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Everything posted by SailorCardKnight

  1. I'd say just make a separate board for requests, it can be for art, looking for group members, etc. This way it will help keep things a bit more organized. ...plus there are artists who are bored with free time who are willing to take on projects without expecting anything in return but a simple thanks in return, just saying. I know at one point I was always willing to make graphics in photoshop for people back when I had the motivation and time.
  2. SailorCardKnight

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    Bineg crorcet is aewosme....wooo tlknaig all wierd is fun!
  3. SailorCardKnight

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    Well they always say that geniuses are insane.
  4. They can....but that depends on where you put it. If you put stickers on glass and when you go to sell your car, take a razor blade and scrape it off, it will look like it wasn't even there, thus the value won't drop. However, If you put any stickers on the metal or anywhere else thats not a glass surface, it won't come off and it *will* kill the value.
  5. SailorCardKnight

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    My god! You wrote all of that?! You are INSANE girl!
  6. Banned because nobody was nice enough to give ME one...
  7. The US post office is downsizing, closing up alot of post offices nationwide....something like that. That said, I don't think Derpy is quite out of a job just yet, she can get a job with one of the other mailing companies that mail packages, as internet ordering isn't going away anytime soon.
  8. SailorCardKnight

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    Random post is random, so I shall write random stuff to help fill this post and make it look important even though it will just be me writing random stuff which will make it look important even though its just me writing random text to make it look important. So here I am writing stuff to fill and random post that will help make this thread even longer and maybe this will be the last post.Lovely weather isn't it? I'm fine what about you. This random post really is turning out the be really random, look how random I am. This post sure is random. I can't believe I'm still writing more to this post, lets see how much longer i can keep going with this random post which is turning out to be really random because i'm still typing text to help make it really random. Lalalala...still typing. Boy if you really are still reading this you must be really bored right now, well thats what you get for reading a post that is nothing more than just me writing random nonsense that comes out of my head. Would you believe that NONE of this was copy and pasted? Thats right i'm typing everything manually that you are reading, I can seriously go on forever too. This is a handy little trick I figured out to help fill up papers back when I was in Jr. high school, pretty clever no? Especially when teachers have alot of papers to grade and they only have time to glance over a paper, so as long as it looks like you wrote something of importance it doesn't matter. So here I am still typing random stuff, continuing too type random stuff to make this post look important when it really isn't. I gotta say its alot of fun typing a bunch of random nonsense like this, the challenge is coming up with more random nonsense to type, which is a ton of fun in itself. Boy my hands are getting kinda tried from all this typing of random nonsense, maybe I will start wrapping up this post anyways. I wish I could write stuff like this more often, its not often I get to type random nonsense like this to fill things up now that i'm in college. I thought this thread was perfect to type more random nonsense to fill up a post, as its alot of fun as I said so already. I really wish i could type random nonsense like this more often. Holy crap! Are you still reading this? You deserve a medal or at least some kinda of an award for being able to sit though and read all this useless text of random nonsense, as all i'm doing is filling up this post with random nonsense to make it look important. Does it look important to you? I think it looks important, posts with alot of text means people have alot of intelligent things to say. Well the jokes on whoever decided to read this (which means you), as this post is nothing more than just me typing up a bunch of random nonsense to make this post look VERY important. Surely it should look very, very important by now when its really not, when all it is is just a bunch of random nonsense. Man this random post sure is random alright, don't think a post can get any more random than this, but it was all in an attempt to post random text just to make this post look important. I think this post looks important enough by now. I will seriously end it here now...PHEW, that was exhausting!
  9. 7/10 sad ponies make me sad too....still cute though
  10. Today Poland, tomorrow Africa, then the following day....THE WORLD!!! *evil maniacal laughter with flashing lightening*
  11. Dammit. This makes me want to get back into playing the 'ol Sim games again...sooooooooooo many hours of my childhood spent on those games.... Speaking of... I still demand a remake of SimFarm and SimTower Maxis!
  12. I shall aid you all in the invasion! *draws cosplay sword* To arms!
  13. The closest I ever had to such an experience was when I was still working at Subway...well it was part of a truck stop that was open 24 hours but still. I was working graveyard with one other person and there was a couple nights where weird stuff happened. Like the computer/cash register suddenly printed something or the screen would suddenly change to something else...when nobody touched the computer. *insert Rarity's ghost impression here*
  14. I've been using Youtube sense '06 and I've hated just about all design the changes they have done to YT ever sense it was bought out by Google. While this new layout I like a bit better than the last and I think it will work quite well for some people, I still remember and miss the old one when I first started using YT. If it ain't broke and works fine already, why fix it right?
  15. I remember that scene, and the same thing came to mind. Not the first time they subtlety mention alcohol usage and substitute it with something else, or characters end up drunk-like. You see it alot in older cartoons. Unfortunately I don't remember any examples at the top of my head....
  16. It's a kids show, I doubt the writers would think that deeply of such things. It could have simply been a spell that showed the others her own memories, thus awakening their own. However, its still a very plausible theory, especially with the way S2 has been so far. As well as one of the more interesting fan theories i've seen.
  17. Depends. Half the time I either let it run its course. If it starts to bug me, I listen to that song, then follow it up with several other good, catchy, memorable songs for a while. I find its a pretty effective method to getting a song out of your head.
  18. Its one of those "wait and see" deals, but if Shining Armor IS her brother, it will be quite a twist on things.
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