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Everything posted by AppleJared

  1. There is so much that needs to be said. First, I have run across people who HATE the show now because of Twilicorn. Hate it. As in they loved it previous and hate it now. This is crazy. I understand not everyone will like the change, and some people will dislike it solely because they don't like change. But you have to look at it from a different perspective. This can either barely change anything, or it could flip the entire series upside down; and how exciting would it be if option number 2 happened? Talk about a wild ride! I'd like a few episodes where something in Ponyville wasn't the problem and everyone went home giggling! I think it's sad that people left the fandom over the season finale. Yes, there was barely any dialogue. Please show me the problem here. We already knew what was going to happen in end so why prolong it? This will either way become a very interesting turn and I can't wait to see what the writers will do now. One last thing. Even if the idea of Twilicorn turned to hell, we still have MLP and they'll most likely change her back to a unicorn. Be thankful everypony. It would be a darn shame if we couldn't love and tolerate the writers for the show after all of this. Especially after their show taught us to love and tolerate.
  2. I think Twilight being an Alicorn is a fine thing. People keep complaining about the season finale, but Danny Ingram basically writing the episode was great. As a music lover and Ingram fan, I loved that episode. So what there wasn't much dialogue? We already knew what was going to happen at the end, and having a side story would just make the episode painful. Yes, there were several songs. Please point me in the direction of the problem. As far as Twilicorn goes, not much will change. Hasbro wouldn't DARE break up the Mane 6. I think her having wings will just make her moar cute. Have you seen the picture of her with wings saying "My wings are all ticklish!"? Adorable. This will just present her a new set of problems and obstacles to solve. Anyone who left the fandom because of Twilicorn will get no sympathy from me.
  3. Here is my YouTube channel, though it does not accurately describe what the song will sound like at all. http://www.youtube.com/user/SavageProductions85/videos?flow=grid&view=0 This piece is an electro-hard rock sound with a touch of sadness. It does have lyrics but they aren't finished either. And the image would be on YouTube. I LOVE IT. Seriously, great job. The only thing I can ask is that you make it look more realistic, just a tad. If you can do that, I would love to use it. You did a great job.
  4. I like it a lot I don't think I can use pixel art on the project I am on right now though. However, I will give you a PM if I ever need anything of the sort. Seriously though, I really like that Luna. Great Job. If you can find a person to digitize it, great. But I need digital art in specific. If you ever find someone, let me know and send me an example of your work! Yeah just post on here and let me know when you've finished. I check out your DA, and I saw some of your stuff. I like it. If nothing else, thanks for trying at least! I especially like your work. More detail than most people offer. Your picture "Tidal wave" has almost the theme I had in mind as well. On the song, I can't show it until it's finished. It's a superstition of mine. Sorry. I will, however, upload it somewhere like SoundCloud when I am done and link it here just to let y'all listen to it.
  5. I am a composer and producer who needs custom digital art to go along with my brony music. I would really like to have one or two people to contact for projects when I am almost done with a song. The art you would send would be on my YouTube videos and you would receive credit for the picture as well as a link to your artwork in the description. Right now, I am making a song that has Princess Luna/ Nightmare Moon (whichever you prefer) basically ending the world by calling the stars to fall onto Earth. I am very open as to how you would want to do this, whether it look like the apocalypse, or just a close up on Luna's face, or something else. If you are reading this, YOU are the visual artist, not me. Whatever ideas you have are fair game here.
  6. Count me in for the composing. I am a music producer and composer by trade and can make basically any genre needed. Here is a link to my music on YouTube: Just let me know what kind of feeling or genre you want each song to have and I can do it.
  7. I'd be more than happy to make some music for your project, but music takes more time than I would like to admit. Let me know well in advance if you want songs done and what genre they must be.
  8. It certainly doesn't and I'll get on that as soon as I can. I didn't see any scripts in the thread so I'll just do some lines in his voice and record it. I'll let you know when I made a track. That's weird but whatever. We are bronies and we should love and tolerate each other. I am willing to look past this episode in order to continue being a good brony. I hope you can do the same. In fact, if you feel the same, feel free to send me a friend invite. I will accept if you choose to do so. In the future, try to not jump the gun like that, man. It can really turn people off. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.
  9. Oh ok. Lol, I thought you meant like final project files of our songs. But yeah that's a good idea. I hope those plug-ins help you, they sure helped me.
  10. That sounded like you're trying to 1-up me, bro. Which is kinda lame since this isn't really a contest. I checked out your YouTube and I didn't find much VA videos. I don't have any videos of me being a VA because I've never had a reason to put one up. Also, just for future reference I have the cognitive skills of at least a 5 year old, therefore I do know the difference between acting and voice acting.
  11. Let me show you a library of free VST's. You're welcome. http://www.dskmusic.com/category/vsti-all/ Although I must ask, Why would we share our WAV's? Maybe I'm a little slow but whatever.
  12. Don't worry about Massive. It's difficult to understand, and very few people in this world know how to use it to its fullest. For anything else concerning FL, I can help. However, it sounds like you need to learn some music theory. I can't really help with the music theory part because you have to learn that on your own. However, I can help with the FL part. PM me for more.
  13. Take your time. I am in no rush. I am not certain I understood what you're asking about the "Cute" thing. I'm a guy so I would like it to look like a stallion, if at all possible. "He" is also a Pegasus so if you need to do a side view, there you go. I'm leaving everything else up to you. You're the artist, after all.
  14. Wubs can be difficult to do, so I know your feel. If I can help with anything in specific or if there is something you just don't understand, PM me. And trust me, you'll waste your life away trying to watch every FL tutorial on YouTube. Hope I can help!
  15. Well I have a few instrumentals for rap you can use if you want. Just give me credit when you put them on YouTube. Where can I send them to you?
  16. Excuse me sir, but could you make a picture of my profile pic pony and have him wearing headphones under his hat and a devilish smile? It would be much appreciated.
  17. I'LL DO DAT SHINNING ARMOR! In all seriousness, I'm good with voices and I won Actor of the Year at my high school, and I have a professional studio mic. Don't know if you have someone else but I'll audition if it's still open.
  18. That fixed it. Thank you very much not only for fixing it but for making Pony.fm in general. It is an awesome idea and I wish the best of luck for you and future endeavors.
  19. There's not much to screenshot. It's either a 404, or a 403 error. I mean, the track uploaded, but it won't publish. In fact, I uploaded the same song twice just to make sure I uploaded right.
  20. I can compose. Just let me know what style/genre you need the songs in and about how long they need to be. Also, go to my YouTube account here http://www.youtube.com/user/SavageProductions85 and see if anything tickles your fancy. I can make basically any genre of music, even though I have been on an electronica kick for the past few months.
  21. I tried to put one of my new pony songs on Pony.fm and I got the WAV uploaded but it wouldn't let me publish it. I saw your picture example on page 1 of this threat and I cannot find a way to get that. Do I need to have an invite to be a part of Pony.fm?
  22. You. You did an excellent cover of this. Acoustic covers can not only be difficult to play and record well, but it can be a pain to make it sound good as well. Bravo. Have my respect and a bro-hoof.
  23. I liked it. I too am a producer and composer. The only thing that I could give for constructive criticism is the into chords and some of the intro lead seemed like it didn't stay in the same key. Almost like it switched from minor to major to harmonic minor. But that is really the only 'bad' thing I didn't like. Overall, excellent piece. Please make more.
  24. Hey everypony, it's your friendly neighborhood AppleJared. I'm an artist/musician/composer of music and I just recently came out with a new song called "Bronies Stand Up". It is 100% original but because it's for all my fellow Bronies (and Pegasisters of course), this one is on me. That's right, free music. You can find the song here: The FREE download link is in the description. I'd appreciate you subscribing to my channel and checking out my non-brony music as well. If you like it, let that Like button know You can expect more music to be released in the future, but for now I'm taking a break to brush up on my music theory again. I am a college student who proudly leads the herd wherever I see fellow Bronies. My life is music. I breathe it, drink it, and eat it. My profile picture is a ponied version of me, and my favorite pony is Applejack with Luna close behind. Love and Tolerate, -AppleJared
  25. Hey guys, this is a song I just made I want all my fellow Bronies to hear it. If you like it, there is a link to a FREE download in the description. Enjoy!
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