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Everything posted by SailorCardKnight

  1. Either check out the various fan creations of MLP or watch anime.
  2. It boogles my mind that unfunny hacks like Fred get TV shows yet people who are actually funny and/or talented like Doug Walker/Nostalgia Critic do not (...well I think hes funny). I miss the old Nick, before they started scraping the bottom of the barrel and gave us crap like Fred's own show. At one point there was talks of Chris Crocker getting his own show as well. Wish I had the news article to show you i'm not kidding.
  3. In Japan, it is belived that whenever you sneeze, someone is talking about you behind your back. Maybe they are sneezing alot becuase the way we keep talking about them.
  4. Beware of G3, it will rot your brain into a puddle of pink sugary glittery goo, and the G3.5 New Born Mutants will not only do that, but explode too. G1, milage may vary, but definately more enjoyable than G3. It gets surprsingly pretty dam dark at times for a little girl's show. ...Its quite interesting to see the evolution of MLP.
  5. I loved MLP already when I was a kid, I enjoyed watching the reruns of the original series and MLP Tales and even had some of the toys. When G3 came along I had gotten some of the toys from McD's, but I never saw the cartoon. By the time G3.5 rolled around I had completely lost interest in MLP by then, but I found the designs of them terrifying. Just this very ugly chibi style, they didn't even look like ponies! Then G4 rolled around. Like G3.5, I had no interest, and I didn't like the art desgins either at first. Now, I actually keep forgetting that FiM is part of the same line of toys that I grew up with. It feels like two totally unrealted shows and toylines. Looking back and rewatching the G1 cartoons, theres still some charm to it and for an 80's cartoon its not half bad, maybe thats just the nostalgia talking. G3 on the other hand, I tried the cartoon out of curiousity recently....dear god. Even as a kid i'd hate it, and I *liked* filly girly stuff as a kid. Theres no subtance or conflict at all, everyone was way too nicey-nice and the constant "everybody wins" mentality would've pissed me off. At least G1 had some stubstance and interesting stories.
  6. Holy crap! I was totally gonna link that one too ...until I realised I had way too many already. lol. Living Tombstone does great work.
  7. ...is mindblowing! Plus, its like a childhood dream of mine come true. When I was a kid and after I learned how it was possible to take already existing songs/sound clips from movies and shows and remix them into really cool songs, I longed to hear stuff from my favorite childhood shows remixed in such ways. Especially Sailor Moon. But alas, not much was made. Just a handful of offical songs, and out of the fan community, amateur remixes that circled around on Napster a decade ago, was the best the net had to offer. (Oh how i'd do anything to hear a really cool remix of Carry On and the Outer Senshi's theme...) Then again it can be blamed on the limits of the technology of the time and the net not being as widespead as today. Now it feels like that lost dream has finally become a reality. The sheer fact that every song featured in the series has been remixed at least 5 times, 25+ remixes of "Winter Wrap Up" alone, another 20+ songs that sample clips from the episodes where Pinkie and Twilight go nuts, then remixes of fan-made songs, and even some remixes of remixes of songs...I swear the amount of creativity in this fanbase is insane! I can't even keep up listening to them all anymore! Anybody have any favorite remixes they want to share? To kick it off *here *I'm sorry, but there are just simply too many awsome songs out there to choose from, so I picked prob a few too many. You are welcome to do the same.
  8. This. Part of my reason why is because i'm an anime nerd and in Japan they like to release character songs where the character sings a song about themselves, and I love hearing my favorite characters, i'd love to hear it here too! If not in the show itself, then a separate CD release (like in Japan).
  9. I listenedto the leak when it first hit the net months back, but out of respect I didn't go around sharing it. It certainly took a long time for the actual episode it was used in to finally get here, goes to show just how far they make these episodes in advance. Of all the songs from the show, this is a terrffic song to share with non-bronies. Not only is it a great stand alone song, but it can put anyone in a good mood. Definately a favorite.
  10. This was the 3rd episode I managed to catch the live stream for and boy was it worth it! I can totally see this becoming the new fan favorite along side Luna Eclipsed, Lesson Zero and Party of One. -songs galore, including the leaked Smile, Smile, Smile (which is fav pony song), looking forward to hearing all the remixes on the way -so...much...meme....potential -some of the best quality animation yet, including that unexpected shift to stop motion with felt -the literal welcome wagon made me lol, me and my love of puns -continuity with the baby Cakes and Dash reading Daring Do! -Dexter's Lab reference when Pinkie was in Crakey's cart going though his stuff A really great episode overal. I thought the lesson for todays episode was either going to be along the lines of “take the time and listen to other people's reasons why” or “you can't make everyone like you” but what we got works too. As a bonus, as soon as I saw the beginning, this was the first thing that popped into my head...and just watch someone has already beaten me to the punch and made a video of the exact same thing.
  11. Well, when you comepare it to this its definately white alright. If not brillant white, then alot closer to white than what Hasbro went with in the end.
  12. I apologize if someone has pointed this out already, but if no one has, get a load of this! I stubled upon some images I think you would all be very interested in. Prototype versions of the toys we have now, and here Celestia is white instead of pink! (or pink-ish white, but still white-looking none the less). http://www.mylittlep...air-unipeg.html
  13. Pencil. I have bad handwriting and most pens make it look 10x worse! With pencil my writing looks alot cleaner and smoother. Plus pencils and colored pencils are my favorite tools of choice for my drawings.
  14. I'm sure the reasons why the "offical" plushies look as bad as they do is because they where made from leftover patterns/materials from the G3.5 plush. Then they are also desgined that way as an easy way to mass produce them. Its all a way to cut costs and to allow Hasbro to get more money in return. And ya know, Hasbro doesn't have to make the plushies themselves. They could just give the licence to another company that specializes in quality plush. They do it with other MLP branded products already (as we all know Hasbro doesn't make toothpaste and coloring books). I know companies like Beanie Babies, Aurora, and Applause make great plushies of licenced characters, *PLUS* Appluase has made offical My Little Pony toys for Hasbro before, why not let them have it it once more? *one google search later* Never mind, sadly Applause went bankrupt in '04 but there are still other companies who can do it. EDIT: Found more licenced plush as examples, this time its G3, no idea what company made it.
  15. v And yes, it is a very oddball selection of episodes, but the later 3 episodes all have trains in them, which is what Hasbro is trying to sell right now, thus the train theme, as stated.
  16. 5 episodes, and yes, that is an awsome price.
  17. I think this is because Hasbro beleves Transformers is profitable enough with the demograpic who normally buys this sort of thing (music-loving teens/adults). Afteral, Hasbro is fully aware of its adult fanbase and caters to them regularly. Plus, as stated, this could also be a test, as soundtracks of just background music from kids shows almost NEVER see the light of day. For MLP, we'll most likely see a music CD of just songs from the TV show before anything. We'll be extremely lucky if we ever see a CD of just the BGM at all! To this day a large number of fans of the English dub of Sailor Moon still cry out for a compilation of BGM from the dub, which is something we've been doing for over a decade, and it still hasn't happened. So I'm honestly not getting my hopes up. However, the times are different, what Hasbro could do is that they could do a special release of the soundtrack on iTunes. As the main reason why companies don't put out soundtracks for kid's Tv shows is because by the time they print all those CDs (which costs money), theres a very high risk they wont get that money in return when they try to sell them. By selling digtally though iTunes, they don't have that risk. Just a thought...
  18. *Twilight and Fluttershy are both her favorites* *gets on knees, places hands on head* I CAN"T DECIDE!!!! DON"T MAKE ME DECIDE!!! AAAAHHHHH!!!! *recovers* Conflicting feelings of indecisiveness aside... The reasons why I love both of them so much is because I happen to see alot of myself in both of them. For Fluttershy, I used to be very shy and quiet when I was younger. While I have managed to improve on that in more recent years, by getting involved more often and speaking up more, I still revert back to old habits from time to time. Plus, I've always had a love for animals and have been able to connect with them like she can. As for Twilight, not only have I been quiet and shy like Fluttershy, but i've also been socally award. Unforetunately, unlike my shyness, I still haven't gotten over that. Plus, also like Twilight I also have a tendency to get wrapped up in the things I love, like keeping things organized (sometimes a bit too much, I joke with people and call it a mild case of OCD), and i'm also a perfectionist...not on the same levels showcased in Lesson Zero though. Lol. As a bonus, I look the pony personalty test and even the offical one on the Hub site and got Twilight on both. The former test I got Fluttershy as 2nd closest. ^^
  19. The very begining with the pilot ep. After seeing a bunch of random memes around the net and a bunch of people having pony icons/sigs, all the hype around it made me curious. I went to youtube one day and decided to give it a shot...ended up marathoning the whole first season in 2 1/2 days (then over a month later season 2 started).
  20. Because according to Shout, Hasbro wanted to have themed DVDs. I'm sure if Shout had thier way they would have released all the episodes in chronological order. You are exactly right. This DVD is to help promote that new train set Habro is currently pushing. Which is why it also has such an odd selection of episodes. (I would personally have Heart's Warming Eve on a separate Holiday or winter themed DVD.) Because remember folks: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic exists becuase Hasbro wanted to sell toys, not the other way around, just like all other MLP cartoons before it.This is also why the toys aren't show accurate and leftover, creepy-looking, G3.5 toys rebranded into G4 toys. If the show itself was thier core product *then* we would be seeing show accurate toys and proper DVD releases.
  21. This. http://i10.photobuck...Senshi/scan.jpg Has a mix of marker, crayon and colored pencil.
  22. Because the previous generations left a very bad impression on people.
  23. Of the main 6, Rarity, simply because she took the longest for me to warm up to comepared to the rest. Of the others, Dimond Tiara, Sliver Spoon, and Prince Blueblood, those three bug me more than anybody on the show. Then I tossed a vote for Pipsqeak simply because when I first saw Luna Eclipsed, and even today upon reviewing, he just feels like a forgetable, forced character that I honestly didn't care much for.
  24. I don't mind if Shout releases the entire series only on individual DVDs like this, as long as we get all the episodes within time, plus being an anime fan, i'm used to companies using this method (more profit for them in the long run too). Heck, I don't mind its not in fancy Blu-ray or chronological order either. I'd rather save my pennies and get Blu-ray versions of shows/films that are worth seeing in super hi-depth. While MLP has great animation, I just personaly don't think its worth going out of my way and getting a Blu-ray version of it. My only nitpick is that it better be widescreen. If I know something was made in widescreen, I want it in widescreen. I hate getting a cropped screen and not see the whole picture. Plus these days widescreen is the new standard, so having something like this in fullscreen seems downright silly. So I hope the detail about this DVD being in fullscreen on Amazon is just a typo. The Target DVD and freebee DVD that came with the toys was widescreen afteral. Anyways, for only $10 on Amazon i'm gonna order it soon and support the show.
  25. Even though we're way too old, my dad and I still get kids meals, because sometimes all you want is just a small meal and a kids meal size does just the trick...plus you get a toy. So I have no shame in buying kids meals, i've even gone out of my way and bought some Hello Kitty toys separately. To this day i'm still kicking myself...back before I had even seen the series I got a Fluttershy toy but ended up giving it away. Now I regret it cause I have now seen FiM and I want one, grrrrrrrrr. Well, at least this time I can make up for it and get a whole set, and I have 3 McD's near me to help make it happen. Woooo! EDIT: I will also add Lily Blossom just seems downright random. At least having Cheerlie makes some sense as shes an actual character in the show. Maybe shes a character who will appear later like Cheerlie?
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