No group should be off-limit from poking fun at, Chris. I'm perfectly fine with people telling jokes poking fun at the groups I'm part of (white people, men, Christians, and so on) as long as the joke is accurate.
"I feel good comedy and satire punches upward. It pokes fun at the powerful, the entitled, the institutions." 1. The NAACP, the Anti-Defamation League, GLAAD, Planned Parenthood and the National Organization For Women are all powerful, entitled institutions that desperately need to be punctured by the comedian's savage wit. The ADL and GLAAD in particular have developed well-deserved reputations as bullies. 2. More to the point, what matters is not whether someone is part of a "powerful, entitled group". What matters is: "have you done something worth making fun of?" If women, homosexuals and racial minorities do something that warrants poking fun at them, then we should poke fun at them. Simple as that. They are not sacred cows. "Jokes that trivialize slavery and segregation are not clever. Jokes that belittle rape victims are not clever. Jokes that make light of bullying and hate crimes committed against LGBT youth are not clever." No they aren't, but it apparently has not occurred to you that we can tell jokes that poke fun at women, racial minorities and gays without being outright cruel to them. I fail to see how woman jokes like this "belittle rape victims", for example.
You are right about one thing: sometimes it's funny to mock the powerful. Which is why I found Tova Reich's novel "My Holocaust", which pokes fun at the Jewish elite for its culture of victimhood despite being the wealthiest and most powerful ethnic group in America, to be very funny.