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Kazuki Fuse

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Everything posted by Kazuki Fuse

  1. When the smoke clears there will be no more tears.

  2. My dream girl don't exist.

  3. Brotha Lynch's new album is sinister as fuck. He gets darker with every new album, I love his style. Probably my favorite 2013 album so far, although I don't doubt something else will come around before the end of the year. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJTriRYp3hA
  4. Kazuki Fuse

    mega thread Metal Thread

    Wow, just had the biggest blast from the past a few minutes ago. Rummaging through my closet for my old winter gloves (it's a fragging mess in there) I stumbled across the Down shirt I purchased back in 2009, when I saw them live in concert. I had totally forgotten about it, due to the fact when I bought it I was only 16 and didn't think my mother would be pleased with me wearing a shirt depicting Jesus puffing on a phat blunt. I had thrown it in the closet with promises to myself I'd wear it loudly and proudly on my 18th birthday. Well I'm 20 years old now and I'm gonna rock the shit out of it. What a memory too, they toured with Voivod and Weedeater and my tow friends and I weren't even supposed to be there due to it being at a bar (and we were 16 at the time). Luckily my friend Levi knew the door girl so we got in! I forgot my love for Down until just a few minutes ago. Definately my favorite Phil Anselmo band.

  6. I don't agree with much of the mans philosophy, but he hits the nail on the head here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbo0jFUzX6k Not the biggest Burzum fan anymore (I was when I was younger) but Filosofem is still a great album.
  7. I also take my coffee straight black. Nothing goes in. I find the bitterness works well with the caffeine to bring me from "I'll kill your whole family and burn your house down if you talk to me" mode to the more subtle "That's right, keep talking, you're only digging your own grave deeper" mode. #NotAMorningPerson #FuckYouMonday
  8. Kazuki Fuse

    mega thread Metal Thread

    I've loved Leviathan for years now, one of my top ten black metal bands, but only recently did I finally check out Wrest's other solo venture, Lurker of Chalice. If anything, its even more desolate than LVTHN.
  9. I've read the fanfic this picture is based off of its amazing. Look up 'Tangled Roots' on FimFiction.net. Seriously, its well worth the read, really adds alot to Babs character and kinda turned her into one of my favorite background ponies.
  10. Kazuki Fuse

    mega thread Metal Thread

    Yo Djenty are you into Assuck, or Insect Warfare? If not check some of that shit out. Perfect place to begin the descent into grinding madness. GRIND YOUR FUCKING HEAD IN!
  11. Kazuki Fuse

    mega thread Metal Thread

    From Tragedy's latest album. More crust punk/dark hardcore but still excellent stuff. Love this band, dammit. Anyone else into this kinda stuff?
  12. Used to be dirt, grew into a plant. Once was an animal, now I'm just a man.

  13. I'll probably knock back a bottle of Jack Daniel's with a side serving of half a bottle of xanax and hope it keeps my lights out until the 15th.
  14. A poem I wrote recently that basically recounts some moments of my younger years that I'm not proud of. It's pretty personal to me, but I figured I'd post it here since none of you know me in real life. (Also, I've been sober 3 and a half years now. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Hard drugs aren't worth it. There's better things in life.) - - - nosebleeds - - - finally you wake up in a parking space behind burger king jacket wet from an oil slick and there are people standing above you some of your friends "christ, i thought you were dead," one of them says but these weren't the friends you were with before "i'm sorry, but please don't tell anybody you found me here. please." "uh, no problem." "are you ok?" "you think you could watch me? make sure i don't pass out again?" "yeah, all right. just follow us." you're sorry to take up any space at all but you aren't really sorry, just scared you asshole the last thing you remember it was still daylight you were on the other side of town starting to come down and you asked for more the two of you did a few more pills then a lot more pills it's the little things six hour gaps in your memory wandering around the laundromat with the fluorescent lights beating on your nosebleeds the listless stares of people around you wondering what the hell this kid's only fifteen he's sleeping in a parking lot? and he's got dilated pupils, nosebleeds jesus, he's shaking, why's he shaking? they make you tell yourself this is the last time this is the last time, i swear i'm quitting all these things you thought you could quit you can quit anytime well you thought you could quit
  15. I honestly don't see why this is causing such an uproar? Hasn't it pretty much been confirmed that Alicorn Twilight is only appearing in this episode and then reverting back by the end? Typical bronies, everyone gets all worked up, dissecting every little piece of information before the new episodes even air, but suprise surprise, once it does everyone realizes its "DA BEST EPPYSODE EVA!!!"
  16. I love how good music has the ability to sway your moods. There's nothing better than blasting some tunes you love once you get home from work/school!
  17. Work can bite it. No way in hell I'm spending 8 hours in a trainyard when the windchill is bringing it down to -41 celsius.

    1. Brook


      Hell yeah stick it to the man! /)

  18. When I die a thousand birds will fly out of my mouth.

  19. I always tear up when I watch this scene. Such a good movie! RIP John Candy. I lose it everytime it echoes "I haven't been home in years."
  20. I think life is gonna be pretty OK from now on.

  21. Just off the top of my head: The Antlers- Undersea EP Code Orange Kids- Love is Love//Return to Dust Revenge- Scum.Collapse.Eradication Swans- The Seer Tradgedy- Darker Days Ahead
  22. Kazuki Fuse

    A Walk

    I know 2 people in real life who have commited suicide. Do you know anyone who has killed themselves? If not, you can't begin to imagine the effect it has on the people who were close to the person. No matter how much you convince yourself otherwise, there are people who love and care for you and they will go through hell if you go through with it. I'm a little pissed and offended at this to be honest. Either fucking do it, or shut up about it.
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