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Frosty Flurry

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Everything posted by Frosty Flurry

  1. The late mandela said Courage is not the absensce of fear but the strength to overcome it
  2. DDDAAASSSSHHHHIIIEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got dashie! Which is weird because i have a plushie of her and My fave sort of pony is a non op alicorn
  3. Practice! K sketch ponies from the show while looking at pics of them then after that move onto memory drawing then create your own! Use a planning sketch and draw and draw! I doodle when i can for practice. Ok for a 1st try try drawing your own body though kk?
  4. :I nah but it is a good one

  5. she's probably using alot of energy and really straining So maybe her head hurts or all the straining of muscles But i guess thats only forpowerful magic
  6. I'm a bit annoyed because they apparently changed twilight to sell a new toy. And the toys don't look much like the chracters. A bit to gen 3
  7. Erm.... Cringy Double cringy Cheesy in places Villian who could of done something evil earlier Different to what bronies like Slow plotline
  8. I noticed she was different but i couldn't but my finger on why. Then i noticed the rolling eyes and stuff
  9. Howling wolves. For some reason i can't post it though
  10. lol has anyone seen the elevator youtube video of the elevator trip ups? Stairs for godness sake oooops soz i thought it was escalators geez i bucked up
  11. This is a fact i learnt. Us humans mature slower because we are complex and intelligent beings. Maybe we're getting more clever! Or because people can't be bothered sometimes and just wan't to say longer at home
  12. BTW i'm a newbie to this so do you have to pay. That may sound like a dumb question to you but i can't really pay. But if you are doing it for free could you do the great and powerful...... Derpy.
  13. oooh! I've seen these. And i like! But not having any good form of art software i can't do....... But stilll, Awesome!
  14. hmmmm..... fair point. (the following is a derpy comment) MAYBE SHE GOT HIM FROM THE MOOOOONNN!!!! No? fine then
  15. Well as far as i know anypony can get a cutie mark But (this is only a query) by any chance are they possesed? Then they may just be evil bat demons. WITHOUT a cutie mark
  16. Frosty Flurry

    movies/tv The Hobbit

    One simple word. Cumberbatch.
  17. WEEEEEELLLLLCOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well erm you see erm..... My messsage was supposed to get to you 3 days ago.....
  18. Omg i just bought a hoodie phone case thats colur coiordinated with derpy!

  19. that one is actually ok compared to....some..... Ugh the colours on that man unicorn goat butterfly thing at the top of the forum is unspeakable.
  20. there's actually a place in america called twat farm.
  21. it was kinda pointless, went nowhere and could of made cutie mark crusader fans alot happier. worst s4 episode yet :okiedokielokie:
  22. maybe just maybe. But probably not i'm pretty shy and fame can send people down the road of JB and Miley cyrus No offence to any fans of JB and MC
  23. 1.get AWAY from youtube GOOGLE :okiedokielokie: 2. IF this actually happens, rip youtube we knew this was gonna happen sorry youtube.......
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