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Everything posted by TwilightDreamer

  1. Maybe. If the crew can find ways to fit that kind of thing into the show with ponies in Equestria pissed off at Celestia when they finally find out about her misdeeds when they were considered a sign of a blessing in disguise for every crisis that they were all in. If that was somehow included, then Celestia could probably learn a huge lesson about friendship and family as well as learning a lesson about being honest with herself and others in terms of what she does for the greater good and for her family and friends.
  2. That's debatable since she's not really getting the grips of a ruler and she really liked being normal pony as well despite her being an alicorn and a princess but if you look at her when her Rainbow Castle was revealed at the end of season 4, she might already be a ruler but she would probably be more suited as a guardian since she and her friends tend to get Equestria out of their greatest jams and pinches when the world goes into great disarray.
  3. Oh yeah, I loved it and it really delivers a painful and tragic ending to the fake wedding and puts out a darker twist into the tale and by the way, it's got a sequel out.
  4. My vote would have to go for thestrals since they're a striking mix between ponies and dragons and because they could present a complex history that has never been uncovered in Equestria in the show.
  5. I don't think so, that would be a stretch for Rarity since she has spells and magic that coincides with her work in fashion. She just puts combat on the sidelines and she's never one for fighting and extreme study in magic as much as Twilight being the fashionita unicorn she is.
  6. I don't think she's going to go through the same path as Rarity did and she's not going to grow up to be like her big sister. It's obvious that there is a much more greater journey for her to go through that involves her singing so she's not going to be too similar to Rarity in that sense.
  7. Then how better would the ponies be if they demanded his execution, even the princesses since they were disappointed in him for his betrayal off-screen? Discord learned his lesson when he realized that by being played as a fool to Tirek, he had lost his friends and his closest one being Fluttershy and he finally realized that nothing is more greater and more powerful than the Magic of Friendship when he gave Scorpan's medallion to Twilight just before Tirek's downfall. Not only that, but his magic can still be of some use to all of Equestria now that he has vowed to use his powers for good permanently after his redemption.
  8. My own top five would be as follows: 1. A New Hero by AlexLoneWolf: Oh god, I just adore this story with all my heart and I don't care if anyone else bashes it for being just a remake of the MLP: FIM series but with an OC that some others complain as a "Gary Stu". The main character in this fic is NOT a Gary Stu but a very complex, relatable and enjoyable character in the story being something out of this world as the story goes on besides becoming an alicorn at one point but. The fanfic fixed a number of problems that are found in the original episodes or twists them to make them work in literature when TV couldn't and the addition of a seventh pony who is a new Element of Harmony without it's physical embodiment is an interesting concept to play with. 2. The Lost Element by XD-385: This story does not only deliver in spades the feels, it also actually brings up a certain villain and tragic character form the beginning of the entire series and redeems that very pony for her previous actions towards Celestia and Luna and the seventh element being the quality trait of imperfect humans really makes the story a great read and the comedy in it is really outrageous and can really play with your funny bones. This also gave me a lot of feels for Mitta, a pony from Sunny Town from an MLP Creepypasta reading, who is just only a victim of a curse put upon herself and her "fellow" ponies for what happened to a little filly named Ruby. 3. The Lost Prince Returns by Robobrony: The idea of having an extra family member into the Canterlot Royal Family is something that has been on my mind for a while since I started reading it ever since it came out and I have to say, it is pretty cool to see a new and surprisingly unknown member of the royal family and one so young having to live through a nightmare without any sort of life all by means of Discord 1000 years ago and to see Celestia, Luna and Dawn's parents, the king and queen of Equestria and to see a bit of a relationship between the prince and Blueblood with his disdain towards the princesses' little brother for being a member of the Canterlot Royal Family by blood making the young prince Blueblood's superior and uncle until he finally accepts him and admits that he is wrong to treat his uncle in such a horrid way and the young prince is shown to look past those that are shown as hostile and who are different to ponies in the recent chapter. 4. The Seventh Element by adoptptez: This is a really gripping fanfic that I read since it delves into an unknown species of ponies that once roamed around Equestria years ago before their extinction from a great evil that gripped them until known as thestrals until one thestral, Acrylic, decides to head into Equestria from her home in the Everfree Forest to try and reconnect the thestrals with the ponies. I love this fanfic since Acrylic really went through some of the major life issues that we all went though when she was forced to reveal her true self and with her own friends and the princesses making perhaps the greatest mistake of their lives ever by trying to change her into a pony but not realizing that the enemy they first thought didn't actually existed and that left me sour towards the Mane 6 and the Princesses for a while and I don't know if I can forgive them after what they've put her through after they took her wings away. 5. Princess Trixie Sparkle by magpiepony: This mini-musical series fanfic is a great read since it deals with what could've taken place right after Magical Mystery Cure in season 3 if said season would've continued on into the regular 26 episode limit and the 13 episode limit for that season really left me disappointed since I expected a bit more from it and to have more into it but now with this fic and with Trixie dealing with Twilight's princess status and her cruel ways of getting the success she gained only for it to ultimately backfire on her in the end with a new villain who's actually a betrayed member of the Canterlot Royal Family by Celestia and we get to see some remote guilt within her as she kept their missing family member's existence hidden from her own sister. I can't even begin to describe the betrayal Luna felt towards her own sister, even when she didn't listen to her the first time about the ideal of being an immortal alicorn can also have a huge drawback along with a blessing.
  9. That is really something of a tournament there, friend. I really like it. I think Big Mac would be up on the last black for the win and for the next spot. He could just automatically win against Golden Delicious with just a single kick of the ball and it'll fly towards the goal without even stopping.
  10. I have a chuiwawa (I don't know how to spell it) recently since my dad and sister coaxed me into getting a new pet but he's pretty energetic and he's really rough with strangers but he does mean well once you get to know him.
  11. That depends, if I have something to live for in my old life or if my old life is not worth it anymore. I wouldn't want to leave my old life since I have friends and family that I'll never see again if I decide to create a new life for myself although with a new life, I have a chance to carve my own path and do what I believe is right for myself and do what my heart feels that I should do best in life.
  12. Big Mac's punishment is reasonable since he probably knew about the love potion and he must've known how dangerous it could be if it's mishandled. The CMC are all in it and they're just the ones for the job.
  13. Seriously? Luna might probably win or Celestia could turn the tide, who knows? Celestia could win even if she does taunt her and is more level-headed but that could lead to her downfall as well as she could at some point get pretty cocky and her victory could be a hollow one since she will cost them their love for each other. But honestly, it's a stupid idea since Celestia didn't want to hurt her sister in either way in the first place and she regretted for her life over defeating her sister in the season 4 premiere when Twilight witnessed what had happened between them. Celestia isn't very powerful and just because she is stronger than her sister doesn't mean that she will win; she does have prices to pay for her victory against Luna, giving her a hollow victory and making her efforts to save her sister from the darkness that corrupted her worthless until 1000 years later when Twilight and her friends awakened the Elements of Harmony. Even if Luna does go berserk, there was a chance that she could've won since her jealousy for her sister's milking of her own pride and her rage that was awakened could've given her a clear opening and not only that, but Celestia couldn't do anything to convince her to return to her normal self since she pushed her own sister to the point of trust and betrayal and not only that, even with/without the darkness, she can still be evenly matched with her own sister.
  14. It's simply just the opinion of a single brony and besides, what harm can a single comment and a bit of hate for anime fans do anyway?
  15. Celestia, from a standpoint, does actually care for her youngest equal/former student even if her decisions are not the wisest and unorthodox and that she does make mistakes too in order for Twilight to achieve her purpose as a princess, much like a evolving student-teacher relationship to a bond shared by soul-sisters. She probably knew first hand that Twilight does have a role to play but she doesn't know it first hand and Celestia had to take a huge gamble in order for Twilight to fully realize her true purpose although she secretly regretted for trying to shove Twilight into the sidelines as she sent Discord to track down Triek in order to protect her and her friends but not realizing until too late that Tirek would use them to get her youngest equal to surrender the alicorn magic that she, Luna and Cadence had to transfer to her, even if it was a trap for Tirek since they knew about the final key ahead of time. Luna: I think she understands that she felt left out from something much greater than herself and willing to make up for her lack of assistance alongside her, her sister and their niece and wanting Twilight to achieve her destiny although she does have some reserves but it is tricky since she never spent a huge amount of time for their relationship to take shape. There's sort of a soul-sister relationship between then though during the events of Luna Eclipsed even if it was just more of a subject-princess relation since Twilight still treats her as her superior. Cadence is pretty clear since she treats Twilight like her own sister since her foalhood and sees her as her own superior since she knew that Twilight has accomplished so much more than she did in her time and knew that there is still so much more for her to do.
  16. Haters are gonna hate since they're usually bias and don't understand the nature of this fanbase even if it isn't unique. Somehow, I don't usually get what they're saying since they don't understand that like other fanbases, it is completely diverse and full of many people who like the show for the same reasons or enjoy it in their own ways that help them endure the cruel realities of life.
  17. Welcome to the MLP Forums, friend. Feel free to check out what the members of the Forums have in store for you and feel free to chat with others about the topics you'll come across.
  18. Well, that depends of the customer she meets during her work on her pony clothing. Her friends: she obviously makes the dresses for herself and them for free in her own time considering their friendship. For clients: it's a totally different story since they are paying for her masterpieces. Being generous towards others is simply just doing an act of kindness towards those who are less fortunate in their spare time, should they have any. It's simply not to just blatantly give some stuff away since it also meant your free time being given to others if you want to give them some assistance or anything that they didn't ask for but can use and do something in return. Even if Rarity gives anything to other ponies and willing to sacrifice her time for them should they need it, she has to think of herself as well so she has some restrictions and limits to her generous nature.
  19. @ Evil Dragon Master - Well guess what, I don't care about the question Noodles asked since you two are no longer welcome in this fanfic. Case Closed. @ Noodles - That is true but Luna didn't even have time for the wedding until much later in Part 2 since she sleeps through the day and even if she experienced what had happened and had her suspicions about Cadence being played by an impostor, she would be disappointed in her savoir from 2 years ago from the way she acted since Twilight didn't have a lot of time. There was nothing Luna could've done since she is the Princess of the Night and she's more active on her duties at night and she had put the safety Equestria and even if she did as you mentioned, it would've been the same story and Luna would have her doubts in Twilight as well and the Infamous Seven wouldn't have done anything different since, as I've said, it'll be the same story as before.
  20. I'm sorry though but didn't you remember that throughout part 1 when Twilight found out that the Cadence was an impostor in disguise since Twilight noticed that she didn't recite their rhyme from her foalhood and she and Celestia knew her for a while before she had to leave to study on the magic of friendship in Ponyville and when Cadence was probably adopted into the Canterlot Royal Family? If her suspicions would've been answered if she finally exposed Chrysalis, then her friends, brother and mentor would've realized earlier on that something was amiss really early on and set off to stop the invasion as soon as possible and thus, finding the REAL Cadence in the crystal caverns after hours of searching. And in case you didn't know, TWILIGHT WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO NOTICED THROUGHOUT BEFORE THE INVASION IN PART 2 THAT SOMETHING WAS TOTALLY WRONG WITH HER FOALSITTER AND HER SUSPICIONS DAWNED ON HER UPON SEEING THE BRAINWASHING SPELL THAT THE CHANGELING QUEEN USED ON HER BROTHER! In short, no one, EXCEPT TWILIGHT LATER ON in part 1, realized that not all was right as rain with Cadence since she remembers her as one of her closest friends with her brother during her foalhood while her friends think it's who she is being a princess, one they only met for a few days and don't know anything more about. Besides, if Celestia realized the changes in her niece's behavior and green aura of her magic, she would've talked with her niece then she would've realized something off should Twilight come to her and tell her about that but she figured that her mentor is busy with the invasion threat investigation so she had to resort to find out more about the poser and call her out in the open later on since time was not on her side. If Twilight really thought that all that she loved and cared for really put the wedding ahead of the threat of invasion before them, then she would've just lashed out at them completely and just run off to find the real Cadence or to just forget about them immediately. Even if her actions were out of the blue, she was only doing what she thought was right for Equestria while her Shining, her friends and Celestia did what they thought was right by abandoning her when she needed them most and thus lead to the wedding being a disaster the first time around and resulting in the events that transpired in the original finale and to the events in Firebolt's alternative ending fanfic. I'm sorry if I'm being blunt and straight to the point but that's my honest opinion about what could've happened in MLP: FIM in the season 2 finale if the crew decided to extend it into a full 3-part special or a movie and make it realistic. We may have different ideas on how the finale should've gone through but there's nothing we can do but to make alternative endings of our own that depict what we're all talking about here.
  21. You know, we don't know but some of us can assume it to be a cutie mark but it could also be a tattoo which could symbolize her unique abilities or traits that sets her apart from everypony.
  22. Tricky at best but it's possible that her element could be of "radiance" seeing her unparalleled dedication to her music.
  23. If you were in the same position as Twilight is with your own friends and family when they were fooled into Chrysalis' little hoax impersonation, would you have done anything or behaved any different? Tell me that.
  24. The concepts from G1 that Lauren had rebooted in G4 and FIM are the basis for what the show has become as she created it. Technically, I wouldn't want to call it like that as you put it since they've always been there but made and rebooted for a new generation.
  25. Twilight, hands down after she went Super Saiyan and all Dragonball Z. Megan, never stood a chance.
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