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Everything posted by HereComesTom

  1. Rarity - Womanly Wiles Pinkie Pie - Apropos of Nothing Applejack - Hard Cider (I hope I don't get in trouble for that...!) Rainbow Dash - Color Gale Twilight Sparkle - Bookworm Fluttershy - Panic Attack
  2. ...Aaaaaand today is my birthday!

    ...And tomorrow is when my Ms. Pacman arcade1up machine arrives :/

    1. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Happy early birthday! :blue_baloon:


    2. EpicEnergy


      I hope you have a great birthday tomorrow! :fluttershy:

    3. HereComesTom


      ...Crap.  Brain fart!  My birthday is actually tomorrow (two days after I posted this); we just had my party yesterday!

      Thanks for the birthday wishes just the same!

  3. What happens when the irresistible force meets the immovable object?
  4. @Will Guide @DJ Wolfe @KirbyFluttershy @Envy @Harii Moxxiie Now Celeste is on my island! She was on one of the hills to the north last I saw; it was the more western of the two hills. My dodo code is 341VY; you know the drill: I'll keep the gate open while I sleep Small meteor showers will be on my island at: 10:35pm 10:56pm 11:06pm 11:32pm 12:04am 12:25am 12:51am 1:09am 1:46am 2:04am 2:25am 2:47am 3:47am 3:52am 3:53am 3:58am All those times are USA Eastern Daylight Savings time.
  5. @Will Guide It's 418 bells this afternoon! Not sky-high but not at all shabby. My Dodo code is 7Q3S1. I'll leave my gate open and be AFK; techinically I'm supposed to be working right now, and I have some errands to run this afternoon.
  6. @Will Guide @Envy @KirbyFluttershy @DJ Wolfe @Harii Moxxiie There's a high turnip price spike on my island later this afternoon! I figured I should let you guys know about it pronto. It's not clear exactly how high it'll be, but ac-turnip.com says it'll be between 210 and 630!
  7. @Will Guide @Harii Moxxiie @KirbyFluttershy @DJ Wolfe Celeste is on my island! I'll be turning in to get some sleep soon, but I'm leaving my gate open overnight. Here's the dodo code: F9LNW I saw Celeste on one of the hills on my island that's to the north; it was the hill that was kind of center-west-ish. There are also sparse shooting stars; according to MeteoNook (which never let me down before), they'll be at: 10:45pm, 11:03pm, 11:16pm, 11:42pm, 12:07am, 12:09am, 12:14am, 12:35am, 1:19am, 1:56am, 2:14am, 2:35am, 2:57am, and 3:57am. All of those are Eastern USA Daylight Savings Time.
  8. Nice! I've not heard you do Kingdom Hearts music before---it's a series with some amazing songs in it, so if you're going to mix those with your Mario pieces, it'll be epic!
  9. I figure she'd keep superhero-ing with the Equestria Girls, maybe-maybe find ways to combine science and magic into something beautiful and amazing and effective at protecting either Equestria, earth, or both.
  10. I don't think it's weird at all to fantasize about that. I mean, I've daydreamed about pulling a complete deus ex machina by being pulled into Equestria, converting into a pony EQG-style along the way, finding that I'm an alicorn on the other side, calling myself the "prince of technology" in response to that discovery, and using my magic to build a giant mecha that I pretend to pilot by being in the head, omimously playing an organ behind a tough-to-penetrate forcefield, while the real control mechanisms are actually in the mecha's chest, so I'm just serving as a distraction. ...So...no: I don't think you're the weird one, here.
  11. Even if these forums are declining, I, for one, don't intend to leave any time in the foreseeable future
  12. It's true. When tragedies like that are overcome, that's the stuff that good stories are made of. The deeper the tragedy, the more epic the story is for overcoming it---I think that's what drew a lot of us to FiM in the first place!
  13. My brother and I watched the live-action Mulan movie. It wasn't like the animated one at all, but as a standalone movie, I thought it was good---not great, but good. The pacing and acting were well-done, there were buildups and payoffs like any movie should have, the villain had more characterization than Shan Yu had in the animated Mulan---for that matter, most characters had more characterization in general than they did in the original animated movie. That being said, the movie---as a movie---didn't seem to have anything that really stood out to make it great. If you were a fan of the original animated one, this one might not appeal to you: no songs, no Mushu.
  14. I figure Hasbro won't fall into the trap of making the show too political. I also figure Hasbro will add male main characters; it's one of the things they were rumored about doing years ago when the leaks happened, and it's clear from some of the toys they were putting out toward the middle of G-4 that they weren't just marketing them to girls, so I figure they'll branch out by adding male main characters. Given that they'll want the G-5 toys to be visually distinct from the G-4 toys, I figure one of them will have deep cherry red fur, another will have deep forest green fur, and still another will have a dark chocolate brown fur coat.
  15. I'm leaving my gate open all night; I have heavy meteors! 5F14L
  16. Hey, I have that exact arcade1up cabinet in my man-cave! Here's my man-cave's most recent addition: You shoot magic arrows that cause bugs to sprout new heads while dodging herbivorous spiders!
  17. You buy more furniture than can fit in your house, because you can.
  18. The good news: Celeste is on my island (up on the highest hill---the one on the north-northwestern part of my island the last time I saw her) The bad news: I noticed this at 3:45am, so she'll be leaving very soon. (Yeah, I couldn't sleep...) My gate is open, CWWRR. I hope someone sees this in time...!
  19. Well, looks like Twilight got fat in one Pony Life episode.  Reminds me of an item from the Grand List of Things Hasbro Won't Let a Brony Do in a Fangame:

    238) First of all, Twilight is not allowed to get fat, even if she did in the very first episode of the cartoon.  Secondly, even if she did get fat, that would not be a reason to replace the trumpets that announce her arrival with tubas!



  20. It could theoretically be used for perpetual energy, so logically, you have to be right about that. Then again, I'm not sure whether the infinity gauntlet could be used for perpetual energy, but it's definitely got more potential for destruction and wouldn't require as much setup.
  21. I've never seen the show before, but was that called Max Headroom? The show I remember that few others seem to is The Mr. Potato Head Show---it was like the Muppets, only even more off-the-wall!
  22. You can spread it out over a few posts, and you're dead-on right about Shrek's animation: I remember watching some of the DVD extras on it when I was younger, and I remember that the animators said that they made the forest and Fiona so realistic that they had to change them a bit to make them cartoonier to fit the rest of the movie---it was a major leap forward in technology! Before that, I think most movies had been hand-drawn 2-D, but after Shrek, CGI was the norm. Of course...there's a lot more to discuss about it than just the tech, isn't there?
  23. Found this on youtube (by someone who insists he's not a brony), and my first thought was "Isn't Twilight's tail getting soaked?"

    ...Then things went from bad to worse...


    1. Sparklefan1234


      I feel like this video was cut right before Poniwise showed up. :nom:

    2. HereComesTom


      Who's Poniwise?

    3. Sparklefan1234


      The pony version of the clown from IT, I imagine. 

  24. Shrek came out at a time when the old-school fantasy of things like Disney classics were starting to fade in popularity, and it poked fun of those fantasies---while still being a quality movie with good character development, good dialog, and good pacing. Plus, beneath all the toilet humor and parody, it still had a good heart. I think that's why it was and is popular.
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