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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Gourgeist

  1. That awkward moment when some of your smartest friends are potheads

  2. I am very cynical and constantly feel like killing people because of how much asshats they can be to each other. You're not alone and I know how you feel.
  3. Make a Jack Skellington pony An Oshawott pony and finally this guy as a pony. Actually do this guy first. His name is Harlequin Demon
  4. I like ponies and all and will do all sorts of brony things but I stopped watching the show after the season finale. Now I just wait to do whatever and post pony and pokemon stuff. And be completely psychotic. Yeah that too
  5. I finally got it. It's Nestle Dunk, Named after my friend Ashley Dunk. TOGETHER WE WILL RULE ALL COOKIE PRODUCTS
  6. Baby as in like baby baby not Scootaloo sized. I would love to see his baby wings but I'm not good a thinking small or drawing small
  7. Human Centipede is boring

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gourgeist


      It was funny

    3. Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Then you my friend are the bravest person I know.

    4. StingeMuffin


      It seems like a complete joke of a movie to me; I couldn't take it seriously in the slightest. XD

  8. I like the idea of a physically disabled pony but I fear butthurt parents would get.......butthurt really quick. RUN FORREST RUN
  9. I made a new OC. It's my third original. Her name is Nestle Dunk https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/72823_646703305345720_1243142066_n.png

    1. Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Sir.Flutter Hooves

      YES! Finally, someone chose a name I recommended! Great OC by the way.

    2. Gourgeist
  10. Nestle Dunk sound good? I think it sounds good. Thanks for all the help. Anyone else got good suggestions before I make it final?
  11. Dunk? I like that. Now that could be her first or last name. Now she needs another to be the first or last name
  12. Yeah I'm just expecting it to be the same piece of crap like the next iPhone. Does exactly the same thing with a few extra features.
  13. Whoa whoa whoa little mare. Relax, and take it all easy. Here's a tip: Don't string emoticons/smileys or whatever they're called here. Oops back seat modding
  14. I was hoping her name would be something cookie oriented or something to do with oreos but I really can't think of a name. Maybe something involving milk. What do you guys think?
  15. I didn't bother looking though but I saw the preview of the PMV and I liked it. Can you animate my to move something like this Thanks so much
  16. Can you put this guy and my profile picture on a signature? And I guess you can put in the middle "Oshawotts and murder"
  17. I'm really not but I would like to see my OC Cidal Wingsaw make a name for himself here. Oh and Oshawotts. They better get known and become popular
  18. I think the results are the best when everything is combined with bacon: The Human Bacon The Bacon Centipede 2 Texas Bacon Massacre Bacon all mighty My bacon and kids My little Bacon: Bacon is Magic BaconBob BaconPants I guess we might as well do the same with video games: Left 4 bacon BaconMon Sonic the Bacon Bacon Generations The Bacon Scrolls Fallout: New Bacon
  19. I was never really a book person but when I was hospitalized for 3 months I really got into Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell. I never played the games but I can imagine they must be good since how good the books are
  20. Show off the baby version of your OC pony here I guess. I don't really have one so I was wondering if someone could draw it. If you do please make the wings bone colored.
  21. Oshawott Derpy. It's always been like that for a long time. She reminds me of myself, being all special and what not. Plus I like her colors and stuff
  22. Well for one I sure don't count "NIgga nigga ass bitches 420 cash money" as music so yeah. Second everything is losing personality and it doesn't feel as worked hard on as older music. Third, the fanbases of that can be pretty um..........bad
  23. Can you do my OC? just make his wings normal bone colored. I would love to see how his mini would turn out.
  24. Here's my OC. Please make his wings actual colors of bones though and not red like in the picture Also yeah he's a boy and his cutie mark totally isn't from super mario world
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