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Rhythm Red

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Everything posted by Rhythm Red

  1. Sunburns, yowch! :love:

    Other than that the beach was very fun and relaxing. :) I took a short nap, went paddleboarding, and snorkeled around the bay. Though the snorkeling wasn’t as good as the other island I visited a few years back, I had a few sharks swim by me then... and they were big ones, too! 

    Anyway, good night, ponies! :D And have a picture I took when our ship was leaving the island’s dock. ;) 



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shrug



      Good night! :D 

    3. Thornheart


      Goodnight friend. I'm so jealous, I've always wanted to travel. 

    4. Wannabrony


      Sounds like you are having an amazing time! :yay: Goodnight and sleep well! ^_^

  2. Man, there are so many good memories... My favorite one would probably have to be hanging out with my neighbors as a kid. We’d skateboard around the neighborhood, ride our bikes to stores and hang out in the park. We did so much, and it saddens me knowing that I’ll never get to relive any of that, since all of them moved away. Plus one of them was one of the early bronies. My entire childhood was fun, though. I miss those days.
  3. Good morning, ponies! :) We’re going to stop at an island in a few hours, so I get to spend all day relaxing at the beach. :D 


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      @Rhythm Red

      A day at the beach is what I think of when I see Sandbar.

    3. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @We. guess it’s a fitting avatar, then! :P 

    4. Wannabrony


      A beach? :pinkie: That sounds like the most relaxing thing ever, and is just what you deserved! Oh, and good morning! :D

  4. @Tacodidra Yes, Limestone was the best part of the episode in my opinion. I really hope we see that side of her more often! @Wannabrony Agree completely. It wasn’t a bad episode by any means, but I think it could’ve been a lot better. I guess I’m just a teeny tiny bit disappointed, but I think it was pretty good overall. @A.V. “stumped”, heheh. I kinda am too, but a few of the jokes, along with the Pie sisters (especially Limestone) made the episode a lot better. I think I’m gonna change my review to a 7.5 instead of 7, actually. And sorry this is so late!
  5. Good night ponies! :D I hope you all had a wonderful day.

    Once again, sorry for not checking status updates. By the time I get back to my room it’s late and I really don’t want to have to check 40+ status updates. :( I’m gonna post this every night because I don’t want anypony to think I’m ignoring them. ;) 

    Okay, once again, good night! :) 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Alexshy


      Nighty night :orly:

    3. Wannabrony


      Again, I hope you're enjoying yourself! :) Goodnight and sleep well! :P

  6. Make them hit you instead. Doc, I’m hungry.
  7. Good morning, ponies! :D Today we won’t be visiting any islands, but at least we’ll be doing that for the next two days after! :) 

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Shrug


      Snow is the worst. @Rhythm Red You are sooooooo lucky. :D 

    3. Wannabrony


      Hm, I've actually never been on a cruise before... :huh: 

      Oh, good morning! :D I hope you've slept well on the cruise! Sorry I'm so late, I was at school 2 hours ago... :adorkable: Are you having fun on the cruise so far? 

    4. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Wannabrony Yeah, it’s been fun! I really needed the break. :) Though I wish I could spend more time on here while I’m onboard. :P 

  8. Welcome to the forums! Never played the Paper Mario games, but I was definitely into the Mario and Luigi series. Especially Bowser’s Inside Story. That game was awesome. Have fun making new friends!
  9. Welcome to the forums! You came to the right place to meet other bronies. I like your OC, by the way. Have fun making new friends!
  10. Welcome to the forums! I like your drawing, it’s very cute. Have fun making new friends!
  11. Whew, I’m tired! A full day of cruising and island touring will do that to you I guess. :P Though I took several naps throughout the day. :ooh:

    Once again, my apologies for not replying to any status updates. Afraid I won’t have time to do that during my vacation. :adorkable:

    Goodnight again, ponies! :D 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tacodidra


      Good night! :D

    3. Wannabrony


      I hope you are having fun on the cruise! Goodnight and sleep well! :P

    4. Thornheart


      Goodnight my friend. I hope you are having fun. 

  12. Welcome to the forums! This is definitely THE place to make more brony friends. Have fun!
  13. Welcome to the forums! Have fun making new friends!
  14. Late again, but goodnight! I hope you all had a wonderful Easter! :) 

    I don’t have time to check 75 status updates, sorry guys! I probably won’t be doing much of anything while I’m gone. :(

    Also I won the GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE at the arcade. :P 


    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Wannabrony


      I had a decent Easter, I hope yours was great too! :P And no need to worry, you just go and have fun on your cruise! Make the most of it! :squee: Goodnight and sleep well Rhythm Red! :) 

    3. Johnny1226


      Good night red

    4. Tacodidra


      Good night! :D

  15. Hello, fillies and gentlecolts and welcome back to RHYTHM RED’S RADTASTICAL REVIEWS! Today, we’re gonna have a quick look at the newest episode of pony, ‘The Maud Couple’! LET’S GO! So first off, I must say that I was particularly excited for this episode. Maud Pie is one of my favorite secondary characters, and she never fails to make me laugh. (Though that crowd at the beginning didn’t find her too funny ) Aaaaaanyway, I like Maud. And her getting a BOYFRIEND?! That’s gotta be good, right? I mean, who in Equestria would be the perfect match for such a unique pony? HILARITY should ensue, right? The first part of the episode was basically a big game of unintentional hide and seek, which is CLASSIC Pinkie. But instead of finding Maud, she found a strange stick-loving pony that she immediately took a disliking to! I think she may have been a little too quick to judge him, personally. And she acted a little out of character, too. Shoving him out the door? That isn’t classic Pinkie. But beside that, I think the encounter did a good job of introducing our new character. That entire re-introduction conversation was hilarious! (Stick abuse?! Come on, that’s funny!) Toward the end of the episode, Pinkie goes to the rock farm, and gets some solid padvice from Limestone Pie. That geode metaphor was perfect! And it’s always good to see more of the other Pie sisters as well, even though they were only in the episode for a couple of minutes. And Limestone. Holy cow. We saw a side of Limestone that we haven’t really seen before and I sincerely hope we get to see more of it. Wow. After getting that advice, Pinkie goes back to Ponyville and helps Mud Briar plan a special party for Maud that he knows she would enjoy. Maud enjoyed the party (and by enjoyed, I mean watched from far away ), and Pinkie and Mud Briar began to accept each other. I think that’s a pretty good ending, personally. But, of course, there are negatives! - Though the episode had some moments that were definitely really funny, overall, it wasn’t as entertaining as I was hoping. I don’t know exactly why. I guess I was just expecting more. - Mud Briar really isn’t that interesting of a character. “But Rhythm, he’s supposed to be the same as Maud, what are you talking about?” Well, you see, Mud Briar is missing two crucial things that makes Maud such a likable character. A unique sense of humor, and a caring personality. I think there’s a LOT of potential for Mud Briar. He had a couple funny lines in there. I just feel like they could’ve done more with him. Anyway, good episode overall! I give this one a 7.5/10! l thought it was pretty good, but it just didn’t pack the amount of comedy that I expected from an episode with Maud and Pinkie in it. Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you next week for another RHYTHM RED’S RADTASTICAL REVIEWS!!!
  16. Sorry it’s so late, but the next episode of Rhythm Red’s Radtasical Reviews is here! Enjoy, and goodnight! ;) 


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Thornheart


      Good night once again 

    3. Wannabrony


      Sorry, but I'll have to read it tomorrow... It's 1:25 AM on my side right now. :please: I hope you're enjoying the cruise!

      Goodnight and sleep well! :D 

    4. Tacodidra


      Good night and see you soon! :D

  17. Hello, fillies and gentlecolts and welcome back to RHYTHM RED’S RADTASTICAL REVIEWS! Today, we’re gonna have a quick look at the newest episode of pony, ‘The Maud Couple’! LET’S GO! So first off, I must say that I was particularly excited for this episode. Maud Pie is one of my favorite secondary characters, and she never fails to make me laugh. (Though that crowd at the beginning didn’t find her too funny ) Aaaaaanyway, I like Maud. And her getting a BOYFRIEND?! That’s gotta be good, right? I mean, who in Equestria would be the perfect match for such a unique pony? HILARITY should ensue, right? The first part of the episode was basically a big game of unintentional hide and seek, which is CLASSIC Pinkie. But instead of finding Maud, she found a strange stick-loving pony that she immediately took a disliking to! I think she may have been a little too quick to judge him, personally. And she acted a little out of character, too. Shoving him out the door? That isn’t classic Pinkie. But beside that, I think the encounter did a good job of introducing our new character. That entire re-introduction conversation was hilarious! (Stick abuse?! Come on, that’s funny!) Toward the end of the episode, Pinkie goes to the rock farm, and gets some solid padvice from Limestone Pie. That geode metaphor was perfect! And it’s always good to see more of the other Pie sisters as well, even though they were only in the episode for a couple of minutes. And Limestone. Holy cow. We saw a side of Limestone that we haven’t really seen before and I sincerely hope we get to see more of it. Wow. After getting that advice, Pinkie goes back to Ponyville and helps Mud Briar plan a special party for Maud that he knows she would enjoy. Maud enjoyed the party (and by enjoyed, I mean watched from far away ), and Pinkie and Mud Briar began to accept each other. I think that’s a pretty good ending, personally. But, of course, there are negatives! - Though the episode had some moments that were definitely really funny, overall, it wasn’t as entertaining as I was hoping. I don’t know exactly why. I guess I was just expecting more. - Mud Briar really isn’t that interesting of a character. “But Rhythm, he’s supposed to be the same as Maud, what are you talking about?” Well, you see, Mud Briar is missing two crucial things that makes Maud such a likable character. A unique sense of humor, and a caring personality. I think there’s a LOT of potential for Mud Briar. He had a couple funny lines in there. I just feel like they could’ve done more with him. Anyway, good episode overall! I give this one a 7.5/10! l thought it was pretty good, but it just didn’t pack the amount of comedy that I expected from an episode with Maud and Pinkie in it. Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you next week for another RHYTHM RED’S RADTASTICAL REVIEWS!!!
  18. Ooh, a dragon! We don’t really see a lot of dragons around here. Anyway, welcome to the forums! Have fun making new friends!
  19. Ok ponies, for some reason MLPForums is very slow for me, so I’m not going to go through all my notifications yet. I’ll just have to go through them at some point in the next few days, if I get a chance. :adorkable:

    Anyway, I’m leaving for my cruise, so I probably won’t be on a whole lot (if I am at all!). See y’all! :D 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wannabrony


      It is for all of us, the forums have been like this since half a day ago. :dry: 

      See ya! :P I hope that you'll have fun and enjoy your time on the cruise! :yay:

    3. Thornheart


      Good luck on the cruise and enjoy every minute of it. Probably won't be able to later so ahead of time I wish you good night. Have fun. 

    4. Twilight Luna
  20. I voted for a few, but overall I’d say the best is Celestia. She’s demonstrated time and time again to be a wise leader. The main complaint people have about her as a ruler is that ‘the mane six always defeat the villains, not Celestia’, but I think that’s only happening because if it wasn’t, every major villain would probably be obliterated by her. That would probably get old after a while.
  21. We’ll only know if it’s good or not when we actually watch it and form our own opinions. I personally expect it to be very good.
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