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Everything posted by SailorCardKnight

  1. Fan shippings like this happen all the time with other shows and not just with MLP, plus some of the fan pairings I've seen are downright head scratching. It works just the opposite too, shows with a large cast of guys that have a large female following, and female viewers love to pair them with other guys. Among the anime fandom these people are known as yaoi fangirls, and they can get downright scary sometimes. They love shipping guys with other guys all the time, even when the pairings don't make any sense, and for some girls, their love of some of these made up pairings can reach unhealthly levels of obsession. *shivers*
  2. So these gifs are traced back to Homestruck huh? Been wanting to check that out after I read their other comic, Problem Sleuth, which I found wildly amusing and very entertaining.
  3. This. This appears to be the common reason why people hate. Plus, before FiM came along, dunno about others, but I noticed there was a trend where it it was cool for guys to hate on MLP. Apparently that mindset is still there. Theres been a study where they found that most homophobic people are actually gay but in denial and won't admit it. Which is pretty amusing.
  4. My theory is that that is the old castle that Celestia and Luna used to live in a thousand years ago, and the Everfree forest then wasn't like it was today, but rather a peaceful forest. After Celestia banished Luna to the moon, she probably decided to relocate it and start anew, aka present day Canterlot (perhaps the old castle had too many painful memories of her sister and she couldn't bare it). She left the elements of harmony behind to keep them safe. As years passed the old castle crumbled, and the Everfree forest grew and became wild and untamed. I like your theory on that better.
  5. Well Nick has "The 90's are all that" block of classic 90s Nick shows which is doing very well right now, I don't see why they shouldn't follow suit. I'd watch too, even encourage my niece to watch too, shes already interested in checking out Ducktales and a couple other DA shows thanks to their theme songs being on a random cassette tape her mom/my cousin gave her. ...boy this conversation got very off topic from MLP, lol.
  6. It is but it isn't. Its complicated. It is technically "preinstalled" due to genetics and/or the levels of estrogen/testosterone the child was exposed to when it was developing inside the mother's womb (according to science so far, the science of homosexuality is still being researched), so it can and does come naturally. For some people, that "preinstalled" program automatically starts working and they understand it right away. While others need to do a bit of experimenting and soul reaching in order to understand how to get that program to work properly. Then you have those that will never fully understand that program or don't realize they have it to begin with. Hope that helps. ....Man, I just made people sound like computers. Lol!
  7. Or just plain lazy or don't think its worth the effort or both. And unfortunately its not just Disney, but just about all companies who have been releasing classic kids shows on DVD have been using poor/mediocre quality masters, better than nothing I guess. I'm sure Disney only released the Disney Afternoon shows (started anyways) on DVD due to the demand for them which was high enough, sadly it didn't get the profit they where hoping for so they stopped. Gee Disney, you could make more profit if you, oh I dunno, actually promote the DVDs or rerun the shows on one of your many networks? Ya know, get people interested? Its kinda hard to make more profit when people don't know of the show's existence. http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png I'm sure theres lots of kids out there who would love to see the cool shows their parents grew up with.
  8. There was supposedly an "official" HP account on deviantart (ya know, that computer company). It looked very professional too, like it was the real deal. They posted some images of MLP products they had in the works (these products being entry-level, bare bones, laptops and a USB mouse of Pinkie Pie). They where photoshopped of course, but all companies photoshop images of what the final product will look like, as a promotional thing to get people excited. All the comments made by the imposer where very professional and polite. Companies have made electronics with licensed characters for kids before, and Hasbro does seem like the type of company that would do such a thing...overal, the whole thing looked VERY legit. Then someone asked on HP's official page if the DA account was the real deal, and turns out it wasn't. So yeah, it ended up being nothing more than a REALLY elaborate hoax.
  9. The only drink mixes I have are ones with alcohol, and thats because I can't stand it straight up. My favorite combination so far is orange soda and vanilla flavored vodka. Tastes like an orange creamcicle and its soooooo good. ...if any of you underage people dare to try it I will drive to your place and take it from you personally.
  10. This. *nods head to music*
  11. I hear online petitions almost never work. The only way to truly keep it going is to contact Hasbro directly in a polite and nice manner asking for more episodes....and buying the toys, as if I haven't expressed that enough already. They have to fund the production of more episodes somehow. However, hold off on contacting them until *after* season 3 has aired and theres no announcements for future episodes.
  12. For me I have no problems buying pony toys in stores, my problem is having to drive a great distance (4 hours) to get to one of the bigger cities just to get to a Toys R Us. I also hate to go and buy pony toys when my mom is around because she finds stuff like that a waste of money, which I know she won't be happy with. "a birthday party" or "My friend asked if I could pick it up because he wanted to surpise her"
  13. It could, it could not. I'm sure they will keep making new material as long as G4 goods keep selling. Whether it be new episodes, movies, DTV specials, whatever, its just a matter of when. Will it be a season 4 right after season 3? I'm honestly not getting my hopes up, seeing whats happened in the past with animated shows for kids, especially ones based on toy lines. But the show will keep reruning even when S3 is done as long as the toys are selling. With the recent Darkwing comic book series Boom Comics published, and how well it sold, Disney could decide to finish releasing it, but once again, this is Disney we are talking about, so chances are still slim but a bit higher than before. So like you, we're still stuck with our pirated episodes from the net in the meantime. Wish I had episodes for Bonkers though.
  14. Depends on how long G4 will keep making Hasbro money. When G4 is no longer profitable, G5 will be conceived, but seeing how well G4 is doing, I doubt its not going to happen for a long while.
  15. A One Piece fan here. I've heard about this game, but I'm not letting myself get excited over it. Simply because I don't have any newer game systems beyond GBA and a Gamecube that i never play, I haven't been big on video games in recent years anyways, and the chances of this reaching the states are pretty slim. Sure Naruto, Bleach, Fullmetal Alchemist, and InuYasha got games released in the states is because they are very popular and are still on TV. Unfortunately 4Kids killed its potential to reach the same level of popularity here in the states, and I don't recall seeing any video game releases for anime being released only onto DVD. However, seeing how One Piece has gotten releases here in the states in the past, i'd say theres a chance.
  16. I'm somewhere between bi or lesbian myself, I'm still figuring out where I lie on the spectrum. All I know is i'm not straight, I've always found myself far more attracted to other girls than guys. However, this does not justify those haters comments about MLP fans being gay. Even if I was straight, i'd still be a fan regardless.
  17. Oh the pains of Disney....to this day I'm still waiting for the rest of Darkwing to be released and at the rate things are going i'll probably never see my 2nd favorite Disney Afternoon show, Bonkers, on DVD either. Don't get me started on Phineas and Ferb, which I know will be doomed to incomplete DVD releases as well, knowing Disney's track record...greedy jerks. Joined in ranting aside... I'm hoping Hasbro won't pull the same crap other companies have done in the past, but because i'm so used to it now, as stated, I won't be surprised if it does end with season 3. Which is also why I'm going to buy every DVD I can in the meantime to show my support...and toys too, as they also help fund the show and keep Hasbro alive.
  18. Welcome! Does the "Sailor" part mean you are a Sailor Moon fan too? If so you get a double brohoof for not only being a fellow Fluttershy fan but a Sailor Moon one too.
  19. Being female, when I told my mom about how much I loved the series and about bronies (actually, I worded it as the new MLP series having "a large following of adult men on the internet") she found the whole thought of grown men watching a little girls show really weird, and knowing her, i'm sure the first thing that popped into her mind was bronies where creepy pervs. She asked why and I told her that the new MLP series is a quality well written show that appeals to everyone, and bronies are not all weirdos and are normal guys who just happen to like MLP. Shes probably still very weary about it, as she knows my love of the show and its strange following now, she constantly preached to me about internet predators all the time when I was a kid afteral. Shes most likely worried about my safety now. She has yet to see it herself, but knowing her i'm sure she'll love it. Its just a matter of getting her to sit down and watch it (she rarely watches TV anymore these days). I also found out recently I get the Hub so it will be easier to get her to do it. Now its just a matter of figuring out which episodes would be the best to introduce her to. I'm also sure she'll warm up to the whole concept of bronies within time the more she learns about them...I just hope she doesn't stumble upon the negative side of the community before I have a chance to show her its good side.
  20. Not the first time studios have done that. Past times before I was mostly due to budget reasons, and they simply had more money the next season unlike the last one. Example: K-On! had 13 episodes in its 1st season, double that in the 2nd.
  21. I wouldn't be surprised if they do. This isn't the Simpsons, King of the Hill or any other animated show for adults, its a kids show. With it being a kids show Hasbro will most likely end up treating it the same way as any other network that makes an animated show for kids: make a certain # of episodes and rerun them to death. Disney has done it, Warner Bros has done it, Nickelodeon has done it. Its a way of maximizing profit, by just rerunning a show. After these 13 episodes are made, its at the perfect # for Hasbro and they could stop production if they want to. As remember MLP: FiM exists because Hasbro wants to sell toys. Those reruns ARE their "commercial". However, with the popularity of the TV show, hopfully Hasbro will make the right choice and let production continue. Perhaps they will just make these 13 episodes for S3, rerun them for a while and take a break, then make another 13 or so later on. Plus, Hasbro will most likely want to make new episodes showcasing any new toys they might be making later on. I have a very long list of children's animated TV shows that would like to speak with you. Everything from Rainbow Bright to The Wuzzles to Marsupilami ('93 version).
  22. I missed it and didn't find out about this until after it was revealed to be a fake. I read comments off of EqD, and it all seemed fake, it wouldn't have fooled me. I highly doubt the writers will ever include more than just the little tidbits from our fandom into the show that they have been doing already for one thing. Plus, they would never "leak" that much info. I'm worried. Between this and the recent HP hoax, other trolls across the net see how easily gullible we are and will keep pulling crap like this. (I'll admit I fell for the HP hoax myself).
  23. I confess, I posted couple of response posts too. I wasn't thinking, got caught up in the moment and was having fun with it. *hides/is ashamed of herself*
  24. Saw this on YT not too long ago, but had to stop watching it was too much lameness. Theres some very strong G3 vibes with this live show. Its like they took bits of infromation of G4, the concept/ideas of G3 and mashed them all together into...this. Its very clear that the people involved have probably only seen the first 2 episodes if any.
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