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Kazuki Fuse

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Everything posted by Kazuki Fuse

  1. Obviously Stephen King. IT, The Shining and Pet Semetary are his best works in my opinion. Also, Clive Barker is pretty awesome.
  2. The perfect movie for Halloween considering its about a Halloween party gone mad: Parts II and III aren't that bad either, but definately check out the first one for some oldschool halloween horror.
  3. Honour, valor, pride.

  4. Alot of black metal, from depressive, to avant-garde, to ambient, to national socialist. Also, lots of sad indie rock, post hardcore and emo. All the essential crust punk and grindcore bands. A small helping of ambient/electronic. And just a smidgen of neofolk.
  5. Night of the Demons is a classic, always great to watch around Halloween! Black Christmas (1975 version), the original slasher flick and one of my favorites! Silent Night, Deadly Night, another awesome Christmas slasher! Witchfinder General, not so much a horror, but a true classic!
  6. Currently employed as a safety watch/confined space entry monitor at gasplants. Being employeed by the safety company itself, and not a specific contractor is cool, cause I don't have a set worksite, I go where they need me, which is all over Alberta. Pretty sweet gig IMO, I make $18 an hour. The hard part is that its 12 hour shifts of me literally sitting either in the lunch room, or on a bucket outside an entrance hatch. Literally, all I have to do at my job is monitor the levels of oxygen and other gases inside confined spaces every half hour and mark down the people going in and out. It can get tedious and mind numbing at times, but I get loads of time to read nowadays which is nice.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WKRpKvINPU HolyfuckIlovethissomuch. Instrumental post rock, I need more of it. These guys only have two albums,its not enough to satisy my craving!!
  8. I simply cannot get enough of Black Moth Super Rainbow. Trippy as fuck experimental/psych/ambient/electronic/Idon'tevenknowwhat music. All I know is I haven't been more excited for a band's upcoming album in quite a long time.
  9. Breaking Bad. Seriously the best show ever, I must say I like it even more than MLP. Also, I second the Sunny In Philidelphia recc'. One of the funniest shows ever.
  10. Oh god, I watched the second half of season 4 in one sitting, thats how gripping it was. My absolute favorite TV show (yes, even ahead of FiM, but only by a little bit!)
  11. This is more 'post-metal' than post-rock but I'm putting it here anyways because Jesu is excellent and Justin Broadrick is a genius. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pzfEnJNR6A Also 65daysofstatic are amazing, and they're completely instrumental.
  12. First shift at my new job, working as safety watch at an ammonium/fertilizer plant. 12 hour shift, and only had to actually work for 2 of them. Spent the rest reading and playing board games lol.

  13. When I had long hair in grade 11 I decided to cut it. As a joke, I legit got it cut into a mullet and rocked that shit for 3 weeks. I really wish I had gotten someone to take a picture of it back then but I didn't have alot of friends in highschool so none exist. Anyways, I wanna see someone on this forum who actually rocks the mullet! C'mon!
  14. This disturbs me deep within my soul, but at the same time I bucking love it.
  15. Death in June. So much, listened through the whole discography 3 times now. Really great neofolk. Alot of Swans as well, but they've been one of my favorite bands for a long time.
  16. Article 313: Everypony is best pony at some point or another.
  17. You don't even wanna know all the things I'd wanna do with you. In other words, definately.
  18. Haha yea goregrind is really hard to enjoy, there are a few bands I have found that aren't as noisy and have a little bit of groove to them. If you ever wanna check em out, look up Jig Ai, Cock and Ball Torture and Rompeprop (although, admittedly, all 3 of them are technically classified as 'porngrind' but there's not much difference except the violent themes are replaced with more sexual ones). Awesome avvie btw. "I AM INVINCIBLE!"
  19. Basically any electro genre (dubstep/dnb/house/whatever), I can't recall a single song from any genre like that ever "clicking" with me.
  20. Shit like this really gets me riled up. These kids sound like absolute bottom of the pond filth. Sincerely hoping they get apprehended.
  21. I like this. Alot. You definately have lots of potential. I hope the class serves you well and I hope you'll post more of your writings in the future.
  22. Bah, lighters. I light all my cigarettes with matches. Feels like a Clint Eastwood.
  23. I always thought "A Canterlot Wedding" was a logical closing point. The only things season 3 could possibly contain is canon-shipping and the insertion of terrible OC's.
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