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Everything posted by Nuke87654

  1. https://mlpforums.com/blog/1519/entry-16880-nukes-top-fifteen-fim-episodes/ Here's my personal rankings for what I consider my personal fifteen favorite episodes in the series. Come and see and tell me what you guys think about my rankings. This list was inspired by Angry Cartoon Nerd btw.
  2. So what do you guys think about putting political themes on a episode. Is it good or bad?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nuke87654


      That's probably a good course to take. You're right that with this pc nonsense around, shows can't afford to spout of political beliefs without SJW's calling you a racist/misogynist/abelist and others. Also, MLP works great as an escapist show so throwing us with a sensitive political topic probably isn't a good idea.

    3. theonenamedDJ


      What I should have asked was what sort of political themes did you have in mind?

    4. Nuke87654


      Just in general. Mainly thinking about whether it was a good move to talk about Season 5's premiere's attempt at saying equality through forced leveling is bad.

  3. Dedicating posts gushing about a pony is never a bad thing.
  4. Great work and dedication to this project you've done. A great way to know a bit of history while especially knowing music's past and seeing how music has involved in the last century.
  5. You've done a fantastic service and job forming these blog posts in your countdown. Your determination, intellect, and vast knowledge on the subject of Music's history is something I envy from you Good work.
  6. https://mlpforums.com/blog/1573/entry-16843-sonic-generations-review/ My review for Sanic Generations is up. Please come and offer your thoughts and additions that I missed in my review. Both positive and negative opinions are welcome.
  7. For you
    1. Megas


      Damn fucking straight

  8. Happy Birthday, Celli

    1. Celli


      Thank you!

  9. So some good news folks from Steam. Steam finally has a refund policy where if you wish to refund the game within two weeks of purchase and have less than two hours of game time logged on to it, you can get a refund. http://store.steampowered.com/steam_refunds?snr=1_41_4__42 Here's the updated policy and other details for you guys to read if you're interested.
  10. Planning to do another video game review and this one will be Sonic Generations.

    1. Megas


      Probably the best Sonic game within recent memory(along with Colors)

    2. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      That's actually a sonic game i really like.

    3. Nuke87654


      And I do too :D

  11. What I hope for others to hear in my opinions or other sayings is to imprint knowledge that they may not have known or have a rough idea of it. What I hope to see is a person emerge better from the effort as they not only know of the topic but what I especially hopes happens is that they'll be motivated to find and seek out more knowledge so that way they can go and spread their view to others so they too can better themselves from learning such insight.
  12. Who said I was upset? I just want to see it as I think it will be hilarious seeing the reactions to fanons destroyed is all. It's all in good fun.
  13. Maybe, or perhaps moving it to Cartoon Network is another option too unless more experienced posters can say that's not a good idea.
  14. I want to see the the episode do a huge search and destroy on headcanons and fanons everywhere just so I can see the immense amount of chaos caused in the fandom because their fanfics are ruined!
  15. Good to hear you're flattered by my compliment as you deserve such praise
  16. That's great to hear from a more astute mind such as yourself. Thank you very much, Mandalore Dash.
  17. On another matter, have you heard of the Lullaby for a Princess that was released recently? How do you think of it and especially what's your opinion on the song.
  18. Seen the Lullaby for a Princess and I would have to say that my first reactions are that I'm quite impressed, especially with the animation as it appeared rather fluid while being it's own art style in turn that is different from the show. I'll need a transcript of the lyrics if I'm to judge by the content of the song and what it wanted to present.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Jeremiah


      well said King

    3. HereComesTom


      I have to agree with you that it's one of the best things the fandom has produced, but I'm thinking the FiM/Powerpuff Girls crossover might have it beaten due to length and the sheer fact that it got official approval.

    4. Nuke87654


      Still hate that crossover considering the amount troubling issues caused by Richie's ego

  19. Arab springs. A revolt that we're still seeing the effects of it happening today. Resulting in the extremist groups like ISIL. I do not know how can such violent conflicts be resolved due to the Sunni and Shiite divide.
  20. I'd say nostalgia is one big reason why people consider the 90's cartoon era so great (though not to say the 90's don't have their share of great cartoons). While there were many great cartoons in the 90's, there were many lame ones as well (like that bugsby cartoon). As Mr. Enter had voiced in his top 15 or so worse cartoons of 2000's, 2010's actually has a very good chance to being considered the best decade of cartoons with so many strong shows out for many to enjoy and easier accesses to watch them without needing a tv.
  21. Another thing I found is that Button Mash was in the trailer as well

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