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Everything posted by NomDeSpite

  1. her stare. It's just totally blank. Indicating that the brain removal operation was successful!
  2. And to ride it, you have to take an elevator that is filled with 16 live cougars. Whatte dieux?
  3. I once dealt with a boss whose problem was that he left me out to dry. The workplace had a model where you, the employee, were to call him in the afternoon to discover what task you were going to accomplish the next day. When I called him, he would either A: fail to call me back, B: call me back and then tell me: "can you call me back at X time?" (which led to A) and C: asking if I was qualified to do this sort of work (the answer is yes, dude. That's why you hired me). I didn't work a single day for him and after two weeks of these shenanigans, I left him. It's a damn shame too. He impressed me during my initial interview with him and I was looking forward to being his employee.
  4. Hmmm...I'd get an ice cream. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sXkWDhvmAI
  5. Teleportation. The ideal superpower IMO, is one that is superbly useful without making life too easy. Teleportation is perfect for that. I used to answer this question "mind reading", but only if I could filter the sometimes disturbing results.
  6. Smartphones are a pretty good target for removal at this point. Do you really need to take a picture of...that thing? Whatever it is?
  7. When driving this morning, I saw a building called "Rock shop". Well, now we know where to find Maud.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Static Electricity

      Static Electricity

      Would the bag of chips' name happen to be Jeff, by any chance?

    3. NomDeSpite


      Uh, no dude. I don't give names to inanimate objects. That's just cuckoo.

    4. Static Electricity
  8. On the day of the contest... Maud Pie: This contest is pointess. Raven: Everything is pointess. Wanna go talk about it? Maud Pie: Everything except rocks. Raven: ...no. *end conversation* *competitors walk away from one another*
  9. I became a brony when Season 1 was still airing. It was a good time in my life. I had a college roommate who was good friends with; he and I watched "Winter Wrap Up" together, I met alot of new people at this college and had some new adventures. I'm also one of those "Season 1 is best season" people, so that was fun. Yeah, I do miss those days.
  10. This is what it looks like in the area of Arizona where I reside.
  11. I'm curious...how did you determine you are "80% gay"? Did you perform a head count of "number of men I've been attracted to vs. number of women" and the ratio was 4 to 1?
  12. There are alot of seriously catchy songs in existence, but the Japanese ending theme for Hamtaro (this video erroneously describes it as the opening theme) is the first one that comes to mind for me. Wait until the 0:19 mark. I rest my case.
  13. "A Canterlot Wedding wasn't good because Luna is absent and then just shows up at the end like nothing happened!" No. We really cannot say what Luna was doing during that time. While I would like to have seen more Luna in that episode, the plot worked just fine without her. Focus on what the episode is, not what it isn't.
  14. Soylent Green is ponies.

    1. M'aiq the Liar

      M'aiq the Liar

      If that were true, most bronies would not be eating it, but using it for somthing else.

  15. I noticed several people mentioned in this thread: "it annoys me when people tell 'get back in the kitchen' jokes about girls". I don't really have a problem with jokes like this and here's why: The currently prevailing dogma is that men and women are totally interchangeable, aside from one issue (women can give birth to children). But any keen observer will note that this dogma is false. Men and women are different from each other, on average. Unfortunately, in the minds of some people, it's "misogynistic" to simply point out that men and women are different (why pointing out gender differences is never "misandric", I'll never know). And because men and women are different and have different interests, some division of labor becomes inevitable (100 to 0, in the case of childbearing). This is where alot of "gender stereotypes" originate. And maybe we shouldn't be shaming men or women for having different interests. Like women being interested in cooking and homemaking, for example. There's a woman named Stephanie Smith, a reporter for the New York Post, who wants her boyfriend to propose to her. He agreed to, if she made him 300 sandwiches, three per week. So that's what she's currently doing. Some people were horrified by this story. But if a woman wants to make her man a sandwich, it doesn't mean she's "oppressed". It could just mean she wants to be a good and loving wife.
  16. -the social conformity/hivemindedness in women is annoying to me. Being execssively influenced by peers. The tendency to make decisions based upon what's popular instead of what's good and true. There's a reason men don't do fashion in terms of "trends", at least not usually. I know hivemindedness can be found in men too, but it's not as common. EDIT: Mein Gott, how could I have forgotten? Celebrity gossip! Stop reading it. You do not need to know what Rihanna is wearing (not very much) or how much coke Justin Bieber snorted this week (very much). Focus on things that matter!
  18. "[X]? More like [Y], amirite?" -How To Write Cliched Jokes

  19. When I was in high school, I mentioned in conversation to a girl in my math class that some of my favorite movies were made before I was born. In disbelief, she responded: "How can you see a movie that was made before you were born?! That's, like, impossible!" If a gunman had walked into the room and shot me in the head right at that moment, I would've been okay with that.
  20. The ultimatum has been issued.

    1. Shanks


      What ultimatum, are you in some kind of trouble?

    2. NomDeSpite


      No, I'm not in trouble.

  21. No group should be off-limit from poking fun at, Chris. I'm perfectly fine with people telling jokes poking fun at the groups I'm part of (white people, men, Christians, and so on) as long as the joke is accurate. "I feel good comedy and satire punches upward. It pokes fun at the powerful, the entitled, the institutions." 1. The NAACP, the Anti-Defamation League, GLAAD, Planned Parenthood and the National Organization For Women are all powerful, entitled institutions that desperately need to be punctured by the comedian's savage wit. The ADL and GLAAD in particular have developed well-deserved reputations as bullies. 2. More to the point, what matters is not whether someone is part of a "powerful, entitled group". What matters is: "have you done something worth making fun of?" If women, homosexuals and racial minorities do something that warrants poking fun at them, then we should poke fun at them. Simple as that. They are not sacred cows. "Jokes that trivialize slavery and segregation are not clever. Jokes that belittle rape victims are not clever. Jokes that make light of bullying and hate crimes committed against LGBT youth are not clever." No they aren't, but it apparently has not occurred to you that we can tell jokes that poke fun at women, racial minorities and gays without being outright cruel to them. I fail to see how woman jokes like this "belittle rape victims", for example. You are right about one thing: sometimes it's funny to mock the powerful. Which is why I found Tova Reich's novel "My Holocaust", which pokes fun at the Jewish elite for its culture of victimhood despite being the wealthiest and most powerful ethnic group in America, to be very funny.
  22. Regarding "tolerance", I am simply a person who likes Friendship Is Magic. I never agreed to abide by any "motto", nor is that a motto Christians should abide by. Jesus had the opportunity to "tolerate" the money chargers in the temple. He didn't. He threw them out using physical force. The hippified image of Jesus is something I want nothing to do with.
  23. I'd like to see how you plan to accomplish that. Anyways, that's my last post in this exchange. We're going off topic.
  24. Power is not the issue. The issue is adherence to the Law Of Non-Contradiction. A square circle, by definition, defies the Law Of Non-Contradiction.
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