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Everything posted by kazamacat

  1. Greetings, welcome to the forums.
  2. Not a fan. The part where Twilight gets so worked up, her hair gets all fiery, and she changes color is funny and cool. I don't care much for Pinkie Pie or Pinkie Sense. I usually skip this episode when running through a re-watch of episodes.
  3. I loved this episode, probably my second favorite of all of season 1. I like Rarity, I like the song, I like the final dresses. I like the 20% cooler line originating here. I like the rest of the Mane 6 here too. I like the flow, from Rarity wanting to do something fun and generous for her friends, the friends wanting to accept, the friends feeling pressed to tell her how they really feel, her finding herself in the tough spot between what they want and what she knows is better, their recognition of her profession giving better insight to better designs, and then them all trying to set it right. The second fashion show is really cool with the magic and presentation. Rainbow gets a great dress. I found the wallowing bit quite funny. All in all, a personal favorite, definitely helped put Rarity among my more favored Mane 6 characters.
  4. I don't think so, no, I rather like the idea of the map. I'm a little saddened that only Applejack and Fluttershy of the Mane 6 got to go somewhere in season 8.
  5. I certainly hope they are since they are the main reason I watch the show. I'm glad they had something to do in the S8 finale even if it was the students who got to do the specific action to restore magic. At least "Professor Dash" was referenced in a key scene to show her teaching mattered.
  6. Well-said; I agree. The main thing she still has after it all is some of her own magic power, but it's just not the same. The loss of power over her hive, which was the thing that made her especially threatening the first time, is a big deal for Chrysallis.
  7. I like this episode, consider it a classic for the show overall. I think it's one of season 1's best and by far, the best about Applejack and Rainbow Dash's friendship. We see these two competitors go at it, things get tense, and then they get friendly again at the end. I feel like that shot at the end of Rainbow Dash and Applejack running together is the best moment between these two ponies in the whole series. Their smiles are so genuine, and it's just a generally pretty picture with the fall leaves. I also like to re-watch the parts where Rainbow wins without using her wings over and over, especially the hoof-wrestle. Her grin is so eager, kind of evil, and Applejack is just so comically stunned. Another thing I like is that it's cool to see what they're good at, where one edges out the other in certain skills. Applejack is mostly stronger, and Rainbow is mostly more agile, stuff like that. Speed on the ground is (probably) even.
  8. This episode is okay. It's funny to watch Apple Bloom try to sell apples. It's really cute to see Rainbow Dash trying to find out what's wrong and then help her out even if that plan didn't work. Apple Bloom's speech to Rainbow babbling about her feelings is cute too. The rest isn't stuff I outright dislike, just stuff I find okay. Okay, now we know a little more about cutie marks. Okay, let's try eating cupcakes. Okay, now we're trying magic, and it's not working. Okay, we've made new friends. And so on.
  9. I like this episode. The song gets very easily stuck in my head. I liked seeing all the different ponies doing their jobs, working together on a project, and Twilight finding her place in helping out around Ponyville. It's quite charming imo.
  10. I guess it's okay. It's entertaining enough though I do get more annoyed with Pinkie on each viewing. To be honest, the other solutions weren't that bad, even if not as effective as Pinkie's plan, it's just something else would get in the way like Fluttershy keeping one or Pinkie's cymbals messed up Rainbow's tornado.
  11. Yeah, I think you should watch it. If you find yourself NOT enjoying it, you can turn it off and move on.
  12. Well, I actively check it and am faving Rainbow Dash pictures like there's no tomorrow but overall, I'd say it's noticeably less active than in past years. I've been a member for 12 years though in varying degrees of involvement myself. I used to pay for the premium, now core membership, but the latest price hike, that I know of, was too much for me, especially considering my inconsistent output. It could die. I should save my favorites in case that happens.
  13. I was entertained up until Spike showed up. After that, it's kinda predictable and not really that funny, just expected. It'd be cool to know if there is a reason and what that reason is for Celestia's and Luna's hair flowing.
  14. I nearly died from the cuteness overload of finally finding this fan club thread. I've seen a lot of these already, but still...adorable!!! This is my favorite humanized Flutterdash picture ever: Wow, it's been two years since new posts here. Still, I'm going to follow. I love these two together. They're so cute.
  15. Well, Non-Compete Clause is the worst episode ever imo, so if it's anything like that, huge NO THANK YOU! I don't really like Pinkie Pie, but it feels like a lot of concepts in MLP depend on writing and execution, so it *could* work.
  16. I like Rainbow Dash, I want her to win, always. ~~ That said, I do not like this short. I want to like it, it's new Rainbow Dash footage to me after finally catching up on the show. But I just don't. The rivalry is done better in Fall Weather Friends and Castle Mane-ia or even just as an off-hand glimpse in Party of One. This short is not as vile as Non-Compete Clause, but it's still annoying to no satisfying end. Rainbow knows how to wait in line even if she doesn't like it (cider season episode) and she sure knows how to fly slow since she has to do it ALL THE TIME to keep pace or wait with her friends. I don't recall ever seeing any earth ponies using a shovel to dig through ice the way Applejack suggested either. Pinkie Pie had a whole skate team in season 1 to break ice, which I'm led to believe is something Rainbow would be capable of because of Tanks for the Memories where she's mentions horse hockey as something she's looking forward to doing. Applejack could probably last a bit longer without her hat too. About the most I got out of this short was watching RarityDash reacting and saying Rainbow looked good in that hat, and me thinking, yeah, I guess he has a point, that's cute. Here's a vector of it I found on Deviantart by the way: https://www.deviantart.com/famousmari5/art/Rainbow-wearing-AJ-s-hat-776388724
  17. Welcome to the forums, I'm new too. I like Rarity, she amuses me. I'm not familiar with PonyCrush but it looks possibly interesting. How do you like it?
  18. My favorite episode is Sonic Rainboom, no contest. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash in the opening with that cute yay scene, Rainbow Dash flying and practicing for something amazing, Rarity convincing the others to support their friend, a look into Rainbow's self-doubt, Rainbow eventually accomplishing her challenging and amazing feat, having her best day ever, Fluttershy hopping up and down cheering with unbelievable enthusiasm for Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash seeing that with tears of joy in her eyes as she starts to understand what she just did, It's such a special moment in this character's life. Oh, and the ohmygosh-ing at the end, adorable. The whole thing just left me with such a good feeling. I wish some of the vicarious joy I feel for Rainbow could be repeated, but it feels like that won't and possibly can't ever happen, that's just how high the bar is thanks to this episode.
  19. My favorite pony is RAINBOW DASH!!!I As for why, it's her passion, enthusiasm, eagerness, speed, athleticism, aggression, confidence, looks, and flying ability. There might be more, but that's what I came up with after re-watching my YouTube video talking about my current obsession with this pony. All in all, I consider her a beautiful spirit who makes me happy.
  20. Not a favorite, but I don't hate it. I actually didn't find the poison joke jokes all that funny. Fluttershy's new voice was amusing though don't like calling it Flutterguy. I'll rate the episode as okay. It held enough interest to finish, and I appreciated it trying to broach the subject of prejudice.
  21. I liked it when I watched it way back when. On my last re-watch, it was alright. Twilight's cute in this, and I'm glad Rarity and Applejack eventually found a way to get along and enjoy their evening. Twilight and Rarity are among my more liked characters after Rainbow Dash, and Applejack's at least alright in my book.
  22. Indeed I am, thank you. Cool, do you have a design picked out?
  23. I liked this episode way more the first time around since Fluttershy was nearly tied with Rainbow Dash for my favorite character. Given the direction the series went after this on establishing their friendship as far more long-term than it appears here and dragon lore (the nap, smoke, years thing is never brought up again), the scenario becomes hard to believe and frustrating for me to watch. But oh well. Here's how I make the best of it. Rainbow doesn't actually take any issue with Fluttershy coming along until after Fluttershy herself tries to squirm out of going by talking to Twilight without explaining why she doesn't want to go, even eventually squealing in fright. It's right after that where Rainbow talks to Twilight, so she seems to sense Fluttershy's scared beyond being a little nervous. I add that into watching her frustration with Fluttershy this episode as knowing her friend can do better if she gets over her nerves, but it takes most of the episode for Fluttershy to reach that point. As noted by Davoo in a post on the first page, Rainbow resigns herself to the fact that this is how it's going to go and is more up front about how she feels on the situation. I'm a little annoyed by Rainbow Dash being annoyed, but....I'm also a bit more forgiving and understanding of it because I kind of feel it too. It's a Fluttershy episode, but it has several other Rainbow Dash parts I like: the ball bouncing record efforts, crashing in the library and looking cute upside down, the little salute, rallying her friends to take on this challenge, a content little demonstration on hopping across the way on the mountain, dodging rocks during a rock avalanche, and her little nodding smile admitting yes, she did kick that dragon. Also, hey cool, Rainbow Dash knows how to fly upside down, like staying in place upside down. The bit at the end between her and Fluttershy about being brave is cute too. As for Fluttershy herself, she's very cute, and I rooted for her quite a bit the first time I saw the episode, not so much on repeat viewings, but she eventually gets her job done. I guess I still like it, even if I have some issues with it, issues I find more glaring all these years later.
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