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Everything posted by LunarWave

  1. I literally just learned that pescetarianism is a thing, but that's actually close to a diet I chose about a month ago. Meat is almost off the table (thoug if I get it in soup or some dish, I'm not going to be picky about it), but I do plan to have a good kebab once a month or so (also there's a pancake recipe that calls for minced meat, I'm still thinking what to replace it with as fish won't work there). I don't want to go on a strict diet, because in my experience, if I limit myself to someting for arbitrary reason, that blows up in my face pretty darn quick. So I'm basically like "Meat is uncool, but if I eat it, it's not something to really go apeshit about" Fish is totally fine in my books though, can't live without those yummy tuna Subways at least once a week.
  2. Wow, drama. Can't be bothered to read even half of this. You wanna leave, leave. Hope you have a great time and good life.
  3. I just think it's pretty darn awesome. And even if she does dye her hair, that doesnt make it less awesome. Purple Smart has a dye streak in her hair too, and she's a pwincess
  4. For me, that's a reaction of autistic horse being happy she read something. You know, while yelling "teacup"
  5. Thanks for the heads up, I finally got to wishlisting it. Hopefully I can pick it up after launch
  6. Dogs and death (as in, stereotypical representation of it). Former because of a traumatic experience being attacked by a small pack, and constantly harassed by another one for years. And latter, for just being spooky
  7. In Warframe, there was a kind of hilarious incubation glitch when they introduced new companion species, but accidentally allowed to mix "dog" and "cat" DNA imprints when breeding a new one. Possible results in the spoiler as it might be a bit disturbing to some.
  8. @Sketchy Tune thank you so much! It looks really great! Though as a fair bit of criticism, I think the smile might've looked better if it was a little shorter. And there's a couple of lines on the hooves that aren't that great. I think I'll digitally ink this one when I can, I really like how it looks overall, and the pose is definitely an improvement over the sample I provided. Thanks again!
  9. I don't follow no cults, regardless of how old they are.
  10. PC gaming is cheaper in any case, because you don't overpay for games and get to keep them when the platform inevitably keels over. My setup is old, and probably far from optimal, it's just a sample of how cheaply you can do it and how long it lasts. I made it almost 6 years ago now, added a new card 3 yrs ago, and I can easily see people spending on game markup than I spent on my whole setup. If I create a new PC now, with a budget of $400, it will play everything released recently on high settings, while I won't lose any games I got before, to the point where I can play 2001 games if I so desire, and I get to keep my old PC as a hardware for home server. Similar situation with consoles usually either forces you to keep it to play older stuff, or forces you to scrap it entirely.
  11. My tablet is like $150-200 (or evne less at his point) Desktop PC, maybe around $300, if you exclude the luxiries like dual monitors, mechanical keyboard, SSD, and such. Those aren't prices of new hardware, of course, you can't even get some of it new anymore. Also, from what I read, prices for lower-end hardware Windows wil lbe cheaper, higher-end, a bit like it used to. Nothing to panic over.
  12. Yeah, there are costs, sure. Though, switch still costs more, and that's without the games even. I already have a big Steam library that I won't lose if I move to a different PC, or (at least partially)even if I move to Linux.
  13. It's not actually that impressive, but with 8 gigs of RAM, good CPU and active cooling, it can pack some punch. And another point for PCs is that you can stream your desktop PC games to other devices, and use things and accessories you want. Right now, I'm typing this on my Windows tablet with a mechanical keyboard I jacked from my normal PC. And if I want, I can plug in USB hub, get a mouse and a gamepad and stream some games from PC while being in my bed, sipping cocos, and not tied with any wires whatsoever. Heck, I could go have a bath and play some Portal with a gamepad without risking electrocution or severe damage to my stuff Actually, that sounds like a really splendid idea, I'm gonna start fillinh my bath right now.
  14. If you just want to play with maximum (relative, because of forced firmware upgrades, crappy infrastructure and extortionate online play fee)convenienence, sure, cantsoles might be a better choice. You want Steam sales and freedom - drop'em like a sack of dirt.
  15. It's pretty tame right now. You can play a lot of games on minimals, and they still look rather good, unless they are a cantsole port. You should've seen the leaps tech was moving in late 90s/early00's. Card you bought a year ago might not play anything that came out this year at all, and they didn't exactly cost nothing back then. I have 750 (first cheap one with shadowplay) right now, and it's not exactly bottlenecking anything if you keep your settings low. My CPU might be as it's an antique, and it's OCd to the point that even a small bump makes the whole system unstable, and that's what needs an upgrade. The reason why getting into gaming as a newbie in general doesn't make sense are those sharks in Tripping Aye industry that fleece the sheep of all their cash. Some MTs can cost more than those fancy cards anyway.
  16. Bananas remind me about that old animation with Celestia and bananas. Actually, both of those. On-topic: sure, why not.
  17. graduated in 2016. It was my second college though, as the first one didn't work out quite the way I wanted and I got booted on the 2nd year.
  18. Here's my favorite movie of all time. It's so incredibly badly made, it's a real piece of art.
  19. Oh god, latest Jim's video is just putting a grin to my face https://www.youtube.com/user/JimSterling/videos
  20. They became predatory by-default at this point. They might be good in some games, but there is a reason everyone that isn't AAA studio wants to get the hell away from the perception EA created for them. Doesn't really matter if it gets forgotten, if it sells after the initial marketing push. And I think that's freaking awesome that they are funded in this way. $9M might not be a huge budget, but it sure was enough to craft a unique experience. And I'd take that any day over a bloated corporate monster that needs unicorn-level success or predatory tactics to survive.
  21. Eh, Apple doing Apple things. I guess they overestimated their fanboys this time.
  22. They are different. As mentioned above, no printer or monitor will replicate the texture of the paint, and there are techniques that use a lot of it, making it quite a bit unique. Traditional process is also much closer to the mind and much more physical, you can't replicate that with digital. Making something work in a simulator isn't quite the same as making it work right in your hands, and there is a huge difference in the experience you get. I think that alone is enough to preserve it for a long, long time.
  23. I don't hate day of the week. I hate having to wake up early for work.
  24. That is no excuse for predatory practices and unbelievable levels of scumminess. Besides, they aren't really game developers anymore. Most of the games we're talking here are uninspired, safe, by-the-numbers crap that's only purpose is to give publishers money. And just so happens, there's an audience around the concepts that were once awesome and new and that audience can still pay for it. But with increased desperation, or greed, or whatever is UbiActiEA's motivation I doubt it's going to stay like this for long. And indies are not only cheap to produce games, there's a huge variation in what classifies as an indie. There is cheap stuff, sure, but then there are releases that are very well executed, and ones that costed quite a bit. Subnautica took around 3 years and $ 9 million to make, and it's still a true indie. Cuphead took even longer and it's sales figure put some AAA releases to shame. As for the Twiple-Aye market... Maybe next couple of years we'll see responsible game models rise. Maybe we'll see price increase, or maybe those releases will go subscription route, integrating with the game store offerings, like Origin's subscription. Or maybe the people will have enough and make those companies die. It has happened before, and there' no guarantee it won't happen again.
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