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Everything posted by DragonFlyer

  1. Meowth from Pokemon (absolutely one of my favorites - and I do mean Team Rocket's Meowth specifically) Iago from Aladdin (I loved him in the movies too but since there was also a TV series it counts!) Don Karnage from TaleSpin (which is seriously one of the best cartoons of all time, yesno?) Willie Loomis from Dark Shadows (the original 1966 series, not the remakes. John Karlen is an amazing actor!) Darlene from Roseanne (I seriously related to her on so many levels growing up) Rumpelstiltskin from Once Upon a Time (another one of my obsessions, I can't be the only oncer here) My absolute favorite character of all time is Scar from The Lion King but since we're talking TV shows...hey wait, he had a very brief appearance in "The Timon and Pumbaa" show but I was never a big fan of that.
  2. Haha, let me rephrase that -- I think she's better than a purebred husky because she has the husky traits and the collie traits, makes her unique. I love german shepherds too! Wahya has actually been mistaken for a husky/shepherd mix many times which confuses me because I think the collie in her is pretty obvious. Here's my girl:
  3. If I had the nerve and the money....maaayybe. Discord would make a pretty sweet tattoo!
  4. My favorite breed is rescued!! Alright but seriously, I love mutts! They're the best dogs. Almost all of my dogs have been/are mixed breeds. For the sake of this poll I will say that one of my favorite purebred dogs is the Siberian husky. I have admired and loved them since I was a kid and always dreamed of having my own. My dream finally came true about five years ago when I rescued my Wahya, a husky/collie mix! I could care less that she's not purebred, she's absolutely beautiful and has many of the husky traits I fell in love with. I also have a longhair chihuahua, a miniature pinscher/jack russell terrier mix and a beagle. They're all amazing dogs and have made me fall in love with all the breeds that make them up! Least favorite? I love dogs way too much to have a least favorite.
  5. This is gonna sound really weird but on this chart I'm probably a mixture of Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. I have a whole shelf full of MLP figurines, own several of the comics and recently bought my first ever pony shirt (which I don't have a problem wearing in public) BUT there's also a part of me that still feels shy and almost ashamed about this obsession. I hate that and I don't wanna feel that way. I think it has to do with my lack of confidence and paranoia more than anything. I'm the person that sneaks around the comic book store and hopes no one notices I'm buying pony comics...but at the same time I'm secretly hoping someone WILL come up and say "oh hey, a fellow brony! hoofbump!" because I KNOW they're out there. A local brony left a note on my (pony covered) car once. I just never seem to be able to find them. Around friends I'm much more open. I even sang "Discord" in the car with a friend a couple weeks ago, that was so much fun! Said friend isn't even a brony but he's learned the song thanks to me and thinks it's awesome. Seriously we didn't miss a line.
  6. I think it'd make for an interesting episode myself! While I also agree losing his power should be a temporary thing I think it'd be a great opportunity to explore his character and relationship with the Mane 6. I'm also wondering about any long term effects of Discord being powerless, could he even survive very long without magic? Just a theory. He wasn't without his powers long enough in the finale to confirm anything. And on that note isn't chaos necessary to balance harmony? Would if effect more than just Discord himself? I'm probably over-thinking things but yeah. Yes, this. I still find it hard to believe they all (aside from Fluttershy and Twilight) seemingly forgave him so easily. I feel that was done as a way to wrap up the season on a happy note and we could see something entirely different in season five. Much like how Twilight had a hard time learning to use her new wings when season four started but she didn't have any problem soaring through the sky during the season three finale! I remember thinking "jeez she picked up on that fast!" so hopefully they'll give us an episode that explores mending friendships and trust.
  7. That seems to be true of pretty much everything, religion or otherwise. It's always the crazy ones that get the most attention and give everyone else in that group a bad reputation. Probably because they're so loud about it. I'm not a religious person myself but I have absolutely no problem with anyone's beliefs so long as they're not hurting anyone. I have christian, atheist friends and everything inbetween and...none of them are crazy!! Imagine that. Sometimes I can't help but wonder if people put stuff like this online just to stir up a reaction, afterall people seem to love drama. But then I once knew a guy - a grown man - that honestly believed snakes were the spawn of satan and not real animals at all. So I guess it's not too farfetched for me to accept someone would honestly think something like MLP was created by the devil. All I can say is I feel sorry for some people if their "religion" has warped them that much.
  8. That's easy...Fluttershy! She'd be the most compassionate caretaker, no doubt.
  9. Hahahaha...oh! I sincerely hope that guy wasn't being serious! First Pokemon and Harry Potter, now Ponies! Thank you, Satan, you make the best stuff.
  10. Aww, that's awesome! I'm the same way. I've done TNR (trap-neuter-return) for over 30 feral cats and rehomed some of the tamer ones (one of them even 'adopted' me) plus ended up fostering a mother cat and her kittens. I inadvertently started feeding the raccoons and opposums that came to join the cats for dinner, too. Plus I have rescue dogs, rats, a guinea pig, rabbits, turtle, I could go on but...yeah. My house is a lot like Fluttershy's. XD
  11. I am SO excited for the "FIENDship is Magic" comic series! I want them all, seriously. I think I'm looking forward to Tirek's story the most, he's an epic villain. I hope they include Scorpan in that one too...how could they not!? 'm also really curious about Nightmare Moon...so she was conscious all that time? I guess that makes sense if we accept the comics as canon, we already saw some of the moon inhabitants in the Nightmare Rarity arc (still need to get my hands on the last issue of that) I wanna know more about Chrysalis and the Changelings too! Even Sombra and the Sirens. I find all of it interesting. I am, however, bummed that we're not getting an issue on Discord's past...unless maybe that means they have something planned in the show concerning his story? I hope. I for one love the comics (most of them) they keep me satisfied during the "pony drought" and this particular series has the potential to be amazing...I hope they do it right!
  12. I've had two of mine out but one of them grew in on a really funky angle and became infected so that was painful, even with all the medication they gave me. Normally it wouldn't be so bad, the numbing helps a lot.
  13. My Furball (from Tiny Toons) plushie. This was my Velveteen Rabbit growing up, I carried him everywhere with me. He's been dragged through the mud, patched up more times than I can remember, had his arm and nose eaten by a dog and his eyes redrawn on, but I love him just the same! You know the term "loved alive"...totally applies to Furball here.
  14. Whaaat!! This happened to me too! I have a Fluttershy "yay" sticker on my car and one day after coming out of the grocery store I found a "fellow vegan brony! :)" note waiting for me (I also have vegan bumper stickers) I thought it was so cool. Wish I could've met the brony that left it! XD
  15. While it's not surprising I'm almost disappointed he was joking. XD I still hope we get more back stories and some information on AJ's parents in season five. I can't wait for that trailer! The next few weeks are gonna feel so long.
  16. *gasp* Bambi Fluttershy! That's the friggin' cutest thing I've seen all day.
  17. That's an awesome design, love it! Congrats on the weight loss too, that's fantastic! I dropped about 50 pounds over the course of last year, I can technically wear a medium now but I don't like the snug fit so I go with large or XL depending on the style. I prefer my clothes baggy which is why I was hesitant on which size to go with here. WeLoveFine has some confusing size charts and because their shirts are slim fit (and apparently shrink in the wash from what I've read) I decided to go with one size up just to be safe. Better a little too big than too small, I think. Here's the shirt I ordered, been wanting this for over a year now and finally caved:
  18. I think he's either trolling or maybe this is reference to a flashback episode!? If they're serious then I for one am placing bets on it being AJ's parents. Sure it says "somepony" not "someponies" but who knows? Right now this makes the most sense to me because for some reason I don't think they'd cut a current character. I could be wrong, of course. But personally I would love to see more back stories on all of the mane six and AJ's would absolutely fit this scenario.
  19. Hmm, hard to choose between these two: and I'm a huge Lion King fan and Scar is my favorite character. Honestly it's a tie between those shirts! Also... ^ I'm ordering this one very soon. I have a feeling it's gonna be a favorite, too! ... Yes, I love villains (and 'reformed' villains)
  20. Has anyone ever bought shirts from WeLoveFine? I'm buying my first MLP t-shirt but the measurement chart they have on the site is confusing me. According to them even a 3XL in men's wouldn't fit me. I know I'm not that big! I used to wear XL but over the course of this last year I've lost a considerable amount of weight and normally wear size L these days. But because these shirts are slim fit I'm wondering if I should go with XL or maybe even 2XL...I like my shirts baggy. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
  21. No because I have no pony shirts...yet. I'm planning to buy my first off WeLoveFine this week.
  22. Thank you!! Haha, I love drawing Discord and Fluttershy together. XD After all... Friendship is Chaos!
  23. Thanks! Yeah Discord can be a pain to draw but for some reason I seem to have an easier time drawing him than I do ponies. I can never get the ponies to look right, probably just need more practice.
  24. Probably either a wolf or a dog, I've always felt a close connection to dogs and wolves are my favorite wild animal. Maybe I would go for the inbetween and be a wolfdog.
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