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Mand'alor Dash

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Everything posted by Mand'alor Dash

  1. I don't think I've ever been offended by a joke. Quite the contrary, I'm usually the one telling the most offensive jokes. Simply put: If you can't grow a thicker skin, then your outrage is funnier than the joke itself.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNUSBi8x4tg And now I have a sudden urge to reboot EQ1955.
  3. I have a very simple five-point pretentious test: 1) Do you even know what the hell you're talking about? The true mark of a pretentious douche is that they will just make shit up without giving it any kind of meaning, and then try to fit one in later and pretend like that was the plan all along. These idiots seldom fool anyone. See: Five Nights at Freddy's; Take Me to Church. 2) Lit dropping is a very clear giveaway. We get it, you can read. You aren't clever just because you shoehorned in a reference that will confuse half your audience and induce groans of annoyance from the other half. The exception to this rule is when you are clearly adapting said work to a new medium, in which case normally cringey references may be acceptable. See: Dead Space; Amnesia - A Machine For Pigs 3) Self-quoting. "Eat big bag of something unpleasant." - Me I know you believe really hard in yourself, but in the marketplace of ideas, self-promotion is frowned upon. The whole point of a quote is to attribute credit to somebody else for something they said, not to stroke your own ego at how witty and clever you are. This includes quoting something your wrote for a fictional character. Don't put yourself on a pedestal. If somebody else likes your work, then it will speak for itself. See: Republique; Basically every internet commenter 4) Restating an extremely old, cliche'd point with "ze arts." If you have nothing new or insightful to say, then why should we listen to your points? We've heard them a million god damn times before, so why would this be the time that moves us to tears? See: 'Dances With Wolves' and all of its ripoffs 5) Overdoing it. This one is very subjective, and sadly, difficult for even a good writer to catch sometimes. However, even if you pass every other one of these tests with no sign of pretentiousness, you can still fall into the age old trap of going too far. Sometimes, you simply have far too much confidence in your work, too many ideas that all sound great, but fit together terribly, or have simply gone too long without anyone telling you "no." You aren't an idiot if you overdo it, but you're an idiot if you can't take a hint when someone points out that you overdid it. See: 'Seeking Mr. Eaten's Name'
  4. Cinnamon! Blow it in your sister's stupid face. Cinnamon! Better than any kind of mace.
  5. I've beaten Fallout 1, 3, and NV. I'm in the middle of playing 2 and Shelter, and have Tactics installed for when I beat FO2. I'm hoping these will tide me over until Fallout 4. That only leaves... that other game. You know of which I speak. Has anyone played it? Is it really as bad as its reputation?
  6. Muffler-kin Omni-ethnic Paper bag-sexual Star-gender Virtual Boy Gamer Getting my head stuck in small spaces enthusiast Golf ball-sexual So furry that I shit on the lawn Poking dead things enthusiast DVD-sexual Banned from Best Buy So weeaboo that I want to contract jaundice just so my friends will believe I'm Japanese Megazord-gender Gizmondo Gamer Non-Binary Non-Hexadecimal Non-dairy creamer Bath Salts Enthusiast Poking dead things sexual Label-ethnic Label-sexual Banned from JC Penny Abuser of Labels Sarcasti-gender So brony that I am literally wearing Rarity's face. Atheist Monotheist Polytheist Pantheist Antitheist Avid throwing rocks at people gamer Cat person Literally Banned from PetSmart Friendly
  7. How bad is Verizon Wireless? It just failed 4 times to open a file that was only 313 Kilobytes large.

  8. Frank Sinatra Dean Martin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WnXFxCDgew Glenn Miller Ruth Etting Billie Holiday Peggy Lee Benny Goodman The Ink Spots The Andrews Sisters Louis Armstrong Bobby Darin Elvis Presley https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPc8XNtlDk4 Bill Haley and His Comets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8B7xr_EjbzE Ray Charles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OY4jondX6tg And for something a little more recent... The Beatles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKh5k2cTk7c Creedence Clearwater Revival https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gu2pVPWGYMQ Electric Light Orchestra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYh7PwDo3Iw Aerosmith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKttENbsoyk Johnny Cash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Bwfm7-uNS4 And Bachman-Turner Overdrive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3CFyOxmgTk
  9. You like writing? You like video games? You like Fallout Equestria? I've been on this forum long enough to know that the answer to all three of those questions is a resounding yes. And you're all in luck, because The Overmare Studios is on the lookout for new writers to fill its ranks. We're looking for new blood with talent, gusto, and an eye for the demented. What is The Overmare? We're the Equestrian Wasteland's own Budget Bethesda. An enormous community of writers, programmers, artists, designers, and musicians united in producing a video game adaptation of the fanfiction Fallout Equestra, as we have been for years now. We want to make massive, open world Role Playing Game completely faithful to the Fallout we all know and love, to be released for free upon completion. To apply, simply fill out an application on our site and wait for an admin to contact you. Applicants must be 18 or older, must already have an established and growing body of work, must have Skype, and must be familiar with the writing styles of at least the current Fallout titles. We want the best that the community has to offer, and that's why we're turning to you! And one more thing. To any wiseapples who want to try to get around the application process: Don't. Seriously, just don't. This isn't an audition. We need to keep things organized, and we need all of the information that the application provides. If you want to include a piece that you specifically wrote for the game, then that's dandy, but please put it in your application. Apply today! And if you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
  10. So respectively, they've fucked books, baked goods, bears, a barracks, Blueblood, and bats. Very diverse mating rituals, those horses.
  11. Amazon really shat the bed with the Kindle Fire.

  12. I found the full segment. Their mention of Dark Souls really is that brief (stupid, but brief), and yet every other video I found on the matter cited P4R as a source when they ranted about FOX. So, I decided to do some digging of my own. More specifically, I clicked on another story listed in P4R's site. http://www.p4rgaming.com/interview-with-capcoms-12-year-old-art-director-for-street-fighter-v/ P4RGaming is actually an Onion clone that specializes in gaming. The "transcript" was a joke that somehow got taken seriously. FOX News never actually blamed Dark Souls for racism and school shootings.
  13. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I am screaming "source" from the rooftops of every building in town.
  14. The 20th Century. Why? Because this was New York City in 1900 (colorized, obviously): And this was New York City in 1999: The story of what happened in those short hundred years that spelled the end of the old Victorian Era, and the beginning of a new, globalized world that hinged on the threat of mutually assured destruction, is one that will ring through the ages. The 20th century saw cultural revolution, political upheaval, at technological advancement at previously unthinkable speeds. We saw world wars, untold destruction, crippling uncertainty, marauding super-nations that threatened naught but the apocalypse itself. But in the midst of this all, we learned to embrace life, to live and love freely. We learned the true meaning of freedom in the face of enemies that wanted to take it away. And at the end of it all, the forces of good won out, not on any battlefield, but at the table of peace. Humanity grew up in the 20th century. We grew wise and mature. In 1914, Britain and Germany alike celebrated at the prospect of (what was then thought to be) a quick, easy war to put in their respective caps. 75 years later, all the world wept in joy that the fallout from that first great war had finally subsided, and looked ahead to a (hopefully) more peaceful future.
  15. Spent the better part of a day in Fallout 2. Send help.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      And I have been playing Elite Dangerous. Video games. Time does not exist. :P

  16. Hasbro: The Video Game would definitely be whack-a-mole. But instead of moles, it's fan projects. And instead of a hammer, it's a lawyer. And instead of points, you earn alicorn wings.
  17. Because she sits funny on a bench. Bronies are easily impressed, sadly.
  18. A tailor. Think about it, even the best garment designers (like Rarity) live with pretty mediocre wealth. And she often sells to the Canterlot Elite. Imagine just getting into the business and trying to make a clothing line for the naked masses. You wouldn't sell a T-shirt.
  19. 10/13/15: Manhattan season 2!

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