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Everything posted by Kbblender

  1. I play my magic cylinder and raise you one red-eyes black dragon. That move has bumped you back to home base, and I am now down three more points; therefore, YAHTZEE!
  2. I was in my room, sleeping in. But my sisters were in the living room, on netflix, and they decided to watch an old 80's show with a theme song that I heard once and I now remember vividly. It was Jem. The theme song to the really old show "Jem and the-" Hold on. Scratch that, some new song just popped up and replaced that one. Good. For me. Now I'm listening to this on repeat.
  3. 1/10. I've seen you only in this topic.
  5. Well, *I* have never invented a food before, but my little sister did when she was six, and it is still used as a reference point whenever she tries to give us cooking advice. One time, she had one of those microwavable cups of macoroni, and a can of cream soda. She decided that the macoroni was "too hot", so she poured her soda INTO the macoroni to "cool it down". Then she ate it. The reason I'm putting this into a thread about foods you invented that were actually GOOD, is because afterwards she SAID it was good. She's ten now, and though she's never done it again, she still says it was good. I wouldn't know, because I don't do stupid tthings. So, there's that.
  6. I didn't even need to LOOK at the car to see that the pony was OBVIOUSLY the superior being in this duel. UNless they decided to become allies since there is really no reason for them to be fighting, and then Spitfire (pony) will drive Spitfire (car) off into whatever you call the sunset from a cloud town.
  7. While I don't know of any (currently existing) cheap gaming laptops you can buy, there is an interesting story on one that I was going to buy, a story made funny by schadenfreude. It was a really good laptop that I could have easily used to replace the piece of junk that I have, the one covered in viruses and a broken battery that will not charge. It was a really good laptop, and it even glowed in different colors on the top, and it made me happy, and it was only 350 dollars at the flea market. I know what you're thinking, but I wanted it. And so I *almost* got it, but when I had the money, the flea market had a fire, and the computer store it was being sold at burned down, and the laptop is now a melted pile of plastic. And it turns out the fire was an electrical fire started at the same computer store. Irony. It hurts.
  8. *insert corny joke interrupted by donning of glasses before punchline here* YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!
  9. Well, could you draw my OC based off of this other drawing somebody else did...? It makes me feel a bit bad asking somebody to redraw an OC that somebody else drew as a request, but I like to have multiple drawings. Soooo, here is a picture to go by. And if you could, including Luna somewhere would be appreciated.
  10. Well, the room wouldn't be locked for long. The Royal Canterlot Voice can bring down whatever doors it wants to. And then we would be free. And I could continue living my life. As a pony, since this is obviously the case here. Edit: Yes, I am talking about the most glorious Lunar Princess of the Night, and Guardian of Dreams.
  11. 4/10. I notice you in places... skulking around in the darkest corners of the forums games...
  12. JACKPOT! I won! YES! Free coupon to wendy's...
  13. Of course not! You can do anything you wa- I mean! Uh, what was I here for... Oh yes, caption! Uh... OK, I'm a sea dragon! RAWR!
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5cz0V18_7s This. Song. If it were any other song, than I would say PLEASE, PLEASE MAKE IT STOP, END MY SUFFERING!!!! But it isn't just "any other song". This is a song that I heard a small fragment of the piano version, "Good, Or Don't Be", I knew nothing about it, the video KIND of provided a source, but what it said was "Neon Genesis: Evangelion Audio", and I was clueless that that was for the piano snippett. So I lost the song for three whole months, trying to find out what it was, with nothing but the small audio piece of the piano. Then I remembered I could use SoundHound, and I punished myself like Dobby would, for I was a bad me, I was a stupid me, master would have been displeas- Got off track. I don't actually have a master. Well, once I found it, I found the actual, full, vocal Japanese version they use in the theme song for the show Neon Genesis: Evangelion, which I knew nothing about, and never will, because the theme video alone freaked me out. Then I found the English Fandub of it, which is better than the original. And it has been stuck in my head for weeks on end, but I don't care, because it is more than welcome to stay as long as it likes. TL;DR: I heard the song above, lost it for three months, and found it again. Hooked.
  15. "Whose idea was it to drink that red glowing liquid?"
  16. OK, I'm uploading my picture again and hoping that it comes out BIGGER this time. Although I still don't know how you other people are adding those massive pictures in there. And my sister has finished her drawing as well, so I'm adding that, too. If someone could tell me how you make your pictures so BIG in a post, that would be appreciated.
  17. What? Season 4 ended? Already? Oh well, now I have to wait for 5. But in reality, if they changed the title of the show and focused it on something else after only three seasons then I'd be done. Rage quit, right now. The funeral service for MLP will be held at Hasbro Corporations on Sunday. There will be free cupcakes and chocolate milk by the door.
  18. Here it is! I'm the first one! First one! And I even beat d1sc0rd! I'm sure I messed up somewhere on it though. Somewhere... Also, my sister wants to do this as well, but hers isn't finished yet, so I'll have another post tonight or tomorrow with her drawing.
  19. I feel like I should know you, but I don't, you with your Element of Generosity badge. 1/10.
  20. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. Yes, I realize I am a bit late to just begin reading this series. I've already read the Hobbit (fantastic) and I barely saw the ending a a small part of the middle of the movie they made of the first part of it. (Why would you make the smallest book in the series into three movies? I mean, what is this... *continues rant elsewhere*) I also have no idea why it is taking me so long to get through the Fellowship of the Ring. I have been "reading" that book for the past I think five months, that's almost HALF A YEAR, and I still haven't made it past Chapter V: A Conspiracy Unmasked. I just don't know what's going wrong! I love reading, I love books, give me the Ultimate HitchHiker's Guide, I'll have it back to you in a month (which is a record-breaking amount of time for a book that large)! And this is a CLASSIC! How am I not finishing it... I think it's because the first of it is slow. Reeeaaally slow. Nothing very eventful yet has happened, so I guess I just have to keep attempting to read it until I reach the middle or something. Then I'm on to the Twin Towers, and then the Return of the King, and then I go to the rest of my unbearably long reading list, starting with, believe it or not, Sherlock Holmes. Good day to you, sirs.
  21. I would say either Pinkie Pie, any of the other villains, or Celestia. Or maybe Luna. Pinkie, because she rivals his reality-bending powers with ones of her own without even trying, unlike him. And you know why any of the others I said could beat him- Except maybe Luna. Not so sure, it depends on circumstances, I guess. Edit: I leveled up to Cupcake on this topic!
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