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Rhythm Red

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Everything posted by Rhythm Red

  1. Pumpkin! (Hopefully Applejack won’t kill me) Bananas or grapes?
  2. Dash for sure! Welcome to the forums! Have fun meeting everypony!
  3. I’ve added Twilight Sparkle to my collection of pony plushies! Now I have both her and Rainbow Dash. 

    I’ll have the rest of the mane six in no time!


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wannabrony


      I have yet to get any plushies at all, I would love to get one though! :P 

    3. King of Canterlot

      King of Canterlot

      @Wannabrony if you do get a plush get one of those 4DE ones, that's what my RD is and it's pretty show-accurate 

    4. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Nightfall Gloam Like a custom plush?! That’s awesome!:lol:

      I’ll have to look into getting one of those myself...:smug:

      @King of Canterlot You should! The more plushes the merrier!:lol:

      @Wannabrony GET ONE. They’re awesome.:D



  4. I love both of these!:lol:



    1. King of Canterlot

      King of Canterlot

      *puts on shades*




    2. Prospekt


      That's what the Rainbooms should've been like. ;)

      Reminds me of these wonderful ponified versions of some of my favorite album covers:












    3. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Prospekt Those are even better!:lol:

  5. Hey, you took away my pencil! Now how am I supposed to do homework?! I will hunt this foul thief to the ends of the earth. I will stop at nothing to get my prized pencil back into my hands. Anypony in my way will be trampled beneath my hooves. THAT PENCIL IS MINE. AND IT SHALL BE MINE ONCE AGAIN.
  6. Welcome! Coming here is a decision you won’t regret. You’ll meet lots of nice folks. Have fun making new friends!
  7. Well, It’s time for me to practice my audition more. After that I have some guitar stuff to do. And then I have to get some stuff recorded for a class. Busy day!:rarity:


    On the bright side, I’m going to a store later today, which has brony merch (that’s actually made for bronies)!:D So that should be nice. Maybe I could buy a shirt or something.

    1. Wannabrony


      Sounds like your day is packed with work. :wacko: But have fun at the store with the brony merch! It sounds like a cool place to be. :P Maybe it'll be the place where you finally get your first t-shirt! :yay:

    2. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Wannabrony Thank you! I hope I can get a shirt. I dunno if I’d wear it to school at all, but either way, I’d like one!:D

  8. 1. Why didn’t my band directors tell me about this audition?! I just wanted to enjoy my weekend, but instead I’m going to be practicing the whole time! 2. Why do people have to judge you for being different? Yeah, I like things a lot of other people don’t, and that gives you reason to hate me?!
  9. Only 20% of bees are male, and they stay in the hive and have no stinger. If a male is lucky enough to mate with the hive’s queen, he is killed shortly after. Yikes.
  10. POOTIS! POOTIS! POOTIS! Forgive me, I couldn't help myself. I also play tf2, you see. Anyway, welcome to the forums, you crazy hoovy! Have fun making new friends!
  11. Welcome, to the forums! You should have no trouble making friends here, everypony is very friendly. Have fun!
  12. Smash bros brawl, legend of Zelda twilight princess and ocarina of time, or halo 3. Same?
  13. A few years back, my saxophone case fell out of my locker and hit someone. I felt really bad...
  14. Just finished eating a pizza and a ton of garlic bread. 

    Here, have a pizza pony.:)


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. King of Canterlot

      King of Canterlot

      aaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy I'm gonna have pizza tonight too! It's in the oven right now^_^

    3. Soren Peregrine

      Soren Peregrine

      I eat way too much pizza. :D

      For some reason that picture makes me a bit uncomfortable. I like eating pizza, and that is a pizza pony. So... ?

    4. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Kovu Sorry!:rarity:

      @King of Canterlot What a coincidence! Enjoy your pizza!:squee:

      @Soren Peregrinator Don’t worry. Pizza pony tails grow back! In fact, it’s not uncommon to see the pizza pony eat it’s own tail.:P

  15. Let me rephrase that... do you speak a SECOND language? For me it’s Spanish.
  16. I cut it every 5 weeks. I like it short-ish. Though I do let it grow out a little sometimes. It used to be a lot longer when I was a kid, though.
  17. Welcome to the forums! You’ve come to the right place to make friends. Have fun playing forum games, discussing stuff, roleplaying, and meeting new ponies!
  18. Spain! Or really anywhere in Europe. My visit to Canada was awesome too, so I’d love to head there again. Bun man, Spain would be fun. Do you speak a language? Edit: ninja’d
  19. ME! I don’t love it as much as rock, but it’s a close second! Seems we have a lot in common. Do you prefer apples or oranges?
  20. Twilight’s kingdom for me. Though there’s a lot of other episodes that could also easily be my favorite. I tend to change ‘favorite episodes’ frequently. OOH, OOH! ME! PICK ME! PICK MEEE! Who here likes ROCK ‘N’ ROLL!?
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