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Everything posted by Crapplejack

  1. -Twilight's meeting with Fluttershy being like the first episode of the series. -All the scenes during "helping Twilight win the crown" -The CmC saying that someone commented their video with "epic fail" -"Of course you lost, I'm awesome" And of course Pinkie Pie knowing everything about Twilight's situation.
  2. Main: It was hard for me chose between Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. However I think Pinkie Pie wins by 0.00000001 points. Secondary: Scoot Background: Lyra Villain: Sunset Shimmer. Oh she's not in MLP? What do you know about mlp?
  3. I don't know whether or not I should do this. I don't know if the administrators want me to either. Anyways I found the full movie recorded from a phone, if you want to see it check it out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2s4uYHHmKuQ&feature=c4-overview&list=UUdCK6KF21dFD4rzWChahCtw
  4. First of all you shouldn't be sorry 'cause it's good for everyone to have their own opinions. I can agree with the fact that with the term useless I might've been I little bit, as you say, "extreme" and that dresses are still used once every 6 months. Still I can find you at least one thing that I dislike for each episode: -Suited for Success: why did she had to stress herself so much to make dresses for an event that is occurring in 12 episodes? -A Dog and Pony Show: No, JUST NO. This episode's always been one of the worst for me, and I think only "A Canterlot Wedding" is worse than this one. Not much to say, it's just bad, it started well and then became bad when Rarity got kidnapped by those dogs. -Sweet and Elite: I hated her so much, she doesn't want to go to Twilight's birthday when it was thanks to her that she went in Canterlot, she wouldn't have a place to stay if it wasn't for her friend, and yet she didn't want to go at her birthday. -Sisterhooves Social: this was actually great, can't find anything I dislike here. You know, that'd make sense if we weren't talking about a cartoon show, it's just a way I see it I suppose and the show sure isn't inspiring children to not to be creative 'cause it's useless. Although, she's be my least favourite pony due to her lack of something happening during her episodes, additionally I've never liked her kind of character, she's like the girl who doesn't want to get her dirty. She only did it once to take her sister back, and that is sort of "awwwwwwwwwww" but that was for taking her sister back, I think that's rather important.
  5. To me they're like the worst episodes. Suited for Success is the only one passable. Yeah but think about it: -Twilight: studies magic. WOW - Pinkie Pie: she's able to make everypony smile. WOW -Rainbow Dash: she's one of the best flyers in Equestria and also a weather pegasus. WOW -Fluttershy: she can comunicate with animals and soothes them too. WOW -Applejack: she works on an apple farm and sells her products to the ponies. WOW Rarity: makes dresses. WO.... no wait a second, she makes dresses, REALLY? Way to be useless Rarity, everypony's walking naked!
  6. Biggest surprise? Well probably finding out that Rainbow Dash was a mare. Nah, I think the biggest surprise for me, though I think the episode is a pile of trash, was Lyra talking during A Canterlot Wedding.
  7. Yeah but they confirmed that The Crystal Empire's located in Equestria and the first time Equestria was discorvered was actually during hearth's warming eve.
  8. -I don't like Alicorn Twilight -I hate A Canterlot Wedding with all my heart and soul. -I didn't like Suited fo Success -Season 1 is the worst season
  9. Well I'd probably had noticed that she was a mare on her first apperance if I wasn't watching the first 4 episodes from my shattered phone at bed 'cause I couldn't sleep, plus that was like the very first time I've ever watched ponies.
  10. I think Fluttershy owned them all. I don't get how people can say that Dashie is the hottest pony, when I first saw her in the first episode I thought she was a male untill somepony else said "she" or "her" refered to Rainbow Dash.
  11. Overrated: Trixie, Luna and Fluttershy Underrated: I'd have to say Aj and Rarity.. Though they're also my least favourite ponies I think they deserve more. They both have one episode where they're great and all their other episodes are s***.
  12. Probably not, If princess platinum was the daughter of king sombra why didn't he show up during the episode? We must assume that it's because he was banished by the 2 sisters, but remember, this era was before Luna and Celestia existed.
  13. Nobody besides my friends know it, however my brother's about to find out. I know my parents wouldn't care if I told them, but my brother would. I know him, he'd just tell me things that all the haters say, without even watching an episode
  14. Welcome to the forum. Hope you'll enjoy being here! Thiz forum's good brah!
  15. Well, why not? She's the only pegasus who ever preformed a sonic rainboom. Additionally, I'd really like to see her as a wonderbolt, and so for all the other characters after they'll fulfill their arc.
  16. Sombra is shown to us as a villain that takes the mane 6 to the quest to stop him, while Cadence keeps up the shield, which brings us the question: Is Cadence stronger than Sombra? We would say yes from what they've shown us. He couldn't neither sneak in nor break the shield on his own so we must assume that even Chrysalis (as much as I hate the girl and the episode she was in) was stronger than him. Addiotionally Chrysalis was stronger than Cadence, since she was able to trap her into the cave beneath Canterlot. He can't stand a chance againts Nightmare Moon and Discord either. So, from what we're shown, he's probably the weakest villian so far.
  17. Welcome! I became a brony due to a pic! Anyways I'm feeling great here so I'm sure you will too
  18. Well it'll probably be released on the internet, everyone's like "Yeah I'm gonna watch it when it's out on the internet", so torrent downloads and youtube will do it soon enough.
  19. Lyra wins in my opinion, we know something about her, whereas of Bon Bon we don't know anything except that se didn't put the apples in her bag.
  20. I don't think you can even say the word "death" in a show like that and I'm not okay with it, Children have to grow up emotionally if they want to be entertained.
  21. I cried twice while watching the show: The first time was during the smile song. To me it's the best song of the best episode of the best show. The second time I cried was during the "I have to find a way" song 'cause it reminded me of a sad moment where I lost a friend of mine due to my fault.
  22. Guess I couldn't check all the user's name, my head would've exploded if I did, I just tried to type one name that seemed kind of cool to me.
  23. Thank you all, in the meantime's better if I find a picture; it's gonna take some time
  24. Hi there, Dark Moonlight here! Just wanted to greet you and I hope I'll enjoy being here! Not much else to say, just that I became a brony due to a pic that said: "Just watch an episode they said, you won't get addicted, they said", I accepted the challenge and went on youtube to watch AT LEAST one episode of MLP, but I think I've actually watched 65 of them....
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