1- Both Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash (season 4 will decide!)
2- Fluttershy
3- Twilight Sparkle
4- Applejack
5- Rarity
Rarity is my least favourite pony, however she's still amazing. I didn't like her at all at first but after reading some stuff and watching some reviews of her episodes I started to like her.
My waifu is the one and only: Sunset Shimmer! Why? She's evil! She knows advanced magic because she was Celestia's former student. Once I ally with her, nobody could stop me from my plan to rule over Equestria! And she has the best design.
♪ I'm gonna sing a song for you! And I'm gonna show you a thing or two! So have a sit my dear and if it's all the same, just sit back and relax, WHILE i EAT YOUR BRAINS! ♪