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Kazuki Fuse

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Everything posted by Kazuki Fuse

  1. My name aint too common, and I see no one that's posted in this thread so far has the same name as me. It's Carson. I dunno, don't love it, don't hate it. Besides, all my friends use the nickname "Crazy 8". I dunno how that's supposed to be easier than saying Carson, but it doesn't bug me much.
  2. I'll admit I've used a number of illicit substances as a temporary escape. I've cut down a fair bit, but its still my number one escape. Besides that, I'd say reading or writing.
  3. You are joking right? What humanity NEEDS is to decrease the amount of copulation in the world. Hell, I say we need more homosexuality in the world, one: so it becomes more widely accepted, and two: so our population growth may slow down a bit.
  4. "Sir, are you classified as a human being?" "Negative. I am a meat popsicle."

  5. Late at night is my favorite time to be on the computer. It's my favorite time of the day for listening to music, especially new albums I haven't heard yet. I don't have to worry about pausing it to do chores or get interrupted, etc. It's also when I read alot of fanfiction. And of course there's always 2 back to back episodes of Seinfeld at 3 AM that I watch before I hit the bed.
  6. I don't think gay people can be considered 'broken', seeing as human beings are imperfect creatures to begin with. We are all 'broken'. Humanity is a flawed design.
  7. A pretty sweet straightforward punk band from my hometown. I'm only 50 characters in and can't think of anything else to say other than check it out. Shame they aren't together anymore. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5s6PnAmjAg
  8. So is John DeLancie resuming his role of Discord for episode 10? Anyone know?

    1. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      I'll bet my hat on it. :3

  9. As far as I can tell I am 99.9% straight. I've only had one relationship but it was with a girl, and I can't say I've ever found myself attracted to any guys I have met. However, I have for the past few years built an image in my head of the kind of guy I could maybe fall for but the chances of finding a person with all these traits I envision in my head is probably next to impossible. Doesn't mean I won't keep a weather eye open...
  10. Sorry, not that I could find. He's got a two good ones of Fluttershy and Twilight but those are both most definately NSFW.
  11. Not really "cute", more "sexy" but still not crossing into NSFW territory. Anthro Rarity fans should like.
  12. Am I the only one here not excited about Christmas? I'd go as far as to say I hate the holidays. Am I alone on this?

    1. Luriel Maelstrom

      Luriel Maelstrom

      Nah, I am not so excited for Christmas eather. *yawn* "End of the World" was more exciting xD

  13. If by "emo music" you mean REAL emo (not screamo-metalcore tripe) then I've got some bands you should check out: American Football Chokebore I Hate Myself One Last Wish Snowing Sunny Day Real Estate This Town Needs Guns What Price, Wonderland?
  14. I'm not gonna post the full list, but this one made me fall out of my chair laughing: "stryker is a black and tan german shepherd and is not neutered."
  15. Oh man, showers are wayyy better than baths. Bathwater turns cold, but the constant scalding, pounding water cascading down from the showerhead feels amazing. Besides, Kramer can tell you why I hate baths in better words than myself. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPmBle0DljwV
  16. Two of the most 'satanic' bands I listen to, but unless your a BM veteran, it might be too harsh for you at this point. Try it out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qrpZAecMSk If you can actually dig it, let me know and I'll direct other such music your way.
  17. Oh man, this is my official shower anthem! I dunno, but this song gets me ready to tackle the day. Instant mood-lifter. Besides that, alot of classic Misfits for some reason http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5CWCp1iHb4
  18. Sometimes, being a baby dragon has its advantages.
  19. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. It's a tradition for me and my brother to watch it every Christmas Eve, and we haven't broken that tradition since we started in 2001. Another good one is Elf, Will Farell always brings the laughs. And of course, on the opposite end of the comedy spectrum, two of my favorite holiday classicks are Black Christmas (the excellent original, not the shite remake) and Silent Night, Deadly Night.
  20. Kazuki Fuse

    mega thread Metal Thread

    I feel like I have posted this song before, but I'll do it again because its so good. Love that synth intro. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svdtotZa1UE (Btw: the actual song starts at 1:49 just so's ya know)
  21. I thought Spitfire's voice sounded the same as it did in Hurrican Fluttershy, juts with more of a gruff edge to it (understandable since she's acting as a drill sargent in this episode). I thought she looked really cool with that instructor uniform and sunglasses too. Seeing Snowflake again made me leap with joy, even if he still didn't get any lines beyond "YEAAAH!" Also, when Spitfire peered closely at his tiny wings and gave him that look, I almost spit Coke everywhere from holding my laughter in. Lightning Dust struck me as a typical OC, nothing unique about her that caught my attention, and what's up with her flying faster than Rainbow Dash? I thought it had been established that NO ONE is faster than her. Lastly, I'm looking forward to many Rarity x Thunderlane shipfics. Anyone else?
  22. A good 6 pack of beer is good no matter the season. Plus, when its winter here and its snowing, it doesn't matter if we bought beer that didn't get stored in the cooler. Ten minutes out on my porch, stuck in the snowdrift and BAM, insta-cold and refreshing!
  23. It's really unfortunate that today has to be the deadline date (though I completely understand why) because I know for a fact the grandparents on my dad's side of the family are sending me $200 in the mail (which I'd love to have donated half of) but they aren't sending it until around the 16th. Is there no possible way that if it arrives around the 20th I still couldn't donate?
  24. You think darkness is your ally. But you merely adopted the dark; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding.

  25. The resolution I have in mind may as well be considered my resolution for New Years 2014 because my resolution is to move out by next January. So I guess my resolution for this year is start looking into good places to move and maybe start looking for a room-mate.
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