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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Synniken

  1. Studies have shown there is indeed a 74% chance that we do come from fish. Is there a third gender?
  2. When I was 4 or 5 or something, I stole a chocholate egg from a gas station. But karma got me when I ate it the car and it made me nauseous, and I threw up. I also accidentally made my mom cry out of frustration when she attempted to go shopping with me. Then I cried as well, out of guilt for making my mom cry. Not proud of either of these things.
  3. As terrible as my memory is, I'm pretty sure I was brushing my teeth
  4. I've known my best friend for almost 13 years now. She was the very first friend I made when I moved down here, as my dad briefly rented out her family's basement before we found a proper place. We were sad when I was moving out, thinking we would never see each other again, but then not only did we end up in the same elementary school, but in the very same class as well! And then the same thing happened in middle school, meaning we were in the same class for 10 full years in a row. She's been a big help for me, and I'm very thankful for her. I've had speaking problems for most of my life, and I've never been very good at socializing, so she's helped me out a lot. She's been by my side so I wouldn't be alone, she's been my partner on many projects and when we had a presentation, she would do the speaking and I got to just help out with all the other stuff. But most importantly she would always step up and speak for me when I was too scared to in class. I'm so grateful that even now, 3 years after we were separated when we chose different high schools, and now that I have a job and she has school that keeps us both busy, we still keep in touch and try to find time to be with each other. We are about as different as night and day, but we still have loads of fun together. She's now been accepted into this fancy dancing school on the other side of the country, so I think we're both excited to see how that's gonna work out, but I hope we'll still be able to find time to visit each other.
  5. I recently bought this hoodie, for no other reason than because I thought it looked cool
  6. Not yet, but maybe sometime soon. A motorcycle?
  7. Personally I'd like to be proposed to in quiet, somewhere private, but if it has to be in public, I'd like it to be in a restaurant or somewhere where there aren't too many people, and definitely not on a stage or something like that. So in short; somewhere with not too many people Who was your last TV crush?
  8. Hopefully having made at least one drawing, before I go to bed and finally continue reading my book. What was the last book you read that you liked?
  9. I'll take that. RD is one of my favourites You remind me of Twilight in a way.
  10. I've always been fascinated by names and have spent quite a long time collecting a list of ones I could potentially name my kids. Here are some of my favourites. For boys: Audun Bård Grim Håkon Kjærand Magnus Nils Ove Preben Sverre Ulrik Åke For girls: Lykke Elsa Heidi Pia Ronja Veslemøy Vilde
  11. I enjoy walking in the night, or speisifically in the dark. It's sort of both calming and exciting at the same time. I'll walk around for an hour while listening to music, and sometimes I'll take a quick trip through the woods just for the excitement. Did it a lot during the summer until we heard on the news that some young girl had died nearby and my parents told me they didn't want me going out so late anymore. But now it's turning winter and it gets dark sooner, so I might start again sometime soon.
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