error.
  22. I love writing, so your site sounds appealing to me. Some fundamental features that I think you should include are: Author profiles and collaboration forums Different genres to set your story as, and the ability to organize your uploaded stories into chapters A "series" feature. Just as stories could be organized into chapters, stories that go together could be organized into a series. A content rating system. Users could choose to hide stories that were above a certain rating to help ensure a positive experience for users who wanted to filter out material that offended them. If you choose to allow R rated content, users should be required to put in their age upon registration. If they're under 18, those stories would automatically be hidden for them. If they're under 13, they wouldn't be allowed to join. Allow the upload of images to complement stories, just as long as there are moderators to remove pornographic, gory or illegal images. I'll comment here again if I think of anything else.
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