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Bhending the Rules

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Everything posted by Bhending the Rules

  1. @@Batbrony, Sir, it appears my scouts have detected a large number of changelings headed our way, and assembling around our location. I can't say for sure, but... I think they actually intend to storm Fort Derp. But fear not, leader of the Derpy brigade. Your most powerful mercenary is ready for them. Chrysalis has us surrounded. The fool.
  2. *sees Spike with a 14 vote lead* Keep it up, little guy! YOU CAN DO IT!!! Good ol' Spike, on his way to the Sweet 16. Like a badass. As for the other matchups, Rarity without hesitation in the 2-7. Sombra (or as I call him, "cloud of smoke with teeth") is, for me at least, the biggest disappointment in the show's history. Might have considered Octavia last year, but then "Flight to the Finish" happened. Easily my favorite of season 4. That's enough for Scoots to get the nod, easily. Eh... guys, it's difficult to say, but it must be said: if Cheese Sandwich had been voiced by literally anyone other than Weird Al, he would have almost NOTHING going for him as a character. He's Pinkie Pie, only without the four full seasons of depth and characterization that makes Pinkie special. I cannot fathom how he draws any votes at all against the series' protagonist. And I'm one of the biggest Weird Al fans you'll find. I feared Mr. Yankovic might have enough power to pull Cheese to an early round upset of Twi. I'm relieved to see this is not the case.
  3. Yes. Yes she has. And it has kind of drifted from my memory almost completely, except for the song. But whatever, the quality of the episode is a judgement call. The Doctor doesn't need to have a full MLP episode for himself to justify my voting for him. By this logic, I would vote for Babs over Vinyl and Derpy, and NO. The 800+ episodes of Doctor Who, and the lore contained within, that the pony character is clearly a reference to is more than enough, thank you very much. (Also, MLP really CAN'T give the Doctor an episode or make him anything more than a background character even if the writers wanted to, because that would probably get them in all kinds of trouble with the BBC. So... yeah.)
  4. Yeah... sorry, Babs. You had your one episode, you served your intended purpose, and you didn't leave nearly enough of an impression on me to warrant a vote against the Doctor. You have a looooooooong way to go to have any chance of swaying the opinion of a die-hard Doctor Who fan. I'll even vote for the Doctor against Discord, should he be fortunate enough to make it that far. It's probably a losing fight, but I will stand by him to the end.
  5. Really glad to see that the good Doctor has pulled away from that one throwaway season 3 addition. It was still close when I submitted my vote, and if the Doctor had lost to Babs I would have had to find some tables to flip or something.
  6. Campaigning for Fluttershy can wait. Like with Derpy a few days ago, Flutters has nothing to worry about this round. Instead, let this be known as as the Day of the Doctor! May your stay in this tournament be a long, successful and fantastic one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5SiZ_1rxbA
  7. Well, Judgement Day has arrived for my favorite character, Spike, who looks like a total wild card in this tournament. Will he make a deep run, or will he get smacked around like he has been for most of season 4? I'll be sweating bullets awaiting the forum's decision. In the meantime, while you're deciding, here's a picture of me from Bronycon 2013 with the one who has etched her mark as the most awesomest voice in the history of forever. And here's a picture of Spike going SSJ4 and blasting a Kamehameha through some not-nearly-awesome-enough bad guy. Like a badass. Not on board? Sucks to be you.
  8. Last year was sort of the same way. It didn't really heat up until Derpy-AJ in the sweet 16, and after that we were seeing 100+ votes every day. Give it a few days, it'll pick up.
  9. Yeah... I did a somewhat in-depth statistical analysis of each team in the field before picking my bracket, and after looking at the numbers I immediately pegged UMass for "higher seeded team most likely to drop their first game by double digits". Turns out Colorado was most deserving of that distinction, but it seems I wasn't far off. Pretty sure the Mercer-Duke game wrecked all the remaining perfect brackets. Early on I was considering pulling the trigger on that upset, but I chickened out. Then I ended up picking Duke to go to the Final Four. I'd normally be angry about a development like this, but I'm too busy laughing, because screw Duke so hard. XD
  10. The first day of voting is underway!!! I'd be inclined to say a few kind words for Derpy, but let's be real: she's got absolutely nothing to worry about in today's vote. So instead, I'll save my inspiring speeches and adorable pictures/videos for later and just post something amusing for everyone that has absolutely nothing to do with ponies. Because.
  11. Batbrony, good sir, you are on the opposite side of the bracket. If you would appreciate some assistance from this member of the Flutter Corps, then consider it done. Flutters and Derpy in the finals? Yeah, let's do this.
  12. Gonna go join the group and fill my bracket out right now. Best of luck to everyone, and go Badgers!
  13. Wasn't Fluttershy leading last year's match until the final half hour, and thing was decided by like one vote? That was our equivalent of a triple overtime game, and was easily as compelling a match as Derpy-AJ. That'd be like saying Wisconsin "destroyed" Michigan in that one game where this happened. Sorry if that resurrects any bad memories. Oh wait, no I totally am not.
  14. Your resident bracketologist (well, your OTHER resident bracketologist) has made his match-by-match forecast! Why no, that isn't a Spike pillow the paper is resting on. I don't have a rooting interest in this tournament at all, and you certainly won't see me stumping for Fluttershy when her rounds of voting come up. Stop being silly.
  15. Oh, man. So many downright amazing potential matchups for round 2 and 3. -Luna vs Fluttershy, again. -Rarity vs Spike. No way that was an accident. (Spike might not make it that far.) -The good Doctor vs Discord. -Cadence vs Zecora. And there's several more. Twilight drew a very favorable region, unless Rarity gained an influx of fans I'm not aware of since last year. Flutters, AJ, or even Derpy might be able to bring Twi down, but Rarity strikes me as the weakest of the two seeds. Trixie as a 4 seed? That's questionable to me. She lost to a 5 seed CMC last year, I'd at least expect her to drop to the 5 line this year. I think she's out in the second round again. My Final Four predictions: Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy. Yep, I got a hunch that Flutters breaks through this year. But not enough to win the title. She loses to Pinkie Pie in an all-Andrea Libman final. No way. It's gonna be Vinyl and Derpy in the sweet 16. Book it.
  16. It's been awhile since I've been able to post here, but I had to return after seeing this episode. I'm a little surprised to see most of the discussion revolving around whether or not Applejack is "out of character" here, because that wasn't an issue for me at all. The problem isn't that AJ is OOC. No, the problem is that she's FREAKING ANNOYING. I mean, really. I get what they were going for. The setup has potential. It's a much better idea than "Breezies" was. I'll even go along with anyone saying the third act payoff is genuinely awesome. But the two acts (13 minutes or so) I had to slog through to get there? My god... To address the OOC discussion for just a moment, yes, the characterization of AJ is quite poor here. Sure, she's displayed similar irrational tendencies related to family issues before, but in "Apple Family Reunion" and "Applebuck Season" her motivations were at least grounded in something fairly understandable and she never held the Idiot Ball in the way she does here. Oh, and take a shot every time you hear a variation of "I'll never leave you alone again" or "I can take care of myself". You'll be wasted in no time, and that kind of repetition is just the most annoying kind of dialogue writing there is. I know it's all in service of the over-arching theme of AJ being overbearing, and I'm not inclined to outright demand subtlety from a kid's show (though I was drawn to FiM in the first place PRECISELY BECAUSE it wasn't "just a kid's show"), but this episode was like having a musician be asked to name drop a product and having them come up with a song where they say the product name 50 times before the first verse starts. (Incidentally, this has actually happened. It's called "Versace", and I'm not posting a link because I don't hate anyone that much. lulz) TLDR version: This was half of an awesome episode. Unfortunately, it was the wrong half. And the half that wasn't awesome was just... awful.
  17. Exactly. Note that I immediately added the qualifier after that Rarity isn't an objectively bad character. Just that this isn't one of her better moments. Any anti-Rarity person who points this out isn't being a hater. You may think he's missing the point, and heck, maybe you're right. But it's kind of hard to say that you KNOW that. I don't dislike Rarity at all; far from it. I love all of the Mane Six, and I'm actually warming up to her a bit more lately than I did initially, simply because I'm seeing more likable traits/mannerisms (or the simple "fun to watch" X-factor) in her than I used to. It's just that she's lagging a tad behind the others. I willingly acknowledge that this is an entirely subjective judgment call on my part. You'd do well to do the same. I humbly submit that forcefully arguing on points with people who say negative things about Rarity isn't doing Rarity any favors. There aren't many people who actually "hate" any of these characters. We're in this together; let's act like it. Okay... I REALLY don't want this to descend into a silly and petty flame war, but it must be said: either I missed the memo on that one, or one of us needs to look up the definition of "fact". Along with "subjective" and "opinion", come to think of it. XD
  18. I'd love to see that, personally, but it would be a tough ask. She is, after all, the series protagonist.
  19. SHOCKING REVELATION INCOMING!!!! Allow me to solve this little mystery: how much people like certain characters relative to others is... entirely subjective. I know, I know, that's not really a full and satisfying explanation, but that's all there is to it in the end, and all there needs to be. All of the folks who are trying to highlight "double standards" or "hypocrisy" on the part of Rarity haters/Dash fans are wasting their time. Everypony brings their own personal experiences to the table and is going to react to things differently than you. I'd also like to clear up another thing while I'm here: while Rarity and Dash may share some similarities, they are NOWHERE NEAR being similar characters. Asserting that bronies should like one of them because they like the other is just silly, because every single one of the Mane Six has so many distinguishing qualities. If Rarity and Dash were really so similar, Lauren Faust probably would have just combined the characters and saved herself and the other writers/animators a lot of trouble. Personally, Dash is my second favorite of the Mane Six, and Rarity is down at the bottom. I have absolutely no use for fashion at all, while Dash is an athlete and I'm a huge sports fan, so... yeah. I'm a lot more willing to write at least some of her faults off as part of her competitive nature, whereas Rarity spends the entire length of "Sweet and Elite" lying to everyone in sight in a lame attempt to try and impress a bunch of ponies who were never worth impressing to begin with. That isn't to say that I believe Rarity is a bad character. I don't think any of the Mane Six are bad characters. They're all fantastic characters, each in completely distinct ways, which is precisely why playing the "why don't people see things the way I do" game is a waste of effort.
  20. Shows like this tend to play fast and loose with the passage of time. Look at the Mare Do Well episode, where apparently every possible disaster that could occur in Ponyville all happened within a day or two. Or... maybe it's just a contrivance for the sake of making the plot of that single episode work. As others have pointed out, it's possible to interpret Celestia's statement multiple ways. I wouldn't read too much into it.
  21. I don't see how the "best pony" thing is controversial, or why anyone would give it a second thought. Hell, whenever I've encountered someone declaring "[insert pony here] is best pony", it's usually at least half-jokingly, because OF COURSE that kind of thing is subjective. Then someone says something like this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWdd6_ZxX8c ...and we all have a good laugh and that's the end of it. Frankly, I think the fact that we're talking about that sort of thing at all is a good sign for the show. It means the characters are distinctive, unique, well-rounded and likable. As opposed to, you know, the kind of characters seen in previous incarnations of the show. A fan developing a strong enough connection to a character to make them want to declare that they are the "best pony" means the show is working exactly like it should. Also, Spike is best pony.
  22. Total Wisconsin guy here. Packers and Badgers all the way. Love the Brewers too, but they have a knack for disappointing me so I try not to get too invested in how they're doing.
  23. I don't think fans of the show have anything to worry about at all. When the Doctor comes up to that 13 regeneration limit, they'll contrive some sort of excuse to make that suddenly not be a deal-breaker. (Hey, don't look at me like that. It's not hating to acknowledge that sometimes DW writers come up with... "creative" solutions when they've written themselves into a corner.) A lot of folks here are coming up with some fine ideas, but the most powerful thing protecting the Doctor is his still-growing popularity.
  24. I weighed the positives and negatives associated with being a closet brony, and you know what? No. Not worth it. The small amount of extra security could never be worth the shame that comes with not being true to myself and others. But more importantly, when society tries to push its gender-based divisions on me and I act like I'm playing along, they've won. They've beaten me into submission. And I can't let that happen. There's no way other people should be getting away with telling me what I'm allowed to enjoy. Of course, there are plenty of people that I haven't gone out of my way to tell, but that's because I know they won't give a damn about it. But when I do see someone being negative about it, I don't run from that situation. I accentuate the positive and make them actually THINK about the position they hold. The only way people will stop believing in binary gender-based divisions is if someone with strength and conviction shows them, clearly and conclusively, why those ideas don't make sense. Of course, not everyone is cut out for doing that sort of thing, which is why I have no problem with some bronies remaining in the closet. The thing that ticks me off is that they have to make that choice at all. Which is why I'll gladly fight the battle on their behalf. One mind at a time, the dynamic will change. We can make it happen, and I think we will. Slowly but surely.
  25. I finally got my first win! Watch out everyone... my Packers players are coming off the bye, I'm ditching the Steelers defense, and Darren Sproles is on a roll. The Striders are on the comeback trail!!! EDIT: I just noticed something, looking at the standings. I've scored more points than anyone else in the league. And yet I'm 1-3.
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