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Everything posted by Gourgeist

  1. I got quite a few: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjK78U-BeLA And lastly: I'm not too into the heavy loud music but when it comes to video game music I love it. I'd say my favorite favorite out them all is the Yoshi Island one
  2. Now it was actually on Nick earlier this morning. And I got a whole story to post in life advice once I get the required post count
  3. http://i835.photobucket.com/albums/zz277/deedeedeechu/CidalWingsawvector.png here's him now and here's his actual colors http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/202/0/8/cidal_and_shadow_hugging_by_dddchu-d5846dq.png Keep the wings in the first picture the same style if you can
  4. Some of the stuff that people get away with is crazy. I have a history of being suicidal and attempting and today I was watching one of the newer episodes of Spongebob. In this episode Squidward was getting really depressed because he had no happiest memory. At one point he gets on top of a stool with a rope and says "since I'm so depressed I only have one thing left to do." Then he proceeds to tie the rope on top of the ceiling and instead of hanging himself he was putting up a bird cage. This really rustled my jimmies. I mean REALLY rustled my jimmies. Then again I'm just being a little over reactive. What do you guys think about the content allowed in modern kids shows?
  5. I kind of involved in the facebook "community" with people who run pokemon pages. I run a few myself too but I'm a terrible page manger >.<
  6. Gourgeist

    request shop Drawing OOCs!

    Here he is. The bottom picture are his actual colors though. Keep the wing style on the above picture the same or whatver you can make that looks like bone wings
  7. 420 is stupid -.-

    1. Leafeon


      As are water types. <3

    2. Gourgeist
  8. chuggaaconroy. He is the best Nintendo LetsPlayer in my opinion. He just doesn't talk about random crap while playing. He actually explains the games and goes into details and always as some random trivia about the game you're watching. Right now I'm watching his pokemon Colosseum play through. I'd consider watching him if you love Nintendo. Or DarkSpineSonic if you love Sonic.
  9. I'd choose true love over being rich. I'm so desperate right now it's sad. Besides being with your true love is the richest thing you can have in life :3 (I know so stereotypical to say)
  10. Deer have always been my favorite animal ever since I saw Bambi when I was little. I love they're light browness and all that junk. They're just so freaking adorable, especially the way they lick your hand when you feed them at the zoo. My Sonic OC was a deer. (I'm no longer into sonic like that but it was an actually decent OC)
  11. Squidward. You and your nose will not fit in

  12. I knew all this stuff but I can't help but love meat. It taste so good and it's good to mix it up instead of not eating just vegetarian all the time. I really like Turkey. That's like the best meat ever. EVER
  13. Spike is a great character to be honest. He has quite the personality since he's non pony and has a major part in the show. None of his episodes were bad and I think the best was Secret of my Excess. I love godzilla like things so that's why I like that Spike episode the most.
  14. I do watch Regular show and Pokemon periodically. But most of the time I hardly watch TV since MLP season is over. I do watch anime so I guess that counts as cartoons. Gurren Lagann and Squid Girl. That is all
  15. I'm currently watching Spongebob and it's the old episodes. Here are a list of my favorite quotes: "My name. Is not. RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK!" - Patrick "This is patrick! I'm not a crusty crab" -Patrick "What's your name? Beef wellington. No your name. Uhhhhh fork to the left" - Spongebob and Squiliam "what's wet and clueless? Your face!" Flutterbiotch "I'm waaaaaiting" - Sonic
  16. Gourgeist


    Welcome to the club. Welcome squidward welcome squidward welcome squidward
  17. What's so great about a nerdy pickle

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheBronyHeart
    3. Friendship_Cannon


      shall I hurt myself, Kevin? O_O

    4. Diamond Treasure

      Diamond Treasure

      i have no idea how to respond to this

  18. Mine would be a circular saw blade because we all love making cupcakes. But in all seriousness circular saw blades are cool
  19. Make a Twist Cupcake because it's cannon. Yes, I'm being original with my original ideas. NO WAIT MAKE AN OSHAWOTT CUPCAKE. PLEASE.
  20. Dimes don't just fly in people's pants

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. KBz



    3. Diamond Treasure

      Diamond Treasure

      Wow i am either really tired or just plain stupid not to have gotten that

    4. TheBronyHeart


      *slips into maid outfit*

  21. I was in my aunt's car and she's a pretty big redneck. Then suddenly IT came on. I have no problem with country music except when it's super fricken addicting I love you Red Solo Cup....
  22. I can take A LOT MORE request for hats now, not just pokemon. I'll do ponies and pokemon. Ok bronies, give me ideas!
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