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Everything posted by TorqueEffect

  1. Not really missing anything. Linux nerds will swear up and down it is amazing, and why it is better then Windows, blah blah blah. Linux is only useful as a server, or basic OS for businesses. Unless you use nothing but a web browser, linux is no good for home use. Also OpenGL only gets you so far in the graphics department, the software support is atrocious, not easy to use (even with Ubuntu, The most bloated version of linux there is.) I only use it on my Chromebook since it is the only thing I can install on it because how hostile the BIOs is against anything other than linux being installed on it.
  2. Just got done watching the episode. *Spoiler maybe* This may be a spoiler for some but, yes Weird Al's character of course sings, but during the credits all the songs were written by the Daniel Ingram, so Weird Al didn't didn't do his own songs, all he did was sing from lyrics given to him, but it still was pretty epic. I knew something felt off about his singing, and it was mainly that he was singing someone else's work, though it did sound like Weird Al had some fun with his character's dialog during the non-singing parts.
  3. That is the sad thing in this world. You have to fight back, regardless if you get hurt. Wouldn't being thrown in jail be better than living with mental problems? Hell at least here in the U.S, if you get thrown in juvy (Juvenal Detention) you are let out when you are 18, and they still give you a education when you are in there. I don't know how it is like in europe though.
  4. I think you might have mis-understood me. What I meant was to just ignore the bullies.
  5. I know most everyone here is going to find what I am about to say is cold hearted. While bullying can get out of hand sometimes. It is a part of life. Just some people need to learn to hide what is controversial that gets them picked on. If you flaunt it everywhere, you are just asking for it. How does that saying go? "The nail that sticks out gets hammered down." Yeah, they are not kidding, this has been proven time and time again, and there is infinite number of ways to explain that saying is true. But also, if you give them a reaction to them bullying you, or making fun of you, you are just driving them to do it more. Same with internet trolls, you feed them, and they just keep coming back for more. If you act like you don't care about their jokes, they are eventually going to give up. I can't say I was ever really bullied in school, sure people made fun of me sometimes, but I chose to ignore it and they never tried again. Plus I always kept a low profile, I rarely talked, and only talked to friends, or people I noticed having similar interests. Though I was a complete pest in Middle School, and got punched in the face, and slammed to the floor, but I deserved those. But after that I went back to my quiet, reserved self and stopped bothering people. No one is driven to suicide just from being bullied, they have to have already established mental problems that are most likely undiagnosed. To have suicidal thoughts THAT young, there is something wrong. I have only ever been driven to suicidal thoughts once, it was during high school, I had a headache that didn't stop for 2-3 weeks, and I thought there was something seriously wrong with me, and self diagnosing myself from things on the internet, drove me deeper, and deeper into a depression, then even when I realized I was over reacting, everything that hinted at death or suffering, or disease made me majorly depressed. This went on for months, and after being on anti-depressants for a while, I eased out of it, then just stopped taking the anti-depressants all together and I have been fine ever since. Granted I still get depressed when I realize I am 23, and have never had a girlfriend, and already have friends that are engaged, or married already. But that is just natural thing for us humans to be depressed about, and I don't let it drive me into the ground. I have learned NOT to dwell on anything, don't stay with your own thoughts for too long or you start to overthink things.
  6. I don't know why I dish out all my hate on Rarity. She isn't even my least favorite of the main six, and I still think she is adorable. The whole "Dog and Pony show" excuse I used I just blew out of proportion, made it seem like a bigger deal then it was. But I still don't like what she did in "Putting your hoof down." I just hate seeing women taking advantage of men by using their good looks, and through sweet talking.
  7. Whatever you want to believe man. That is just how I see her. Granted you make some good points.
  8. At least you are getting 40 hours a week. I went from getting that easily, to 25 and less. Because my employers decided to cut the delivery route down from 6, to 3, give all the drivers significantly less hours. Oh and it is hurting the business of the stores we are delivering to, because we went from 4 or 5 stores a route to between 6-10 stores, so it hurts the stores that are the last ones on the list. It won't get better either because I am sure that was done to keep us from getting full time benefits, as now with Obama, have 30 hours, and employers are required to give you full time benefits. Oh and to probably save money on gas and vehicle maintenance. Yep, screw over your employees to save a few bucks, and the higher ups that made that decision get a bigger bonus.
  9. I wish my folks had money to burn. $30k you say? Wow...... It took my parents 5 years to pay off a $19k car, and we can barely keep the tax collectors from taking our house. I wish I had everything handed to me on a silver platter. So why waste the time and money if it isn't going to get you anywhere in life? Also an online university isn't going to look good on a resume, they will just think you were too lazy and cheap to go to a normal university. That is the sad truth about this fucked up world. I do completely agree with your opinion on healthcare jobs. It is just taking advantage of people who are in need, then charging them out the ass for it, because they need it and have no other means except for dieing or suffering. It's appalling, especially as of late with Obamacare making it even worse.
  10. I don't see why everyone always jumps on the Nvidia bandwagon. Same can be said for people always jumping on the Intel bandwagon. But in this case I see why, as it is the best power for value card in his price range. Geez, I am still running a 4870, and it still suits my gaming needs just fine.
  11. I like how people imminently jump to conclusions. Sure some people do have the mindset "OMFG STEALING MY WAIFU!" but most of us wouldn't mind if he had a better personality instead of being a typical perfect boyfriend type fag. I wouldn't mind, you know a character that isn't as flat as and thin as the circuits of the computer he was animated on. Sounds just like most women.
  12. Just finished watching it again. Another bit of info found. Toilets actually confirmed. During Discord's song, one of the houses falls to pieces, and you clearly see a pony that looked like they just got done taking a shower standing next to what is clearly a toilet. So ponies just don't have outhouses, they have indoor plumbing as well.
  13. Absolutely great episode, Discord had me laughing all the way through it. Lot of references too, Fear and Loathing, Harry Potter, Risky Business, Flashdance, Star Wars (Kinda, the whole worm fight reminded me of Star Wars, mainly because the horn beams sound an awful lot like Star Wars sound effects.) Also did anyone else notice the Twilight doll Discord was squeezing during the song near the end of it? Also new Equestrian technology found. Metal Detectors, and Surveillance monitors
  14. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/torque-effect-r5563 You can have some creative liberties with him. Just don't go completely wild. I appriciate what you are doing, even if you never get around to doing my character.
  15. TorqueEffect

    gaming Planetside 2

    Downloading it now to see how well it runs. Outlook probably isn't good considering I am running an old 4870, but my CPU should be up to snuff.
  16. New season starts Feb 2nd, Sorry I failed to mention that in my last post.
  17. The night that the new season of Top Gear airs, I will be streaming the new episode for anyone who is interested, here http://www.livestream.com/torqueeffect at around 9pm EST If I have some interest, I will stream the new episodes weekly.
  18. I am selectively lazy. I will be too lazy to clean up the room when it needs it, but I will go out and turn wrenches on my car for hours on end.
  19. yeah I know right? I didn't really like the first EQG. But with rumors already leaking out of a second movie coming out, and the supposed plot of the movie, I am actually a bit excited to see how this one turns out. http://www.equestriadaily.com/2014/01/unconfirmed-next-equestria-girls-movie.html Forming a Rock Band? Count me in! Much better than "High School"
  20. Fair enough. Ughh, gotta love these (20 character minimums) for posts.
  21. While I can understand your reasoning behind your actions. But you seem to act almost in the same way as the people you dislike. Ehh not really following, more that we are both just drawn to controversial topics. lol
  22. I have not heard that term used since I joined the fandom over two years ago.
  23. Is there any time you don't shit on a thread here? We get it, you hate how bronies act.
  24. I just didn't like the first one for the art style and highschool setting. Granted it could have been way worse, like with the really old mockups we saw of EQG before we even knew it was official, and it could have just been them in High School, with normal Highschool drama, which is probably what most people were expecting. It wasn't bad, but I wouldn't saw it was good either. I would be very interested to see what they could do with EQG if they went beyond the High School setting.
  25. I honestly think the haters are just as obnoxious as the Bronies themselves.
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