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Everything posted by Tao

  1. Tao

    movies/tv Cowboy Bebop

    Look up the Seatbelts and other animes Yoko Kanno did (its worth it).
  2. Im leaning on a Garnet for my fav of the jewels but Steven for a win and also Connie for the humans a bit in show! None Human: Lion (which I would love a eps on how Rose met Lion and such and why he has her stuff she wanted to protect...)
  3. Tao

    movies/tv Cowboy Bebop

    I love Beboop! The music opened me up and the very style of the show still stands out in all these years!
  4. -Kami from DBZ -Unicorn: The Last Unicorn -Kaede: Inuyasha -Yoda: Star Wars -Kenshin: R.Kenshin -Ed: FMA -Spike: Cowboy Beboop -Phedre: Kushiel's Legacy series
  5. Well he had spent a bit of over two days in the grand city of Canterlot, having a drink at a bar or two and having some “fun” with a mare friend he met along his way. Oh yes the little things in life made up for half the time he spent back in the woods and lost lands of their world in doing his job of hunting and tracking and such for his job and pass time. Smokey Gold only felt a bit peeved in having all his weapons taken by the sticks in the mud in the shiney armor. Half of what it cost to make it could feed a pony family for a good 6 weeks and than sum given how they ate and how many babes they had. Yet the tracker took it with some zen like thoughts in being let to past and told where to go for this meeting. “Wonder if I do this job, I might have the bounty on my head take away up north a bit...” Smokey thought, eyes lingering over the gardens very much well kept and walking to the place one a stuffy and skinny stallion had told em to go. Smokey felt a bit out of place in looking a rough and the few scars he had on his body, some might call it a roguish aura he had but the ladies seemed to like it.
  6. Its not that I think that being a jock is bad or having pride, but if it gets to the point in which pride blinds you from seeing how your over all action effect others and even after this has been pointed out to you over a long term of events yet you keep doing it, than it is when the cannon gets stuck in a rut so to speak..
  7. Steel has a good point with that! I cannot draw worth my life but I started using the pony creator which helped me a bit but once you get a "pony down" try also a few other types of him in just playing around and having fun and such! Also you can request a thread or a artist to draw him or make him so get a few images and all! We have a lot of talent in this place and good souls more than willing to help!
  8. I'd take some art love: Name: Sallie Ref: http://i.imgur.com/g2mFbtF.png Pose:http://www.deviantart.com/art/Unsure-Pony-Base-295027736
  9. Wow i could work with this in a comic like stand or wallpaper... NICE!
  10. yah I can feel yah, i mean in some fics, i do like her in how shes written by those fans but show wise, i'd kick her flank to the edge of the world given how she acts to some of her friends half the time..
  11. I hate Rainbow Dash: Why? I over all just don't like her whole cannon/traits and I see nothing redeeming about her in given she is always put into the same shape and act...(yes we can put this on the writers) but yah I don't like her...
  12. Rune for the moment sighed, looking around her once former home and wishing to be back in the Crystal Empire. The letter that had popped out at her door in a flash of golden magic only one Alicorn in all the known world had flashed at her door way and even the Merc Caption of the Seekers could not say no to a Royal Summons much as the unicorn female wanted.. “Why me? Of all freaking unicorns she could have called it had to be be....” Rune thought, her hooves making a light click on the stone walk way, the castle looming closer in every step she made,”Yah like in the hell I want to be on a freaking ass butt in looking in some unknown island.....” Snicking, her deep blue royal coat shone dark compared to many of the others of her kind, higher in the shoulder and a bit more built in the chest, the mare had more than once taken as a stallion but it could worked a bit now and than for uncover.... Sky in color, her magic flared in picking up the letter and rereading it a bit to the place she had to meet the Glory of the Sunbutt...
  13. Hey could take a shoot at my oc Makaria Ref: http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/DemonicHellfire/1abz_zpsujcbqyhc.png
  14. Yes you will give me the Fluttershy and no pony gets hurt... Nah you did a good job and we want to see more!
  15. Yah no prob hon, I also look up strange things to name my own ocs.
  16. How bout Caballos given the voodoo feel of the pony, the name comes from the Dominican Vudú branch.
  17. One more reason unicorns rock: Also this:
  18. That I need to write more mlp fics...
  19. Tao

    spoiler Pancake

    To cute...for words..over load... /dies/
  20. Feck, Im so worn out of them doing these break downs and leaving you waiting for like 3 more months to watch and such and its all over the tv seasons... :okiedokielokie:
  21. I think the CMC need to get their cutie marks and move onto to the next step of their lives but it could also start a good road to Gen 5 with our CMC being in the for front to come. I mean you can only work out so many stories of them trying to get marks before you get into a bad loop of coming of age sadly in any story....
  22. Hmmm good idea.... Gem Sprite: She would loose her glossy coat and mane and tail and would loose her talent for blowing glass and crafting and also loose her mood swings and deep love for her mate Zapper and filly Dreamshard. Rune: She loose her talent for lighting magic and battle in such edge and her sarcasm and just be rendered to the normal unicorn magic but also her battle planning and bossy nature but also sense of deep honor. Teal Surge: She could no longer find water using dowsing or be able to walk on the surface of any type of water. Dragonblood: He would loose his talent for fire and fire magic and be put into a more normal range of magic of unicorns but also his flirty ways with the ladies and cool like nature I think.
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